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File: 309 KB, 640x480, Yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5414106 No.5414106 [Reply] [Original]

I was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia earlier today, I'm probably going to end up offing myself once I get my fiances and such ready. I have virtually nothing (around 1k) but I figure I could throw it in an undervalued crypto and have it in my will. Several years later that 1k could be millions, I'd like to think I could help my family somehow even if it's a long shot. Shill me the absolute best undervalued coin.

>> No.5414129

It should be obvious. Buy as much LINK as you can.

>> No.5414151


>> No.5414152

I might be dying but I'm not going to be a stinky linky you faggot

>> No.5414154


>> No.5414158

You can cure yourself but it's pretty hard. Read We Want to Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

>> No.5414171

the world doesn't deserve you anon ;-;

>> No.5414202
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Link is waving goodbye as you are descending into your grave

>> No.5414243

Buy term life insurance now, asap

Should cost no more than $300 a year for a good 300k policy. They usually don't ask about dementia. And after a year they can't do anything about it even if they found you lied.

Start taking out massive loans and apply for credit cards. They can't come after your family because it would be a part of your estate.

>> No.5414259
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Even in death, this man is graceful! God speed, anon, riches beyond anything are coming to you soon.
F in advance.

>> No.5414282

how old are you OP?

And how much sleep do you normally get per night these days vs when you were in your 20's

I'm a doctor btw, doing some anecdotal research

>> No.5414284

honestly: read the book "I saw the light and came here"

It will help you deal with what's gonna happen

>> No.5414291

crypto is perfect for retards, have fun remembering where you put the 25 words

>> No.5414333
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I have life insurance provided by the military, I was discharged 2 months ago but it'll stay in effect for another month and it covers suicide. 400k to my mom ez

I'm only 20. The other day I slept 28 hours straight, growing up my sleeping schedule was consistent with 8-10 hours a day.

If I get reincarnated how do I get all my crypto gains? Big if true

>> No.5414353

what were your symptoms?

memory? sleep disturbance? concentration? misplacing objects? difficulty following long sentences? agitation?

>> No.5414358

sadly you're gonna get only link and req shilled on this piece of shit board. go all in on 0x protocol (ZRX) rip op

>> No.5414378

>If I get reincarnated how do I get all my crypto gains? Big if true

There is a way to keep certain memories from your past life, not sure how. If you can remember your private keys somehow around the age of 2-5 then you are back in action

>> No.5414389

<what were your symptoms?
spending time on 4chan?

>> No.5414418

>what were your symptoms?
spending time on 4chan?
I got it too

>> No.5414492

My dad is now showing signs of Dementia and early stage Alzheimers...like his Dad did. So there's that, and realizing I'm next. FUCK.

Shit sucks, sorry man, assuming ur forreal / not LARP'n and young.

>> No.5414494


>> No.5414497

Memory, sleeping too much and it's incredibly hard for me to talk properly. I can't form sentences and when I do I always horribly mispronounce several words, I don't realize I've mispronounced them wrong unless somebody points it out. I usually take 30mg of adderall to help for sleep/concentration.

Rumor has it the virus known as '4chan' might be causing it

>> No.5414612

dude, check out alcor and get frozen instead, fast forward to the future and get your gains then

>> No.5414842
File: 3.13 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20171224_002355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No larp, just death.

Sure, give me 100k in doge and I'll go out and freeze myself. D69aLT1cM9kXknWCcDAvpyVL7Z87mE9iDZ

It looks solid, I'll go throw some bux into it. Thanks for the suggestion anon.

>> No.5414871

most people dont get that until their late 50s op, i must have some bad luck.

>> No.5414929

>I was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia earlier today, I'm probably going to end up offing myself

Not insulting you but I hope you go through with it, because it's a good idea. You don't want to live with fucking dementia. I work in a nursing home and the dementia ward is just fucking horrible. These people aren't enjoying their existence at all yet are kept alive by modern medicine and family members who are too attached to let go. If I even found out I was gonna get dementia I'd kill myself as well.

