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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 640x764, 1678898348590632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54149032 No.54149032 [Reply] [Original]

(pic related is average pol incel)

>> No.54149041

Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams

>> No.54149052
File: 36 KB, 364x435, bochud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rate hike freeze
>stocks collapse
>banks collapse
>hoomz collapse
>btc crabs
>people hold their breath

>> No.54149056


>> No.54149071
File: 74 KB, 828x1024, Before and after expulsion of Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is always welcome here

>> No.54149094
File: 7 KB, 200x201, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only pretending to be a chudposter

>> No.54149105
File: 254 KB, 280x280, 628CC654-BD50-48BF-ADA5-DDDE34C84FD8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54149114

Sneeth and dieearly

>> No.54149116

This is politically incorrect finance, tranny

>> No.54149120
File: 549 KB, 1342x1774, 1619140132139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /Pol/ so hated bros? Every board talks like this even /k/

>> No.54149141
File: 307 KB, 630x440, 1678940416011735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(pic related is average pol incel)

>> No.54149193

You will never have a womb

>> No.54149238

>I hate tranny's so much I think about them constantly and will always bring them up
Rent free

>> No.54149264

Literally being psy-op'ed into being obsessed over trannies by never trump cucks like Ben Shapiro. The absolute state of the right wing

>> No.54149280

using incel as an insult is pretty dated when statistically speaking the person calling you an incel is himself probably also an incel. everyones an incel now it's the new normal

>> No.54149294

nah about 50% too skinny

>> No.54149314

It’s not about being accurate it’s about using the lowest amount of effort to cause maximum asspain

>> No.54149343

This is something a /news fag glownigger would post

>> No.54149363

no it's like a black guy calling another black guy a nigger

>> No.54149365


>> No.54149390

/biz/ is basically a /pol/ spinoff, newfag. I remember when crypto threads were constantly on /pol/

>> No.54149391
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1571104572386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/? Never heard of him. Now let me tell you about the Jews.

>> No.54149403

Keked and saved
What cute and funny anime is this?

>> No.54149462

it's an isekai about hitler waking up in another world and genociding the hook nosed goblins

>> No.54149482

been seeing quite a lot of government issued posts on /biz/ ever since the banks started collapsing.

>> No.54149504

nothings collapsing, biden has it all well under control. as long as we continue to place our well deserved trust in our venerable financial and political institutions we'll come out of this fine. any problems we are having can be blamed on russia and the unvaccinated

>> No.54149535

agreed comrade. the party organs issued the correct numbers as always. the politburo is always correct in any case. following the party line and fulfilling the work quotas in line with the 5 year plan of the central government is the duty of us all.

>> No.54149540

Unfortunately most people are deranged commies of some flavor, even the right wing people are commies, so I support the current system lol
America has a lot of shitty policies but it could be a lot worse

>> No.54149566

too obvious
tastefully subtle
one of you has what it takes for a promising career in information management, apply today by sending your resume by email to literally anywhere

>> No.54149580
File: 81 KB, 712x453, real incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are lefties wrong everytime?

>> No.54149593

I was here before you.
Kill yourself you fucking piece of shit nigger tourist jeet faggot.

>> No.54149612

Kek. Sad state of chuds

>> No.54149647

<posts /pol post to tell pol faggots to get out

>> No.54149694
File: 127 KB, 918x640, attack_of_the_pol_user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54149720
File: 164 KB, 1300x866, Chud after LINK moons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds rule!

>> No.54149727

/pol/ and /biz/ are two sides of the same shekel. Wherever the jew goes money follows.

>> No.54149752

Am I wrong though? Seriously, the average American would respond to the state of things by putting price controls into place, nationalizing shit, etc. It's a lot better run than the USSR was and that piece of shit collapsing was a disaster for most

>> No.54149821

>pol incel
Why won't they have sex?

>> No.54149828

No they aren't nigger brained faggot.

>> No.54150057

You faggots might as well be trannies though lol. Right wingers live rent free in your minds and you obsess about them in the daily hehe

>> No.54150070

You have never met a tranny in your entire life

>> No.54150106
File: 109 KB, 533x385, 1678138970889402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.54150110

>>54149264 #
>You faggots might as well be trannies though lol
Rent free chud

>> No.54150115

Hey trannys, how do I profit from your thread?

>> No.54150124

This meme has never worked against /pol/.

