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File: 51 KB, 770x431, gold_yellow-metal__precious-metal_gold-prices-1-770x431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54143787 No.54143787 [Reply] [Original]

Why do goldchads make so many investment bros seethe?

You realise that every top investment group and country in the world owns gold right? It's literally backed by the entire world.

>> No.54143802

Because they don't want slow and steady returns. They want 100x swings until they blow up their acct and then come here to cry about it

>> No.54143840

investment bros are a manufactured product of the system, and are conditioned to hate naything that threatens the system

>> No.54143866

Because they don't get it. To understand gold you have to have multiple levels of experience. I grew up Mormon so we've always understood prepping and the inherent value of sound money. Then I've also traveled to several other countries and have seen inflation and failing currencies first hand. Then you have to have enough intelligence to move outside the herd, to look and think as a wealthy person.

These crypto faggots and meme stock people and even boomer blue chip America centric focused type people are all just cattle feeding at the trough. We all saw this coming three years ago. I positioned accordingly and I've taken some heavy hits to my portfolio with silver, gold, and uranium miners about 50% but I know I'm going to make assloads of money in the next three years.

>> No.54143906

Gold for example was the only investment class last year that didn't go down and now you have crypto retards saying still that bitcpin is going to 60k and to buy the dip and cancerous toxic bullfags on every stock thread hyping about muh pivot and muh interest rates when they can't even understand what that means. They're trades are crowded, bloated and sick.

Gold on the other hand is there, undervalued, and solid. I will enjoy watching them lose everything and panic because they can't figure out their head from their ass.

>> No.54143930

Because trannies like gold and silver, and NPC chuds are programmed to hate everything that is associated with trannies

>> No.54143942

Trannies are much more likely to like onions filled bitcoin actually. Only hard motherfuckers like gold. The ones that realize this society is fake and gay, and propped up by fake and gay vapors.

>> No.54143945
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because gold barely beats inflation and sometimes completely falls behind while boomers talk about how their shitty rock is supposed to be invulnerable.

Price of Gold is down 0.3% since a year ago while inflation since last year has cumulatively gone up 9% fucking kek

>> No.54144051

And then you get laughing morons like this with a time horizon of only the last two years.

>> No.54144104

>Price of Gold is down 0.3% since a year ago while inflation since last year has cumulatively gone up 9% fucking kek

And what have your other inevstments done?

If you had any understanding of history, you'd be looking at past time horizons similar to ours. Then you'd realize the 1970's is probably the most applicable. Then you'd see that gold is doing exactly what it did back then too. It went down for a year, was flat for a year, and then was one of the best performing assets of the entire decade along with energy.

I'm sorry but you're an npc and a sheep. I hate to break the news to you but you serve no purpose on this planet other than consuming. It's best if you just were to remove yourself from this planet.

>> No.54144133

Gold is the real deal, in the event of a real collapse goldchads will get the last laugh, Bitcoin cucks will starve.

>> No.54144199
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>> No.54144233

ok. but why the seethe?

>> No.54144271

>from 2008-2023 the price of gold has gone from $700 per ounce to $1918 today, a gain of 274%
>From 2008-2023 the price of the VTI index fund has gone from $31/share to $200/share today, a gain of 645%

>> No.54144286

Now divide by the inflation rate per year

>> No.54144290

mostly because goldfags are smug

>> No.54144305

ok, go all in on index funds bro
im sure that'll work out in the coming years

>> No.54144325

the end of this year is actually the perfect time to invest into an index fund, near the bottom after the fed has pivoted

>> No.54144328

Because we've had to endure toxic retardation from you other people for years on end. We weren't smug and we were just trying to make our gains and move on, yet you crypto niggers and faggots had to attack us and now we're tired of it. We Wang to watch you fail now because you've polluted every outlet with your incessant retardation. And we will enjoy every bit

>> No.54144345

>not understanding cyclical changes

Yeah so I'm sure stocks will continue to be a good investment right?

>> No.54144367

>not understanding that markets continue to crash after a fed pivot.

