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54160567 No.54160567 [Reply] [Original]

I'm balding.

My hair is thinning at the age of 21. I am balding, I am 5'6". When I was 16 years old and my doctors confirmed I would not grow any taller, it took me 3 years to accept it; it ended up making me a better person.

This is the intial shock, it's not really a depressive shock like it was before. It's more of a "goodbye" to my youth, I'm going to get a haircut today and see more of my hairline that i've been hiding. I feel like i'ts thinning too fast for any minoxidil or finasteride to make any effect.

As much as you'd like to think it's about not being attractive to girls, I moved on from that long ago; that's the honest truth. It's the self-image, the person I see in the mirror that makes me sad to see change. It's kind of like noticing your parents getting old if that makes sense.

This is it, this is stage 2. How did you deal with it?

>> No.54160596

I'm dealing with this in my late 30s
can't imagine having to cross this bridge at 21
good luck

>> No.54160658

thank you fren.

again it's just average cope, but it's comforting to know it's entirely psychological. Unless if you count the depression + insecurity people get leading to more physical symptoms and whatnot; It's not like I have a brain tumor or some shit. It really is just hair follicles running out of steam.

Part of me feels like I had this coming. I barely exercise, I eat 1600 calories a day. No wonder there was little strength left in my hair, there is a price to pay always.

>> No.54160715


OP never decided to grow up same as his hair

>> No.54160750
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35 here. Just shave it off or get plugs, I think hair of Istanbul is $20k for the best one or go to any major city. Not sure what route to take but don’t want to have boomer hair, bald is ok

>> No.54160795

At least you are white,
just go geomaxxing you will make it

>> No.54160807
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hey friend

i want you to know that when women or men or whatever arent interested in you, it isn't because of your hair. it's because you are short.

breathe easy friend
bald guy

>> No.54160808

My friend had testicular cancer at 20, chemo permanently changed his hairline, receded back and he can't grow more than some baby hairs even after letting it go for months.

Wear hats, he was never a hat person but if you have a young face you can mask it to avoid social frictions.

>> No.54160828

you have two options
>shave it
>ben franklin

option 1 is easier if you want to be a normie. still going to be hard at your height.
option 2 is if you want to stand up to the world as a man, and conquer it.

>> No.54160842

OP i feel for you. Exact same shoes when I was your age. Dutaateride will help you just commit to being healthy otherwise

>> No.54160946

white + short = auto it's over
I appreciate the insights anons. I will take these in accounts. Perhaps if I get enough wealth plugs may do it.
Dutateride feels like a deal with the devil like the surgery people do that extend their legs by breaking the bone or whatever. Significantly higher risk of prostate cancer and whatnot. I don't mind libido loss, as cucked as that sounds I really don't care for libido anymore. But cancer is just a no go. I guess that is what makes people commit to being healthier to compensate? Hmm.


I think I just need to take time to really let this settle in, in a proper way rather than avoid it or be vitriolic or something. I needed these anonymous inputs, I will leave now. I appreciate you all.

>> No.54161062

Start wearing a top hat. It will make you taller and hide your baldness

>> No.54161302

nobody gives a shit about a manlet balding whitoid. And on top of that, OP is poor lmfao.

>> No.54161683

Shrooms, hit the gym daily for a year, stay disciplined, started balding at 19, 24 now. Stop the negative selftalk, get to doing not thinking.

>> No.54161858

Also if you have 'friends' that keep pointing it out to you abd you feel bad you really gotta consider if they are desentising you for what is to come or they finally see a way to pull you down to their levels of miserable, if it's the lattet, slowly fade away from them and enjoy your new life without people who pull energy away from your core.

>> No.54161895

>white + short = auto it's over
short male of any race = it's over
Height predestines success. Being short is the second worst hell imaginable. Second to physical torture (i.e. getting chopped in half with a chainsaw).

>> No.54161920

For every manlet there is a womanlet, anon.
Or an ugly taller girl.
If you want to build up, settle for the ugly taller girl.
Otherwise, you may choose from among the womanlets.

>> No.54161926

Should op wear high heels too? Lol. Hiding shit is more pathetic than being objective about it.

>> No.54161929

Don't listen to miserables like this OP, they are poor and find pleasure making people miserable online, it's very jewish behaviour

>> No.54161947
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It's not me being "miserable". It's me being objective because I'm mot a tard that ignores MATH.

>> No.54161963

Increased cortisol from stress is fucking you up.
You gotta power trough the pain and suffering.
So like get a bicycle and spend time on it every day and sweat a lot then get a cold shower.
You have to lie to your brain and nervous system.
Exhaust yourself all day physically so you can just turn off all electronics around 2100 and sleep for 10 hours uninterrupted.
Drink 2L of clean filtered water every day.
Fuck some whores even if you can barely afford it.
Eat more meat and fish and eggs and protein.
Smoke a cigar occasionally.
Drink a glass of wine after lunch.

You arent ever gonna live a real life with 0 plastics and no electronics and as a pre industrial real human would.
But you must use as much of your power to do these things to get your body into at least 3rd or 4rth gear.
When you get up an running you will maybe reach 5th gear and live life fully like you should.

>> No.54161992

Shut the fuck up you fucking jew, you will be culled without mercy

>> No.54161993

no, because that would make you look feminine. platform boots could work though

>> No.54162013

Best advice in the thread

>> No.54162015

>Part of me feels like I had this coming. I barely exercise, I eat 1600 calories a day. No wonder there was little strength left in my hair, there is a price to pay always.
Hair is purely genetics, there’s middle aged bums who subsist on liquor and cigarettes for months to years and yet have norwood 0-1’s.

