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54173954 No.54173954 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if i belong in the incel community. I do not share the mentality at all, if i wasn't inhibited by my ugliness and autism this is the last place I'd naturally end up. I've spent the last two years essentially just rotting on discord, doing nothing productive except ascending my way to becoming a leveled up greasy discord admin creating servers like these. It leads me to question if I even belong in the community, or if there's anything I could be more productively working on that will benefit me for my entire lifetime instead of indulding myself in temporary copes like discord. I do enjoy the social space and having the comradery of losers to rot with though (I am not accepted anywhere else)

I'm enrolled in a degree I don't see taking me anywhere and very worried that i'm gonna exhaust all opportunities. I don't know what i could direct my energy to that could give me stable employment now that i'm almost 20, and that's why i have come to /biz/.
essentially though, i feel as though i have no place in society and this has made me deeply depressed

Obligatory how can I profit off this?

>> No.54173992

do you know Face?

>> No.54174001

>if i wasn't inhibited by my incel-looks and incel-behaviour this is the last place I'd naturally end up.
nice logic skills you got there bucko.

>> No.54174021

even if we told you how to profit off this you wouldn't do this because what is the point of making profit if you're not chad and you will never know young love and blah blah blah. Keep crying on r9k and stay the fuck off biz you fucking crybaby.

>> No.54174037

It’s all in your head anon. You can be a discord mod and be integrated into society, just realize it’s all a game

>> No.54174039

>nice logic skills you got there bucko.
may sound obvious but the majority of incels are mentalcels, or failed normies who are just fucked over by the dating market/their bitchy doomer mentality

>> No.54174077

Keep trying things till you find something you're passionate in. I'm iffy on the degree, but it's fine if you're around driven people to feed off of to push you to want to accomplish more.

>> No.54174085

niga are u dumb?
i would be a millioner now if could tolarate the discord stench
just start hanging with crypto folks, soon ull get free airdrops, sell em, join some backdoor rooms, be early caus u in the know, make bank
but remember if u really want to make it , there is but one way my man, fitlit

>> No.54174099

You should probably delete that discord and focus on doing well in life. You're 19, you basically have unlimited potential at that point. Why are you wasting time thinking about being an "incel"? You have to put yourself in a mindstate where you are working towards achieving success in your life and that really shouldn't be to get women, it should be for your own status. You shouldn't be spending your time on places like 4chan and discord, any online chatting is a waste of time and youth. Women are literally prostitutes, focus on getting money and women will follow. You have to stop putting pussy on a pedestal too, if you can't live without lusting for pussy you will never ever make it.

>> No.54174139

What’s the discord? I’d like to join

>> No.54174237

>incel discord
damn zoomers literally sit in chat rooms complaining about being virgins all day? And they expect that doing that will help them have sex or something?
Fuck you zoomer tards im fucking all the zoomer girls myself

>> No.54174283

if you dont answer me we can assume you are a bot

>> No.54174302

get laid and put all this shit behind you

the ugly disabled guy who lives in a van down my street has a gf by the way

>> No.54174377

>You should probably delete that discord and focus on doing well in life. You're 19, you basically have unlimited potential at that point. Why are you wasting time thinking about being an "incel"? You have to put yourself in a mindstate where you are working towards achieving success in your life and that really shouldn't be to get women, it should be for your own status. You shouldn't be spending your time on places like 4chan and discord, any online chatting is a waste of time and youth. Women are literally prostitutes, focus on getting money and women will follow. You have to stop putting pussy on a pedestal too, if you can't live without lusting for pussy you will never ever make it.
Bro what fucking potential? What life is ahead of me, it's all downhill from here, we're in a world where the majority of the population is so alienated and depressed they bury themselves in copes and funko popo consumerism to deal with the void that community, family and a healthy society once took
I'm not one to pedestalize women, I have never engaged in simpery in my life and never persued a female
i'm an incel because it's part of my identity, i will never have a romantic relationship and i will never fit into society, so the incel community is logically the only place i have to fit in
How would you recommend focusing on money though? I plan on moneymaxxing to distance myself from society as much as possible

>> No.54174416


Please answer me about the discord. I unironically want to find someone who hates women to fuck my gf, she’s attractive.

>> No.54174417

m8, honest talk here:
I'm 37. I've seen my fair share of you fuck-heads. You are one, and your problem is mental. Ugly face and spergy personality are no barrier to scoring. Believe me: I am the king of spergs, and I've seen people bottom-of-the-barrel uggos score with beautiful girls. and it all started like this:

1. quit that stupid discord. if you want to be something (doesn't matter what) surrounding yourself with people who aren't it will drag you in the opposite direction.

