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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54171884 No.54171884 [Reply] [Original]

>DIDs and VCs: The Building Blocks of Self-Sovereign Identity
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are crucial components of self-sovereign identity (SSI) protocols. They empower individuals and organizations to own, control, and share their digital identities securely and privately without relying on centralized authorities.

DIDs are globally unique identifiers that are created and controlled by the identity owner independently. They are registered on a distributed ledger or a blockchain, ensuring immutability and tamper-resistance.

VCs are digital attestations of certain attributes or qualifications issued by a trusted party. They can be cryptographically signed and verified, allowing users to share and prove specific information without disclosing unnecessary personal details.

Both DIDs and VCs are integral to SSI, as they promote privacy, security, and user autonomy in the digital world, reducing the risks of data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized data sharing.

> Upcoming Regulatory Changes: eIDAS and MIDAS
Two significant regulatory changes—the revised eIDAS (electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services) regulation and the introduction of MIDAS (Market Integrity Directive and its accompanying Regulation)—are expected to impact the identity and crypto industries.

eIDAS is an EU regulation that establishes a legal framework for electronic identification and trust services. The updated eIDAS regulation will include provisions for decentralized identity solutions, which will help streamline digital identity management and enable secure cross-border transactions within the EU.

MIDAS aims to create a comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto-assets and their service providers. It will impose stricter requirements for identity verification, anti-money laundering (AML), and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) measures, which will affect digital identity and crypto-asset businesses.

>> No.54171885

>Major Players
DID Projects with tradeable tokens.

The cheqd protocol provides a decentralized, privacy-preserving digital identity solution. Its native token, CHEQ, is used for governance and to pay for identity-related services within the ecosystem.

KILT is a blockchain-based protocol for issuing and verifying credentials in a decentralized, self-sovereign manner. The KILT Coin (KILT) is the platform's utility token, used for staking, governance, and transactions within the network.

Everest is a decentralized platform that combines biometric identity, a digital wallet, and a cryptocurrency. The Everest ID token (ID) is used to pay for services, stake tokens for network security, and participate in governance decisions.

tldr; DID/VC is needed in order for DeFi to survive the coming regulation. forced, government-driven adoption = 1000x narrative this cycle.

>> No.54173720
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Agreed, the wild west of crypto will dies off under the coming regulations. What do you think of LTO and proofi?


>> No.54175328
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Everest is the ONLY solution. Learn the difference between identity and identification. The only way for glorified identification sharing projects like Cheqd and Kilt to survive is to integrate Everest.

>> No.54175365
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>Users verify their KYC data through Proofi once.

>Proofi securely stores the sensitive information. You unburden your organization from regulation costs and procedures.

>Verifiable credentials are established.

>Projects query user data for eligible participation without the need for users to share privacy information. All done cross-chain.

This flow will look great to someone who hasn't thought about identity much yet.
Projects like proofi go and think "great i'll just KYC a customer and make a verifiable credential available on chain - easy peasy" but they forget the most important part of identity - Who is making the assertion? Whats the root of trust?
In proofis case its proofi itself, but proofi has no authority. The 1000x winner in identity will not be someone who makes KYCs which were countersigned by nothingburger entities available.
Instead it will be whoever successfully connects VC-issuers which have actual authority to on-chain usecases (think Governments, Banks, Credit-unions)

>> No.54175409
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>Instead it will be whoever successfully connects VC-issuers which have actual authority to on-chain usecases (think Governments, Banks, Credit-unions)

>> No.54175530

who is that?

>> No.54175563
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he fucks goats

>> No.54175590


>> No.54176225

Bump for Bob ''in 'er gob'' Reid
Everyone will use Everest

>> No.54176673

For me it’s $cheq. There’s just something about the Head of Partnerships saying they are in talks with major credit rating agencies to enable DeFi that just makes me quite bullish.

>> No.54176884
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>> No.54176961

why tho. spoonfeed it
is the 5m MC on CG real?

>> No.54177003
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>> No.54177148

just had a look
I can verify my social media and receive a credential that proves I use social media? what does that solve? I will be able to prove Im a faggot that social media?
Is everest the only issuer in its ecosystem?
why does it want my phone number? I thought they have no honeybot database?

>> No.54177192

Didn't we already have a Kleros based scam that did this? And nobody gave a shit about it? They literally paid people to get IDed and nobody bothered anyway

>> No.54177276

Everest has some really nice regulatory clearance.
Recently started an ID node on Chainlink.
Backed by the bilderberg group.
They have already worked with banks in Indonesia and a few others.
One of the things they can do is give a superior form of banking to those who cannot access traditional banks.
Their system for D-Id will allow the user to use their biometrics in place of a traditional private key.
Whether we like it or not regulations are coming. CBDC's will be implemented and another layer to the proverbial economic onion will have been added.

