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54148325 No.54148325 [Reply] [Original]

Post degrees (no more than associates), certificates, and occupations that a retarded 30 year old high school dropout out failure with no skills and no particular natural aptitude toward anything could plausibly pursue in hope of making 40-50k per year in the US.

>> No.54148343

People with master degrees barley make a fucking living (60k a year). Good luck lmao

>> No.54148362

Masters in what?

>> No.54148376

McDonald's is paying 19 an hour in my area. That's 40k a year. I'm currently making 18.50 an hour working for the town dump.

>> No.54148393

Become a lineman. The pay is 120k/year to start. It only takes about 4 months of training to get the job.

>> No.54148439

Thanks but I don't want to get electrocuted.

>> No.54148507
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work in a warehouse. 40k to 50k, no skills/certs needed. just dont be a felon or noticeably drunk/high

>> No.54148526

>just dont be a felon or noticeably drunk/high
most warehouses dont care about this

>> No.54148540

I want to get out of manual labor

>> No.54148565

Become a commercial electrician. Pays less but you don't work with the shit that will kill you, unless you lock onto it that is.

>> No.54148612

Yeah, I've made more trading crypto than with my biology master's degree. Never made more than $50k a year teaching for a decade.

>> No.54148646

Bookkeeper. Pays like $20 hr and is easy

>> No.54148993

I know a woman with phd in anthropology. Shes a major in the army.

>> No.54149030
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your point? Having a degree doesn't mean you have useful skills. Why do people cope over this so much?

>> No.54149083


>> No.54149145

I have an associates in political science and I have a certification for paralegal studies. I worked as a legal assistant for about two years making 40k. currently at uni getting my bachelors in political science and philosophy.

>> No.54149159

I just turned 30, you can do the same. it is never too late to go back to school anon.

>> No.54149180

Security+, Google Associate Cloud Engineer. Get into cybersecurity. Neither are that hard. You could start with the Google Associate Cloud Engineer to get used to the lingo a little. Maybe do A+ first if you've never touched a computer before.

>> No.54149191

Got a degree from art school
Making 22k gbp from working for the UK equivalent of the irs.
Things could be worse.

>> No.54149203

6 month certification
Currently at like 80k

>> No.54149631

>retarded 30 year old high school dropout out failure with no skills and no particular natural aptitude toward anything
>I want to get out of manual labor
Tough shit wagie. Break is over. Get back to work. Ditches don't dig themselves.

>> No.54149676


So don’t hang on? Sometimes the neutral is more deadly then the hot.

Don’t ever grab a outlet by the screws! It will zap you!! Grab it by the wings

>> No.54149683


Associates, construction management. Apply for project engineer at a GC.

>> No.54149705

Hmrc nigga

>> No.54149717

Python and cloud certificates.
AWS people post vouchers for free exam if you complete free training on the official website.
GCP/Azure don't give out free vouchers. GCP is probably the easiest to start with. AWS is gold standard.

Python can be learned for free using youtube or cheap udemy courses.

>> No.54149732

associate's in engineering technology

become cad monkey, you can make 50k a year

>> No.54149756

Can you recommend a python course?

>> No.54149800

These days the bare minimum is a bachelors

>> No.54149999

I tried youtube, but it did not work out for me that much.
I learned python by taking 2 or 3 courses on udemy. I think they were in the top 5 results if you search python there. Each course was about $15 and it took me a while to wrap my head around some concepts and get used to debugging/googling errors.

Before buying a course always watch a preview because sometimes instructors have annoying voices.

>> No.54150063


>> No.54150073
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forklift certificate.

>> No.54150635

I would kill myself if I only made 50k

>> No.54150644

I like that the cat has his on pillow by the computer

>> No.54153204

They invested 100k into their education and make shit cash LOL. It’s to demoralize that goy OP.

>> No.54153252

Having a degree SHOULD mean you have useful skills. Academic institutions need to stop ripping people off.

>> No.54153267

i drive forklifts and make 60k a year. kind of sick of this cope by people with degrees that they cant find better work.

>> No.54153307

I make roughly 90k driving a garbage truck. Go get a CDL.

>> No.54153333

CNC machinist. Usually a 1 year certificate program at a community college, although you can go back later for the 2 year associates to become a CNC programmer. Massive demand right now and huge shortage of machinists. Can easily make $20 an hour right after the program, and there are always opportunities to make lots of overtime at 1.5x pay.

>> No.54153369

that's a nice cat
>i don't have a degree either, or skills, but am a qc manager in manufacturing - took quite a few years and some extra certs i got on my own; learn excel for a start

>> No.54153372

Learn a trade. Become a plumber or an electrician.
>I want to get out of manual labor
Tough shit. If you've got no particular skills or aptitude for anything and you're already 30, your options are limited. At least by learning a trade and joining a union you'll have a chance to make a decent living, have benefits and a pension.