2. start hanging out with your friends. preferably with female ones. but since you don't have any, just your friends. your goal is meeting women that you will most likely not fuck. like a lot. anyway, there are no women in your masturbation chamber, so you need to get out.

3. here's what you prey on: a) girl that don't know you, but who know you friends. you have up to 3 weeks time until they realise that you're a sperg. up until then they will consider you. b) sad girls (especially those who just broke up with their boyfriend) and c) mentally ill girls (that is goth chicks, anime fans and girls with any kind of issues).

4. here's how you do it: you don't. you are just around. over time you will either figure it our by chance or you will get laid because somebody was drunk or sad. it's that simple. and over time, you will somehow find out the details yourself, because YOU GET USED TO DOING WHATEVER GETS YOU SCORED + FUCKING HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE A GREAT TIME. YOU ARE FUCKING 19! GO HAVE FUN! computers are aids!

5. first time I scored was literally because I drunkenly agreed to go skinny dipping with a few guys and girls and one of them just recently broke up with her bf. (that was when I was 17. there was no skill involved. it was just being around, and getting lucky. you too can get lucky. women are spergs too and have low standards.)

>> No.54174419
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you will never be a real anon

>> No.54174447

you're probably the best incel in the world. not only are you alienated from society you're now not even fitting in in the incel server you created.

>> No.54174454

It's not hard to find on disboard, sort by member count on a few of the top incel tags

>> No.54174461

Delete your discord account dummy. I did. Was a great decision.

>> No.54174469

>you're probably the best incel in the world. not only are you alienated from society you're now not even fitting in in the incel server you created.
so true, it has been flooded by foids and normies since the only time incels will be active is when there's 50 foids to simp for (my biggest issue with them)

>> No.54174490

if your incel server is attracting women i don't know what to tell you, you've failed as an incel.

>> No.54174493

Report everyone to the feds and turn a profit

>> No.54174528

It’s the natural progression of all internet community think of that paneled stick figure picture, normies are co opting incel terminology as well

>> No.54174598

>Report everyone to the feds and turn a profit
unironically i would switch teams and build honeypots if i was offered a permanent job by the glowies

>> No.54174609

I'll do it
not an incel though, just normal misogyny

>> No.54174626


>> No.54174629

>if your incel server is attracting women i don't know what to tell you, you've failed as an incel.
it's weird, we have a mtf ratio that most generic egirl servers would die for
but the server is specifically made for incels to interact and fight with outsiders

>> No.54174636

>Bro what fucking potential?
pretty much anything, you can pursue any goal you want. If I were 19 again I'd be studying something that will earn me a high salary and then investing everything when the inevitable market crash happens.

>we're in a world where the majority of the population is so alienated and depressed they bury themselves in copes and funko popo consumerism to deal with the void that community
who cares? what does that have to do with you? the world has always been fucked up, you're wasting time sulking in discords chats talking to other dudes about not getting pussy then life definitely isn't that hard in your case. If it were you would have time to do that. you'd be worrying more about getting food in your stomach.

>i'm an incel because it's part of my identity
because you choose to make it your identity

>i will never have a romantic relationship and i will never fit into society
you choose to think that way, you're 19 years old, you have all your proper motor functions I assume, there's got to be something you have an interest in aspiring to be. That's where your mind should be and there only. You're rotting your mind and wasting your time. You can make and effort now to be something in life by the time you're 30, or you can sulk and be defeated for no reason and waste your life talking to other dudes about being an "incel" in a chatroom.

>so the incel community is logically the only place i have to fit in
that's where you choose to place yourself, you need to focus on realistic goals that's where your mind should be. you're literally wasting your youth with this nonsense. If you actually focused on a field to challenge yourself and see how far you could carry yourself in a professional environment that would actually attract women along the way because. Getting a woman/pussy should never be the main goal of a man's life.

>How would you recommend focusing on money though?
you've got to acquire skills that people will pay for

>> No.54174737

>pretty much anything, you can pursue any goal you want. If I were 19 again I'd be studying something that will earn me a high salary and then investing everything when the inevitable market crash happens.
what jobs guarantee a salary and a position in THIS job market that won't crush my soul, physical body and have obscene entry requirements that i've already been filtered out from (i'm not american unfortunately)

>you've got to acquire skills that people will pay for
it seems the only thing people pay that much for these days is pussy

>because you choose to make it your identity
i didn't choose to be very ugly, autistic and short, better to atleast live in accordance with the cards you were dealt rather than live in bluepilled delusion like most cels do

>> No.54174802

Unfortunately don’t think that’ll work, I want someone who really despises women to hatefuck her. Preferably with poor hygiene

>> No.54174887

Why are you a cuck?