I think you should go all in anon. You clearly know what the best investments are.

>> No.54144369


>> No.54144389

Yeah but gold isn't stocks though. Gold has always had value. Its the most stable investment on the planet since its in the interest of every single government on the planet that gold remains stable.

>> No.54144444

neither of these things are what's about to happen, these are the past
last time the fed did what it's doing now, gold tripled and stocks crashed

>> No.54144507

Gold fags can fuck themselves. ROSE is already out performing it YTD. But yeah enjoy your pussy ass stable boomer rocks. That shit is so 700BC. Get with the time, Jews.

>> No.54144756

look at these gets

>> No.54144797

Yes I'm sure crypto is the best investment. Especially one that no one's ever heard of.

>> No.54144955

10000 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54144982

i dont get it , becuase you pay more for gold than the price of gold when you buy it and you get less than the price of gold when you sell it , unless you baught really low and are selling really high your not making any money , and if it just sittig in a vault its not money

>> No.54146001

You don't need multiple levels of experience to know the Fiat system is horseshit

>> No.54146510

At one point no one ever heard of btc and Eth, Jew. Gold is primitive.

>> No.54147008

Most people just aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about. And if they don't have something to bitch about they'll find something.
Even me. This comment bitching about everybody else's bitching has made me happy. :)

>> No.54147031

Well, well, well, it looks like we've got a self-proclaimed "goldchad" here, spouting off nonsense about how gold is the greatest investment of all time. Let me tell you something, my dear misguided friend: just because "every top investment group and country in the world owns gold," doesn't mean it's a smart investment for individuals.

First of all, gold doesn't generate any income. That's right, ZERO. It just sits there, looking shiny and pretty. Meanwhile, stocks, bonds, and even some real estate investments can provide a steady stream of income through dividends, interest, or rental income.

Secondly, gold is subject to wild price swings, and can be incredibly volatile. In fact, it's not uncommon for gold to lose value for years at a time. Meanwhile, well-diversified portfolios can weather market volatility and provide more stable returns over the long term.

And finally, let's not forget that gold doesn't have any intrinsic value. Sure, it's been used as currency for thousands of years, but in today's world, it's just a shiny metal. Its value is entirely based on supply and demand, and can be influenced by a variety of factors, from geopolitical tensions to changes in interest rates.

So, to sum up: just because "every top investment group and country in the world owns gold," doesn't mean it's a wise investment for individuals. If you want to be a smart investor, you need to diversify your portfolio, focus on investments that generate income, and avoid putting all your eggs in one shiny, volatile basket.

>> No.54147070
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Whatever you say anon...

>> No.54147252

The trick is you buy a burner phone, put up a bunch of "CASH 4 GOLD $$$" posters around town, then make money on the margins. Just don't let any of the crackheads you're buying from figure out where you live. They will follow you

>> No.54147272

If you travel, you quickly realize that 99% of the world outside the USA is complete shit:

>> No.54147283

Because they don't make any money yet act like they are smart

>> No.54147392

>not judging on a scale of all of human history

>> No.54147465

It’s called a bid/ask spread retard even stocks have that

>> No.54147720

Because gold covers like 80% of a minor bank`s money and like 60% of a big bank money
Gold is like $35 to 40 and they sell it at $50 to buyers so it`s like 50% of a big bank

If you buy gold you are sustaining the guys who suppress gold, congrats
Don`t buy american or canadian gold unless you buy it straight from the blue collar worker

>> No.54147836
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>> No.54148022

>but in todays world

Todays world is about to be turned on it’s head.

>> No.54150179

Jokes on you, I can pay for bills and services with my Bitcoin can you do that with your gold?

>> No.54150204

The average crypto fag lost 80% of their portfolio in a year

>> No.54150323
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Gold isn't a investment. It is money. You can invest in a gold mine but not gold directly.

If you attain more purchasing power by holding gold what actually happened is the things you want to buy with gold just became cheaper.