>> No.54150128

>rent free chud
Rent free tranny xd. Say hi to the rest of the groomers in discord for me lmao

>> No.54150142
File: 324 KB, 865x842, 1653595514181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54150149
File: 223 KB, 2048x956, 20221222_013008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme misuses the term transvestigator, a transvestigator is a trans-obsessed schizo who tries to sus out trans people

>> No.54150154
File: 12 KB, 395x581, 1624263914099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spotted the /pol/cel

>> No.54150177
File: 51 KB, 890x464, 1678581122184435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lots of sex and I have lots of money looool trannies are the ultimate incels, imagine needing to change genders in order to cope with being a loser hahahah

>> No.54150241

>i have lots of sex
lol no you don't
the only people having sex are the ones paid to put it on pornhub, everyone else is just larping to sound cool and it's not believable enough to work anymore. sex is a meme and in real life nobody is having any

>> No.54150255 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 365x293, 1678695842379720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebbit tourists like yourself first

>> No.54150268

>im chronically online, how could you tell?
Get it the fuck together dude

>> No.54150281

none of these /pol/ tourist have any skin in the game, they're just posting whatever inane trash comes to their mind with no stakes on the outcome because the only thing that makes them feel better are things happening to distract them from their failure of a life

>> No.54150293

>t. DCA troon sitting in the red

>> No.54150298

Post selfie. I'm willing to bet you're a transvestite aka mentally ill faggot

>> No.54150310
File: 91 KB, 488x864, 1668713851471941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you irl

>> No.54150329
File: 126 KB, 359x286, gpt-4-bot-thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Trump would be way better than Biden pol is right and ukraine will never beat russia.

>> No.54150344

Oh my god... mods... BAN HIM

>> No.54150352

>pol cels have no skin in the game!
>wait no pol cels are doomer bobos trying to capitalize on the downfall of society!
>wait no i mean uhhh!!!
You faggots cant even keep it straight lmao which is it

>> No.54150363
File: 416 KB, 2069x2681, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is /pol/, all your base are belong to us.

>> No.54150373

it's almost as if finance and politics are intertwined somehow

>> No.54150383

>pol cels have no skin in the game!
>wait no pol cels are doomer bobos trying to capitalize on the downfall of society!

Nothing mutually exclusive about these. When I was an poorfag I wished for society to implode all the time, precisely because I didn't have any skin in the game

>> No.54150505

anyone who uses that meme is an autofaggot which is not shocking since it was posted by OP, get fucked cancer (t ancientfag)

>> No.54150523

If I open a short, praytell, dumb faggot, how is that considered "no skin in the game"? I know you enjoy hearing yourself speak but my god everyone thinks youre an idiot when you do.

>> No.54150640

>he believes normies when they pretend they're having sex
they have to pretend they're having sex or they get kicked out of being normies and normies must conform to what they think is normal even when its not normal anymore. once they see the statistics and realize nobody is getting laid and not getting laid is normal now then they'll stop pretending.

>> No.54150710

/biz/ intertwines with /pol/ because jews and the financial system. You have to be redpilled on Jews or you are a faggot.
Anyone who isn’t aware of the jq is ngmi

>> No.54151166
File: 93 KB, 678x515, 1678954769471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glowies, bunker trannies, redditors, and sjw in general hate them with a passion, for obvious reasons. It's full of slide threads and you really have to dig through metric tons of shit to find interesting threads nowadays. Like most popular boards to he honest.

And current /k/ has been subjugated by war tourists and glowies, it's just an unmoderated reddit with hatespeech allowed now.

>> No.54151195

>It's full of slide threads and you really have to dig through metric tons of shit to find interesting threads nowadays. Like most popular boards to he honest.
Almost as if boards that attract newfags are mostly shit boards with shitty threads. At least /b/ of old admitted to being a shitty board filled with retards, the difference is that /pol/tards think they're God's gift to the planet and any shitty threads on your board must be the work of raiding trannies/leftists/blackrock/glowies/JIDF/k/lgbt/whatever boogeyman you have in mind this month.
No, /pol/ is shit and is disliked by the rest of 4chan because it's full of unironic newfags, most of them latino zoomers or actual boomers and all of them are too full of themselves. A board that can't laugh at itself is a board that will get laughed at by everyone else.
You will never belong on this website.

>> No.54151204

This desu, the idea of being politically incorrect is deeply embedded in chan culture. If that's not your thing >>54149032 you can fuck off to reddit

>> No.54151217

No Ivan your failed invasion of Ukraine doesn't make everyone else "Glowies, bunker trannies, redditors, and sjw".
No Ivan you won't deflect from raiding this way either.

