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File: 218 KB, 1072x616, 1671546507427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54131605 No.54131605 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, America really is headed for the depths of economic hell.

>> No.54131629

this is fine

>> No.54131631
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By the time the Negros get their millions in funny money it won't be worth anything.

>> No.54131641


>> No.54131646

Even if the economy suffered because of wokeism and multicultural migration you wouldn't be allowed to say it in the US

>> No.54131662

the reality of this situation is that none of this will occur, but a bunch of nigger loving politicians did use public resources to dream up this mentally deranged fantasy, while being paid a salary derived from tax revenues.

>> No.54131663 [DELETED] 

>a bunch of niggers pulled off the SF streets recommend you gibs dem dat

>> No.54131675

In other words political extreme ideologies now work like gravity on the US economy. As Islam would in other countries. Ironically Saudi Arabia is slowly fading Islam out.

>> No.54131689

> mass migration to california
> ca becomes a containment zone

what's the problem?

>> No.54131712

its basically the same programme every holocaust survivor got after 45'. look at their lives if you dont believe me

>> No.54131724

Jake Shields scrap pack



(I met Nate like 2 years ago he was friendly but his friends were mean to me)

>> No.54131743

Totally in favor of this as long as Palestinians get the same deal.

>> No.54131793
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>> No.54131797

Picture that guy in the commercial with the fishing pole. Instead of saying oh you almost had it gotta be quicker than that, he says vote for me and you'll get it, oh those republicans stalled it, vote for me again for 20 terms

>> No.54131825

The people of san francisco deserve their hell. Why are test levels so low anyway? If this shit was even rumored back in 1968 george wallace would have been president for life and the USA would be the 4th reich. Instead people think an orange guy who said the n word once is way too controversial to be bresident. People are vicious in their cowardliness now, the only time they'll fight is to fight you for saying you should fight back against the bankers.

>> No.54131835

Another example of white people helping other races while ignoring their own lmao

>> No.54131883

Feeling bullish on rim shops and Mercedes dealerships boys

>> No.54131918

this is unironically no problem, the white man who produces everything will just ask more prices and niggers' 100k a year will just become new minimum wage/food coupon level. no white man (who produces or lives a self sustainable life) will be in trouble.

>> No.54131920

>it's real
captcha: 2APTAX

>> No.54131986
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support this shit with everything you got to finally let the beast kill itself

>> No.54132137
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>no taxes
They don't pay any anyway. We've paid 'reparations' a few times over now, even excluding aid to Africa.

>> No.54132158


>> No.54132214

>Saudi Arabia is slowly fading Islam out
Yeah I heard they even let women drive there. Next step: trans kids.

>> No.54132245

I'm black because I voted for Joe Biden

>> No.54132294

Why would palestinians deserve anything
They should be paying the world reparations actually, its their fault we have to have airport security today.

>> No.54132300

ffs its just a plan you retard, i could start a committee and ask for every nigger to be lynched and their belonings to be paid to whites and it would not be any less official than that shit you just posted

>> No.54132304

Jews will con the blacks out of that money, which is why they are pushing for it. Same as happened with BLM.

>> No.54132690
File: 629 KB, 934x1035, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites and jews clumped together
>it's Jehover

>> No.54132717

Finally, my Semitic neighbors are as hated as me.

>> No.54132746
File: 433 KB, 406x505, caraOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the rage.
Everybody who owns crypto or any other meme assets should hope for something like to happen.
Guess where the money goes? They will buy memes and fiat will get destroyed.
Especially if you're not American.

>> No.54132874

If you gave everyone 5 million, most of them would blow it all immediately and many would even end up dead like some lottery winners.

Ultimately most of that money would end up back in more stable hands.

>> No.54132904

They’re literally redistributing wealth from tax payers to us

>> No.54132927

This will conveniently be scrapped because of global financial crisis 2.0

>> No.54132960

The idea behind this is so unprecedentedly fucking insane that I find it impossible to believe there are enough stupid people to believe this is totally fair and rational social-financial policing.

>> No.54132987

honestly idgaf,

>> No.54133019

comprehensive list for sure but we blacks would settle for half those demands. for sure

>> No.54133044

Remember the Yang Gang? Yeah, me neither.

>> No.54133068

Unironically this, its hard to get worked up over something they're so complacent about. Especially white women, they're the worst as they're the most susceptible to manipulation.

>> No.54133088

You would I'm sure, but it will never be enough and you're not after equality. You want revenge.

>> No.54133246

> identify as black

>> No.54134002

Is that how black people see themselves? As worth that much?

They should be arguing whether each black person is worth a positive figure at all, because based on traditional accounting methods each black person is a substantial negative to society.

>> No.54134084

Is this literal children making these propositions? Do they have any idea the consequences of giving 5 million fucking dollars to every black resident?

>> No.54134230


>> No.54134267

God I wish I was a nigger living in the US, I also want $5m free cuckbucks

>> No.54134301

It’s only ~$22 billion dollars. If we can afford to give it to Ukraine, we can afford to give it to blacks.

>> No.54134338
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>Kids in 2053 making jokes about SF like it's Detroid of the current year.

>> No.54134345

At this point why not just give UBI to the people who actually need it the most?

>> No.54134361

they make it so easy to support russia

>> No.54134394

How do I identify as black?

