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54151474 No.54151474 [Reply] [Original]

Can trans people survive an economic collapse?
Purely from a financial standpoint, the medical supply chains that keep these people "alive" (i.e. sated with hormone pills so they don't kill themselves in a tantrum) are pretty complex. As the collapse progresses and things get more scarce these medical supplies may increase in value
What biotechs to invest in? What hormones to stock up on to sell for gold, food and bussy?

>> No.54151512
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>> No.54151529

Can pol fags survive the impending economic collapse?
Purely from a neetbux standpoint, the family financial supply chains that keep these people "alive" (i.e. sated with tendies their mother cooks so they don't kill themselves and others in a tantrum that gets on national news) are pretty much reliant on the service economy and pension funds of their carers. As the collapse progresses and things get more scarce inflationary impact might hit the caged chicken reserves even harder
Invest in gun stocks for when they all try to elliot themselves at the same time?

>> No.54151543
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Seething trannies kek

>> No.54151561

son your tendies are ready come up to the kitchen

>> No.54151571

They would simply be called transvestites again.

>> No.54151576

>Can trans people survive an economic collapse?

firstly, theyre not "people" they're demons and no theyre incapable of surviving even during normal times without suiciding at before the age of 36

>> No.54151604
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>And these 'trannies', are they in the room with us now?

>> No.54151626

No, they’d try to whore themselves out but quickly realize they have absolutely no market value.
You have no idea how much public money goes into troons you seething trooncel

>> No.54151629

All trans “discussion”, on 4chan and in the real world, Is a psyop to distract from economic discussion. Both sides are equally guilty.

>> No.54151638

theyre in this thread with us now you're here

>> No.54151670
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Rent free obsessed freak

>> No.54151685

Gay men in general are kept gpi g by a very expensive drug called PREP that the rest of society subsidises. Never mind all the antibiotics they need for the various STIs they collect.

>> No.54151686
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I get this is a bait post but just wanted to let you know I'm 6ft3 and blonde, woke my girlfriend up by fucking her raw about an hour ago and you will never know what that feels like because you bought chainlink at $25 and you still think the new wave of commies coming will be culturally left wing.
Instead quazi left accelerationist zoomers will breed you wrong sized skull tranny fuckers out of the future gene pool and our large pool of children will slowly vote us into a market economy.
I'll have sold by then, but something tells me at that time you'll still be posting lepolface images on a certain thaiwanese raw mineral speculating forum

>> No.54151698
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Fuck yeah did you see what happened to that beautiful man?