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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54143182 No.54143182 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, someone said it.


>> No.54143217

What no dick does to a roastie

>> No.54143218
File: 18 KB, 406x596, 1678035830472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally, someone said it.

>> No.54143228

fuck off

>> No.54143249
File: 536 KB, 517x776, 29154 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally, someone said it.

>> No.54143254

So this is chuds queen???

>> No.54143256

based stacy making all the pronouns faggots seethe

>> No.54143290

The whore is correct.
Mentally ill trannies are unfit for the workplace.

>> No.54143306

Why are brown people so annoying online bit so nice and submissive irl?

>> No.54143315

kys simp. Women shall never speak before a man

>> No.54143327
File: 3.85 MB, 2575x2575, 1627723064661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are brown people so annoying online bit so nice and submissive irl?

>> No.54143332

Whenever I see pronouns I just assume the person is retarded. That and a white woman because nobody else does that.

>> No.54143341

Seethe tranny your delusions have no basis in reality.

>> No.54143342
File: 338 KB, 969x1275, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think more normies are starting to realize this. it's also why reddit has been pushing more obnoxious tranny bullshit into the public's eye at every opportunity.

>> No.54143356

Let love rule.

>> No.54143361
File: 758 KB, 977x604, 7BEBF5BC-0DF8-4325-9E28-49E830A145B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.54143364

>phone rings
>picks up phone
>>"To the left of the dumpster behind the Wendy's on Main and Spruce St, there is a box in a trash bag."
>"Who is this?"
>"The box has an ghosted AR-15 and 10 mags. Go to the local trans rights protest and take care of them from a hotel room across the street. You succeed, you get a gf."
>silent for 10 seconds
>"Get to work."
>hangs up phone

>> No.54143370

why is she crying? did she get turned down for a job?

>> No.54143400

Unironically seems like something the CIA would do.

>> No.54143403
File: 58 KB, 848x342, BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get raped, but you're dead. You know that means I won right?

>> No.54143429

thats a man

>> No.54143451
File: 34 KB, 956x1900, w464ew57zre5u5ruet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>phone rings
>>picks up phone
>>>"To the left of the dumpster behind the Wendy's on Main and Spruce St, there is a box in a trash bag."
>>"Who is this?"
>>"The box has an ghosted AR-15 and 10 mags. Go to the local trans rights protest and take care of them from a hotel room across the street. You succeed, you get a gf."
>>silent for 10 seconds
>>"Get to work."
>>hangs up phone

>> No.54143461

>lefty seething so hard that he has to hope that chud gets raped in prison after he kills his family and friends
Sad desu.

>> No.54143463

>intentionally inflammatory vertical video that will go viral purely on her decent looks and ragebaiting
here's your one and only (You) you're getting out of me

>> No.54143464

Its just high camera exposure

>> No.54143495
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>> No.54143515

she just realized how over it really is

>> No.54143522
File: 557 KB, 420x748, 1678915583183.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recording videos and posting on social medias while driving

>> No.54143524
File: 333 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221002-230918_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another cringe social conservative overreaction that everyone will be embarrassed to have taken part in as more bigots die and are replaced by young people who don't care

>> No.54143541

especially if it's with discord teenagers
>t. reddit tranny janny

>> No.54143559

>discord troon icon visible
okay groomer

>> No.54143587
File: 109 KB, 1302x756, creeem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally leave room for cream

>> No.54143593

Fuck a Sony, how do I get one of these for my home theater?
Get it? Because she's projecting.
On the verge of tears because the office queen just read her for filth, and no one came to support her, I bet.

>> No.54143611
File: 71 KB, 961x313, SmartSelect_20220706-002705_Tachiyomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman is the definition of a judging cunt. Based off one detail she creates two minutes of assumptions about your identity and character. If you blindly hate 'pronouns in bio' then you might say "whoa so based" from this clip, but you're forgetting the fact that this is how her brain works about EVERYTHING. Your hairstyle, your face shape, the way you dress, your height, the greeting you use, your word choices or writing style.
A conservative HR roastie is still an HR roastie. The last thing this person will ever consider is your own material qualifications, because that type of material value is alien to her world of social signalling.

>> No.54143638

fuck this was literally me last saturday and i fucking blew it

>> No.54143643

What's going on in the replies?
Another astroturfing campaign?
Reddit down?
Glowing honeypot?

>> No.54143654

she probably gets more dick than you faggot.

>> No.54143667
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1881, Screenshot_20221018-180726_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support "grooming"

>> No.54143670
File: 521 KB, 1106x1012, 1661891136669839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based off one detail she creates two minutes of assumptions about your identity and character.
And she was completely right
Are you pretending you don't make assumptions about based on first impression? (This includes online first impression)

>> No.54143671

whats even weirder, is the ulta beauty icon

>> No.54143695

so tell me, which member of your family molested you when you were a child?