>> No.54177669
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Everest is the only entity on this list with banking license and therefore the only one that can verify identity in a way that big banks will accept. They were also smart enough to get the license in Malta which means they will be grandfathered into the EU system as a bank once MiCA is adopted. I realize that most of /biz/ is too stupid to understand the implications of this but once you've spent a few hours reading the actual legislation and listening to what central bankers have been saying it's obvious that they are the first movers in this space. Note that this is a separate issue from privately issued programmable stablecions/private CBDCs where they have another first mover advantage since they can issue tokens that never leave custodial services and therefore aren't considered a threat by central banks.

>> No.54178216
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KILT/CHEQD don't offer Human & Unique Identity, and will likely need to integrate Everest to get it.

Everest has biometric Identity built in at the base layer, given an EverID wallet's keys are generated through a user's biometric hash. (A person can only make one wallet.) A person's EverID can then be utilized elsewhere;
>Handshake with other wallets crosschain
>Verify a user's social media
>Be queried via the Everest Chainlink Node

Bots + Sockpuppet Multi-accounts can be filtered from manipulating web environments with EverID

This has plenty of benefits in Smart Contracts:
>Fairdrops: Can prove someone claiming an Airdrop or Reward is Unique, and aren't claiming under dozens of wallets
>Fair DAO voting: Can prove all DAO voters are unique, and there isn't a whale using many wallets to manipulate a vote in their favor
>Authentic Commerce: Can prove one person isn't using multiple wallets to set prices in their favor
>Filtering Bad Actors: Can verify someone setting up a Token/NFT doesn't have a long history of making rugpulls and starting a fresh wallet
>Authentic Ratings: Can prove someone isn't using multiple wallets to boost their own ratings.

Circling back to the Social Media Verification:
Chainlink Functions takes Web Data from Web2 + Apps. Web2 is polluted with bots + sock puppet accounts, those accounts are all creating bad data that could affect Chainlink Functions.
Everest can help keep that bad interaction data filtered from Functions on both ends. Can verify a Web2 user is both Human & Unique via their social media, and can further query them via their Chainlink Node that they are Human & Unique on-chain.

>> No.54178234

poojeet rugpull scam

>> No.54178324
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>> No.54178472
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There's one thing that legitimately bothers me about Everest and that's THE Foundation keyholders. I don't sleep nearly as well at night knowing that Everest can be potentially compromised by a collusion between
>Jamal the Leafroach Diplomat
>literal who new age guru
>pretentious, holier than thou boomer glow, Jordan Hall
I'll ride this baby for the next few years, but fuck keeping significant funds in an Everwallet.

>> No.54178675

>t.Platinum Everest Holder

>> No.54178745

isn't everest that 2017 dead shitcoin?

>> No.54178821

Can't be any worse than what's happening at any big bank when they get a subpoena or otherwise decide if they want to lock your account. What's the play if Everest gets too censorious?

>> No.54178836

>what does that solve?
It proves your Social Media isn't an alt account looking to scam or cause harm. Plenty of people are phishing for data or spamming on those sites, or simply proves you aren't manipulating analytics.

AIChat generation is about to flood Web2 making this issue 100x worse than it already is.

>why does it want my phone number?
Phone number is a development phase measure to assist with account recovery if necessary, afaik using an email instead will be available in the future, as well as simply using fingerprints when more biometric options are added.

Hear you there. In the future it'd be prudent to lobby for getting non-Social agenda driven, pro-privacy, Lawful Neutral (eg. Gabe Shapiro) type people into the Foundation.

>> No.54178891

Not a bad idea to put a cypherpunk in there to make sure the others can't collude if that's even possible.

>> No.54179034

Something along the lines of what >>54178836 said seems to be the most viable. There are good, intelligent people in the community too who could be keyholders.
I agree that despite this concern Everest is still miles better than any bank. They're better than any alternative in multiple areas.

>> No.54179177

Bump for 1 ID=1 LINK

>> No.54179295

I also like the idea of getting Gabe Shapiro in there as well.

>> No.54179331
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The sheer tokenomics of Everest alone guarantees that one day 1 LINK = 1 ID. There are only 800,000,000 ID tokens which will be systematically burned by usage of features on the Everest platform, i.e. regulatory compliant KYCing. Not to mention every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens if they want full access to the features of Everest. It is not only well within the realms of possibility that 1 LINK = 1 ID given these tokenomics compared to Chainlink’s 1,000,000,000 model - it is an eventual guarantee. By the will of Kek and the All Father, this manifestation is destined to take place. Even if it takes Chainlink dumping further.

>> No.54179503

based manifestooor
I don't know about this Shapiro guy specifically, from his name I already know he's not to be trusted.

