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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54155893 No.54155893 [Reply] [Original]

>5k ICP
>100k GRT
What am I in for if we get a run? And I won't buy AVAX, thanks.

>> No.54156058

>ICP - $12
>GRT - $0.32
add hbar for the ultimate /biz/ copefolio sir

>> No.54156821
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> Wont buy AVAX
Yes you will

>> No.54156870

How does financial ruin sound

>> No.54156927
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Nice try to shill your shitcoin along The Graph (ticker: GRT). Go back faggot.

>> No.54156973

He will when it’s 2 dollars maybe

>> No.54157039

faggot, even if he was shilling grt which he isn't b/c hes also holding ICP, grt would have been one of the best plays shilled on biz you dumbass. look at how its performed on the 3 month chart or even how it is performing now, its the highest percent gainer for the day of any coin in the top 100. get rekt faggot

>> No.54157094
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> ICP TVL - $290,000
> AVAX TVL - $785,000,000

You are retarded

>> No.54157197

TVL is such a fake and gay metric, completely meaningless

>> No.54157220
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>I wont buy AVAX
you're ngmi anon

>> No.54157354 [DELETED] 
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Emin Gün Sirer, CEO of Ava Labs works for the CFTC now and will advise them to get ICP shut down.
enjoy holding the Piss Computer to Zero you dumb fucking Nigger.

>> No.54157392

avax would be my only other play besides grt, but the tokenomics scare me. should i even be worried or no?

>> No.54157454

How the fuck do they even pay you fags still

>> No.54157717

>TVL is such a fake and gay metric, completely meaningless
Don't worry anon, next time when your shitcoin dumps to 0 because that shitty chain is disabled 24/7 you're not gonna say that again, kys homophobic piece of shit

>> No.54157812

no why would you be?

>> No.54157851

I hold both AVAX and ICP but AVAXfags make me want to sell it. If you knew shit about fuck you'd realize they're not competitors but every single goddam thread theres some smug retard shitting up ICP eith avax spam.

>> No.54157892
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Can you even read you stupid piece of shit? I'm literally praising GRT and calling out OP (you) for including ICP in order to not make his shilling too obvious.
ICP is dead, it's just a matter of time until /biz/ frees itself from third-world niggers shilling it since funds will run out sooner or later.
It has literally never had an uptrend, sad.
GRT is cool tho, part of the DeFi trifecta along LINK and AVAX. The market hasn't been as friendly with The Graph because, well, markets can be gigaretarded in the short-medium term.
LINK-GRT-AVAX is a long-term safe portfolio, do with this info as you wish.

>> No.54157936

token dilution driving down price, similarly what happened to rose. thats my main concern
tldr your blog post faggot, no go back to plebbit

>> No.54158212

The dilution really is not that severe, it's about 7.2% of the initial 360 million AVAX per year. Do you think that avalanche will on average increase activity, in terms of fees burned and AVAX staked to nodes for launching subnets (2000 per node, effective minimum of 10 nodes/subnet), more than 15% per year? I'm not sure why you would buy period if you only could expect a 15% increase in network activity per year.

>> No.54158242

I think the ICP uptrend is just not on the chart, I mean how could there have been one with a manipulated launch right at the start of the bearmarket? Oh and compare the ICP and Amazon Dotcom charts, looks very similar to me. And crypto should move higher faster nowadays, right?

>> No.54159028 [DELETED] 
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>but the tokenomics scare me.
lmao dumb nigger. AVAX has the BEST tokenomics because the token is actually needed.
AVAX staking is a very profitable business.

>> No.54159133
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>> No.54160261

>Classical consensus
>100% permissioned
>13 node count subnets
>sub 1000 TPS from users per subnet with increasing latency (6+ seconds)

ICP shills never cease to make me laugh lmao

>> No.54160359
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Boundary node dev says a fix is coming. I highly doubt it won't be even worse. I'm guessing full kyc to run a BN with Dfinity STILL maintaining the ability to unilaterally block anything it deems bad

>> No.54160407

Go back you disgusting reddit niggerfaggot.

