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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 220 KB, 947x2048, FrXdPL2WIBEjM7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54167136 No.54167136 [Reply] [Original]

>Every bank is locking arms together to stop this fallout

>The Fed also committed to a $2T infusion in a couple months and are currently pumping markets

The dollar is done for... get ready for runaway hyper inflation

>> No.54167142

yes this was the end of the dollar

>> No.54167149

We've veen ready since 2020

>> No.54167157

>get ready for runaway hyper inflation
but anon the banks pinkie swear to spend it only to remain solvent :^)

>> No.54167254

bad for regional banks. big banks literally own entire counties. your taking your deposited away won't make them crumble.

>> No.54167288

and we must make it clear. Illiquid btc market buys are the only way normies can escape this.

>> No.54167323

they'll shut down all the ramps into crypto, no way in and no way out.

>> No.54167324

and that's a good thing!

>> No.54167432

Well you can tell it's just about over because the current candle is about to hit resistance.

>> No.54167464

It's a yearly wick my dudeski. Tomorrow is payday for millions of Mexicans. Goodbye.

>> No.54167484
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How many more people are on earth now than 2008? How much more money is in circulation? Number will always go up, percentage is a better indicator

>> No.54167501
File: 481 KB, 1920x1080, 1920px-TFR-HighRes-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Births rates are collapsing almost everyhwere but Africa. Even India.
The civlized world is in a demographic death spiral

>> No.54167550

>He says on the 16th
Payday was yesterday fag

>> No.54167576

Wow really the population of earth is lower in 2023 than 2008? Amazing!

>> No.54167579
File: 3.09 MB, 2074x1512, svetlanadragan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the beginning. This lady predicted it a year ago. She says 2024 will be the end and a new financial system will be put into place.

>> No.54167593

Not yet, but what do you think collapsing birth rates mean?

>> No.54167617

>DeMoGrApHiC dEaTh SpIrAl

>> No.54167622

Are you fucking stupid? It doesn't matter, there are more dollars in circulation you fucking idiot

>> No.54167643

>Confiscate wealth of those who participated in a bank run and round robin everyone until the money runs out or everyone is made whole
There, I solved bank runs and got rid of FDIC. Hire me into the Fed or head of Treasury already Biden, you nigger.

>> No.54167652

lets be serious, is buying and holding bitcoin going to be somewhow advantageous in a death of the dollar scenario? will bitcoin holders really be materially better off than say people who own precious metals or any other asset?

>> No.54167657

>Great Financial Crisis
>Global Financial Crisis (GFC)

>> No.54167658

Sub Saharan Africa is a time bomb. As soon as the West and China are unable to keep giving them aid due to a collapsing world economy over the rest of the decade, it'll be like world war z down there, but that's in a totally shtf situation. Even still, we've already seen a prelude to this in South Africa during Covid lockdowns with supply shortages.

>> No.54167660

>Infinite growth isn't real

>> No.54167670

>collapsing birth rates and consumer bases means nothing

>> No.54167682

Short term yes. Long term no.I don't think BTC or PM will hold value when the great reset happens with a new CBDC system.

>> No.54167684

>this is what Russoids actually believe
Absolute state

>> No.54167706

Who tf is this?

>> No.54167708

What a nothing burger

>> No.54167737

BTC won't have value because it isn't private nor fungible. XMR and PMs will have value because they will be the currency of the black market.

>> No.54167747

The dollar will collapse when it stops being world currency and not before.

Until then we are basically just international robbers.

>> No.54167748
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>XMR and PMs

>> No.54167765

In the event of a collapsing Dollar, the Federal Government would likely announce a debt jubilee to reform and revalue the USD under a new digital format overseen by the Federal Reserve. This CBDC would be the new currency of the realm, phasing out cash in the process in a transition period where BTC and other alternative forms of commerce would have their pinnacle success, but would ultimately fall back into obscurity once the Government makes it impossible to use anything other than this Fed CBDC dollar for commerce and to pay debts as legal tender. It's still unclear whether they would explicitly ban all other forms of cryptocurrency in the US or not thereafter, but maybe they wouldn't have to, rather regulating it out of practicality.

>> No.54167780

how many days of food will i be able to buy with 100 oz of physical silver if money becomes worthless?

>> No.54167782

>Events will be very bright [in Russia]
>Posted April of last year
kek russkies

>> No.54167795

If we follow history we can look back to Executive Order 6102. Gold was essentially banned in 1933 when they confiscated it from people. Same thing will happen to BTC once CBDC are put into place in 2025. So similar to gold back then, maybe it is smart to load up on BTC now when the price is still cheap.

>> No.54167810
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Guys nothing bad will happen don't worry about it!

>> No.54167821

no, we will just end up with a parallel economy like they have in Lebanon

>> No.54167839

>once CBDC are put into place in 2025
If Trump wins he'd stop this

>> No.54167850

trump can't do shit lol, the president doesn't run things

>> No.54167865

I don't see how an EO or even an act of Congress would hold up legal scrutiny nowadays with regards to Crypto confiscation if its strictly in the domain of self-custodianship akin to the ownership of property. If you held BTC on exchanges during this transition then that would be a different story, which is why its imperative that you own the keys

>> No.54167878

We will starve ourselves before we stop giving them aid.

>> No.54167887
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he's your only hope whether you like it or not. Otherwise enjoy your low social credit score and your jar of bugs

>> No.54167906

>Has a svb/signature account.

>> No.54168081

Jews will convince sun human whites they NEED Africans or bad things will happen. Jews will then forever more rule over the hell they created. THE END

>> No.54168111

sun = sub
whites are not people, they are cucks, a race of autistic cucks and parasite food

I’m so happy whites will be genocided from the planet. That’s what you get when you let jews into your countries and let females out if the house. Fucken retards, so glad you suffer and kill yourselves

>> No.54168121

>he thinks someone will sell him land for pretend internet money

>> No.54168153
File: 344 KB, 884x540, Screenshot 2022-12-26 232650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people have no souls? You mean the only people who created all of civilization and the electricity/keyboard/internet, even the language that you're using to communicate? Every great book, movie, and composer throughout ALL of history? If you're not white tell me what your """people""" contributed. Oh, dogshit? Very cool. You're right about jews and women though.

