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54136961 No.54136961 [Reply] [Original]

At what point are people going to stop pretending that "Web3" technology is going to have some profound, revolutionary impact on our day to day lives similar to the internet? Everything that Web3 accomplishes can already be done quite easily with existing technology, it's just that you can't "trust" that whoever owns the servers that it runs on wont' shut it down or change things up.

Why has this gotten so overblown and why do people have such difficulty admitting that several servers that hold redundant copies of information isn't much more exciting or interesting than one server doing it?

>> No.54136984

maybe one day you will listen to bitcoin maxis and stop wasting time thinking and typing about what doesn't matter

>> No.54137020

just stack sats. rest is a meme.

>> No.54137086

Wait until urbit grows big enough to compete with and engulf the regular internet

>> No.54137087

The point is hyping it up as revolutionary to dump on late investors.

>> No.54137625

Listening to them about what?

>> No.54137674

If IPFS ever got browser-to-browser working then yes it'd change things, no more servers and no more censorship.

>> No.54137675

web3 is the internet. its a commoditization of data. like you getting paid for every 4chan post youve made and ensuring that once a jannie always a jannie and that they never earn a fucking cent.

>> No.54137883

>No more servers
I haven't looked into IPFS much, but even if there existed a censorship-resistant file sharing service, what does that mean? We have those already with all of the obscure "megaupload" and odyssey type websites. How exactly is one that runs on a more decentralized framework going to change anything?

>commoditization of data
What are you talking about? All data is already "commoditized" by the fact that websites serve ads to users. In your example, explain to me exactly how you are going to get paid for making 4chan posts. We'll even assume some kind of strong KYC exists so, now, no one can access the internet anymore unless they're using their real identity. That sounds GREAT!

From that point, explain to me the dynamics of who is paying you for your 4chan posts and why they are paying you and how making posts on 4chan is sustainably valuable.

>> No.54138177

>no more censorship
what censorship, retard? you can write anything in the open internet. there is no real censorship in the internet.

>> No.54138242

>I haven't looked into IPFS much, but even if there existed a censorship-resistant file sharing service, what does that mean? We have those already with all of the obscure "megaupload" and odyssey type websites. How exactly is one that runs on a more decentralized framework going to change anything?
Not a file sharing service, distributed websites. As in, you go to a social media 'swarm' with no central server that isn't run by anyone and cannot be taken down.

Stupid faggot, I watched what happened to 8ch. The internet is censored to hell, step out of line and you'll be dropped from every host and DDOS'd into the ground.

>> No.54138252

web3 is cope by late adopters to bitcoin
in reality outside of decentralized money, of which bitcoin remains the only candidate, there's not a single non hyper-speculative use case for anything else.
web3 has always been a meme

>> No.54138253

The Daily Stormer has been harassed off the clear net, as an example.

>> No.54138344

Actually, you will have to pay to post on web3. Every post will be a fraction of a fraction of a penny.

>> No.54138405

you know they could have bought a new domain name and pointed their servers to that domain, right?
also, the owners could have converted those websites into private websites, but didn't, because they were fucking retarded and exposed them to the media.

>> No.54138451

It's another eleutheromaniac pipe-dream.

>> No.54138495

Actual brain damage.

>> No.54138747

hey faggot. you go host your website without cloudfare protection. say something kim jong un doesn't like ? winnie pooh or putin doesn't like ? or maybe something benjamin net and yahoo doesn't like ? well guess what, you get DDOS's to shit.
you are behind cloudfare ? well if they don't like your shit, gg no re.

>> No.54138753
File: 158 KB, 1200x820, Mt-Stupid-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know they could have bought a new domain name and pointed their servers to that domain, right?
They did. Many times. This is you on the mountain top.

>> No.54138997

>doesn't know how to fight a DDOS
>doesn't know about bulletproof hosting providers

>>They did. Many times.
>didn't know how to keep their audience by warning them ahead of time
>buy new domain names when it's too late
again, they were retarded.

>> No.54139133

Having to play musical domain names is not an indication of a censorship free Internet as you are claiming.

>> No.54139184

There's no such thing as web3. It's just a different master. Fuck all these phonies

>> No.54139210

(South African Accent) There are things my friend that do not exist on the internet and most of you are not aware of. Things of great interest, and things of pure horror. Think to yourself, have you ever seen your companies NDA paperwork online? The answer is more than likely no due to copyright, let that sit in for a moment and take that into the equation. The world holds more mystery than meets the eye

>> No.54139239

They’ve had most domain registered on the planet

>> No.54139242

they simply believe that if you can sell "coins" on a blockchain and "NFTs" that are completely worthless data, then they can figure out a way to charge people for ajax requests.
can you blame them?