>> No.54150335

Gold is a commodity. You can really only speculate on the future supply and demand of the thing rather than actually return any sort of economic growth. You're just betting people will need gold more in the future than they do now

>> No.54150384

Also grew up mormon and in the same boat. If you are only putting money in fag coins and the market and have no gun(if you can get one in your country) gold and silver and a years worth of food at bare minimum you are never gonna make it.

>> No.54150410

Crypto payment platforms like CryptMi, Alchemy Pay and Binance pay makes this quite possible, but it's unfortunate clowns are sleeping on them.

>> No.54150439
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Yes. Gold is commodity money. Money historically has always been the most tradable commodity.

>> No.54151107

I invest in smug, it's a bull market

>> No.54151170

I tried gold but it's shit. I lost money on it last year when inflation went crazy and I bought some when Russia invaded gay ass Ukrainewarts. I'll never buy something that's clearly at the top ever again. PS nothing in this world matters, it's a Jewish scam just like anything else with a graph of red and green lines, and it's going to 0, just like everything.

>> No.54151189

Ah yes you're right. Surely you should go all in. You have the confidence to do that right? I could go all in on gold and not lose a minute of sleep.

>> No.54152441
File: 39 KB, 474x355, 94Ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question is, when has anything EVER became cheaper? EVER? Nothing in my life has ever became more affordable. Except when Trump was in office amd gas went down. I'm 36 years old and I remember gas being .89 FUCKING CENTS A GALLON IN 2000. FFS YOU COULD BUY A FORD RANGER BRAND NEW FOR 8000 DOLLARS IN 1994. My dad did that and was able to drive it for 20 years and save up for a nice house. He then gave it to me and I drove it for a few years.

I'll stack as much gold and silver as I can afford becasue they cant fucking destroy it's value. It will always be needed and sought after. The value of gold will only increase the more retarded things become.

>> No.54152488

Yes. Many states see the CBDC slave system incoming and are preparing.

-(Nashville, Tennessee, USA – January 12th, 2023) - Building on the success of passing a full sales tax exemption on precious metals (HB 1874 and SB 1857) in 2022, lawmakers in Tennessee have set their sights on another pro-sound money effort: an in-state bullion depository.

-A bill introduced in the Missouri Senate for the 2023 legislative session would take important steps toward treating gold and silver as money instead of as commodities and would set the stage for currency competition in the Show-Me State.

Sen. William Eigel (R) filed SB100 last month. The legislation would take several steps to encourage the use of gold and silver as money in Missouri, including making it legal tender, eliminating the state capital gains tax on gold and silver, and establishing a state bullion depository.

Many more states to follow.

>> No.54153639

Do United Statesians really believe this? America is a shithole. Of course it looks good compared to Ecuador. I guess those are the type of countries you and your parents hail from.

>> No.54154357

Because investment bros don’t understand economics well enough to understand that gold isn’t an investment: it’s money. It holds its value against depreciating currency because it’s incredibly stable. That’s all. If you want to gamble your money, you can make it or lose it, or you can just save what you have with gold.

>> No.54154401

I shoulda bought bitcoin so I could be down 66%

>> No.54154490

oil and oil products became cheaper when standard oil was still a thing

>> No.54154624

Show me a chart that compares the price of gold to USD that takes inflation into account, and i'll consider buying gold

>> No.54154981
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dis nigga a mormon

>> No.54155020

>when has anything EVER became cheaper?
During the great depression

>> No.54155053

You dont want prices to go down anon deflation is terrifying

>> No.54155077

Bitcoin is worth more than gold and silver combined.
I own gold and silver but I watch my BTC go from 1k to 2k in less than three months.
Gold is still well under 2k and btc is over 20k right now.
Please kill yourself for being fat AND STUPID.

>> No.54155106
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>Because they don't want slow and steady returns. They want 100x swings until they blow up their acct and then come here to cry about it

>> No.54155238
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So my 1.8k in bitcoin and shiba inu just went to 4k USD while my gold I bought at 1.8k is still barely 2k.
Thanks for the gold, gold chads, but I'll keep my crypto, my silver and gold.
Cryptocurrency for making money.
Silver and gold for storing and hedge against inflation.
I was gonna call op a fat, dumb, lazy faggoy, but let's be honest.
Niggas with the most opinions have the least.