>> No.54143718

I should hope so, I'm a straight male gayboi

>> No.54143722

Not only was I not molested, but I had conservative parents. Sorry bud but you're not going to make your kid cishet by locking them in their room until their 18, you might make them hate you though

>> No.54143731

Pronouns in bio is stupid.

>> No.54143750

a normal, healthy person does not troon out which is why trannyism is correlated with autism, childhood sexual abuse, bullying, and 41% suicide rates. you can lie to me, but you cannot lie to yourself or your XY sex chromosomes.

>> No.54143754

the average rust tranny is still 100x the worker any blonde HR roastie will be
i'm glad all these oversocialized cunts with meaningless jobs are the first to be let go in the tech shoah

>> No.54143762
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>kikes can't stop projecting

>> No.54143822
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>> No.54143826

You have to say more like hotline Miami

>> No.54143831
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>B-but muh chromosomes

>> No.54143861
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Wtf is going on in this thread

>> No.54143865

>there is no reason why...
I disagree.

>> No.54143907

Even if you arent prejudiced against any groups, special employee protections for certain groups can incentivize you to bias against them, not because you dislike them but because they pose a higher risk to your company. If you hire a person then something bad happens (or someone perceives it as if something bad happened), if they are of a protected minority they may sue you and claim it was discrimination even if it was not. If you simply avoid hiring protected minorities, that risk is significantly diminished. It is much harder to claim discrimination for not getting hired than it is for getting hired then fired.

>> No.54143927

Found the they/them

>> No.54143943

>not using pronouns in your resume to pretend to be a leftist and infiltrate and dominate companies

>> No.54143951

Honestly fucking wrecked

>> No.54143954

>that pic
That's hilarious but also fuck you furry

>> No.54143973

Does she accept marriage proposals from 5'9 white men?

>> No.54143988

thats some insane effort for cope

>> No.54144021
File: 34 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1678898466784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these assmad trannys in this thread


>> No.54144032

That'd be crazy and might be real Holy shit

>> No.54144040

You either A) believe XY cis women exist (ie CAIS women) and therefore chromosomes do not determine sex or B) you believe all XYs are men which is ahistorical and a massive cope

>> No.54144044
File: 2.70 MB, 350x350, 1655258415308.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ngl im laffin bruh

>> No.54144049


>> No.54144053

based take. she just cant accept the fact someone might be drawing attention away from her so has to make a tik tok about it

>> No.54144054

I hired for my team and would instantly axe someone with pronouns on LinkedIn. Some people I would also look to see if they had a Twitter, because usually people are pretty good at virtue signaling there. I'm pretty centrist but I find people like that insufferable to work with.

>> No.54144056

Maybe i won't let them use the internet unmonitered like a responsible parent.
The amount of transgender people didnt just go up 100,000% over last 15 years naturally.

>> No.54144073

Is this a fedpost

>> No.54144077
File: 309 KB, 640x426, Sophie_Wilson-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why software engineering has so many trannies and so few diversity hires. The trannies can program and diversity hires can't

>> No.54144081

it would be funnier if there was two declines

>> No.54144089

You will never be a real man.

>> No.54144099

Fucking kekd hard

>> No.54144098

Everyone in america has the exact same rights.

>> No.54144102

>ulta app notification
Femoid or queer?

>> No.54144107

>awful faggy opinion
Checks out.

>> No.54144110

If you actually want to prevent your kids from being trannies, filtering your water and keeping them away from plastics and other chemicals that affect how hormones interact with the body is 100x more important than keeping them off the internet

>> No.54144112

Shes right but it also applies to all women
I only hire straight white males

>> No.54144128

this dumb bitch was probably a leftist two months ago

>> No.54144173
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>> No.54144183

I'll bite. What exactly is the point you're making? She's a judging cunt, so?

>> No.54144301

dude they went with "bacteria arent gendered and make a lot of your body" tell me how that aint cope?

>> No.54144363
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>> No.54144432
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>> No.54144434
File: 35 KB, 540x720, 1590970868982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weaponized "woke", "liberal" or "trannies" poltards here use as buzzwords, basically i got burned at work, was promised a promotion and 30% raise, and half way through the process they backed out. I still kept my same position, and i always delivered and exceeded results. I also had full control on who i hire. I wanted this company to fail for fucking me over. In the process of 7 months, i built my resume, but also hired the most useless, and woke people, such as people with "pronouns" in their resume and its all fluff such as the roasite in OP's webm suggests.

at the end of 7 months, majority of my old team / staff under me left due to the woke bullshit projected by faggots and women turning the productive work place into a toxic highschool environment and gossip with only 3% of the work done compared to 110% months earlier. Once all the positions have been filled, i selected the most bitch-like, woke, pro lgbtbbq black lives matter loving person to be my replacement, and i gave my 2 weeks notice and job hopped to the company where majority of my workers fled off to.