>> No.54139594

I'm most interested in what games could look like ran this way on swarm servers. Using services like VRF and others to ensure each server is being fair, I wonder if you could make a web3 game that is autonomous.

I don't think most vhave fathomed what an MMO would be like without a god (as in a studio lording over it) and ontop of that one that never dies and just keeps existing

>> No.54139833

i agree with this. Web3 is mostly about implementing tools that make technology like bitcoin much more possible to be regulated (kyc, centralization through RPC providers, etc)

A social media website is meaningless without users. There exist websites where people can say whatever they want (what exactly do you want to say that cannot be said in this thread?)

>> No.54139875

Exactly. Who would want to transition to this model when you can just post for free and ignore the ads on the page?

>> No.54139951

It's economy would probably spiral out of control and be irredeemable. Consider if the RuneScape economy were allowed to exist without intervention.

>> No.54139968

I wanna make sure I get this clear:

The main revolutionary utility of web3 is to allow edgelords to post more edgy things on the internet without fear of it being taken down?

Even if a video of Joe Biden were posted on the internet of him butt fucking a 2 year old, what exactly would happen? Tucker Carlson would make an "appalled" video segment about it and boomers would chant "butt fuck brandon!" for the next year.

>> No.54140097

Again: a new type of video game isn't revolutionary. The world isn't dramatically changed when the new Xbox comes out or whatever.

>> No.54140200

nice bait, but I would say that a trustless web is pretty revolutionary

>> No.54140275

A meaningful example would be a distributed network that runs generative AI algorithms for a fee. This is by no means revolutionary or deserving of so much hype. I think most web3 ideas are bullshit and defining these services as some sort of epoch of a new age is retarded. I think that IPFS could be useful as a document archival system. Incrementally better than something like MEGA or BitTorrent but not revolutionary either.

>> No.54140422

You vil use ze web 3.0
You vil KYC
You vil give biometrics
You vil adhere to ze regulations

>> No.54140436

>free access to internet bots and trolls

Ai will have to pay me to access reality

>> No.54140461

>no more servers
how does that work, all on aws?

>> No.54140570

Stop posting this low IQ drivel bait thread

>> No.54140620

urbit like urmum?

>> No.54140698

Then it should be pretty easy for you to describe how an average person's life will change. For example:

>Be average person c. 1992
>Wake up at 7 AM, thanks to radio alarm clock.
>DJ on the radio says your favorite song is going to play on the hour. WOW! Hurry and run to grab blank cassette so you can record the song in your car on the way to work (otherwise your only option to hear that song would be to drive to the mall and pay $12 for the full album which is 90% garbage).
>Hop out of bed and put on the TV to hear the morning news. Flip to MTV to watch a music video. Flip to Comedy Central and watch a D grade standup comic do a set that you've already seen twice while you cook breakfast.
>Grab your rolodex so you can dial your boss's number on your kitchen phone
>"Hey Boss! Can you give me the directions again on how to get to the office where our meeting is? It's off of Exit 69, right?
>scribble shitty directions on notepad, hoping they're right.
>quickly skim through the newspaper
>Go outside, say hi to neighbor and have a brief chat about the game last night as it is completely normal to interact with other humans.
>Get in car, hoping the directions you've written down are good. Make sure you have quarters handy in case you have to stop at a pay phone to clarify anything.
>Really dreading all of the bills you have to pay that afternoon since you don't even have any stamps, envelopes, or checks and you'll have to run several errands after work

>Be average person in 2022
>Wake up naturally. You WFH so you can do your work whenever you'd like
>Grab phone immediately and mindlessly scroll through your favorite BS content. Check your email. Check your crypto. One hour goes by and you figure you should get out of bed.
>Finally respond to your text messages. You haven't verbally spoken to anyone in at least five days, let alone interacted face to face with another human.
>Order grub hub from breakfast, open another tab on your phone, jerk off

>> No.54140726

Maybe. I don't think its impossible to code in rules where things balance out, since we have decades of insight on how mmo economies end up amd examples of interventions.

But not every massively online game needs an economy. Mobage have shown us hundreds of MMO-likes that don't allow trading between players. Not saying that's ideal but its a consideration. I think the first web3 autonomous games would be suited to resemble mobile games at first anyway

>> No.54140796


>grub hub arrives and you eat your goyslop while watching propaganda youtube videos
>Go take a shit, continue watching videos and other content while shitting
>Finally 1 PM, sit at computer and edit a couple of lines of code.
>Watch more "content" or interact with social media
>Jerk off to more porn. "What is that porn star who looks like megan fox's name?" Google it. You don't have much need to commit anything ever to memory anyway.
>Today is pay day, you automatically receive your pay to an account and all of your expenses are automatically paid by software while you see if you can get another erection yet to jerk off

you get the picture.