Being a fucking potato tier retard incapable of basic action and forced to be kept alive by a hoard of nurses giving me medicine each day prolonging my suffering. Fuck that.

>> No.5414935

if i still held my 1m doge, i probably would have sent it just to say i did desu

>> No.5414973


Iono. I have a different opinion. My grandma has potato tier dementia and she seems happy enough. For her she's like that guy in memento. She remembers past memories pretty well, but she can't remember what happened earlier that day. She eats good food, watches TV, prays a lot (cuz she's religiousfag). She recognizes our faces and smiles when we talk to her.

>> No.5414993

My life insurance policy will only stay active for another month, why would I want to live like a retard anyways? Hurr durr let me throw my bux into stinky linky and get rich I'd rather die

I was shitposting but thanks for the consideration

Fucked if true

>> No.5415021

You can't sleep 28 hours in an entire day retard

>> No.5415046
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Fuck off the only point is I'm becoming slowly retarded

>> No.5415059


Yeah she's happy when you come to visit, as most of the potato's are. Fucking hell though when you leave these peoples lives go back to being a nightmare. Next time you visit a nursing home, check out how all the other old folks in your grandma's nursing home are doing? That is your grandma when you aren't there. It's sad as fuck.


You don't want to live like a retard. I never mentioned Link.

You should definitely KYS if you have dementia though it's not worth living through.

>> No.5415101

To live as a retard is to invest in link. I'm just shitposting really, I can't think of anything else to do right now kek.

>> No.5415198

We live in the same house and she has a full-time caretaker.

I do feel sad for her, but I honestly don't think she's aware.

>> No.5415291
File: 78 KB, 500x500, ld25-legend-of-the-galactic-heroes-39650149-500-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's sad that a fellow Legend of the Galactic Heroes fan got dementia at fucking 20. What a waste.


That might make a difference then. I can only say for the ones who get carted off to nursing homes. I can imagine a dementia potato that is kept in her home and cared for by family and kept around her memories will fare much better. It would still be shit though.

But fuck me dead though the nursing home potato's literally seem to be living a nightmare. Constantly screaming and freaking out about things and not being able to remember why they are even in the nursing home, trying to break out and run away, having to get hauled by in by nurses, fighting with other dementia patients and having potato wars. Fucking shit life.

>> No.5415561


All the best anon, F in advanced. I’ll drink to you! Go out smiling

>> No.5415616

i don't have any financial advice for you, but i'm sorry this happened to you anon

make your time here count

>> No.5415668

Theres a book by a guy called Dave Asprey called headstrong. He legit had the same shit. Tired, memory problems, cognitive problems. He got a brain scan and his frontal lobes had massively shrunk.

Read the book, the best thing you can do for your mom etc. is fight this. Good luck and Godspeed.

>> No.5415752

What I would do is to buy BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, and XMR. I added XMR because it has a good use case. Hold them proportionally by market cap. It'll work like a mini index fund. Do anything similar to an index fund and please don't throw it all into one coin.

>> No.5415782

Sorry to hear that OP. Hope you enjoy yourself with the time you have left.

>> No.5415874

Me and you are the same ago Anon, dementia is a fucking rough way to go man, both my grandparents had it and with my dad at age 65 it's gonna be rough if it happens to him, I'd probably an hero but honestly dude you need to live out the rest of your days doing some awesome shit not shitposting on here, if I were you I'd already be down a bottle of whiskey and a gram of coke

>> No.5415931

whats your research? I sleep 10 hours generally. is this bad?

>> No.5416011

did you ever play hockey or do XTREME sports and hit your head? i thought dementia only got old people? maybe you have lead poisoning

>> No.5416122

I hit my head once as a kid riding my bike down this huge hill, I blacked out for around 4 hours and my family didn't take me to the hospital. That was probably it

>> No.5416143

are you going to leave a note for your mom, this is so sad.