4 months after my 2 weeks, the company pretty much almost fucking died and had to purge my department.

Just saying, if you're in a position to do this to a company who fucked you, do it.

>> No.54144452


>> No.54144484

Wow I didn't know there were so many insane trannies itt

>> No.54144490


hey sorry i couldnt respond earlier i was busy playing video games. ywnbaw

>> No.54144537
File: 101 KB, 566x564, 1635874829288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.54144639

I thought this was that guy from the coinbureau for a second

>> No.54144680


society is healing

>> No.54144720

one tiktok whore ranting about le identity politics is hardly an indicator of "society healing" you impressionable troglodyte

>> No.54144769

This is a glowie thread
Download webm and your crypto will disappear

>> No.54144866

what vice city mission is this from?

>> No.54144916

>sent from my jeetdroid with streaming service app
t. poor

>> No.54144935

don't forget to get your prostate examined at 40!

>> No.54144959

She's literally a giga Stacy.

>> No.54144989

Amerilards, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.54145023

Trannies don't get prostate cancer, they don't have enough testosterone. They are more likely to get breast cancer

>> No.54145037 [DELETED] 

There are a lot more seething trannies on biz than i realised

>> No.54145077

>Based off one detail she creates two minutes of assumptions about your identity and character. If you blindly hate 'pronouns in bio' then you might say "whoa so based" from this clip, but you're forgetting the fact that this is how her brain works about EVERYTHING. Your hairstyle, your face shape, the way you dress, your height, the greeting you use, your word choices or writing style.
She just like me frfr, I want to genocide fat people just for being fat myself.

>> No.54145097

rightwing femoids are primarily driven by experiences with gay bf

>> No.54145104

Now your thinking like a glowie

>> No.54145181

Butthurt troons in this thread ywnbaw

>> No.54145309

4chan isn't actually right wing, it's contratian.
so if the +50% of the users are chuds, it's a matter of time until that number transforms into trannies

and so on and so on

>> No.54145349

I see nothing wrong with what she said. Trannies disgust me. As do muh pronouns tards. Y'all seething because you're a fag, a tranny, or an incel or all of the above.

>> No.54145354


>> No.54145368

Trannies seething

>> No.54145373

she cute

>> No.54145391

This is a tranime website, always has been. There has been a pretty large wave of twitter refugees coming in via /LGBT/ though

>> No.54145407

Would hire any of you snowflake trannies either. You're a liability, and a headache for HR because someone didn't realise your mental illnesses make you think you're something you're not.

>> No.54145416

>Crying while ranting about pronouns
She got fired by a queer person didn't she?

>> No.54145438

As a tranny who has fired chuds before, often times they do lash out in bigotry to protect their egos when it's time to say bye bye

>> No.54145535
File: 569 KB, 1488x1558, 1677288241903794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord tranny raid

>> No.54145546

lol bro

>> No.54145566

seethe harder, incels.

>> No.54145592

your larp has deteriorated significantly

>> No.54145595

I've never met someone outside of minimum wage who used pronouns, and they're all decent workers. Trannies online are a vile bunch, but most IRL are college assistants, baristas, training social workers, therapist/psychologist students, sign language interpreters, etc. and they're the most empathetic you'll meet. They do those jobs fairly well, even if they're awful in a political setting.

>> No.54145604

LOL, no you haven't. You're so upset that you're making up gay incel power fantasies of firing the chuds who bullied you in school.

>> No.54145630

do you live in seattle or something? my last min wage job was almost all black guys and the one day a tranny walked in they all started filming him and hollering, was funny as fuck

>> No.54145650

Lol, no. A nowhere town in SoCal. Hardly any nogs; Spic gangs are deterrent. Thank god.

>> No.54145664

Because brown people aren’t the ones actually posting

>> No.54145668

As in them catching the bf getting sucked by a dude or what?

>> No.54145674

the amount of tranny seethe this stacy has manufactured in this thread alone deserves the tippiest of my fedora tips

>> No.54145678
File: 404 KB, 400x536, 1663803668022097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies are sexless losers that can barely conceal their contempt for women.

>> No.54145730

I'm thinking she's gonna get cancled.

>> No.54145760
File: 606 KB, 593x580, 1665323993322303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't be entitled at work
>don't try to do as little work as possible
>don't complain
>don't sue
>if you do your a libturd!!