>> No.54151230

>/biz/ belongs to commie re dditors
>only /pol/ is rightwing here
Baka baka

>> No.54151236

You're too dumb for politics, "liberal" bolshevik.

>> No.54151242

stupid bobo

>> No.54151245

/pol/ is where I am when I'm not on /biz/, glowniggers of every kind are active on both boards.

>> No.54151261

>as long as we continue to place our well deserved trust in our venerable financial and political institutions
Isn't he using the fbi and dhs to silence wrongthinkers online, violate the first amendment and harass his political opponents? Aren't they just the dem's secret police at this point?

>> No.54151267
File: 190 KB, 549x683, commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol incel

>> No.54151282

No poltard being annoyed by your raids doesn't make everyone commie redditors.
No poltard /pol isn't even right-wing.

>> No.54151293
File: 2.55 MB, 960x720, zelensky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This i the faggot you're shilling for too lol

>> No.54151294

You haven't figured out that you can visit both boards? I only see you leftypol actually raiding this place, faggot.

>> No.54151310
File: 96 KB, 1024x975, its da chods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54151323

As shit as it is, /pol/ is still better than /int/. If you disagree you're a fag.

>> No.54151328

Where else am I supposed to discuss politics, retard?

>> No.54151342

You weren't on /b/ faggot shut the fuck up. I have been here since 2005, and there is a consistent migration of oldfags that travel the boards. You would know this if you were such a fucking kike, but you are, and it's why your kikey dick mutilated ass feels the need to attempt to revise history.

>> No.54151345

I try to keep on topic on different boards but faggots like you make it hard.
>I'm not wrong it's all <insert boogeyman here>
Go to therapy for narcissism, seriously

>> No.54151354


>> No.54151358

don't say that as if /pol/tards don't also use /v/, /g/, /tv/, /biz/... to bitch about politics
in fact, I'd go so far as to say that these boards have more political discussion, because /pol/tards themselves are more preoccupied arguing over the aesthetics of LARPing as a Christian, complaining about women and queers, and "dropping out of society", as though they chose to be social rejects

>> No.54151359

Thank fuck someone says it right, /biz/ is better than /pol/ though
/a/'s a lost cause now. Its like reddit there.

>> No.54151366

the hell is going on

>> No.54151374

and "dropping out of society", as though they chose to be social rejects
I think anyone who has been here long enough recognizes that "society" is fake and gay, unironically and have at least cleaned over uncle ted's work. I bet a lot of anons took criminology electives in school.

>> No.54151384

/biz/ is dead and filled with coin pajeets which are horrible and got really bad during 2021, they still linger heavily

>> No.54151391

kikes malding because they got reported to the SEC. all the big gay shit flooding places that can be seen as "off-topic" is because of chicago's Providence Research LLC.

>> No.54151396

Of course I was never on /b/, it was a shit fucking board.
>there is a consistent migration of oldfags that travel the boards
No election tourist will ever become an oldfag.
Get on HRT and get your dick surgically removed, you'll never use it anyway.
The notion of someone being here since 2005 and thinking /pol/ is a quality board is fucking laughable. Enjoying your board of 16 year old nonwhite zoomers pretending to be Catholics?

>> No.54151412

>abloobloo technology bad
Says the faggot spending his time on a board about trading fake internet money, while spending most of his free time on the computer.
I am done with this discussion. I actually have a job to do believe it or not, and spending time taking to cookie cutter carbon copy NPCs of the tradcath tedpilled minecraft-playing zoomer with no sapience is not a good use of my time.

>> No.54151419

You sound like a retarded faggot, have fun at your "job" lol retard

>> No.54151430

It's not that technology is bad, it's that society has focused on optimizing output to the point that it has destroyed the incentives for it to exist in the first place.

>> No.54151436

No poltard you aren't provoking terrorism.

>> No.54151442

Thank you I will. Enjoy building brown bricks in minecraft in the meantime, the most epin of all tradcath video games that sets my heckin faustian spirit all aflutter.

>> No.54151448

the word you're looking for is "inciting", but you wouldn't know that, because you're an illiterate kike.

>> No.54151454

Send me a link to your discord server, faggots, I want to laugh at you

>> No.54151456

is your job sucking the rest of the dirty kikes in your tel aviv office while you try to sway sentiment on a board that doesn't even house the boogie men you're kike screeching about?