>> No.5416195

that one incident did more damage than the combined brain trauma of all these negroid football players who get their brain sloshed around on a daily basis and still don't have CTE problems as bad as yours?

>> No.5416269

If you want to try fighting it:

-Make sure you are not living anywhere near mould.
-Walk for 1-2 hours shortly after waking up.
-Eat 2 large meals a day, no snacks, only water inbetween.
-Get a sleep lab done, you quite probably have sleep apnea. If you dont want to just ask someone to listen if you hold your breath while sleeping.
-Avoid all stress, only listen to chill music etc. nothing that pumps you up.
-Eat fish a couple of times a week.
-Take a DHT supplement.
-Do you have a constantly runny nose/snot in throat/sore sinus or throat? Recent research has shown that toxins released by bacteria in the sinuses travel across the olfactory mucosa, directly to the brain, causing dementia in some.

>> No.5416434

Damn I was diagnosed with hyperhidrosis today.

>> No.5416532

If you have an hour to kill they discuss reversing damage from concussions etc. In this video.

Also fronto takes like 10-15 years to kill. Fight it, even if you fail im sure that before ten years are up they will have treatments to reverse dementias, there are like 3 different treatments already in phase 2 trials.

>> No.5416567

Uh forgot to include vid

>> No.5416597


Siacoin. Rumour is mcafee tweet tomorrow. If so it will moon HARD

>> No.5416655

thank you for this information, anon
'tis very kind of you

>> No.5416681

Lay off the adderall and your brain might heal. Adderall isnt good for your frontal lobe man.

Is it cureable? Your posts seem fine and coherent. Just hang in there. Also, ARK

>> No.5416690

Why not invest in a cure?

>> No.5416793

>wew lad


>> No.5416832

>400k to my mom ez
Good son. Take Kek's blessings and go in peace.

>> No.5416868

>Adderall isnt good for your frontal lobe man
what makes you tink that?

>> No.5417032

Do the research. It's a dopamine reuptake etc, and while it isn't as neurodegenerative as meth, over time it will affect your brain negatively. It targets the frontal lobe and middle parts, a twig-like thing having to do with dopamine I think. I was addicted for like 4 years. Got off it and had a month maybe of depression/exhaustion, and then a couple months after that feeling absolutely retarded. Now I'm better and never touching that dirty upper shit again.

>> No.5417086

you're alright. less sleep is linked with alzheimers and dementia.

lack of it It has measurable effects on your cognition

>> No.5417101

Scratch that, Ritalin is the dopamine reuptake inhibitor. But Addy seems even worse. Both are trash and neurodegenerative over time, addy probably being worse if I had to guess

>> No.5417184

I just got prescribed Adderall as I am a sloth and I've found my productivity level goes up so much especially when I'm not stoned it which is almost never

>> No.5417192

Im sure any mother would rather be poor than have their child kill themselves.

>> No.5417289

Well, give it like 3 years or so and see whst you think of it then, maybe less. It's supposed to be a short-term fix. Eventually you'll need to train yourself to be better without it, it's all about will. Just make sure to research the negative effects, including long-term. Also, what supplements to take if you do it, like 10mg melatonin at night, followed by these supplements and nootropics to reduce harm:

>> No.5417332

>Addy seems even worse
It is. Neurotoxicity is the major issue surrounding the psychostimulant class of ADHD medications.
Neurotoxicity is caused by these drugs from a build up of oxidopamine in the cells, which is caused by a downregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase.

>> No.5417370

I've been on Sertraline since I was 13, now 20. Got any advice on that while I got you here? Heard it can cause cognitive dissonance (?) and may have longer term effects than anticipated

>> No.5417392

You're better off splitting that 50k into 5 icos (10k each).

Read up on the technology and blow your ether. Get ready to be millionaire buddy!