>> No.54145771

Speak for yourself repressing incel, it's so easy to get dick it's absurd

>> No.54145782

they start as little princess girls who want a sensitive man then are surprised when that sensitive man is getting ass fucked on the side. see the katy perry song UR so gay about russel brand

>> No.54145786

No anon, you don't get it! You have to work as hard as possible for your bis in the hopes you get that shiny promotion that pays 1/20th of what the CEO gets paid and you can brag about it on LinkedIn to jeet recruiters!

>> No.54145815
File: 739 KB, 1421x725, 123654654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think all trannies are unfit. Likely it instead depends on the person on an individual basis. And can also be caused by non-tranny things, maybe just parents instilled bad work ethic etc. Just like most things.

>> No.54145829

So many trannies seething in this thread. Hilarious, but sad when you realize these people actually exist in our society, trying to warp the minds of impressionable, internet addicted children. Nice raid you women-hating fags.

>> No.54145868

This will always be a tranime website, sorry chuddy

>> No.54145879


>> No.54145929

Am I the only one who doesn't care about any of this shit? I don't talk to people at work unless I have to, and when I have to, it's about IT because I work in the IT department. I don't care whether I can or can't call a guy a in a dress a homo, it makes no difference to me. It's not a social club, it's work, I have zero opinion on anybody as long as they keep mailing me a check.

>> No.54145938

I don't get why there are so many people upset by this lol. REALLY goes to show you how many retards are on this board. lmao.
I'm at a company that has that shit in the title of your signature. It is not recommended, but I see people do it anyway. If I see a male do it I just assume the guy is retarded. If I see a woman do it, it is because they are just sheep and following trends, and basically retarded. If I see someone without it, I can at least assume they may not be retarded (however may be retarded nonetheless).
Basically what I am saying is everyone is retarded until proven not.

>> No.54145951

I agree.
I live in a liberal town, but a conservative state.
all my friends are liberal, all my family is liberal, my ex was a liberal. the worst one here? my ex, but that is mainly because she was your typical zoomer retard, not really the politics, she had no idea about anything politics other than getting on social media and saying abortion good. she was also born and raised in California before moving here.
so, with that in mind, being the only "conservative" person in my circle, I love my friends, I love my family. I love all the new friends I made in college now. not one person has been super retarded like I've seen on social media. is it because it's still a conservative state? probably, but every single "libtard" has been a decent person to me. shit like this would probably be worse if I did live in California or New York though, I assume.

>> No.54145972

>don't be entitled
You're entitled to knowing what hazards my work environment bears and a lunch break, not a meditation room and free sushi bar you fucking sissy
>Don't slack off
You'd fit nicely in my workplace if you're trying to slack off all the time. I would even promote you to client if I got the pleasure to witness how good you are at slacking off
>Don't complain
We have a complaint box.
>Don't sue
You may attempt to sue me, doesn't mean your case won't get thrown out

>> No.54146052

god damn. Did you ever have a conversation with the owner of the company?

>> No.54146116

Based. Fuck boomers and FUCK wageslaving.

>> No.54146124

I actually would like to know more about this as well anon, would you please follow up? Sorry to hear you got fucked over, but have you also found a better, more fulfilling work opportunity?

>> No.54146167
File: 109 KB, 400x394, 1675287890194712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54146314

why the fuck didn't you just post the webm?

>> No.54146321

I commend her for openly posting this in a time where most of the populace is either too afraid to say it or are brainwashed. I don't doubt there are woman like her who feel the same but still end up hiring these landmines anyway out of quota hiring or public pressure. So many people, especially women, just follow society blindly it's pathetic.

>> No.54146344

that's hilarious. Also she's a 5/10 with make up.

>> No.54146380

so you suffered child abuse by your parents locking you in your room until 18?

>> No.54146398

lmfao you realize the stereotype chad is on her side right? football bros do not want to deal with your faggotry they want to make mean spirited banter for the sake of banter, and people like you intrude on that. this is why you aren't invited to anything, and have to screech on this board about your feelings.

>> No.54146409

You retarded coping troon. You will always have an adam's apple. You will always be a man (a very pathetic one, but still a man).
No, I won't ever date you. Your dating pool will be coomers. Nothing more, you mentally ill fuck.

>> No.54146434

I don't have an Adams apple and I have a bf already but please keep telling me more about myself lol

>> No.54146453

Post neck, mentally ill troon.

>> No.54146464

>This woman is the definition of a judging cunt.
Nah she's an employer, and actually makes a really good point.
>if I hire people who are easily offended by anything and everything and we live in a society where civil disputes almost immediately lean in favor towards far-left individuals how does this benefit my business?
She is absolutely right about you people affecting morale, and that you're generally a financial danger to any competent business.