Now show me how dramatically more different this 2022 person's life is from 2032 man's THANKS TO WEB3

>> No.54141009

>distributed network that runs generative AI algorithms for a fee

What? Why would you want to do this, which sounds like it would be much slower and more expensive than just training a model locally. Also, this application doesn't apply to any normal people. Very few people are worried about running AI algorithms...

>> No.54141085

What about DAOs?

>> No.54141154

now bullish on ETH and BNB
save me ping pong and merry skelly

>> No.54141196

>Chat GPT, a newly launched AI chatbot that was launched in November 2022, recorded a whopping 100 million monthly active users, making it the fastest-growing app in history.

>> No.54141222

this is the future BTC maxies want

>> No.54141236

Once you can run a big AI model on a blockchain is when the real shit starts.

>> No.54141253

yeah but most projects promising to do that are likely vaporware

>> No.54141278

ChatGPT is most useful for writing tedious, soulless responses to pointless things like emails and job applications. Also, it has nothing to do with Web3. So I'm not sure what your point is...

>> No.54141364

>AI exgf stole your favorite NFT copy of GTA
>limited edition from rockstar airdrop
>cant do anything because every movement is on chain
>go irl
>shit shave shower
>back in metaverse
>boss is Microsoft GPT
>solve captchas and have neurotransmitters measured all day
>finish work
>iv goyslop
>neuralink sends targeted ads during dreams
>havent seen another human irl for 5 years
>no longer know where I am physically, but I know my IPv8 meta-location at all times

>> No.54141402

Do you like waiting on business days? Bank hours 9 to 5

>> No.54141454

>girl here
Is web3 just an open source sql database ?

>> No.54141533

no femanon web3 is the internet being a bunch of small websites or large websites controlled by lots of people all online and not megacorporations like what big tech has become
if you're a girl are you cis? if so why do you think cis women hate crypto so much?

>> No.54141780
File: 9 KB, 280x180, fwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Web3 is already impacting our lives with crypto payment.
I use crypto cards from Binance, CryptMI and Alchemy pay for my daily transactions and it's easier and more rewarding than using tradFi means of payment

>> No.54141799

Web3 is the future and Identity management are for smart dudes.

>> No.54141815

Room temp iq

>> No.54141831

This just isnt true, as was demonstrated when robinhood halted trading, brokerage firms lend out your shares without telling you or sharing the interest yield, cross border payments without a middleman, etc. Grow up kid

>> No.54141882

Reality. The world. Thai ladyboys.

>> No.54141884

Comparing that to the impact the internet had is retarded. You're literally still using credit card infrastructure that has existed for decades. You don't even know for sure that cryptocurrencies or "Web3" is involved in the process at all.

>> No.54141930

The only time you mentioned "web3" technology was for ownership of a video game...Something that is already accomplished with existing key technology...Whether there is an NFT or not makes no difference...

>> No.54142383
File: 6 KB, 200x200, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a noob not to know that web3 payment needs cryptocurrency and crypto cards are used for auto conversion to fiat

>> No.54142857
File: 197 KB, 864x486, thumbs_b_c_20539d574bb0a8d531379c875422a404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine still not being able to connect the dots.
Are governments are criminal cartels.

>> No.54142878

Web3 is cope
AI is true revolution

>> No.54142899

can you really not see it? or, you don't want to see it?

>> No.54142906

The problem is no Web3 developer has actually created a useful Web3 app. It's all just ponzis and recreations of pre-existing financial apps.

>> No.54142966

We have had AI since Watson a decade ago when he won jeopardy.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P18EdAKuC1U

AI is a data driven model and blockchain is a decentralised database that can protect the AI data from change.
You know what that means no more Woke AIs.

>> No.54143015

>Tuesday March 18th 2042
>My son is 20 years old
>PerfectSleepPod™ wakes him up feeling perfectly refreshed after a long day of partying on St. Patrick's Day
>Uses brain waves to open up his iEye device and check the web3 hosted 4chan and anonymously tips an anons based post
>opens up web3 pilot training app
>has logged 1000 hrs of web3 certified digital fly time
>passes final test and gets web3 official pilot certificate
>web3 AI biddy checks relevant blockchain data and determines optimal plane selection for my son and schedules transport
>son arrives at airport and his craft is unlocked via web3
>plane tells web3 son set record for softest landing ever and becomes an international celebrity
>goes home to perfect gf that was matched on web3 to watch original The Good The Bad and The Ugly - AI refined to 256k
>no subscriptions, all media ever produced is available for next to nothing on web3 and is constantly refined and tracked for what versions are considered best
>no taxes as governments collapsed with boomer and organizational structure transferred to web3
>no educational debt as all knowledge and best courses are stored on web3 with certificates that have become more trusted than legacy colleges
>runs web3 global businesses via brainwaves that he started at 14
>tell dad thanks for not choosing the wrong timeline
>everybody claps

>> No.54143031

This is the same argument people used about the Internet. Why would I pay per minute to access the news when I can buy a newspaper for less and have access to it forever.