>> No.54161913
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I don't like avax either but I prefer the Turkish currency than the ICP crap

>> No.54161950


>> No.54161974

What’s with the fud?

>> No.54161988

i need a 10x in icp
thats it

>> No.54162065

it's over

>> No.54162535
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Do it tranny, do it now. You'll never grow real tits and never reach more than 15$ ever again.

>> No.54162773

the only way ICP can look like a big deal is in a poorly made meme. Sad.

>> No.54163440

Why? It uses bridges cause the devs are trash and can't alien tech.

>> No.54163461

Lol read the white paper and poke around and you will realize how retarded and gay you sound. Spend 5 bucks and try it out.

>> No.54163538

The only problem with Avax is it doesn't actually do anything. It's the same old moving coins around bullshit. It's bringing nothing new.
Iced piss is changing everything.

>> No.54163608
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>alien tech
Holy shit you piss chuggers are insufferable. Subnets interoperate 100% without bridges. Bridges are, however, why there's almost $200 million dollars worth of bitcoin secured by the Avalanche network and why, despite your BTC "integration", your TVL is a rounding error away from zero kek.

>> No.54163793

Your chain got hacked roach. I’m honestly surprised they still pay yall

>> No.54163989

Avalanche consensus protocols have never been compromised ever. Look, I get it, you're thoroughly a midwit and FOMO'd into your first token at $500/coin, but one day if ICP ever manages to do any sort of defi (or anything useful actually) you'll learn firsthand about smart contract risk lul

>> No.54164041

Dude I bought chainlink under a fucking dollar and sold my stack in the $40s last run. Hell I even made 3x from my avax stack and sold that for over $100. AVAX is such a fucking shit chain with no real product. Your chain has been down several times and has been hacked. This has never happened to icp.

>> No.54164082
File: 495 KB, 750x1227, E4AC269B-F64B-43A5-B06A-6D22E0C9BF24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has never happened on icp

>> No.54164177
File: 76 KB, 1553x707, avax_no_devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or anything useful actually
What the hell as Avax ever done? It moves coins around. That's all it can do.

Avax will never be able to do what ICP is doing on-chain. Ever.

>> No.54164201

There's nothing worth hacking on icp

>> No.54164231

There’s literally $1 billion worth icp locked how is that not worth hacking

>> No.54164362
File: 120 KB, 2237x725, icpdefikek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuh-uh i bought da bottom and sold da top
yea ok midwit
>no real product
That's just a few.
>Your chain has been down several times and has been hacked
Absolutely incorrect. The c-chain halted one singular time because the consensus mechanism actually did it's job when there was a client side bug during the very early days of the network. X and P chains continued uninterrupted and if subnets had been fully fleshed out at the time none of the other subnets would have gone down. The chain has never been hacked, smart contracts have due in large part to the shitty EVM which was just ported from ETH as a glorified tech demo.
It's never happened because you have nothing worth stealing kek, picrel

>> No.54164419

Holy kek the cope. Your faggot ass chain has been hacked several times. That’s means it’s a piece of shit roach chain. And your only response is that icps chain isn’t worth hacking.
Holy cope you avax baggies are going to rope next run. You should of sold over $100 retard

>> No.54164440

Still just doing one thing - moving coins around.
That's it's limit. Can't do anything else. No product.

Over 1.2B locked on ICP on the NNS.

>> No.54165023

zero evidence and zero refutations because you have none. You and your shill buddy must be seething given how quickly you reply with emotional nonsense kek. See you in 2026 :^)
>only moves coins around
avalanche provides a permissionless consensus layer. It can use any virtual machine, any db, any node hardware, etc. to do whatever a dapp builder desires in a byzantine fault tolerant manner. You could literally run ICP as a cluster of avalanche subnets if you could convince validators it's worth it to acquire the giant server racks and that way you would actually be permissionless (the core point of blockchain), not consensus bottlenecked, and dApps would have access seamlessly to liquidity on the entire avalanche network.
>1.2b in ICP
avalanche has 3 times that locked at present and it actually is securing the network, not just earning 10% APY for voting on NNS proposals which is the only real utility ICP has for users other than selling it for USD when it appreciates enough lul

>> No.54165419

Still just moving coins around. Not doing anything at all basically.