>> No.54146473

>Dox yourself on /biz/
No thanks, I don't really care how you feel about my neck, trans people will move forward with or without you

>> No.54146490

It's hilarious they thought their faggotry would have zero consequences, and now anyone who has been exposed to them wants no association with them let alone providing them the opportunity for employment.

>> No.54146512

>from a neck pic
Retard trans. Subhuman.

>> No.54146522

everyone DOING the screenings has pronouns
nobody like this girl is in the hiring position because HR is filled with roasties

>> No.54146527

a woman is NOT born with a penis,lacking ovaries, a womb, and having XY chromosomes. this isn't counting legitimate birth defects, which you were not born into this world with since you were born with an xy chromosome, a penis, no womb, and no ovaries. dilate and seethe you disgusting penis cutting faggot.

>> No.54146531

yeah. in flocking to the contrarian talking points, /pol/ falls into the most mainstream behavior: catering to the need of girls for attention. integrity like a wet bag of flour, typical

>> No.54146543

Says the guy begging trannies for neck pics on 4chan. Get a life pervert

>> No.54146544

>all this asshurt about what she said about pronouns

You all proved her right.

>> No.54146546

The banking failures the last week brought in a lot of pol and alongside them the discord trannies that raid pol at all times
There's a few resident trannies here, but they aren't doing the troon crusade stuff twitter trannies do

>> No.54146561

You just don't want to expose your 5 o clock shadow, and massive adam apple not that anon but he's right you're a man, and don't want to admit it, because several other anons would proceed to make fun of you.

>> No.54146562
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pronoun faggots raging

>> No.54146567

You're a man

>> No.54146586

>I am mostly poop
well you said it

>> No.54146605


>> No.54146633

>I love when hot female gives banal or stupid opinion so then I can simultaneously call her wrong or right with enthusiasm and look at hot woman

>> No.54146639

XY <> XX

>> No.54146653

People would make fun of any pics I posted even if I posted a pic of a cis woman's neck. I once made a thread on a different board where I got people to mock old Rosie O'Donnell for being a tranny. Your opinion will never, EVER matter lol, you will seethe impotently for the rest of your life

>> No.54146661

>things that never happened

>> No.54146685

>open thread
>it's 50% trannies

zamn bro, i never knew how bad /biz/ had it

>> No.54146773

I want to raise her daughters

>> No.54146802

>Nothing bad happened
>*actually grafitti happened*
literally grafitti starts happening when trans niggers go to pee

>> No.54146812

Thank Providence Research LLC who employs them

>> No.54146828

you will never be a woman

>> No.54146891

You spend all your day on 4channel. You have no job.

>> No.54147026

I literally can't work though

>> No.54147027

Close, I spend all day on 4channel and have 2 easy as fuck work from home jobs, one of which has me in a position of power. I probably fire 2-3 people a year

>> No.54147090

>and are replaced by young people
Lol where are these alleged young people? Next time you're in out in a big public event, count how many children you see.

>> No.54147104
File: 115 KB, 620x938, PSDT_06.28.22_Gender_Identity_0_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have multiple siblings and they are teaching their kids to love their aunt tranny

>> No.54147119

No you don't.

>> No.54147125

Finally someone said it

>> No.54147193

Not only is that true, but one of my in-laws is a teacher who teaches tranny tolerance to young people. I work with LGBT minors too to help them overcome abusive parenting so I suppose even people who won't have kids can influence the next generation :)

>> No.54147457

>influence the next generation
You realise you're all going to die right? God is sending another flood to clean up the mess.

>> No.54147477

She's right. We recently fired two very left leaning people at work simply because they are lazy, annoying, impossible to work with and terrible at their jobs. Now we say no as soon as we suspect a new recruit is affiliated with the alphabet people.

>> No.54147485

She's clearly angry because something she didn't want to happen happened anyway, in terms of a hiring decision. Something along those lines. This is her response to adversity: whining and admission of intent to discriminate, possibly illegally, depending on the jurisdiction. She's telling on herself and there will likely be consequences. Smart and mature people shut up, and if they're going to do anything like this, do it silently. But she's proven that she's not only vindictive and bad at handling things that upset her, she has the poor judgment to let the entire internet know. Not a good idea to work for her, probably a good idea to fire her.

>> No.54147500

Nice larp.

>> No.54147509


And a banana is 60% genetically similar to a human. Your numbers are meaningless. I'm sorry you didn't get the mental help you needed to accept what you are and resorted to having to change yourself to feed your delusions. You deserve better.

>> No.54147514
File: 128 KB, 500x528, 1678720837672039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't understand this thread...

>> No.54147524

White girls are based. Don't believe the media lies.