>> No.54168168

Keynesian bros... I don't feel so good

>> No.54168250

Different people of different cultures of different times created civilization dumbass. When one fails another picks up the torch. By your definition white civilization is literally imploding in on itself currently so might just be some natural human thing to let greed get the best of all civilizations and cultures, or white culture just ain't as hot shit as we thought.

>> No.54168299

There is something fascinating about astrologists, their job is to say things without ever being concrete, specific or anything at all really, but still have the audience believing something has been said.

>> No.54168837

FUCK YOU NEIL. Piece of shit idiot would probably say somethint along those lines too

>> No.54168850

why does his face look like its been shifted in photoshop

>> No.54169178

You cant compare the inflated dollar with 2008 dollar

Its like saying weimar bank collapsed with 1billion when a bread cost 1million

>> No.54169255

Wow, well that's that issue resolved

>> No.54169298

Real people are not producing. Instead they grow old and in addition live to 90-100 while they retired at 65. Niggers are increasing and they don't work with same quality or quantity. We are living in imaginary shit finance.

>> No.54169410

It's not about muh whites when birth rates are dropping everywhere.
It's more like modern living conditions deincentivizes births, which is not so surprising when you take into account that people in the past didn't have such an easy available and reliable contraception and at the same time relied on their kids for farm work and being taken care of in old age.

>> No.54169427

>the bear will leave its cave forever.
>the star will gorge itself on clay

>> No.54169476

checked. it is possible to use something like bisq and do p2p trading. its alittle bit unlike traditional trading and it could use more volume but it works although it has a few herdles that replace kyc. not very difficult

>> No.54169517

Nomies said crypto is a scam, yet the banks fucked them up.
Now there only way out is to buy bitcoin and start using web3 payment solutions like CryptMi, Alchemy pay, and others for their transaction

>> No.54169549

BTC or anything that is tied to online space doesn't seem reliable, easier to ban and enforce said ban compared to physical shit like gold.

>> No.54169551

zamn... shills really don't like this infographic

>> No.54169687
File: 9 KB, 280x180, fwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBDC won't stand, and there is no way I would leave holding stables that I can stake on yield aggregators like SpoolFi and Beefyfinance over CBDC that will come with an expiry date

>> No.54169689

The rod and ring will unite.
The black flag will fly over the dome.

>> No.54169691

They don't own shit. Countries belong to the people. Scam parasite banks can fuck off with their fiat ponzi pyramid schemes

>> No.54169714

Adjusted for inflation it isn't worse tha 2008 yet.

Emphasis on yet.

>> No.54169715
File: 16 KB, 355x397, 1673440882990585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rdy 2 ryde, my nigga?

>> No.54169723

how do you imagine banning a decentralized global network of nodes

>> No.54169768

Dunno, but I'm sure they can find ways to control internet infrastructure, at least with technology we have now.

>> No.54169781
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It means we see the million dollar bitcoin we were promised

>> No.54169796

They would go after ISPs probably, which drives the need for decentralized infrastructure.
>t. infra engineer

>> No.54169803


>> No.54169810

I pulled my money out when China's housing crisis kicked off and turned it into metal. I will continue to convert fiat until everything either blows up or gets corrected.

>> No.54169817

They only need to shut down exchanges and it’s over

>> No.54169827

money is fake now, it doesnt matter. they'll just replace it all.

>> No.54169831

bitcoin is stupid easy once you've used it a couple times, it's going nowhere, wallets can be popped out of thin air and are astronomically safe

>> No.54169838

I disagree. Hollywood can't even squash piracy after over 20 years of legal action. I don't expect anyone to have better luck bringing crypto down. Too much money in play.

>> No.54169854

Biggest advantage of BTC is you can go anywhere in the world with your net worth. Try taking all your gold bars on a plane and you won't get far

>> No.54169877

That's true, but I guess on the flipside a lot of practical physical shit you might want to buy on black market would be harder to do than with gold, at least that's my guess.
It's less that gold is a better speculative investment and more that it's better hedge for collapse than something that is tied to internet infrastructure.
So I would say that gamble with coins and stocks all you want but if you can have a little bit of physical gold on the side too, just in case.

>> No.54169878

The only thing that Alchemy pay offers is transaction fees, and I think the second one too should be like that, so why would anyone use them?

>> No.54169889

Running big scams to decrease confidence.

>> No.54169901

Also it's not like big money doesn't trade Cryptos too. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot by banning it.

>> No.54169924

My dad was telling me this is Trumps fault because he watched some PBS doc on the fed and they were blaming Trump because he pulled back regulations on the banks. I dont know shit about that, but is that true?

>> No.54169933

You're dad, like many people, have no fucking idea what is going on, financially speaking.

>> No.54169956

>you're dad
>you are dad

Can someone who's not a retard reply to my inquiry?

>> No.54169969

It's that new documentary from PBS on youtube, era of easy money or whatever? They paint Trump more as a wasted opportunity I would say, in reality QE shit was happening before him too and it's happening because economy is dysfunctional.

>> No.54169997

Control. They're pushing CBDCs. Can't have competition that poses a threat to your next product launch.

>> No.54170004

you're dad is a retard and so are you, simple enough, retard?

>> No.54170010

Blame to go all around. Regulations from 2008 were loosened because times looked good, Fed printing money and lowering interest rates to nothing, Banks taking the opportunity to leverage up.
Interest rates go up and banks have liquidity issues.

>> No.54170066

>Every bank is locking arms together to stop this fallout
How I see it.

>> No.54170076

Yield farming also comes with several risks, and I doubt that those projects have a risk management system.