>> No.5417577

All I can tell you is SSRIs are very bad long-term. That's the one antidepressant class thry need to ban. Also, O'm no expert, just had a big interest in drugs and nootropics back in the day.

I would try asking this question maybe in /r/Nootropics and see what they think, they tend to be med school-tier. Also googling any supplements/vitamins/nootropics in general to take with SSRIs. Your brain is elastic (neuroplastocity) though and can heal itself, especially if you practice zazen and become a little more mindful of what the different parts of the brain do. Check out this guy Wim Hoff and his power breath technique, which goes great with normal meditation

But yeay, only uppers I do now are coffee (morning only, and only on workdays usually) and maybe like nicotine nicorette lozenges (probably gonna kick then soon but its been like 2 years, better than smoking/dipping/etc though)

>> No.5417603

Also, sorry for typos, phoneposting and I dont believe in autocorrect

>> No.5417761

thanks buddy and I was borderline mentally retarded before I went on those and saw a therapist, I'm not on the spectrum but I spent my early days shy and isolated myself from people which in turn contributed to lack of social skills/interactions. I spent ages 12-15 on /b/ and to cut a long story short I'm pretty much a normie now, as far as basement neckbeard scale shit goes. but when I'm off my SSRI for a few days I get insanely anxious, borderline socially retarded, panicky. I just wonder about the long term sometimes

>> No.5417984

Hmm, well if you're responding well to it that's a good thing. You've also got to weigh and counterbalance the potential to have a good life, after all. I'd talk to your doctor about your worries with it though. Not sure about SSRIs and what "long-term" entails, but theres probably things your doctor could know like weening off and switching to some other different drug class over time. Cheers brah

>> No.5418160
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Memory problems were some of the worst symptoms for me, and for Kris Kristofferson.
This is a longshot, and it was a hail mary for me, but it worked. No promises.
I’m keeping it short but I have had nueroproblems for years and in the last few learned it was Lyme and coinfections. I was tested for all sorts of stuff for years and no infections were found. Some immune stuff that sometimes was called various autoimmune stuff, but never an infection. Doctors are very behind on vector borne diseases including lyme, babesiosis, bartonellosis, etc.

When I had given up, someone told me to look into Lyme as a hail mary, and I did. It’s one of those things that before I was diagnosed seemed as wacky as chemtrails, but its become more mainstream. CDC is behind. It’s not a conspiracy, just a general lack of knowledge coupled with a lot of institutional arrogance.

Kris Kristofferson was diagnosed with all sorts of stuff including alzheimers, but his wife pushed, got him diagnosed and treated, and they say that a long course of antibiotics cured him.

I am not a proponent of antibiotic abuse, but more and more MD’s and ND’s are saying that a combo of herbs and antibiotics shows better results than antibiotics alone. They should be used judiciously, but I think genuine cases warrant whatever length of treatment is needed.

Memory problems were some of the worst symptoms.

Testing sucks, and doctors suck. Some are good, do your research, advocate for yourself, be persistent. Research good testing, where I’m from (not shilling) a good lab is Igenex. Different places have different labs and doctors, I know parts of Europe are very up on this stuff too.

Best of luck, if this helps great, if not, I still hope you find something that helps and that your days are peaceful. Take care.

>> No.5418204

follow cryptos r us on youtube. he usually has some quality picks

>> No.5418330

hello my fellow amn

>> No.5418468
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F. I have no bags to shill for you OP but wish you best of luck.

>> No.5418544

Hey OP if you are really dying.
Then start to meditate.
Also remember this
>The oneness of all living things.

>> No.5418657

Fight it!

1) Juice daily, with a variety of fruits and veggies. The nutrients and antioxidants, regenerate and prevent damage to the brain.

2) Take lots of good essential fatty acids daily. This will help to restore the brain, which is primarily composed of fat.

3) Take arginine and exercise regularly. This will increase blood flow to the brain.

4) Practice deep breathing regularly, get plenty of plants in the house, and make sure you keep your windows cracked. This will help to oxygenate your body and brain.

