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54133014 No.54133014 [Reply] [Original]

Im about to enter the astral realm. Tell me which coins u want me to research while im there

>> No.54133039

Low effort truff shill thread. Todd is an idiot.

>> No.54133046

the taste of this shit is absolutely disgusting
impossible to eat

>> No.54133062

for the umpteenth time, shrooms are bearish
if you at least had tried them once, you wouldn't bother
but you're a fucking shill bot so why do I even bother

>> No.54133076

Ketamine > psychedelics

>> No.54133110

How can I too profit from vacuum sealing my scat?

>> No.54133145

I will never get the love for shrooms.

>> No.54133152

Todd tickles shill thread fo sho

>> No.54133233
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You live in netherlands, don't you?

>> No.54133285


>> No.54133348

do bitcoin

>> No.54133872

can confirm these are pretty fucking strong, i would recommend getting a mortar and crushing them up so that the cell wall (chitin) which in indigestible doesnt fuck with your stomach, tastes disgusting tho so just crush it up and then put it in a glass of water and drink it without chewing.
Wholecelium pretty good :)

>> No.54134026

Machine elves are racis

>> No.54134105

yeah I usually crunch 'm up and make a tea. Put some honey in there and you don't taste the bad anymore, good shit

>> No.54134127

geth, eggs and teh fund thank you anon you are always welcome to my energy if you find yourself in need during your trip

>> No.54134150

Truffles are fine but dried shrooms are much better.

>> No.54134328

Are those truffles? Are they even real psilocybin mushrooms? I had some in amsterdam and the experience was way off any other shroom exp ive had

>> No.54134346

Dutchbro, you order this from zamnesia like I do?

>> No.54134373

I grind it and make a tea-brew. Eating this stuff is indeed disgusting

>> No.54134410

DBI plz, lemme know if it's worth getting a bag now that it's uinder 2 cents

>> No.54134477
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>> No.54134515
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add in vinegar for added extraction and dont let the water get past 200f

>> No.54135877


>> No.54135889

>truffles and not proper gold caps
I'm a 30 year old neckbeard antisocial weirdo with no friends living in War on Drugs AmeriKKKa and I could still find an eight of proper gold caps by the end of the day if I wanted to

>> No.54135935

OpenbetAI on coinmartketcap

>> No.54136075

Not in winter u fuckboy

>> No.54136101

i still have some golden teachers saves. might take some soon.

you get a grinder and grind them up. then stick it in tea and drink it in a few gulps. done. ez mode.

>> No.54136140

Research why your family doesn't look at you the way they used to and why the choices you've made along the way are making you unhappy. Come out the other side of this trip a better person. Call her up and apologize for being immature. Go on a long walk. It's gonna be ok.

>> No.54136180

They're good for introspection and getting over your fucked up issues. No magic. Just really opening your mind to the things your ego tends to hide from you.

>> No.54136197

>receive immaculate vision of beauty
>see all possibilities
>desire to improve
>reach out to people
>they're still awful, shitty humans
>desires be, desires go
>want the world to burn

>> No.54136213

>what is indoors

>> No.54136228

nah my mom lied about selling my dead daddys stuff. this lady raised me Christian and took me to church every sunday too. until 5th grade at least, then she stopped. after I bought a house and wanted my dead dads taxidermy deer heads. they are gone? she said someone came into her shed and stole them. said that for months. came to my house and I pulled out a bible and ask her again. lies. i ask months down the road and she finally tells me the truth. she sold them for nothing at a garage sale.

she has lied over and over. I'm an honest boy anon. it hurts. I've had 2 other ex gfs lie and trick me too. women suck. very few are worth your time and sadly I don' think my mom is worth my time any more. she can't even have a real conversation. she also has a bunch of witch warts on her face now. I think God made her look like a witch on purpose.

I was on acid when I knew she had pulled my dad down on purpose and doing the same to me now this very moment. Made it a lot easier to move on. she lied about all sorts of stuff. when you're almost 70 and that is your character? not good. not good at all.

But yes psychs are the best therapy and did wonders for me. made my life better.

>> No.54136415

you grow them ina tub indoors anon.

>> No.54137893

Call it gamer-girl chocolate and put some hello kitty stickers on it.

>> No.54138079

Ketamine is a psychedelic friendo

>> No.54138164

Frequen Ketamine use will have you needing a catheter within a decade

>> No.54138201

It's mainly a dissociative. Just because it's trippy as fuck doesn't mean it's a psychedelic. That's like calling Salvia psychedelic when really it's just extremely fucking weird and not comparable to tripping on psychs.