>> No.54170090

>Imploding on themselves
That wouldn't be a problem if they put themselves first instead of bending the knee to every other group like a bunch of retards

>> No.54170111
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They don't work the same way, moron. CryptMi offers several loyalty rewards, like cash backs and discounts on purchases made through the app

>> No.54170133

I’ll build a ramp up to your ass and drive a Lionel into it

>> No.54170161

I know that SpoolFi has a measurable risk management system that its users can access and I think that the rest should also have something similar

>> No.54170186

>Try taking all your gold bars on a plane and you won't get far
why the fuck would you want to do that in the first place?

>> No.54170195

>you are dad
He's trying to tell you something, anon

>> No.54170211

Exactly. They are planning to shake of paper hands. I'll continue holding my BTC and making payments with it through xmoney

>> No.54170228

In nominal amounts, not as a proportion of the monetary base.

>> No.54170238

People used to have 12 kids and the Mom wouldn’t work. There have always been huge amounts of people that were not in the workforce, and society persevered.

>> No.54170248
File: 52 KB, 499x500, xmrsmugfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because bitcoin isn't a crypto or a currency you stupid nig

>> No.54170304

the people in power will not use CBDCs, this is for the plebs only. central banks are buying gold and telling you to hold their fiat... smart money will not be left holding company scrip

>> No.54170351

>Every bank is locking arms together to stop this fallout
because they all have the exact same problem. "contagion" is just an abdication of responsibility. bankers never learn.
because it's not their livelihoods on the line. at worst it's an exit bonus party (for doing a good job liquidating their firm) then it's a matter of applying for another finance job where some relative works.
they're all neck deep in the same shit and they're locking arms for the same reason a group of murderers and thieves (or, a den of vipers and thieves) won't rat on each other.

>> No.54170362

Doesn't matter, it's already very difficult to reliably buy BTC without ID as it is, I have gone all in on PMs

>> No.54170393

Stagflation, not hyperinflation.

>> No.54170412
File: 159 KB, 840x623, 1448288094074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the internet infrastructure in america will still run properly if their financial system collapses?
If shit actually truly hits the fan, then people aren't going to trade internet based coins. They're not gonna trade gold nuggets either.
It's gonna be a chicken, cow and daughter based economy next.
Hope your daughter looks good enough to trade in for two oxen

>> No.54170467

>You mean the only people who created all of civilization and the electricity/keyboard/internet
The stuff that's basically led to all these problems in the first place? If you retards hadn't learned so earnestly from jews and followed your Master Nose to a T then maybe you wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place, but no, you dipshits took all the lessons on usury and stealing as the jews do but omitted the part where they at least try to be stealthy about it and instead just do it all in broad daylight, since nobody in america has half a back bone to do something when the banks and the government do whatever the fuck they want with your property.
Nice fucking books you're producing these days, IE "Why Being a Cuckold is a Good Thing!" and "Modern Diverse Gender Study", retard. America's glory days died when the boomers had their fun, all that's left is a husk of aspiring Jew Wannabes that are jealous that Israel succeeds in what you just barely manage to do.

>> No.54170507

who are you talking to you retarded 3rd world faggot

>> No.54170522

I want to get off Mr Powell's Wild Ride

>> No.54170549

I sure hope we get that 25 bp hike we need

>> No.54170605

>no coiner cope

>> No.54170845

Is it adjusted for inflation? Didn't the US print a shitload of dollars? If it isn't adjusted this is just fearmongering retards.

>> No.54170919
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It is better off to use Utrust and earn cashback from using it

>> No.54172490

He is the best. Anybody that didn't vote for him in 2020 ought to be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.54172495

Banks are our problem

>> No.54172587

Be coping as I continue using it to make payments. Dollar is dying

>> No.54172629

First Republic stock down 17% despite $30B capital injection

>> No.54172653

while this seems vatnik propaganda, the posibility of a bretton woods 2 is higher than ever, the only thing against it are the retarded boomers in charge.

>> No.54172686

Is this adjusted for inflation? :^)

>> No.54172709
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Im in no fuckin mood

>> No.54172771
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it's because game theory involved.

1_Boomers told they will insure 100% but did not mention if all banks or just svb or anything it was an attempt to calm the crisis that made it worse.

2_Funds are moving to too big to fail banks because in 2 hours your company can go down now and they won't insure shit, these two small banks insurance is already 30% of the yearly us military budget.

3_Due to the war on cash due to civil forfeiture and taxes on gold and crypto companies are forced to use banks to operate (biggest cash bill in the usa when the moon landings happened was the 10k usd bill inflation adjusted for real estate prices worth 300k usd now)(yes the highest cash usd bill was bigger than the bank insurance of 50 years later).

4_Companies can't risk their companies collapsing in two hours so they are moving funds to too big too fail banks.

5_This fucks up small banks and is causing probably multiple svb banks crisis still under the radar.

6_The fed solution against crypto is FedNow which would accelerate bankruns (usa has the slowest bank wires in the world and it's 14th bank was bankruned in two hours).

7_If too big to fail banks become even bigger than they are now there is 0 incentive for them to act rationally since they are like state owned companies were everyone has 0 risks of punishment but at the same time they are still private companies.

The solution to the crisis is destroying the multiple game theory loops they released by increasing biggest cash size and removing civil forfeiture.

There is too much money in the banks and saving the big ones destroys the small ones and makes the big ones act in degenerate ways.

Saving small banks means if other banks keep going down they have to be saved too and it's mathematically impossible.

They need to rise insurance for small banks above big banks and release bigger cash so companies can operate outside banks.

>> No.54172802

Fucking who?

>> No.54172908
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Basically I'm just not gonna deposit (the USD!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'd rather own cash-like securities in my brokerage that you can't manipulate, put all of expenses on my credit card, and pay my bills using the brokerage's cash-management feature!!!!