>> No.54165510

Evidence all you have to do is google avax hack and every single article goes into detail how they got hacked. You’re coping. Hell avax fags can’t even keep their own thread up so they have to try and jump into icp threads to hijack them. It’s pretty pathetic and shows the current state of your roach coin

>> No.54166014
File: 106 KB, 743x898, okdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seethe posting please, I get endless entertainment out of midwits shilling an endlessly dumping VC/insider scam thinking it's some massive breakthrough when its subject to all the same protocol level limitations SOL, Cosmos, ETH, etc are.

>> No.54166101

Coins: from A to B.

That's it.

>> No.54166926

Don’t be such a little pathetic baby. Icp is game changing and doesn’t have a ton of limitations the rest of these shitchains have. Grow up you sneeding little nobody

>> No.54167108

Just buy grt

>> No.54167115

the midwit shill TG bump brigade is really out in force tonight topkek

>> No.54167741
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What a sadistic way to shove your money up your ass and dump it in a sewer.

>> No.54167855

The way things are going in the technological landscape, the L1 horse races are a zero sum game. Comparing ICP and AVAX is like apples and oranges. Stronger case for AVAX as a conventional L1 protocol and ICP as a general purpose compute/storage platform, though in its defense afaik AVAX is not a buggy centralized hellscape with shitty uptime like ICP. AVAX is unfortunately too little too late as an Ethereum-killer, but at least it's pushing the envelope from an innovation standpoint.

>> No.54168007

I honestly hate AVAX nigger shills, They do more harm than good to what i consider a very strong project. The fact faggot jeet chains like Matic and Solana still trading above it is a measure of disastrous marketing

>> No.54168068

How much do they fucking pay you fags? This is pathetic.

>> No.54168171

I own neither AVAX nor ICP, and I'm not on the payroll of either team; not everyone criticizing your bags is a paid shill.

An application I built and use heavily routes its data through ICP so I'm speaking from direct experience when I complain about it having the uptime of an early-2000s home webserver. I have no personal use for AVAX, and GRT isn't expressive enough for my data needs yet or I'd switch to it in a heartbeat.

>> No.54168233

>the uptime of an early-2000s home webserver
The uptime should be 100% but the latency and throughput are probably like an early-2000s home webserver.

>> No.54168380

When ICP actually responds to requests, it's pretty good about response and delivery speed. But sometimes it just doesn't respond for a few minutes or even hours, which is unacceptable.

>> No.54168519
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Can't imagine fucking some rekt pussy go get some real juicy shit and stop been a retard dick as I am generating Passiveincome and will make more regardless of the market situations, as web3payments services offer seemless payments. dont be a lazyfags anon

>> No.54168547
File: 9 KB, 250x201, jhhvhgcgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retard dick go get some sense and stop posting some shitty quotes here, as Xmoney rebranding coming.. long accumulation… staking rewards… token burns coming.. crypto-fiat on ramp card soon.. go get some sense

>> No.54168568

You fags get a life and don't be some lazy ass as GSD keeps fucking me crazy with the new lunch of it governance token

>> No.54168574

Dev on the IC that has never had this happen or have heard of it happening. Always 100% uptime. This >>54168233
sounds more familiar though, albeit not as exaggerated.

>> No.54168578

imagine investing in insane clown posse lmao

>> No.54168594

ETH seems to be making massive pump as BTC set to hit it ATH can't wait to get fuck with some huge gains lol I need to get my bag full anon

>> No.54168733

Wtf is that can't make some lazy steps, got get some real pussy experience anon don't die trying, as utrust has turned many businesses around with crypto payments and the latest feature I'm benefitting from ATM is the new tokenomics 2.0 staking on Maiar DEX
is one great investment so far this year with many more to come.

>> No.54169152

Double checked, it looks like the canister for the API proxy I was using has since shut down. I must have mindlessly switched to an identical API proxy living on a less reliable host at some point last year and forgot I stopped using ICP, so maybe I'll plug back into another ICP-based API proxy.