Fight it you fucker!

>> No.5419096

I say the two opposite ends of the spectrum. BTC & XRP.


>> No.5419149

I heard grounding your body is good for you. Like with a ground wire touching your skin or standing barefoot on dirt. Dunno if it's bs or not.

>> No.5419232

how old are you OP, this rarely presents before 50. My dad just got it earlier this year; it's morbidly depressing as he is pretty normal now. He is a neurologist and both me and my mother are also doctors so even though his symptoms are not bad yet it is horrifically depressing being home since we all know what is soon to come. Every word he forgets "not remembering what to cal "cheese" for example from today) is a grim reminder of what is to come. Visiting home for the holidays now and am not gonna lie, I've had multiple quiet cries since being back in my room at night over it. It's depressing shit

Sorry to hear you've got it as well; spend time with the family and tell them stuff you;ve been putting off saying until now

>> No.5419294
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Also hats off to a fellow Yang from LotGH fan. Good luck friend

>> No.5419310

what kind of doctor are you? "How long" does your dad have at or around his current level? Is there nothing that can be done to stave it off, to delay it, etc.?

TO OP - man, fight. I wish you the best. Like some others have said, see different doctors, keep searching to see if its anything else. Stay positive.

>> No.5419324

Xsh is literally your only option

>> No.5419368

I'm a freshly minted radiologist, but my dad probably does not have long. First noticed it this June when he forgot the name of Wolverine which is surprising since he was a huge comic book nerd as a kid. That and he did not use obvious ways to describe Wolverine (ie. the mutant with metal claws) and instead struggled to describe the defining characteristics. This is the tall tell sign of primary progressive aphasia which is a type of frontotemporal dementia. I remember the sinking feeling at noticing that and the subsequent increasing occurrences

>> No.5419463

Posted before finishing, but he is at the point now, only a few months later where he cannot remember the names of his sisters in laws, uncles, and most cities or basically any wors not used multiple times a day in conversation. Talking to him you wouldn't notice anything was amiss until he would forget a word liek hummingbird or the word for cheese etc as he did today. But every day there are more and more words he cannot say, and as the atrophy progresses it now affects which words he can understand when you speak to him, and will eventually alter his personality (which has already begun to slightly alter now) and then kill him.

But there is nothing that can cure or even delay this disease unfortunately. Same is true with virtually every neuro-degenerative disorder.

At his current rate of progression I do not imagine he will be my "dad" anymore in about 8 months or so. It;s all been sudden as he has had to suddenly retire from being a neurologist and taking care of people with dementia to regressing rapidly and will now need to be taken care of, coming to grips that he will never get to see his grandchildren or do all the things he wanted to do with my mom when they got old etc.

Sucks because he was the nicest guy on earth; i made him a lot of money this year because he is always interested and excited with anything im doing whether it was playing Halo back in the day or investing in crypto this year and so on.

>> No.5419494

god bless you anon

>> No.5419514

Shit. Sorry to hear man.

>> No.5419563

I understand ur mom getting the 400k if u die from ur illness, but i dont think the military will still pay out if u actually commit suicide right? im in the usmc and i thought its only if u die doing something work related or get an illness

>> No.5419608


I had all these problems and was also on adderall...60mg a day instant release. I stopped and so did the symptoms.

>> No.5419614

Dude that sucks so much, sorry man

>> No.5419724

I'm not being as ass but my mother has the same early onset.
I'm sorry to say that NO book/doctor/diet can save you anon. The doctors actually do not know a hell of a lot about the disease, they will literally just eat your money-selling you shitty drugs that do not work.
The smart thing to do here is to do as Robin Williams before it's too late. The slope is quicker than you think, before you know it, you will lose speech and you will shit yourself after every meal, by then you cant tell the difference between a pill and a penny.
If you don't have the balls to do it, write a living will and move to a state that does assisted suicide. Make sure your family knows that they must not keep you alive.