>> No.54173046

this is all nil if people don't trust the money anymore when everything starts to cost double after a year. it only slows down the inevitable and once cash flow rises too much they'll trigger something to lower it. 2020 it was covid-19 (aka memevirus-19 to genetically modify the populace so biological world war 3) and next time it'll be WW3 or something? I mean they've already shown how insane they are, I'm pretty sure they'll do something worse.

>> No.54173122 [DELETED] 

Shitskins are multiplying way faster than whitey is dying out. So fast that they're finding it cramped in their country of origin and moving over to your country as refugees. This is good for GDP numbers.

>> No.54173126
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>> No.54173144

FRB buy the dip

>> No.54173152
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The next revolution of payment is crypto and there's nothing stopping that. Not even the Feds.

>> No.54173241

wins what? an election? what is that?

>> No.54173400

Found the midwit. Go watch PBS with you’re Dad retard.

>> No.54173441

>steal from depositors to give more money to the banks who are insolvent because they stole too much from depositors.
How Jewish are you?

>> No.54173475

Imagine actually believing this. I can take your gold with force. Even if you killed me you’re never getting into my wallet without my keys

>> No.54173491

i don't even have "money" anymore.
i use my credit card all month then immediately pay off the balance with my paycheck

>> No.54173546

Kek, people ASPIRED or at least PLANNED to work.
Work ethic was something that actually existed, because people were proud of their crafts (coal mine wagies excluded, but there are always some slaves.)

Nowaday, only options are spouting liberal office politics 40 hours a week, peddling meth, or wagecucking retail.
People don't WANT to work anymore, not CAN'T or AREN'T ABLE TO.
Society will implode, it'll be funny and tragic.

>> No.54173603
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chainlink will be 1k eoy and will still be worth 1 cup of coffee

>> No.54173623

Why is xmoney and Bitpay not here? You are not up to date and you need to do the necessary research

>> No.54173661
File: 194 KB, 231x313, 1678725589407247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone saying 'muh demographic death spiral' watches too much of the literal gay jewish CIA agent Peter Zeihan

>> No.54173986

>I can take your gold with force
$5 wrench attack. I can cut your fingers till you give me your seed.
Cryptomaxis are naive insufferable faggots.

>> No.54174053

what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.54174066
File: 681 KB, 1280x720, 0127b9cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your take on the demographics of USA, China and Russia?

>> No.54174127

how many civilisations collapsed because they had old people?
how many civilisations collapsed because of waves of hostile migrants?

>> No.54174193
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its over west, its easts time now

>> No.54174243
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>> No.54174542

how many of those african babies survive, though? half of them? kek

>> No.54174591

I haven't used a bank in a while even the recent Alternative Airline plane ticket I got was done using crypto

>> No.54174648

They’ll implement a CBDC retard. Financial collapse isn’t on the menu. A financial reset is. Welcome to your new surveillance state. That’s why BTC will be so valuable.

>> No.54174861
File: 51 KB, 655x509, 1525229136920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.54174896


Even if the "workforce" nunbers were relatively close, we also weren't providing welfare and importing immigrants by the millions you dumb ass.

>> No.54175314
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> how many civilisations collapsed because they had old people?

None because the demographic changes we're seeing in the developed world have never happened anywhere before.

>> No.54175448

Stating the Obvious about demographics is not "watching too much Zeihan". It's plain as day. The revenue for Social Security, Medicare, UI, Medicaid, Welfare is 1.4 Trillion. The cost is is 3.2 Trillion. That cost is going up because the number of old people is going up. The taxes are not going up enough because there are not enough young people.
The "demographic timebomb" just means the collapse of the social security ponzi scheme, and any portion of the economy that it reliant on it.

>> No.54175475

is bisq still a thing? i was using this to buy large amounts of btc several yrs ago when selling drugs

>> No.54175556

>And the mom wouldn't work
Who told you that? The moms worked, just not in "big business" or politics. They worked outside the home as cooks, cleaners, seamstresses, sewing clothes in sweatshops, nurses, teachers, all the stereotypical 'womens jobs'. In the periods you're idealizing, even the kids got sent off to work. And it still was poverty level living conditions.

>> No.54176816

I don't know what you mean by that

>> No.54176956

>Diversity death spiral, no countries protect their own or encourage offspring.
Ohmergawd how is this happening!!

>> No.54177361

what the hell is with /smg/ and posts like this being repeated over and over for weeks?
is half this thread bots and manipulators?

>> No.54177483
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BSV is all that matters

>> No.54177522

Went from browser Tinder to posting about global economic collapse kek

>> No.54178210

Good effortpost. Thanks.
Back when they identified certain banks to be "systemically important financial institutions" (SIFIs) it was obvious that they had just picked winners and losers. It took 14 years but here we are.
By the way, CS is a SIFI.

>> No.54178245

It's perfectly legal to carry a bag full of gold onto a plane. Just hold it in your lap, and try not to sweat too much.

>> No.54178273
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yea but it's irrelevant, the problem is the economy is too bankarized, too little cash, and these banks need collateral so they buy crap and this happened.

It makes my blood boil that the war on cash is used on the excuse to fight tax evasion but you need bailouts of 300% the monetary base to rescue these fucking banks.

What's the point in reducing tax evasion a few percents if your financial system forces you to do massive inflationary rescues every 10 years, fucking boomers are insane, they must be lead poisoned.

>> No.54178308

its surreal to think how great america could be if we just stopped medical treatment for boomers for just a single year or two.

>> No.54178385

Jews have reached the end of a thousand-year cycle. Even the sneakiest, most well-connected kike in the world gets to pay the piper before they exit this mortal coil.

>> No.54178439

>It's perfectly legal to carry a bag full of gold onto a plane.
Legally, you must declare that you are carrying money or financial instruments over $10k. Maybe you could say your gold coins are under that amount because the nominal value is $50 per coin?
Also, the TSA will give you a hard time at the metal detector, no doubt.
BTW, gold is up $62 to $1983.