So, disregard my downtime remarks. I stand by my assertion that ICP's delivery speeds are pretty good though, at least for less heavy data payloads.

Thanks for the clarification/correction.

>> No.54169327

Then buy some low cap altcoins and make good money out of it.

>> No.54169562

I doubt you would get that, but 50x+ is realistic on the likes of NXRA, KAS, AZERO and UBT

>> No.54169802
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Low cap alts are a wise investment, and I'm purchasing some good gems like MyS, where I'm providing liquidity to farm LP tokens. Magic Yearn provides a variety of ways to make passive money.

>> No.54169914

I'll only go for NXRA in the list because of its numerous products which will disrupt the DeFi space

>> No.54170091


>> No.54171618

>I think the ICP uptrend is just not on the chart
about time you faggots knew yall are exit liquidity for whales who sold out. took the huge red dildo and the loss equally, moved ahead to bag some alphas and research with tools such as cmc and altcoinistdao. my portfolio could be worth a shit load of fortune

>> No.54171883

“Retard dick” now you’re changing IPs. Avax baggies are pathetic

>> No.54171887

Who says they exited forever? There has surely been accumulation over the last year

>> No.54171907

Imagine accumulating anything else but the internet computer, the best tech in crypto, at rock bottom or prices. The internet computer is the foundation upon which web 3 shall be built and the next evolutionary step in the progression of cryptocurrency.

>> No.54172868

>cmc and altcoinistdao
both are great sources for research including ape0clock and cryptorank
might get played twice desu

>> No.54174347

based and redpilled

>> No.54174526

Nigger detected

>> No.54177023

Make-it stack anon? Maybe I'd add it to other alts like Egld, Zpay and Ride in my long term hodls for profits.

>> No.54177079

The ceo of avax emin "goon" sirer is a jihad style terrorist assosciated with FETO in turkey which means its probably used for terrorist financing and money laundering.

Also you are advocating that people buy a useless last cycle coin from some mumammed monkey faggot pajeet literally named SER kek kys.

>> No.54177923
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Lmao, i'll still recommend using privacy for security while transaction. Better not to lose all.

>> No.54178218

still no use case for avax. just a database to move coins around. it's not innovating shit

>> No.54178388

im 23, and hold 10k icp
will i make it?

>> No.54178398

No privacy alt? NGMI. Consider doing yourself some good or get rekt.

>> No.54178417


>> No.54178479

I'm in on holoride too but it's been damn too quiet, no signs of a major pump anytime soon sadly.. kek

>> No.54178760

No, you're never making it,
Not with ICP
Dump everything now and buy AVAX

>> No.54178773

avax relies on aws though?
feel like the smartest thing to do is to buy btc, eth, icp, and index funds (which track big tech)

you cant lose that way

>> No.54178778

Fucking brainlet jeet

>> No.54178824

it's a sleeping giant, once it gets going, there's no stopping.
it's got a next level product that's a major selling point, no way it doesn't go bang

>> No.54178828

Yeah that’s my plan but only Btc and icp and then some icp l2s.
>BTC - 70%
>ICP - 30%

>> No.54178847

Literally jeets

>> No.54179088

Fucking bobo
You think your favorite project is gonna pump for no reason shows how high on hopium you're.

You expect to make it holding just btc and icp? Kek kek kek

>> No.54179417

Based take

>> No.54179452

You really clueless aren't you?
No way you think AVAX has no use case

>> No.54179500

You're simply retarded if jump in convos without any knowledge about what's being talked about.
They're like over 10 reasons why I'd be bullish

>> No.54179508

Bankruptcy and ropes.

>> No.54179518

Honestly yeah if btc goes to $100k+ I’ll already be over a $1mill and then if icp goes to $500 or above I will literally not have to work another day in my life

>> No.54179552

curious reply - I figured you would have listed some instead of a response like that
it moves coins around, that's it. it's all it can do

>> No.54179571
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>> No.54179574

Let me guess you have like $1k in dog coins expecting to make it