>> No.54147531


>> No.54147582
File: 81 KB, 712x453, real incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click the webm freaks

>> No.54147650
File: 2.03 MB, 480x480, 1642989494762.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i ever click a link to a webm? if you didnt post it as your OP then i can't image i really care too much about whatever
you have to say
>pic possibly related. i choose it at random.

>> No.54147668

The webm only makes sense with sound.

>> No.54147685

Literal mental illness

>> No.54147742
File: 99 KB, 680x554, 1621172547701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zamn bro, i never knew how bad /biz/ had it

>> No.54147772
File: 2.34 MB, 720x1144, investment banker meets marketing girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread on /biz/, if I'm being perfectly honest.

>> No.54147845

didnt watch the webm. but this thread was full of assblasted trannies. wew

>> No.54147883


>> No.54147944

This is facts. I hate trannies and incels because they have the same spirit

>> No.54147964

bitch is masculine af

>> No.54148038

You might believe in "climate change". Yes, the world is going to end and you are going to die.

>> No.54148090
File: 147 KB, 800x760, ghckjhcgkcggc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Im going to take advice from a woman

Who does this whore think she is?

>> No.54148185

You have no job just like you have no womb nor eggs

>> No.54148223

Jesus, those troglodytes definitely aren't /fa/

>> No.54148300
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranime website

>> No.54148346

I love Maki

>> No.54148366



Please jump off a cliff.

>> No.54148380
File: 35 KB, 631x513, 1678922920061044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more faggot. Queen Stacey speaks the truth.

>> No.54148541
File: 908 KB, 3110x2073, fa meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, h-haha...

>> No.54148656

Huh I guess this sort of thing is becoming normal now. I guess that's why there's so many trannies on 4chan now. It's time, we are free. We can leave this hellhole behind and see the light. Good luck trannies try not to leave a mess when the pendulum swings back and we have to huyde here again

>> No.54148676


>> No.54148703

I've realized this recently too lol. Truth is we don't even need this website anymore.

>> No.54148729

she's only saying that because that's what her boyfriends thinks
once she stars dating a religious guy she'll convert to that
then when she dates a liberal she'll believe that instead

>> No.54148749

Trannies really do hate women more than uncles. This poster here proves it.

>> No.54148885

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.54148977
File: 1.09 MB, 498x498, cheers-wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or your emplpyees could jusy quit on you and fuck your business up

>b-but you're replaceable anyway!

Good luck with that

>> No.54149138

and saved

>> No.54149197

she could legit get dick in 3 minutes no matter where she is

>> No.54149327
File: 3.84 MB, 960x540, 2023-03-16 00-28-22-[00.13.850-01.10.000].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based George Gammon

>> No.54149772

how do i start neckmaxxing?

>> No.54149906
File: 432 KB, 1825x664, trannychud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies and /pol/ACKs evacuate to your /lgbt/ and /pol/ boards respectively.

Your bullshittery won't make you money.

>> No.54149917

>pronouns faggots seethe
Nice assumptions you fat fuck.
You're seething.

>> No.54149931
File: 293 KB, 1820x1280, final-cover-forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are brown people so annoying online
Why are white boys so fucking annoying? You talk about niggers and spics all fucking day.

>> No.54150014

Does /biz/ really have this many troons or is it just as anons bating?

>> No.54150075

ITT: Trooncels seething. You will never be a woman and you will never cure your depression.

>> No.54150085

there are no whites on 4chan

>> No.54150093
File: 1.47 MB, 897x900, 1672526260241443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be surprised at how much disposable income a troon may have, they are like furries

>> No.54150122

it seems like you've just discovered that the internet is not real life and chronic twitter and facebook users are a minority in the population

>> No.54150190

Kikes are upset. It's ok to leave the country, kikes, or Earth.

>> No.54150232

I mean she's not wrong but womemes still shouldn't be allowed in the workplace

>> No.54150262
File: 446 KB, 2048x1024, 1671876488553995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work's HR roastie has been bitching at me weekly for over 6 months to add pronouns to my email signature "per company policy." I keep ignoring her and she keeps seething. If she escalates it to my boss I'll tell her I'm not doing it and it's a hill I'm willing to die on. This place is so short staffed and slow to hire they'll back down if it comes to that.

>> No.54150273

>Your hairstyle, your face shape, the way you dress, your height, the greeting you use, your word choices or writing style.
nigger that's reality and always has been. the more socially maladjusted freaks (trannies or otherwise) that get weeded out, the better.

>> No.54150302

>Mentally ill
>Obsessed with politics
>Not a team player
>Lawsuit risk
>Pain in the ass for HR
Chuds are everything the OP video accuses pronoun-havers of being

>> No.54150315
File: 65 KB, 501x648, 3142C016-B2DB-44C5-BAB6-419A0CF5FE76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go back to /pol/ stupid kikes. the nazis you're looking for, you'll find them over there

>> No.54150341

"Constant victim of gang beatings"

Dude I've been on the wrong end of a few and they don't happen constantly because you're in hospital or lying in beds for a few weeks at a time.