>> No.54178475

I would never do it, but I think it's false to say "you won't get far."

>> No.54178493

Now do real value of those dollars.

>> No.54178597

keynes was not jewish and in fact he denounced the gold standard as a new talmud in bretton woods.

Not to say keynes followers give a shit about what he said in that conference.

The only way out of this mess is people waking up to keynsianism in all it's form either neolib keynsians, fascists keynsians or the eurocuck neomarxist keynsians all 3 are the same turd in different color.

The system is the problem, boomers just follow momentum tough i agree that when it comes to usa boomers a lot of them are totally deluded, they live in a different reality than their kids and still believe the firm handshake thing leads to a house by 22 years old.

>> No.54178714
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>Every bank is locking arms together to stop this fallout
Yeah, it's interesting that JPM, BAC, C, WFC, GS, MS, BK, PNC, USB, and TFC are kicking in to bail out FRC. Wasn't the Fed created precisely so this wouldn't have to happen?

From Barron's (sorry, pay walled):
>“Imagine if Janet Yellen called Walmart, Costco, Target and Amazon and encouraged them to buy stuff from another retailer, whose business has been teetering, each month to keep them alive,” Boockvar wrote, noting that the minimum term of the deposits is 120 days.
>That allows the bank to “fight another day,” according to Evercore ISI analysts, but amounts to a “temporary solution.”

>> No.54178749
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>wallets can be popped out of thin air and are astronomically safe
You're right bizfag, it just takes a few steps to setup a lifetime wallet that is impenetrable unless of course you give out your private keys. I take things a step further by storing my Btc, Bnb, Egld, Ride and Zpay on my Ledger with extra security

>> No.54178827

Didn't all those banks need to get bailed out in 08? Don't seem very stable.

>> No.54178884

When Jews fail to get their Messiah to trigger a goodgoy Noahide Laws JewEmpire, they'll look for somewhere to run.

>> No.54178910


You literally typed that out last night
you faggot.


>> No.54178981

Stupid that the colors are not significantly demarcated at 2.0 or 2.1 births. That's the meaningful point.

>> No.54179013

Alexander Paramonov says much the same thing.

>> No.54179668

>Complete retard is incredulous to the idea of being a dad.
You've lost at the game of life. The only thing that matters anymore is family because it sure as shit isn't this God damn jew money.
You know you can just teach your sons whatever you want? Like how to shoot, woodworking, gardening, and chemistry. And they all love and trust you.

>> No.54179823
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>> No.54179926

>from an astrological point of view
lmao occultist russoweebs are some of the cringiest faggots on the planet

>> No.54180152
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This is so blatant

>> No.54180176

powell starts his day by "reading the papers"

>> No.54180251

Listening to the town crier

>> No.54180324

they are literally daring people to run on the banks.

>> No.54180624

>fills all key positions with swamp creatures and Kushners on day one
heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.54181487

no matter which country feminism and ((capitalism)) spread to, the effect is always the same.

>> No.54181808

Only an incredibly small minority of whites (autistic high iq white males) created those things dumdum. The average white person is a retarded golem that thinks and believes whatever jews want them to think and believe, and will gladly sell out their own people for money. There are still huge variations within races and between the sexes. Even if you look at white geniuses throughout history they were more often than not ostracised by their own people, and they considered themselves wholly apart from their less intelligent countrymen. As Schopenhauer wrote in his essays and aphorisms, national pride is the lowest form of pride, as you are using the achievements of others of your race as a substitute for the lack of your own.

>> No.54181836


>> No.54182120

How does this lead to hyper inflation?

It's to bail out depositors. It will simply keep in place liquidity that would have otherwise been erased. How does the fed having more shitty bonds on their books increase prices? In fact, it looks like they're going to let all the investors lose all their money. Yeah, a bunch of people keeping the money they have today and a bunch of investors going to zero is really inflationary.

>> No.54182316

The bigger risk now is deflation, not inflation.

>> No.54182336

How can I get rich from deflation?

>> No.54182349
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>It's gonna be a chicken, cow and daughter based economy next
>not understanding hard money is used to store economic activity to be redeemed at a convenient time
how are you gonna store those oxen in your apartment anon? wouldnt you prefer to spread the value of your daughter over multiple transactions thereby alleviating the need for you to feed and care for the oxen?

>> No.54182404

there's your answer, now look how many people are crossing the southern border every day

>> No.54182415

Save cash and buy assets cheap, but we're only going to get mild deflation in stocks, and mild inflation in everything else.

>> No.54182464


>> No.54182938
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did you get cucked by a white, you pathetic shitskin?

>> No.54183212

That only applies to centralized exchanges anon. Besides, users can always make use of DEXs which are non custodial, or store alts in a smart wallet like Exodus, Sylo or Paxful

>> No.54183266

They already did that, wh*te people will hit a limit to their nigger worship if they keep killing themselves and banning various forms of production like intensive farming and fossil fuels

>> No.54183388

yep, banks all over the world are going to tighten credit significantly. Zombies and other businesses that are only slightly in the black will go down as credit dries up.

>> No.54183707

except adjusted for inflation we haven't even passed the back runs in 99. Tell me when we pass 1T

>> No.54183785
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Haha you idiot! We can't run out of money we can just print more and then the liquidity problem is gone. The highly educated economist on TV told me that everything is fine, we're all gonna make it bros.

>> No.54183968
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....holy mother of FUCK
You just let me know exactly which crypto I need to accumulate, thanks anon
And don't nobody ask me shit, I'm not saying which one

>> No.54183977

y'know it took 9 years for Weimar to hit hyperinflation AFTER they began absolutely cranking the printers

>> No.54184137

>how do you imagine banning a decentralized global network of nodes
Easier than banning person-to-person coin trading.
I bought junk silver from a guy who bought it 50 years ago from one of the mints.