Being able to put things on the Internet that will stay there forever and can't be changed or lost for the small price of a few pennies is revolutionary.

Do you know how many thousands of websites with incredible information no longer exist because the person died and geocities went under?

Do you know that you can put info into the Blockchain and prevent patent trolls from taking your idea and you can protect it and SUE them for stealing your property rights while also being protected from them right this very second?

This is bigger than the www.

>> No.54143099

Stop being anti semetic

>> No.54143166

that blockchain was 'invented' for the purpose of bitcoin, decentralized money, that's it
there is a reason why 'blockchain' doesn't have any real world usage after all those years outside of trading shitcoin
blockchain, if decentralized, is slow and inefficient, which is a deal breaker for using it for anything than decentralized money/store of value, you can get angry all you want but it's the reality, in 5 years there will be different altcoins in top 20 on coinmarket cap, but none will be used for anything, and the cycle will repeat with different shitcoin every few years

>> No.54143220

No, under that system AWS is dead and buried. The swarm itself is your replacement.

>> No.54143280
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>>everybody claps

>> No.54143331

The collapse of of society surely "doesn't matter"

I cannot fucking wait until shit hits the fan and this entire board becomes obsolete. Fiat faggots

>> No.54143339

See what?

>> No.54144357

So why am I not in control of who buys my data from facebook since web2 is just perfect?

>> No.54144406

I'm also buying ORE and HBAR

>> No.54144423

This will definitely need ID management solutions for interoperability, else it will be a shithole.

>> No.54144455

That's the problem, although DeFI has helped us taste self custody.

>> No.54144476

They also need to add a lot of privacy, interoperability and ID management.

>> No.54144530


>> No.54144535

Fuck off dickhead, Web3 applications like smart contracts, DApps, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies should be built on a blockchain that is quantum-resistant to ensure that the Web3 economy remains secure.

>> No.54144560

why do I have to pay for all this extra shit?

Web3 is about attaching price tags to stuff that is already free on the internet like jpegs. Fuck off I'll keep using the internet to get free shit kys I will never pay for jpegs

>> No.54144953

Must retards believe in a lie? You don't pay any fucking shit

>> No.54145197

Web3 coins will do far better. Look at ORE, QANX and ENS

>> No.54145699

Decentalized mail, cloud and messaging is pretty revolutionary imo. Dmail.ai is based af.


>> No.54145745

Because he needs his bags to pump. The ownership economy of the internet is a meme to force ponzis and unregistered securities on retards as novel inventions. It's extremely tiresome.

>> No.54145849

The government and the freemasons already read my mail for free how does this protect me from them knowing every keystroke I press?

Cryptographic protect seems to only allow me to in theory receive encrypted communications but I am still unable to send anything. So I guess that's useful >>54145745
>ownership economy of the internet is a meme
thanks for the honest answer anon based. I miss the days when the internet wasn't an advertising board. It's degraded itself into a feedback machine
Every letter I type is recorded by Google among others and every post here is accessed by multiple web3 "companies" its getting ridiculous I can't even shitpost anymore these niggers take their jobs too seriously hello you're trying to attach prices to free shit or get me to pay to get some machine to generate whores with two belly buttons. why don't I just take an art class and DIY?

>> No.54145865

Because fuck Jews and boomers that's why

>> No.54146077

>pay per minute
??? Nigger what?

Web3 is useless it's just a copy of the Internet using slower tech

>> No.54146191

checked. everything is a copy of a copy of a copy seriously web3 is an industry designed to make you pay for things on the internet that are free today that's literally it. they want you to pay for stable diffusion memes and these memes are some of the worst shit you have ever seen
and the porn makes my dick go limp. I know the vaccine will be killing a lot of you soon and I am sorry for that but it was YOUR FAULT not mine. I DID NOT FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE.


but you guys just teased me and called me crazy :'(

>> No.54148835

>it's just that you can't "trust"
blockchain solves trust

>> No.54149095

holy fuck shut the fuck up