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54173487 No.54173487 [Reply] [Original]

What should I write my masters thesis on?

>> No.54173497

the influence of sucking on jewish cock on your left brain hemisphere

>> No.54173499


>> No.54173502


>> No.54173504

literally no one cares including the jews promoting and reviewing it

>> No.54173570

>t. Earned PhD at too school in the state and not a single person read the dissertation, not even me.

>> No.54173590

top* school
Good thing nobody reads my posts either

>> No.54173609

compare niggers and trannies and conclude which is worse

>> No.54173616


>> No.54173651

Are you retarded? Use chat GPT nigger

>> No.54173699

What's your field?
And make sure to write it in LaTeX. If you do something shitty like MS Word, I'll murder you.

>> No.54173739
File: 89 KB, 330x223, anon_I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am writing my thesis now.

>> No.54173780

Ask chat GPT and literally let chat GPT write the rough draft.

>> No.54173796

ask ChatGPT and then have it write it. Or just write it on AI I guess.

>> No.54173798

Depends on your major, you 1pbtid fuckhead.

>> No.54173809

Drag queens running daycares to help with the degenerate agenda's balance sheet

>> No.54173858

How? Did they you not have to defend your thesis? Did they not give you corrections?

>> No.54173864

memes on anonymous internet forums
on how people get scammed with shitcoins on anonymous internet forums
AI generated masters theses
there, 3 good ideas.

>> No.54173884

how niggers tongue my anus

>> No.54173904

About the pschological reason why niggers only buy high and sell low

>> No.54174241

>Earned PhD at too school in the state and not a single person read the dissertation, not even me.

Prove it, fag.

>> No.54174899

MLA niggers and $0.02 an hour tranny shills will be the first to be consumed in the coming apocalypse.

>> No.54175058

>Happeningcel is STILL coping
Just stop. It’s over. Your one chance was January 6 and you blew it.

>> No.54175135

>He doesn't know
The fire is all consuming, trannies, chuds, Jews, whatever, we're all equally consumable.
Make peace with your god or your dildo, the end is nigh.

>> No.54175275

>I can’t have sex so the world is LITERALLY ending
Two more weeks.

>> No.54175374

Why the WEF is trying to suppress the price of LINK

>> No.54175407

ftx fall

>> No.54175417


>> No.54175566

Eating dicks and shitposting on 4chins is not a strategy. These are cycles, systems become too bloated and inefficient, then they slowly fall apart and fail, same shit happened to the Xing dynasty, same happened to the Soviet Union. No system is immune to this decadence.

And now we have GLOBAL systems, do the math, tranny.

"AI" is a farce, they're machine learning algorithms, they cost more energy than Bitcoin mining, while providing next to revenue, which is why their cycle will be short lived.
Same with EVs and another other silicon valley fag meme.

>> No.54175579

I'd like a rich-off-crypto psych undergrad take up a masters just to see the severity of the University's reaction

>> No.54175682

I got a bachelor at a mid-level uni at they 100% didn't read any of my essays or assignments. They just check the word count and scroll through it

>> No.54175692

Unironically write about what kind of economic system you would end up with if everything were kept the same but usury were banned.

>> No.54176861

Thank you 150 IQ anon.

>> No.54176913

Write it on gooning…wait a second ..anon I…oh god…UUNHghhh!!

>> No.54176921

a computer, probably

>> No.54176940

why do morons still waste their time on this bullshit

>> No.54176962

The moral hazard of bank bailouts. That or ask ChatGPT.

>> No.54176985

the effects of chronic prompting and masturbation

>> No.54177450

Defended through COVID, all bets were off on standard protocol.
Tongue my anus
I teach at the same uni now and I am keeping the tradition alive. Spot checks at best. Hail mediocrity!

>> No.54177490


>> No.54177550

If you had written about jewish subversion and greed the whole staff would have read it

>> No.54177911

Is there a political system which is better than our current?

>> No.54177993

The influence of social media on stock and crypto markets
Why gold price seems anchored to the dollar and not the opposite

>> No.54178237

Nah my committee was half chinks