>> No.54184178

They wouldn’t create a CBDC system that realistically would make BTC moot, they’d use the value of BTC to artificially boost their CBDC and gain advantage over it as most people convert crypto gains into synthetic USD. They’d do this while stacking bitcoin using their own usd synthetics, and continuation of USD printing via fed reserve. On top of this commercial activity with CBDCs would prevent hyperinflation as the USD has been stress fessed with the worst case scenarios specifically during covid 19 and everything went smoothly short of supply issues even the war is still allowing some USD supremacy despite it’s counterintuitive leaning.

They’d have to be retarded to try to repeat the Nixon gold situation they can use BTC to their advantage to prop up their demonic dollar

>> No.54184230
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Argentinean here, once they started to monitor exchanges everyone went p2p.

They literally pay you now when you get into the market, you give 100 usd cash and get 104 usdt.

>> No.54184273

Imagine if they spent money on something useful. Fuck, they could buy a nice fitted suit with Italian shoes for every male over 18, that would be useful, and much cheaper. But no.

>> No.54184311
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In all honestly i don't know wtf the sec was thinking when they went against BUSD and Paxos.

You would think they would want stablecoins backed on us bonds (Specially considering that their banking system is going to shit due to the crap price some of these bonds have).

Instead they went against busd which reduces demands for us securities.

In all honestly it seems we are about to suffer the consequences of bretton woods never being fixed after 1971, but billions will unironically die as the dollar enters a death loop to save the banks.

The cherry on top being that the banks crashed because they bought shit collateral due to having too much money.

There are at least 3 suicide loops going on right now, "we will insure everyone loop" & "money escaping small banks to big banks" & "banks buying shit collateral".

These 3 loops have to be fixed asap but the boomers in power can't seem to think in game theory terms desu, this is worrysome, i would not be suprised if in 3 years half the population of the planet starved to death.

All because whores like elizabeth warren been pushed the war on cash which forced banks to buy shit collateral due to having excess money, which crashed the banking system which forced the treasury to do brrrrrrr and the global reserve currency enter a death loop.

It's terryifing to think about this but it gives me a sense of dread beause it's all true and insane.

>> No.54184393

Russia took over a large amount of territory with Trillions of dollars of natural resources while the economic hit the rest of the world is taking is already over 1 Trillion since the conflict first started. You people need to read the news, this is why I’m up 150% this week in puts and you idiots are still think SPY will be 5000 by next year.

>> No.54184432

That video is amazing actually, Yellen looks like a fucking retard

>> No.54184452

Sorry we don't use shiny rocks here. You better be bringing a better offer to the table or you get 0 oxen. I'd tell you to try the next farm but afraid they fell for the shiny rock scam and starved when no one would accept shiny rocks as payment.

>> No.54184509

something like that yeah

>> No.54184684

How many oxen do you have, anon?

>> No.54184765

Here solution
Higher pay wages, affordable housing, free childcare, free healthcare and tax the rich

>> No.54184767

svetlanadragan dot ru

>> No.54184833

Holy shit, are you 12? Fuck off.

>> No.54184976

look up pkt c*sh. encrypted mesh network chain. built by autists.

>> No.54185016

>encrypted mesh network chain
holy shit that'll be awesome if it takes off

>> No.54185194

>he thinks someone will sell him land for shiny rocks

>> No.54185289

nice bait whitey
how well did mom make dinner tonight?

>> No.54185327

Amazing, how is there population exploding when they supposedly have so little food, clean water, medical care? And still i see people donating and dying nations sending aid...its so fucking stupid

>> No.54185685

And I should care why? All my money is in crypto.

>> No.54186351


>> No.54186386

Get off /biz/ and join /k/. Because lead is the only thing of value when everything collapses

>> No.54186878

Yeah, but... fucking who?

>> No.54186938

>Я нaчинaлa c пpocтoгo caйтa pyccких нeвecт
lol, lmao

>> No.54187044

Yeah no, you clearly don't understand much about how bitcoin operates. The only real threat to btc is quantum computing

>> No.54187134


>> No.54187263

Control >50% of the nodes control the entire validation system... am I missing something?

>> No.54187307

banks are always vulnerable to bank runs because they borrow short and lend long and if the depositors want their money back before the bank's investment pays off the bank will always lose

It's impossible to solve unless you stop them from doing it, which will no longer be a bank

>> No.54187316

Where does higher ECB interest rate money go to?

Why are banks fucked if higher rate technically should be good for them? I owned bank shares for very long them - somehow it was never good. Well at least barclays.

>> No.54187321

grats on your four, maybe five digit gains anon. one day you'll be playing with the big boys!

>> No.54187901

Do a soft ban, make it illegal and while this won't stop the majority from using it will make it very difficult and impose penalties for doing so (fines/jail time).

>> No.54188100

Cool, now adjust these numbers for inflation

>> No.54189570

No. If anything, judging by your shallow one liners, you're the one who is the baby brained normie. It doesn't even sound like you read what I posted. I guess zoom zooms don't have good enough attention spans these days.

>> No.54189858

So? You'll get rougly same numbers.
It says one: Crisis, abort the ship.

>> No.54189901

They are fucked because they bought so much bonds without hedging against rate hikes. So as rates go higher, their bonds value drops. If customers want to withdrawn their money they are completely fucked because they lost it by investing as pure retards.

>> No.54189939

bailed out by the federal reserve, which they own

>> No.54189954
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>> No.54190051

kek this. I cant believe idiots still think Trump is some white knight who can ride in and fix things. Ill vote for him because biden sucks but Trumps not saving anything. Hes even part of the problem, the stupid boomer he is.

>> No.54190083

Woah dude you owned him!! Why don’t you go tell you’re dad about your success on the 4chans

>> No.54190525

BTC is a glowie exit plan

>> No.54190606


>> No.54190870
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>> No.54190998

>Wow really the population of earth is lower in 2023 than 2008? Amazing!

based ESL retard.