This is just tranny histrionics, trannies lie about everything.

I mean , it's the first thing you know about them they lie about what sex they are, you think they magically tell nothing but the truth after that one big obvious lie ?

>> No.54150343
File: 432 KB, 700x700, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're mentally ill and a lawsuit risk if you don't put your pronouns in your email signature!
>go out of your way to do this thing I want done because I'm obsessed with politics or else that means you're obsessed with politics!
>I am a pain in the ass for HR, but they started it and their entire industry is fake bullshit that only exists to make real jobs more annoying anyways so fuck them
Cope, seethe, dilate etc

>> No.54150360

I don't work in your HR department anon I don't know why you're mad at me

>> No.54150488

trans sisters, are we the baddies

>> No.54150849


>> No.54150861 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 96x96, 1676576726314067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is clearly what triggered the spam

>> No.54150879

holy shit she's using filters on top of the massive amount of applied make-up.
Also, if you'd be a such a shitty employer I would just go to another company, simple as

>> No.54150890

I can't believe how many tranny's are here. And they're actually all trannies ffs kek. Wtf?!

>> No.54150898 [DELETED] 

Why would this upset a normal hetero person.... unless

>> No.54150968 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 400x400, sPe325c-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54150986 [DELETED] 

You quoted the wrong posts and you forgot the wig and bad makeup on your basedtranny

>> No.54151000

the elites brainwashed you into being obsessed with trannies so you would ignore them stealing your money

>> No.54151502

fuck women, I don't care what they have to say

>> No.54151539

It costs money to be a tranny true. Minimum wage plebs do not have the self awareness to take the tranny pill

>> No.54151615

Fair point.
>Try coming to an interview with tattoos in full display

>> No.54151617
File: 182 KB, 2048x1277, FrJTkuwXgAcaLAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all these replies from kda sisters?

>> No.54151763

You aren't a woman today, you wont be a woman tomorrow.

>> No.54151803

holy shit thannies seetheraid this bread Did the truth hurt you so much, you cant handel it and start doaming like this?
43% of the tranny issues solve themself, so dont worry.

>> No.54152053


>> No.54152072

Thanks anon

>> No.54152087

I want to fuck that 2d woman with big titties and hips (and presumably ass)

>> No.54152129

Quality pic

>> No.54152140

Pretty much

So glad I left NY

>> No.54152322

This shit is fucking retarded. So tired of these rightoid fuckheads just give it a fucking rest God damn we got other shit to worry about but it's just constant fag this gay this trans this. Ignore leftist grow the fuck up and you are also not much better fuck rightoids

>> No.54152381
File: 313 KB, 920x900, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bot why even bother posting

>> No.54152600

TL:DR: She's 100% in the right

>> No.54152993
File: 501 KB, 880x719, 1570713520660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

company selects for the people that make them the most money without bullshit on the side; seething and coping over 250 replies ensues
pretty funny desu

>> No.54153029

oh wow a career woman. How cute.

>> No.54153161

What is this fucking thread. Where do you people come frome and why do care about any of this.

>muh pronouns

I'm going to address you by your name anyways LMFAO

>> No.54153262

>I live in a liberal town, but a conservative state.
Gainesville, FL

>not one person has been super retarded like I've seen on social media
Because they're still being indoctrinated. Once they graduate and become HR managers it's a done deal.

>> No.54153292

dylan roof jumpscare

>> No.54153336

Blacks are subhuman, their continent is a perfect example, they couldnt even develop the place where they're from, instead come to america and burn out shit down

>> No.54153346

>racist bitches says something

just cancel her already

>> No.54153361

Interesting. How is autism associated with trooning out. I guess the effects of social rejection could push one to troon due to it

>> No.54153366

The chick literally destroys worthless pronoun fags
The webm girl is based? Did you watch the webm?

>> No.54153497

Honestly, owned by the troon. LMFAO

>> No.54153509

You just got destroyed by a troon

>> No.54153863

Kill yourself you fucking low iq nigger faggot. I am rooting for the Dems just because you faggots are so God damn stupid. Please kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.54153938

>99% of cells are neutral
the 1% left aren't and they say you will never be a woman

>> No.54154236

You have to be born with such a majestic neck

>> No.54154253

Tell them it goes against your religious beliefs and you feel like your being targeted and harassed. Go make a formal complaint, go on record. And if they fire you, sue.

>> No.54154358
File: 1.24 MB, 608x1080, YWNBAW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54155114

It looks like she's crying or coming down from Karening out.