>> No.54174982

I’m not a cuck, I don’t get off to the idea of another man dominating me as I don’t believe I have any peers. My enjoyment comes from the degradation of the woman. I seduced my current gf with the sole intention of using her for this purpose, it’s cheaper than hiring a prostitute to fuck a random ear and you tend to have more influence over little details

>> No.54174999

>what jobs guarantee a salary and a position in THIS job market that won't crush my soul, physical body and have obscene entry requirements that i've already been filtered out from (i'm not american unfortunately)

Nothing is guaranteed and life is hard, working sucks but what sucks even more is being completely broke and powerless. But you shouldn't just give up, definitely not at 19, at least try, you're 19 and talking like you've been through the shit, you haven't even experienced the real shit yet and if you don't prepare it's going to get much, much worse.

Do you have anything you enjoy doing? I don't know what your financial situation is but if I were you I'd try to get in a school in the US for something like Petroleum engineering, something that pays well and it's one where you can get a job almost anywhere after graduating and companies will pay to have you stay in the US or just about any other country where there are jobs for that role. Apply for scholarships. You've got to sacrifice now in order to have a better life later. Stop wasting your youth chatting online about bullshit.

>> No.54175248

bump for op, u can do it

>> No.54175283

>Do you have anything you enjoy doing? I don't know what your financial situation is but if I were you I'd try to get in a school in the US for something like Petroleum engineering, something that pays well and it's one where you can get a job almost anywhere after graduating and companies will pay to have you stay in the US or just about any other country where there are jobs for that role. Apply for scholarships. You've got to sacrifice now in order to have a better life later. Stop wasting your youth chatting online about bullshit.

>Petroleum engineering
hmm this is interesting, could you list like 10 other careers in the same category of
first board i've recieved some actual specific helpful advice, i appreciate it
as for the US i'm financially pretty well off but i'd be getting myself in 200k debt, doubt i would get the scholarship because i've never tried in academia and have nothing behind me i'm about to turn 20 and i feel the clock ticking like a 30 year old roastie for altering my career path, and i'm under no guarantee to succeed in the strenious company sponsorship process after i graduate
I guess i enjoy philosophy, paradox games, managing discord servers, researching obscure topics (none of these are monetizable lmao, but i can enjoy anything that makes me money and is interesting, i'm flexible)

>> No.54175364

The incel types often have a lot of latent talent….why not build a business using the people in the channels? You have a network of people at your fingertips

>> No.54175434

>so true, it has been flooded by foids and normies since the only time incels will be active is when there's 50 foids to simp for (my biggest issue with them)
Why don't you just ban them? You have one job, faggot. You can't even moderate correctly. What a useless nigger. Ngmi

>> No.54175466

>I’m not a cuck, I don’t get off to the idea of another man dominating me as I don’t believe I have any peers. My enjoyment comes from the degradation of the woman. I seduced my current gf with the sole intention of using her for this purpose, it’s cheaper than hiring a prostitute to fuck a random ear and you tend to have more influence over little details
Based incel wingman

>> No.54175497

Can I just say, having actually looked at what you’re asking, that what you’re experiencing is perfectly normal. The idea you’re about to turn 20 and ‘feel the clock ticking’ is so laughable. It’s really difficult, because I feel tenderness and sympathy for you - probably because I recognise all the same feelings I had at 19 - and I don’t want to be condescending.

At 19, you are in this weird panicky in-between where you aren’t quite a child any more but also aren’t yet an adult. I can tell you that I thought I knew who I was and had everything figured out at 19, but I’ve changed a significant amount in the 8 years since then. I also loved philosophy, history, and obscure topics, and wanted to be a writer, but couldn’t understand why all my stories failed. As a published writer (actual, not self-published) with my first novel almost wrapped, I can tell you it was a lack of real life experience.

You are so young and don’t even know it. You’ll probably be working until you’re 65. 65! That’s over triple your entire lifespan so far. You’ll be working until around 2070 and then not long after that, if you’re lucky it doesn’t happen beforehand, you will die. Just like everyone else.

Nobody really knows what they’re doing. Try things out. At 19 I had no qualifications and worked manual labour in a factory because I was lazy and never tried on my A levels. I saved a bit then travelled, alone, through Europe, ran with the bulls in Pamplona, slept in a stranger’s basement in the US, smuggled people over borders, saw Moscow and Cape Town. I worked in a bank, as a debt collector for a major hotel, in sales, and as a police officer for 2 years.

>> No.54175521

Now you know why it’s called “in”cel. You belong there, please go back.

>> No.54175546

In this time I realised my passion for English and started a degree through a distance learning college. I learned from past mistakes, applied myself, and graduated with a first class (4.0 GPA) at 25.