>> No.54191955

It’s not going to be mad max. Have some guns and at least a few thousand rounds of ammo, but storing the value of your money on things like silver and gold is unironically smarter than buying $50k worth of bullets. The best way to survive is to spend your money on being self sufficient. The most important thing is to make sure you have the ability to collect clean water if the grid goes down. Have a way to heat your home in the winter without electricity like a wood burning stove. Have a way to produce your own food like chickens or goats. Have some solar panels installed so you’ve got enough electricity to live in relative comfort while everyone else is using candles. And learn a skill that will make you valuable if shtf. Medical knowledge for people and animals is always in demand, making good alcohol, beekeeping, growing marijuana or tobacco, or anything you can think of that people would need if the supply lines break down.

>> No.54193188

Baffles me that a good chunk of society seems to be unable to understand the importance of per capita. They understand the words sure, but propaganda / etc makes them rapidly forget

>> No.54193348

What the fuck is white culture, idiot? French? Occitan? Sardinian? All combined minus random 5? Having concrete and using forks?

Koji kurac je bijela kultura debilu?

>> No.54193814

Yes they will. They have always actually.

>> No.54193848

Oh I see, so you dont have oxen and you're just a scammer.

>> No.54194162

Our tax money goes overseas to ensure the lowest infant mortality rate possible

>> No.54194295

I don’t get it, that money never existed anyway. Why not just continue pretending like it does?

>> No.54194529

>kikes run government
>kikes run banking
>kikes run every major industry
>kikes run all major media
>tranny shit everywhere
>rampant degeneracy promoted as a moral good
>elite pedos go uninvestigated
>western industry hollowed out
>US currency completely valueless
>insane mass migration levels
>ruling class completely disconnected from reality
>government charges people with hate if they criticize any of this
We aren't in Weimar, we're is hyper fucking Weimar. We're in Weimar, pre-French Revolution era and the fall of the Western Roman Empire all at the same time.

>> No.54194635

>Have some solar panels installed so you’ve got enough electricity to live in relative comfort while everyone else is using candles.

people will kill you for your house with panels and move in themselves

>> No.54194805

Similar kind of consolidation has been happening with airlines for years now.

>> No.54194832

It could also be fixed by having the federal reserve actually act like a bank and take deposits and guarantee withdrawals.

>> No.54194847

>Different people of different cultures of different times created civilization dumbass.
How many civilisations did black people create?

>> No.54194978
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It's funny how you kikes insist on calling precious metals, which have been currency since the concept of currency was invented, "shiny boomer rocks" and insist that in a financial crisis nobody will accept gold or silver as payment...

And yet you cannot name a single point in human history where people refused to take gold or silver as payment for goods and services, nor a single financial crisis or societal collapse where the value of gold and silver didn't go up. Curious. And you only show up when PM's are mentioned, you give zero shits about any other commodity or alternate form of currency, you're just very insistent that the masses of goyim not own gold and silver for financial transactions after the collapse of fiat. Why is that?

>> No.54195006

>an ounce of gold could buy a multi-story townhouse in downtown Berlin during Weimar inflation
>an ounce of silver buys several months worth of food in Venezuela
>cannot name a single instance in all of human existence where someone would not exchange goods and services for gold and silver, but is extremely insistent that this time everyone will treat gold and silver as worthless decorations and only printed pieces of paper and 1's and 0's on the internet will have value


>> No.54195065

>This is so blatant

>> No.54195082

>That video is amazing actually, Yellen looks like a fucking retard
She's playing the innocent granny, she knows very well what they are doing and why. Nothing these people do is by chance.

When it comes to taking advantage of a situation like this to steal, consolidate and pile up shekels these people have super-powers

>> No.54195084

>pay people with silver coins
>they spend the silver coins on things they need
>pay people with ammo
>they shoot you and take your shit

>there's no such thing as white people, it's a false category! They're German, or French, or Italian!
>there's no such thing as Germans, it's a false category! They're Saxon, or Hessian, or Alemanian!
>there's no such thing as Saxon, it's a false category! They're varying mixtures of Yamnaya, Beaker Culture, Old European Hunter-Gatherers, Indo-European Farmers-

Hello, Moishe.

>nooooo, society won't continue to function and people won't trade goods and services, it's every man for himself in a Mad Max raider war!
>there's just going to be a growing mountain of corpses next to this one house in the neighborhood as gangs of raiders kill the occupants so they can live there, then get killed by the next gang of raiders in turn
>I am 12 years old and base my concept of reality on Fallout and masturbatory fantasy of becoming a post-apocalyptic warlord so I can just kill people and take their shit
>what do you mean people who invested in solar panels, PM's, and stockpiles of food have more and better guns than I do and actually know how to use them? That's not fair! How am I supposed to rape, murder, and pillage if they're allowed to shoot back?!

>> No.54195102

>As Schopenhauer wrote in his essays and aphorisms, national pride is the lowest form of pride, as you are using the achievements of others of your race as a substitute for the lack of your own.
Jew hands wrote this.... or Jordan Peterson.

>> No.54195126

I see you accuse me of Judaism but then push for some odd mishmash of something undefined, may I say multiculturalism
And there is a difference between Saxon and Hessian.
I hope you wont end it at we are all Earthlings.

>> No.54195162

>own a cabin thirty miles outside a small town that is two hours drive from major city
>solar power, rain capture system with 5,000 gallon storage capacity, backup generator, propane tank and stove, wood burning stove for backup, ham radio, internet with wifi, and satellite phone
>three years of freeze dried food, one year of canned food, cases of MRE's, bottled water
>entire closet filled with barter items like disposable lighters, cheap flashlights, disposable power banks and batteries, tobacco, alcohol, medicine, etc
>cases of toilet paper AND a bidet
>a garden, creek, bee hives, and game to hunt
>two AR-15's, a PTR-91, FAL, a dozen hunting rifles in different calibers, a dozen handguns, multiple shotguns, and a fucking grenade launcher; thousands of rounds of ammo
>ammo cans full of silver, gold, and a few bits of platinum
>raiders would have to find our obscure dirt road off the paved road, get past multiple neighbors similarly armed to the teeth and prepared, all without anyone getting on the radio/phone or firing a shot and alerting the entire valley to trouble
>lol, someone's just gonna shoot you and take your stuff

Ok, and you'll be sucking dick for a half-eaten apple while running from niggers trying to rape/eat you because you depended on paper and internet funny money in a crisis. Who's better off?