>> No.54179551


Everest wins. These Zoomer faggots cannot compete with Bob Reid's borderline criminal level of autism about the subject.

>> No.54179677

Based noticeoooor. Shapiro is ok, he's well respected in the cypherpunk legal community. Another name I was thinking of is Preston Byrne. The problem you're going to have with finding someone with the values people had in the early bitcoin days is that they will hate Everest for being too centralized. So has to be someone with those values who is realistic enough to see where things are headed.

>> No.54179701

everest is very good coin., just pick up big bag of coin

do no sleep on in it hidden gem

>> No.54179814

It simply must happen
Regulations will help us with that, Everest on intertwine with other projects.
People can feel free to choose whichever glossy project holds their attention but under the surface is Bob Reid and Everest, even if they don't know it.

>> No.54179826

wow everest coin is moon 4channel very good coin

>> No.54179856

4channel do no miss out on everest

with everest token you get the best

FOMO into good id proofs

>> No.54179885

Everest is so based we even have our own resident malding tard

>> No.54179896

business and finance remember everest have good partnerships with chainlink and one everest is one digital id

>> No.54179912

no, check TG instructions ., we are asked to promote everest token here

>> No.54179938

Cheqd and Kilt are to Everest as Mobius and Oraclize were to Chainlink

>> No.54180029

everest have good gothub activity full of commits. make good progress 4channel do no missing hidden gem

>> No.54180502
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>Phone number is a development phase measure to assist with account recovery
So its actually not SSI at all and relies on a centralized user database and users don't control their own keys.
got it

>> No.54180813
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Firstly, a user's keys are their own biometrics, and they are encrypted via an on-chain MPC 'Multi-Part-Computing process.
When EverID creates a Biometric Liveness Test; all pieces are stored separately, encrypted at rest, in flight, on IPFS 2B pseudonymously.

The Encrypted pieces of your biometric hash cannot re-assembled without 'you' performing another Liveness Test.

Not your Biometrics, Not your Keys!

Secondly, What part of "developmental phase" did you not comprehend?
When released Everest's governance will be handed over to 'The Foundation', which is a non-profit DAO Organization, completely separate from Everest 'the developer.'

The Foundation will govern access to Identity Wallet for recovery if necessary, the DAO is built not to collude with other members to access on whims, and can only act if served a legal court injunction to do so.

>> No.54180841

IOTA temporary coordinator node vibes

>> No.54180921
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Opinion noted. It's built.

>> No.54180958

/Biz/ will seethe for missing Everest.

>> No.54182315
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>> No.54182516

everst very good coin 4channel DYOR or stay poor

>> No.54182831

business and finance fourm come join everest discord many good moon mission await for moonie moon token everest

>> No.54183863

1. Github is bare, with nothing much really released and none of these really relate to identity at all. In fact most of them aren't even original but forks/copies of something else https://github.com/EverID

2. This is supposedly the website of their ID network foundation and it is...quite bare to put it mildly https://identitynetwork.io/ (also, fine doesn;t mean much on its own.) Mostly it seems they are alone in this, without any real partners on their network.

3. They have these icons to the google play store and app store that go nowhere: https://www.everest.org/about - and I've manually searched across all 3 for EverID, EverWallet, Everest ID etc and nothing from them. I find this disappointing because I could have decoded their Android file to see what they were up to

4. They do have https://wallet.everest.org/ as a web app, so I thought I’d give it a try and at the same time intercept the traffic/sources it’s using to see what’s going on. They seem to be using assets from Kyber Network for their wallet. I don’t think they have made their own wallet: https://kyber.network/#build_with_kyber

5. If you try to sign up they prompt taking a picture for ID verification. I can’t get this step to work, at all but here’s some fun facts: their web app is a clean copy of a demo web app named “Sample React Application”

6. From the looks of it, they do seem to have some APIs functional at api.prod.identitynetwork.io and here’s what they seem to be doing. Where they REALLY mess up is that they write out a lot of secrets / inputs in plaintext client-side when they hash the image in JavaScript. Translation: I can basically edit the JavaScript and inject random data or someone else’s image in, for instance.

7. The fact that it's a single API that runs the whole thing is basically a great demonstration that they are a wallet skin around someone else's tech

All you have to do is hold $cheq. Everest is a rug. Get out while you can.

>> No.54184091

everest is not scam., you are paid fudder

>> No.54184274

Feel free to think that if it makes you sleep better at night. Have fun seeing your bags underperforming/going to zero in the future and remember this comment. You will beat yourself for marrying this shit coin.

>> No.54184399

Confirmation Bias: The post.

>> No.54184518

Nice copy pasta

>> No.54184670

This isn't even the previous foundation website.

>> No.54184688
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>> No.54186102

very good post, .follow tg instruction

>> No.54186324