With that degree I got accepted onto a graduate management consulting role at Big 4 and am earning more now than all my peers who went to university and became doctors, accountants and civil servants. I also have a bunch more life experience, a better idea of who I really am, and as I mentioned, published multiple short stories with a novel on the way. I found out this week I’ve been accepted to study a Master’s degree part time at a top 10 university in the world in my favourite subject (literature). After that I plan to do an MBA and head into strategy consulting, then maybe a product role in big tech. It’s not about the money for me - I was inspired by Goethe and his polymath achievements. I want to succeed in the worlds of art and business, left brain and right brain.

All this to say that it’s never too late. I’d kill to be so young again. You have room to fail. I encourage you to. Take a risk. Go teach English abroad. Get a shitty job, save as much as you can and spend it on experiences. Be alone, far from what’s familiar, and get to know yourself. It’s done me the world of good - I’m still a pervert, but that’s always been the case.

Best of luck brother.

>> No.54175595

Stop wasting time on the internet. You are not autistic, you are inexperienced. You are not ugly, you are unkept and unfit. Go out there and experience as much as possible. Try different fields, jobs, hobbiest and women. Waste as little time as possible on the internet, only use this place to gather information on the real world. You are fucking 19, at the start of your life. Most of the "i wasted my life" people here are 30. One year is nothing to you, nor two years, even five years spend experimenting is little amount of time. Live goddammit, LIVE.

>> No.54175627

Monetize the discord servers. Congrats. You just made a living.

>> No.54175679

This faggot's biggest problem in life is being an admin in an internet chatroom.
He is in the chatroom OF HIS OWN FREE WILL.
THAT'S the biggest problem you've ever faced.
You love life on easy mode you disgusting whiny faggot.
I wish nothing but misery on you. Kill yourself you disgusting crybaby. Leave this board and go back to r9k or your shitty internet chat group. If I ever saw you IRL, I'd bully the fuck out of you and fuck your mother on your bed.
What a whiny little bitch damn

>> No.54175841

>I'm not a cuck I just do everything that defines a cuck

>> No.54175927

>You are so young and don’t even know it. You’ll probably be working until you’re 65. 65! That’s over triple your entire lifespan so far. You’ll be working until around 2070 and then not long after that, if you’re lucky it doesn’t happen beforehand, you will die. Just like everyone else.
God, i can't even fathom living past 30

based life journey though i enjoyed reading, i am planning on travelling with my online friend in a few months (the first time i'll leave my basement kek). i wish people like you were more common irl
>I also loved philosophy, history, and obscure topics, and wanted to be a writer, but couldn’t understand why all my stories failed.

I would argue, depending on how realistic your book is, a lack of experience would boost the creative domain you have, kids are way more imaginative when they've had less life experience to ground their imagination in reality

also due to running this server i've socialized more in the last few months than i have since the pandemic began, i'd feel it's generated so much life experience atleast with people (being exposed to hundreds of mentally ill egirls, interesting individuals with backstories, spiteful and doomer incels all in one place after being reclusive does that to a mf)

>> No.54176029
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>now that i'm almost 20
You are just at the beginning, money is the only escape.
I strongly recommend reading 'Early Retirement Extreme' by Fisker.

As you grow older the importance of money begins to become more obvious. If ever you were to trust some anon online, this would be the time; Money can be freedom, freedom can be happiness.

>> No.54176041

Honestly I'd quit all of the incel content. I also spent some time studying it. And after I was done with all that interested me I left it for good. You're barely going to learn anything useful, while you're going to inflict more psychical damage on yourself.
Life is not fair. Your genes heavily determine your looks. It's even worse for intelligence. It's impossible to increase the G factor. It's only possible to lower it. Without high intelligence you're basically cut out from any meaningful and well paid job. At least when it comes to looks there are surgeries, bodybuilding, and a couple more techniques that might work on some incels to ascend. If it's impossible for you to ascent, then I'd drop the whole subject alltogether.

>I'm enrolled in a degree I don't see taking me anywhere and very worried that i'm gonna exhaust all opportunities
It depends what degree that is. If there isn't much job opportunity then I'd drop it. Unless it's possible to retrain to something else easily. Like most people that studied Economics shift to finance. You're only 20 years old. There is little time, but there still is for a change. Just don't pick something you're not smart enough for. There are degrees that guarantee a job, that don't require you to be a genius. If you're >120IQ then anything related with coding is an obvious choice.

>how can I profit off this?
You're on /biz/ which is mostly filled with cryptocurrencies. DESU as a person that made a lot in crypto I'd say it's the only way that might work for getting rich quick without much effort. But I wouldn't get obsessed with it. You can try your luck with crypto but don't count on it being your main plan.