>> No.54138525

>You live in netherlands, don't you?
Yeah and he's not white either. He's an immigrant. We dutchies don't smoke weed or go to the redlight district -- that's all for tourists and somalis

>> No.54138646
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That’s why you buy these instead

>> No.54138657
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>We dutchies don't smoke weed
but I smoke weed outta dutchies

>> No.54138677

The 21st amendment was a mistake.

>> No.54138808

ive never had mushrooms that taste like shit, all of them I've ever eaten have tasted pretty similar to raw porcini mushrooms

>> No.54138836


>> No.54138861

If it doesn't hide my transaction details then it's shit.

>> No.54138977

One coin to rule them all D0B0

>> No.54139127


>> No.54139527

You have to really abuse it to get there. Psychedelics have plenty of negatives as well, shrooms aren't good for your heart.

>> No.54139692
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Boy do I have a coin for you!

>> No.54139740

This is why I prefer LSD.

>> No.54139924

It's not that bad it has a coppery taste just wash it down with some juice, or as other anons suggested make tea with it by grinding, adding lemon juice and letting sit in hot water for 20 mins. Delicious with ginger and honey

T. Took 16grams of truffles on sunday

>> No.54139991

I take magic mushrooms with a spoonful of peanut butter to hide the taste. maybe you try?

>> No.54139997

Next time just get a growth kid. You get an ungodly amount of shrooms for €50 and a little effort.

>> No.54140038
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Our coin, the holy Chainlink

>> No.54140132

Anyone have experience growing these? I did some research on YouTube and think I’m going to start growing

>> No.54140224

Ketamine is way more addictive and will stop doing anything useful. Way more dangerous, and makes you dumber.
t. Retired drug enthusiast

>> No.54140273

First time growing right now. Using uncle bens technique. Right now the mycelium is spreading in a tub and once it's covered the surface I'll start the budding process
Pretty easy. I I'm worried about actually taking them since I'm not close with anyone like that where I live

>> No.54140364

growing them is easy and just requires grain, substrate, spores, water, and 2 months
The hardest part is deciding the strain because there’s so many. Most people start with cubensis but psilocybe natalensis is easier to grow and 2x as strong without as much negative effects
panaeolus cyanescens is harder to grow but faster and is 3x as strong as cubensis
using liquid culture instead of spores will cut 2 weeks off the colonization times
that’s awesome
If you’re worried, I suggest starting small and working your way up
I’ve taken shrooms over 100 times in big doses and it’s better to do too little than too much

>> No.54140477

Start small. Have a good set and setting, no commitments or distractions.
Out of any drug, mushrooms are the easiest mentally for me personally. Never had a "bad trip." Can't say the same for anything synthetic or even weed

>> No.54141389
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>> No.54141418

Where'd you read that?

>> No.54141890

>Have a good set and setting, no commitments or distractions.
Great advice
It’s best to take the time and make sure you’re in a positive mood before partaking.

>> No.54142789

OP here

that was intense

>> No.54143115

vaccum packs in OP are truffles tho, and they indeed taste like fucking shit. Genuinely bitter as fuck and make you wanna gag while chewing.

>> No.54143145

categorically false
1 had negative impact on your health
and the other truly treats your depression

>> No.54143175


>> No.54143680


>> No.54143713

Your brain thinks in ways it normally wouldn’t. Doesn’t make you know shit you dont already know but you’re brain is approaching ideas/concepts/theories in a novel way.

>> No.54143719


>> No.54143896

Ketamine is stupid as fuck. I was hanging out with 2 buddies from highschool over thanksgiving and they bought 1 gram of K for $100 and did about half of it in 4 hours while sitting on the couch with me and shooting the shit while I was crushing beers.
Just a waste of time and money and bad for your bladder

>> No.54143940

Poorfag cope kek

>> No.54143979

K fag cope kek

>> No.54143997

Normie retard fell for muh bladder meme stick to DXM faggot

>> No.54144013

one gram of K costs 10 euros here. i don't use it anymore tho

>> No.54144034

I know one girl who snorted K for serveral years and had her bladder removed. kidney problems too. she's a wreck now.