>> No.54195180

>I see you're accusing me of Judaic divide-and-conquer
>I'll just turn around and pretend you're the one using divide-and-conquer, the stupid goyim will never see through this masterful ruse!

You're not nearly as clever as you think you are.

>> No.54195183

The ponzi scheme will get bailed out when your racist 401ks are nationalized to pay 100 million 80 iq spics age 65 with zero retirement money.

>> No.54195231

They don't even need to shoot you, they're just going to derail a train containing toxic chemicals and completely salt the earth for generations to come.
If you're serious about this, then do what the bible says, flee to the mountains. You have to literally be as far away from any railroads or roads as possible, far away from major waterways or big rivers in general. Look at a map, imagine where you'd drop nukes to kill as many preppers as possible with the radioactive fallout, don't go there. The enemy won't be fighting fair.

>> No.54195266

What an awful color scheme.

>> No.54195274

There won't be human civilization after whites are gone. You will live in a mud hut and eat dirt like the hominid you always have been.

>> No.54195348

What reason do you have to assume some unnamed entity is going to go out of its way to kill as many people as possible? Yes, it’s almost impossible to protect yourself from chemical, nuclear, and biological warfare, but that’s not the situation we’re expecting. He’s better off than 99.9% of people come any level of political or economic crisis.

>> No.54195459

Am I the only one left who thinks that the “armed Americans will reject CBDC” is a complete fantasy? I think that less than 1% of people will permanently reject it and subsist on local barter economies (until they’re eventually arrested). Everyone talking tough about not using CBDC is LARPing and won’t do shit when the time comes to get vaccinated in order to activate their digital wallet. I think the CBDC rollout will be incredibly easy for the leaders.

>> No.54195469

Biden wins 2024 no matter what.

>> No.54195500

With a few mouse clicks, stop thinking your internet shit is safe, pretween

>> No.54195523

They won't force anything. Just like they didn't force the vaxx. It will be your choice. But they can restrict you from purchasing items or attending certain events. But why would you want to go to those globohomo events anyways? They can't ban web3. BTC will always have value.

>> No.54195533

The 401ks are already gone too. Pension plans are collapsing all over the west. That will all come to light when the boomers retire too.

>> No.54195535

It will be 50 bps, and another 50 in May

>> No.54195550

Sure hope so

>> No.54195551

Anyone that has ever voted in any election should be ashamed of themselves

>> No.54195615

Fuck off, fed. Go dilate

>> No.54195640


>> No.54195667

also, this is actually a preferable situation for a authoritarian government. Make btc use unavoidable and at the same time illegal. When everyone is guilty, you can selectively enforce the laws on those that pose a threat to you.

>> No.54195829

>Implying I'm interested in your daughter or wife
Spread those ass cheeks boy

>> No.54195831

>bro just steal everyone's money!

>> No.54195834
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You were under the impression niggers and liberal whites were intelligent? The philosophy is non-sustainable and Africans are animals that can talk.

>> No.54196655

Africa needs walled off

>> No.54196671

Because that's exactly what's happening right now. 2 trains carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in major hillbilly regions. If you live in a region affected by this, you are not better off at all, the ground and water are completely poisoned, it's impossible to stay self sufficient there now.
They will poison the whole country side, just to make sure you live in the pod. Think about how to survive this before planting yourself down somewhere.
I'm not on a demoralization campaign here, I hope people start thinking about this and find a solution to it so we can survive. My plan is to leave for Russian wilderness, it would be almost impossible to pull off these things there, so at least I'd be safe in that regard. It's hard to decide on the best course of action.

>> No.54197258




>> No.54197284

>BTC will always have value.
If has no value if you can't exchange for products and services you need.

>> No.54197315

Wow, there has been that much inflation since 2008?

>> No.54197340

>daughter based economy
If she looks anything like you, you are going to starve.
>Or do you think some farmer is going to trade his daughter to you for some /pmg? In reality he will smash you with something heavy and then loot your corpse and share it with the rest of the local farmers if necessary. In a world without contraception, sex becomes very, very dangerous and is planned out by the whole family. Which is why arranged marriages were the norm.

>> No.54197345

You cannot purchase anything directory with gold or any other commodity today unless you convert to cash first, but if the cash is no longer legal, then what? who will actually accept commodity as a form of payment? I guess it depends on how the economy is organized post-cash.

>> No.54197414

>In a world without contraception, sex becomes very, very dangerous and is planned out by the whole family. Which is why arranged marriages were the norm.
This is not how this works. No contraception means you have to be careful whom you have intercourse with or accept the consequences (ie responsibility for your actions). "arranged marriages" doesn't mean your family decides your partner/sex life, they just need an approval if you plan to live with/around them and this makes sense for a family bc family means a union.

>> No.54197945

When you have 6 kids (12 is an exaggeration), keeping house is a life time job. Having 1.2 kids is not a lifetime job.

>> No.54197986

yeah it's one of the few insanity-level projects I've seen. Look them up on youtube. I mined it for a while. It's an obvious gap in internet resiliance. TOR is shit because glowniggers can spin up new nodes (they hired a college to do exactly that for "research"). PKT requires you to pay for bandwidth. I think - not certain - that "mining" is you doing the encrypted mesh like BTC mining does, but that might be separate. Not sure. I haven't actually used the mesh VPN but it's live.
Check out dVPN competing project, not as protocol oriented or big picture; they do have more users currently.

>> No.54199266
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yes, I'm sure people will be crying for fiat paper just after the crack up boom.