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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54161603 No.54161603 [Reply] [Original]

Who are you saving, /biz/?

>> No.54161669

leave behind:
>movie whore

>> No.54161698

I agree with the others but you need a slampig for the crew. Leave the jew

>> No.54161714

The Jew is getting left behind so fast his kippah will be spinning as rocket flames turn him to two cartoonishly blinking eyeballs on top of a smouldering ash pile.

>> No.54161721
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>Muslim QT
>Spic priest to convert her
>Asian kid

Leaving behind:
>Dr. King
>Busted redskin
>Useless novelist cripple
>The actress (she would be a homewrecker)
>Gay dude
>fuckin cop

"but anon we only have to leave 4 behind!"
>I know.

>> No.54161734

We don't have the ability to sustain a self-sufficient colony on another planet so you're actually choosing people to die a more prolonged death

>> No.54161737

They should have included the sex of every candidate.

>> No.54161756

leave behind:
>druggie accountant
>native nigger
>druggie accountant's nigger's baby
>useless disabled writer
>female terrorist
>god-cucked beaner
>weak actress who has no sense of self-preservation
>power-trip fetish government lover
>sport fag
>loser chink orphan

>> No.54162313

I'm absolutely leaving behind that old kike and faggot athlete and definitely taking accountant and his pregnant wife, anti-faggot clergyman, racist cop and 12 yo orphan.

>> No.54162352

Pretty sure this is just the start up screen for a new Rimworld save file.

>> No.54162378

I legitimately would not want to bring 8 of these people

>> No.54162890

Only 3 are necessary:
> Accountant (will likely not be able to source any substances off earth)
> Pregnant accountants wife
> Qt muslim girl.

These 3 can breed and restart civilization.

>> No.54162980

Accountant's wife
Negro medical student
Muslim international
Movie star
Racist police officer
12yo asian
Native American who can't speak english

>> No.54163033

leave behind
>the kike
>the fag
>the nigger
>the disabled vegetable

>> No.54163043

I'll make the Asian boy my ladyboy. Fuck its too hot bros I'm gonna coom

>> No.54163098
File: 62 KB, 593x584, DB599FF5-F158-4EC9-AFB8-F2FD33510AC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fags and other men (especially the jew) can go kick rocks. All of the women can come and exist as my concubines/breeding sow.
Maybe the racist cop or fag hater can come along if they’re cool, they can be my consigliere.

>> No.54163156

The most relevant information is whether they are male or female and are able to reproduce with each other. Without this information for every person we can't make a proper decision...

>> No.54163167
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Can I just leave the rest