>> No.54155147

I'm done hiring chuds, they can't get along with other employees, create problems for HR, and are a legal risk. I get the sense they don't want to work very hard

>> No.54155272

>I have a bf already
> I H A A VVV EEE A BFFF F!!!!!!!
Clearly not satisfied

>> No.54155515

>Stacy who's probably lived her entire life with a silver spoon in her mouth preaching about "being a hard worker"
yeah, i'm sure whatever "work" she does is contributing greatly to GDP

>> No.54155886

She's literally on the way to a Blacked shoot while recording this

>> No.54155939

cope and seethe

>> No.54155954

well yeah
if she's doing the hiring she wants hard workers to generate tons of revenue

>> No.54156292

Hopefully soon they have an operation that makes the pelvis wider. Just for you obsessive little niggers maybe you really will be a woman.

>> No.54156304

Lmao fucking kill yourself

>> No.54156329

Or just have a C-section? Or get on HRT while you're still young enough to see hip growth

>> No.54156336

guess that cutie is an incel

>> No.54156354
File: 313 KB, 700x702, 1662732871953977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never, ever be a woman, no matter how hard you try. you will always be a man, forever.

>> No.54156386

bunker tranniy zipper titted freaks that will never passin a trillion years are crying so fucking hard itt. probably one seethe cope and dilate from necking themselves

>> No.54156419

unfit for existence

>> No.54156450

left really cant meme. even using some loser homo jewto represent incels lol

>> No.54156493

kek, saying that I'm making assumptions, and then you assume that I'm fat (projection)
are you upset that your sensitive little pronouns and being a loud faggot ally isn't getting you enough attention?

>> No.54156510

Are you sure you're not just projecting? Because I'm pretty positive you'd fit into all those redflags you just mentioned, especially the severe mental illness you have

>> No.54156515

Employers are the ones who enforce the pronoun shit.

>> No.54156565

Fuck conservathots. Seriously.

>> No.54156604

go back to bunkerchan, subhuman troon

>> No.54156634

>Brianna Ghey

>> No.54156988

Why is there a trannie infection here? I thought this board was safe.

>> No.54157023

We should force everyone that's obsessed with tranny shit to go into hrt

>> No.54157057

no u

>> No.54157093

I think someone was trolling but then two or three chatgpt/poo slide farms started competing now it's just a mess

>> No.54157140
File: 754 KB, 1024x1024, 1678751109143685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave Browser is woke as fuck. It's why they will fail.

>> No.54157146

it's true though fag, it's already bad enough working with women that get touchy and bitchy every month for a week and cause a ton of drama
imagine working with libtards and men that pretend to be women that get offended at everything and can't enjoy some derogatory bants without risking getting fired
i can't even

>> No.54157221

She isn't saying anything wrong imo, but I'm not a tranny.

>> No.54157708

>This is a tranime website, always has been.
That's like saying IBM are still a typewriter company. YWNBAW.

>> No.54157804
File: 673 KB, 1920x1080, 1636538945889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's time for Trannymaniacs
They're disgusting to the max
They wear skirts instead of slacks
They're Trannymanaiacs

Come join them on the discord server pronouns "she" and "her"
Soon enough they rope and they will change to "was" and "were"
They insist you call them "mam" though they look just like a "sir"
Adam's apple
Wide clavicle
Futa connoisseur

They are the Trannymaniacs
There's an axe-wound in their pants
They just can't accept the facts
They're looney to the max
They're Trannymaniacs

They say "Age is just a number", whenever they are found
Grooming minors on the internet or on the playground
They wait in women's restrooms when no one is around
Then they pop out
And whip it out
And swing it all around

They are the Trannymaniacs
They think they're cute but make me yak
No they can't transition back
But they're calling you the quack
They're trannymany
Totally insaney
Fucked up in the brainy
Those are the -ACK!

>> No.54157857

Can't wait till the state starts forcing you fuckers into taking hrt

>> No.54157934

>no dick
have you looked at her you fucking faggot?

>> No.54157987


>> No.54158388

Best thread in a while. Prime seething. Incels and LARPs getting 41%ed by the very troons they despise. Well done

>> No.54158413


>> No.54158473

based qtpie.

>> No.54158487

also, ITT: absolutely assblasted roasties and leftypoltards.

>> No.54158638
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 1678779392126889.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54158721

>bleached hair
AND INTO THE TRASH IT GOES! i can smell the insecurity coming off her!

>> No.54158749

There are only 2 genders and there is no such thing as a "trans women"... and there never will be, simple facts of Science.

>> No.54158994

Now let's see what she looks like without face morphs and tiktok filters

>> No.54160934

Holy fucking kino