>> No.54155275

I turn my shitty paychecks into more money.
Gold and silver have been stagnant compared to crypto.
>Hurr durr, cryptocurrency exchanges bad!
No, you picked a scammy, scummy fucking brokerage not backed by the SEC.
Coinbase? Backed by the SEC.

>> No.54155305

Another thing: if gold was so "valuable", then it wouldn't be so easy to buy. All these places that have the gold are selling them to whoever wants to buy it.
There's no market for trading gold/silver in exchange for goods/services, and until that happens, then we're going to be stuck with government inflation.
If you want gold/silver to do better than USD, you're going to have to figure out ways to buy/sell things in exchange for gold.

>> No.54155311
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>Gold for example was the only investment class last year that didn't go down and now you have crypto retards saying still that bitcpin is going to 60k
You could have made thousands of dollars in a few weeks buying BTC, tens of thousands if you bought last December during that crash to 16k.
Fuck you, fuck 4chan, you guys are the dumbest, fat, trust fund retards ever.
Gold is still under 2k.

>> No.54155321

Which crypto currencies have been up this year or last year?

>> No.54155323
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>when they can't even understand what that means.
Projection. Learn to debate, faggot.

>> No.54155344

this. and if silver was worth bending over to pick up they wouldnt have to trick fucktards into buying it by putting capeshit on it

>> No.54155358

Gold is not a good investment, it's a good business. Kikes make money selling gold at a premium and buying at a discount. They have a little pouch of gold but other than that they don't hoard it. They convince the goyim to buy their inventory and have nonstop 24/7 goldbug propaganda running on sites like this.

>> No.54155364

last two years > two more weeks

>> No.54155396
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>Trannies are much more likely to like onions filled bitcoin actually
Trannies have no money, you fat fuck.
Gold is expensive and is mostly used in overpriced jewelry.
Silver have industrial usage but let's be fair, Silver could double to 44 dollars an ounce and that's still nothing to bitcoin.
I've seen btc pump two grand and dump three grand in less than a day.
Gold? Silver? Takes years for any sort of price movement.
WHY? Industrial use and weight, that's why.
It's a store of value and the Governments are heavy in the metals.
It's got its uses but I'd rather put my money on BTC.

>> No.54155447

> he wants to zoom out
Oh no no no...

>> No.54155464

thats why crypto doesn't use graphic art to sell fake digital coins, right?

>> No.54155493

If your investment thesis involves the collapse of society then you really need to rethink your strategy. It will be the rule of steel and lead which are dirt cheap right now.

>> No.54155526

In the long run yeah. You're a goldbug. Surely you understand long time horizons.

>> No.54155535

please state your shit question in the form of an actual argument

>> No.54155609

1. "gold and silver are so useless they have to make capeshit figures to sell them
2. crypto follows the exact same rule

is crypto shit for graphic design or is only silver/gold shit for graphic design?

>> No.54155647

I bought Bitcoin back in 2019. I'm up about 100% on my average cost basis.

>> No.54155678

Bitcoin is up this year.

>> No.54155824
File: 151 KB, 1072x787, Stocks up 1-year_2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it's down a LOT for the last year.
All of these stocks are up considerably over 1-year.
How many people invested in them though?

>> No.54155887


>> No.54156097

If you purchased gold between the years of 1998 to 2002, or in 2022, you'd have beaten the stock market. If you do the "risk-adjusted returns" calculation, the range of years is much greater. Depending on when you buy, it's a much better investment than stocks.

>> No.54156148

If you bought gold eight years earlier when it was $280, you'd have beaten the market. Buying assets when they're "on sale" relative to other assets is very important for making safe gains.

>> No.54156176

Their argument is
>just zoom out bro
Then when you find that picture fucked up they just bash something else.
>it's better than X
Gold is peak midwit shit.

>> No.54156230

What do you suggest as opposed to pms?