>> No.54153403

The redpill is that unless you’re willing to work 60+ hours in a professional setting after years of education your way to make cash is invest what you get from your job

>> No.54153541

Forklift driver would fit your description very well.
If you really apply yourself you could look into air traffic control. They make fuckin bank allegedly in exchange for being a job with one of the highest stressing environment.

>> No.54153954

I went back to school at 30 for IT and interned in security. I have a remote job paying 80k where I work 3 hours a week now since there's so much red tape by the government. It's awesome. And isn't that technical since it's risk assessment. Highly recommend for career switchers

>> No.54153961

Become a water operator. Look it up. Do your state's certification and enjoy making 80k a year doing almost nothing.

>> No.54154057

I have a bachelors degree in math and economics and made 6 figures right out of college as a portfolio analyst. 85k with a 30% bonus. The masters degrees you’re talking about are in history, women’s studies, sociology, etc.

>> No.54154173

The reason for this is because women go on to grad school for useless bullshit and bring everything down with them.

>> No.54154197

People do have useful skills. If you went to college, you DO know how to use outlook and excel and computers. The ripoff comes from businesses asking people "do you have 4 years of experience as an excel drone" which doesn't make any fucking sense unless they never intended to hire anyone and the US economy is fake.

>> No.54154306


I do this but make $255k/yr.

CISSP and Masters degree should double your income on the spot

>> No.54154396

If you're 30 don't fucking go to college. Get your class A cdl or something cheap and simple and make decent pay.

>> No.54154582

but it will be extremely awkward when you're one of the oldest there. most people there will basically be kids

>> No.54154614

I'm one year from cissp. I refuse to do a masters though. I've been doing RMF for 4 years and still only make 80

>> No.54154673

Did you do this? I’m seriously considering this, I’m autistic and love water. How do I go about this?

>> No.54154697

I got my G.E.D. at 20 after 0 highschool and got to apply for FAFSA as an independent because I was homeless. that paid full tuition at a local community College plus food money. every summer I applied to NSF REU's, that's food+housing+7k (at the time) and research experience. transfered to university with scholarships for good grades, keep doing summer REU's and work in a research lab. My uni let me take 3 graduate classes in undergrad, went direct to ph.d at the same school. got research assistant job, that's 30k+tuition+insurance for 20 hours a week. ask a ton of questions about where the money is coming from. in my case it was DoD, so I just made my research about the job I was doing. basic research for DoD. since I've been working full time on dissertation since I graduated I'm defending next year, 8 years after getting GED, with ongoing bidding wars between the various DoD labs that have been funding my department.
it's a fuckin meme that academia requires any particular mental aptitude. literally anyone can read papers, google the words they don't know, and understand the SOTA. go into computer science, find the tech that the people with money want to see, study that. self driving cars, masked autoencoders, transformers, intrusion detection systems, language models, etc. in 4 years you get a B.S. in comp Sci and study the buzzwords and you'll have a million offers.

>> No.54154739

Why wouldn't you get a useful degree? You didn't learn your lesson? Fucking philosophy

>> No.54155026

>look into air traffic control
You just suggested one of the few jobs that has an entry age cutoff. I'm pretty sure most airports hiring controllers aren't hiring above 28yo anymore. Not joking

>> No.54155099

Obvious ones would be trade certs or IT certs.
Ignore dummies like this >>54149717 saying that programming is an option (at least, to start). 90% of companies hiring software engineers won't even bother to look at your resume if you don't have a degree. If you go into IT, you can learn to be a script kiddie on the job and transition from there but you need the IT certs to get your foot in the door.

>> No.54155139

literally any white collar job pays 60k now

>> No.54155187


ISSO roles in Oklahoma pay 6 figures. If you’re doing RMF and making less than 6 figures you’re getting fucked.

No one knows the difference between CISSP and CISSP associate. They both meet IAM II for ISSM roles.

Also you can get a masters degree from WGU in 6 months.

My recommendation is to look for a new job and ask for $125k. Accept no less than $110k.

Use tuition reimbursement from your new company to attend WGU and get a masters for free.

CISSP is legitimately difficult. But with RMF experience it should actually be easy. I did mine by reading the Sybex book and doing a paid flashcard app. Cost me $60 and 2 month of hardcore studying.

Best of luck mate. Soon you’ll have government cucks on their knees begging to pay you more money.

>> No.54155251
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>> No.54157102

*town cum dump

>> No.54157178

Merchant marines, brother. Where do you live? If you live near any of the large waterways or coasts, you should be able to find a job, no experience or education required. Prior marine experience is obviously preferred, but it's not a dealbreaker. Just takes some more time and more grit to get in.