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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54158130 No.54158130 [Reply] [Original]

>print money
>inflation goes up
>stop printing money
>banks on the brink of failure
>print money to rescue them
>inflation goes up
>stop printing money
Realistically speaking, how does this end?

>> No.54158183

with banks failing and inflation occurring at the same time

>> No.54158218

Its not a positive feedback loop, inflation is dropping faster from banks slowing down than it is from the fed bailing out the shitters

>> No.54158225

Yeah a frog poster is smarter than PhDs at Fed

>> No.54158247

hyperinflation is actually really good for everyone

>> No.54158249

This is the Way the World Ends: Not with a Bang, but a Whimpering Jew.

>> No.54158251

This but unironically.

>> No.54158279
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>> No.54158296

it's been that way since frogposting began.

>> No.54158306
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>> No.54158348

the PhDs at the Fed are indeed smart - which is how they've been able to execute their grift this long

>> No.54158374


>> No.54158401
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>Zero liquidity at near zero interest rates
>Zero liquidity during subsidization
>Zero liquidity after a bail out
It means the system is so fundamentally broken it only gets fixed when it breaks. If we don't know what the error is, we have to let the crash happen to address it. Until we get the debug file and crash report. This ship is going nowhere.

>> No.54158442

The Fed can hyperinflate deez nuts.

>> No.54158663

Burn it to the ground, introduce final trap solution…CBDC. Shit storm events will happen faster and faster until it blows. Problem, reaction, solution. Every. Fuckin. Time. Fuckin duh.

>> No.54158696
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>What degree does Jerome Powell have?
>He received a Bachelor of Arts in politics from Princeton University in 1975


>> No.54158912

Do reverse repos figure into this particular equation?

>> No.54158966

Hyperinflation probably.

>> No.54158992


>> No.54158995

oh actually I know, this ends in CBDCs

>> No.54159020

and what are people going to do with Bitcoin? can't use it as a daily currency.

>> No.54159112

With banking unironically dying for good this time, and obviously with everything becoming decentralized kek, it's over for centralfags, marlin will power everything up soon enough

>> No.54159174

as an europoor, we got inflation due to the supply side (supply chains) getting rekt.

I am not sure if the central bankers really think their interest rate changes will change anything, since those measures work only where there is a oversupply in demand.

So either we are made poorer faster by those interest rates or the central bankers have absolutely no clue how to handle the situation.

I mean after the experiment with negative interest rates, to devalue our currencies compared to the chinese (which devalue the renminbi in order to be more competitive since before the 2010s), we had to find a way to value risks again, since a lot of bs got pumped with that cheap money.

at one point everyone will have to sell some assets to keep their living standards, until then I am just thinking how nobody sold their cryptos in 2021. Anyway thanks for not selling (before me) haha

>> No.54159190

Realistically speaking you're delusional anon

>> No.54159220

If the Fed was smart they would have risen rate hikes at 1% a month back in 2021, now we have to deal with this for 5 years minimum and will probably never be able to have non-existent rates ever again if they want to keep up this ever increasing debt based economy stable.

>> No.54159249

Yet, anon, yet

>> No.54159258

If that happens in the future won't come thanks to that paki piece of shit, be real faggot

>> No.54159274

They printed so much cheap money for so long that the economy forgot how to produce. Most of the economy is services that provide nothing. Only real solution is to start a war and revert the economy back to manufacturing.

>> No.54159285

>as an europoor
That explains everything, no need to say more

>> No.54159288

>t. increasingly nervous Fed wagie

>> No.54159295

There will never be decentralized versions of your favorite things cuz Crypto is a fucking meme

>> No.54159326
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I've heard retardation is actually not a disease so you're just fine

>> No.54159351

>Most of the economy is services
It's actually fucking disgusting how far down that road we've gone.

>> No.54159390

Ever, anon, ever

>> No.54159418

2030 gay reset bring in ze cbdcs homir

>> No.54159449

this guy fucks. its painfully fucking obvious

>> No.54159467

Why are banks and people allowed to spend money they don't have? What happened to collateral? I thought you had to put up an asset if you were getting a loan?

>> No.54159710

With the total collapse of the Great Satan

>> No.54159999

so obvious innit? get ready for phase 2 of ghey reset boyz