>> No.54144225
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Man I miss shrooms, my last order got caught in the mail and I got in a load of shit for it, so im screwed trying to order them anymore

>> No.54144270

Same guy
I had shrooms before actually. And had an extremely bad trip. But I did everything wrong. Ok setting but in a public beach, my friend wasn't there, took more than what my friend told me to even though he mentioned it was a stronger strain he was used to, and wasn't in a good space I guess. Even though it was a horrible trip, it's like the void is calling and I want to go again lol.
I'm going to stick with microdoses I think and use them to when studying or working, or just have a slight happy high

>> No.54144315

Why not just get spores? Are they allowed to search your place now uf you order spores?

>> No.54144381

If I get caught with anything my house gets searched. The company I bought off did a shit job with making the package not appear dodgy

>> No.54144409

are you in E.U? shouldn't be a problemerino. also the kits aren't illegal in most E.U countries. only the actual shroomerinos.

>> No.54144420

shrooms is something you should do alone on an off day and when no one can bother you. doing it together is a waste.

>> No.54144449

Yep. Shrooms are more of a personal journey, whereas acid can -- depending on the person and the experience -- be more social. Mushrooms usually fascinate me with closed eye visuals and introspection than they make me want to be social and deal with people, much less another tripping person.

>> No.54144520

Yeah i am is it easy enough to do the kit stuff? and is it worth buying spores separate then ?

>> No.54144526
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just buy TRUFF retard. hopefully this was a stealth TRUFF shill thread otherwise you are a dumbass.

>> No.54144735

No one is buying TRUFF
You e been spamming this board for months

>> No.54145258

I don't do drugs anymore, it's for failures

>> No.54145340

Yeah its a fucked flavor.

>> No.54145421

Agreed. Weed is arguably worse than heroin because least with heroin you know you are a loser.
Look at every weed/psychedelic based society and they are all hut niggers
Meanwhile look at every alcoholic society like Ancient Greece or Rome and there is rich culture, science and technology
Only drug for successful people is adderal

>> No.54145482

uhh.. idk man,... need to rest

>> No.54145636

Today OP learned what happens when you go into a trip with expectations.

>> No.54146518

you are based

>> No.54146555

Yeah they taste like mushrooms wtf

>> No.54146587
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I just think it's a good high. I don't really buy into the spiritual/health side of things. They just make me feel like pic related. Feels good man.

>> No.54146618

>glowie trying to keep people from expanding their consciousness
Keep trying
Steve Jobs thinks you’re a bitch

>> No.54146644

They taste fine
You guys probably live on Cheetos and code red
I’ve had over 100 different herbs and tinctures that taste worse than shrooms
Even Kratom is worse than shrooms
Plus you can just put them in capsules and you won’t taste it at all

>> No.54146658

How do u even get them

>> No.54146669

How do you get them tho

>> No.54146677

Are you a transsexual?

>> No.54146834


>> No.54147610

Buy from Canadian websites or grow your own
The spores are legal in most places and they grow in closet with no light and little soil
In 2 months youll have ounces

>> No.54147876

>runs over little white kids crossing the road after getting done with this weeks beating of his pregnant gf (2nd cousin) at the local trailer park
Ok cletus, tell us another story.

>> No.54148047

easy to grow them and then you’ll have months of a supply and can sell or give some away

>> No.54148483

this sounds illegal

>> No.54148614

While I love my family emotionally, most of them are awful at personal finances and they would drag me down if I involved in their lives more than I do. Not bad people at all but they all live with this 1929 poor mindset where they have this ridiculous behavior that they believe their natural state is being poor and hungry, they don't wanna manage their money because they are 100% sure they will lose it all in the next two weeks

>> No.54148882

Actually it's decriminalized in some places. There's nothing about growing them that would make someone think your up to something illegal. Brown rice flower and vermiculite along with perlite for maintaining the humidity is all you really need besides some containers like jars and an aquarium heater for incubation. Not really a good business though.

>> No.54149107
File: 390 KB, 1080x1548, 1AA15F50-5CCE-4061-901A-33D914B24050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound gay

>> No.54149815

>has a picture of a gay on his computer
>calls others gay
you literally cant make this up

>> No.54150466

>this sounds illegal
you meant to post this on Reddit

>> No.54150486

We all have pictures of fags just to call bitches like you out. You’re lost bitch. No one here agrees with you except glowtards

>> No.54150515

just bought 2000 more shares of TRUFF thanks to this thread

>> No.54152467

OP here

feel calm and at peace today