>> No.54162018

LMAO "Facts are jewish!!". Stupid fuck. If anything jews would have you believe the opposite. That you should WANT a femboy body instead of a masculine one.

>> No.54162036

I understand that dealing with hair loss can be a difficult experience, especially at a young age. It's understandable that you are feeling a sense of loss and sadness as you are going through this change. It's important to remember that hair loss is a common issue that many people face, and there are several ways to address it.

It's great to hear that you have already accepted your height and have become a better person as a result. This demonstrates that you have the resilience and strength to cope with difficult situations. It's important to apply the same mindset to this situation and focus on finding solutions that work for you.

One option you may want to consider is speaking with a healthcare professional who specializes in hair loss. They can provide you with information on various treatment options, such as minoxidil or finasteride, and help you determine which approach is best for your specific situation.

In addition to medical treatments, there are also several lifestyle changes you can make to help improve hair health, such as reducing stress, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding harsh hair products. It's important to keep in mind that these changes may not necessarily stop hair loss completely, but they may help slow it down or improve the overall health of your hair.

Finally, it's important to focus on accepting and loving yourself, regardless of any physical changes you may experience. Remember that your worth as a person is not determined by your hair or any other physical attribute. Surround yourself with positive influences and people who support you, and take care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

I hope this advice is helpful to you and wish you the best in your journey towards accepting and coping with your hair loss.

>> No.54162043

This. Just keep the top hat on when you're having sex

>> No.54162056

chatgpt wrote this

>> No.54162055

Never trust jewish opinions that pull some numbers out their ass to demoralize, this jew is particularily angry, he looks like the faggots in Gringotts in the Harry Potter

>> No.54162068


>> No.54162076

>pull some numbers out their ass to demoralize
Are you a woman? Learn to be objective instead of emotional

>> No.54162084

dutasteride and minoxidil, everything else is cope and wasting time. don't worry about side effects, they don't matter. you have your 20s and your 30s, everything beyond that, might as well just be dead anyway. it's like a trans person, they devour hrt because they know they have a limited time. can you imagine a trans person in their 40s? who even cares anymore at that point, might as well just eat pancakes and jerk off while waiting for your eventual death.

>> No.54162088
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No worries man. I hear you loud and clear.

There's a reason why I called it "stage 2" for me. At first it was height, sucked pretty bad and you know the who whole spiel. But the greatest thing that came out of it was, I questioned my insecurity and realized that I had depended too much on other's approving me. I never actually thought for a moment if I approved myself. In a weird way when I started looking at myself as a different person it felt a lot more clear.

It's easy, and provides false warmth to hate yourself and others from the qualms your in. To go down a path of negativity and fill it to fight against the feeling of how unfair the world is. But I honestly can't change how other people think, I don't know why I make such an effort to cry about it.

When I saw damage I was doing, when I saw my younger self and saw what he dreamt of when he would get older; what would he think of seeing me now? The moment I realized that, I felt so much guilt; never felt any guilt like that in my life. I couldn't do that... I couldn't do that to me. I felt bad for me for the very first time.

Before that, I was trying to appeal to people that didn't exist, imaginary barriers I made in my head. I was just fighting myself. This all sounds like some normie shit, I don't really care. I realized I needed to do things for ME, to do what I needed for me. The one person I could depend on was not fulfilling the generic trope of romantic epitome and euphoria, but to just be comfortable in my own skin. As long as I wasn't hurting anybody or myself, how was it bad for me to pursue what's good for me?

I picked up a skill, I focused on it. I knew I was doing it for me, not for anyone else. And when I felt happiness, when I could sleep at night knowing I did what I could. FOMO became a lot more distant, still there, but I was and am healing. It's a good feeling man.

It's just the self-image, that's all. Perhaps I will get even stronger this time.

>> No.54162094

>be 31
>hair is still luscious
>cut it short for spring and summer
>grow it long for fall and winter
Must suck to be hairlet

>> No.54162106

Jewish opinion deflected

>> No.54162109

You need FUE from Dr Ray Woods, don’t go to these sand nigger Turks

>> No.54162114

Math =\= opinion, woman

>> No.54162149

It's not over son.
Your hair may be thinning because of stress or because of build up from shampoos.
Massage your scalp daily, until your scalp feels warm. I was Norwood 1.5 but I'm back to Norwood 1 now and my hair feels thicker after lots of continued scalp massaging.

>> No.54162151

Stress was good, maybe like 10,000 years ago. Fighting bears and other fucking tribes or whatever shit.

Now I think stress is only good for telling you what direction you need to go, but anything sustained for more than that just tears you apart. I see studies everyday of my generation being the most mentally ill, it makes sense and it's oddly comforting to be lucid about it.

A cigar occasionally would give you far less risk of death and misery than constant stress. To be honest with you anon, I wouldn't smoke; but if it meant a lot less stress and something that can be controlled then it would actually be worth a risk.

I guess you don't want to be so hedonistic that you enjoy when shit is on fire, but at least be calm about it; maybe embrace it a bit. What's the point of living if you're not going to just enjoy the view.

>> No.54162163

I thaibox so I can kill jews like you all day, I make more than you, I sleep longer, I work harder, I am taller than you, I am balder than you, you will never be better because you demoralize people online to feel good about your damned soul

>> No.54162186

Also apologies for the cucked reddit spacing. I expected a lot more trolling and psyops in this thread but im pleasantly surprised to see anons being real.