>t. white irish descendent

>> No.54134408


I live in Poland and identify as Black, dog. Can I get $5mln like the rest of my fellow niggas?

>> No.54134443
File: 1.24 MB, 256x192, 1645968627959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nig francisco has Gibs Me Dat Fo Free comitee
this is fucking hilarious

>> No.54134499

you know who's dumber than a guy who repeatedly got hit in the head for over a decade?
people who listen to him.

>> No.54134529

>some right wingers make fake bait "left wing" shit up
>only other right wniggers take the bait
>start reacting to it unironically
>when pointed out, they go all "I-I knew it was parody, but it's just like reality!!!"
how can I profit from this

>> No.54134545
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And what the FUCK do I get?

>> No.54134552

What did the jews expect? They have white skin too, they'll be treated the same as us by the brown horde they created.

>> No.54134599

Damn right. The only thing these people have over men is pussy: what happens when all the white guys go south?

>> No.54134634

Yeah it's funny seeing this happen. The younger generations don't use "white" to mean European descent like the older generations do. Zoomers think "white" refers solely to skin color, so they naturally include jews under its umbrella.

>> No.54134690
File: 54 KB, 500x394, 6A46F1FC-740A-4F8A-89A2-ECCA9081E769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not happening and your just being a conspiracy theorist
>okay so it is happening but it’s actually a good thing
Pretty much this?

>> No.54134693

This’ll never happen. Just a symptom of people with fake jobs all the way down.

Fake committee jobs to see how to help the ‘disenfranchised’
Fake analysts to do the economic estimates
Fake reporting claiming that any of this is real and means anything

>> No.54134819
File: 615 KB, 1024x792, 1649317912401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a sec...
>enable extreme gibs policy in SanFrancisco
>niggers from across the country migrate in
>build a giant wall around to "keep whites out"
>seal the gates once all niggers are in

>> No.54134874

Black American here. I remember slavery like it was yesterday, the pain never goes away, I still have the whip scars on my back and Im all hunched over from picking cotton. I deserve this!

>> No.54134889

>once all niggers are in
A lot of them are hardcore conspiracy theorists and probably wouldn't fall for free money offers from the government.

>> No.54135003
File: 870 KB, 3072x2303, 1661577815920888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the san francisco reparations bill is a 200iq move to get more niggers to crowd it
people arent looking at the bigger picture - san fran is a homeless /hub/
police allow homeless to openly break the law in their camps right outside the police stations
homeless are basically paid to come there and be homeless
straight up, san francisco is a CORRAL for undesirables

>> No.54135017

The Californians who vote for this garbage take their make work tech job salaries subsidized by the Federal Reserve and flee to shit up the rest of the country.

>> No.54135040

>they can't possibly be that retarded
>it must be 4D chess
no, they're simply that retarded.

>> No.54135068

Yeah, niggers never take free money from the government.

>> No.54135278

>Is that how black people see themselves? As worth that much?
It's the accumulated worth of about a dozen generations. Slavery and it descendent institutions are a massive blight on our economic balance; they distort markets and lead to moral hazards and peverse incentives. Step one of fixing that is restoring the balance by moving wealth that's overloaded on one side to the other.

>> No.54135319

Right on brother, they owe us!

>> No.54135332
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>> No.54135452

Its going to implode that is certain, the question is how bloody and chaotic its going to be.

>> No.54135572
File: 77 KB, 736x487, fe1c40f828fc0a2a08f89f457654e1c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how funny things really are.

>> No.54135619


>> No.54135639

I meant 2033* I forgot it’s still 2023

>> No.54135659

I identify as a black Californian. And no, you can’t ask me to do any sort of genetic testing or proof of residency because that’s racist and transphobic.

>> No.54135779
File: 169 KB, 1920x1280, 1678894046953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. The committee is full of kikes and niggers

>> No.54135804

dig it

>> No.54135827

You can't localize cancer, it metastasizes and needs to be treated before it has a chance to spread to other parts of the body.

>> No.54135855

California is not America

>> No.54135881

imagine thinking america is for everyone. it's not. jews run this place and they want to demoralize the white man. niggers are Gods now in america. i want to have sex with some slam pig and have multiple white kids now and raise them to know the NWO was real. they will actually push shit like this and use the west coast to push it why? they have full control out west.

>> No.54135899
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it's not going to pass, but the funniest part is the committee that made this recommendation said that even if they got this impossible list of terrorist demands, it still wouldn't make up for slavery and they'd just keep bitching for more

>> No.54135923

No that's the Israelis you're thinking of.

>> No.54135957

Didn't know jake shields was based bros

>> No.54135959

kys as soon as possible, your level of retardation is too high

>> No.54135987

It would cause more black people rioting than George Floyd. It’s quite possibly the silliest nigger-tier idea in the history of human thought. Reparations for something no one ever even experienced.

>> No.54135991

no, step one of fixing that is shipping all the niggers back to Africa

>> No.54135998

Jews are unironically right about goyim. 200 years ago, and we would be lynching whoever was in charge of the nation. Nowadays, we just wine on a cantonese noodle soup forum

>> No.54136015
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>Jews are unironically right about goyim. 200 years ago, and we would be lynching whoever was in charge of the nation. Nowadays, we just wine on a cantonese noodle soup forum
*whine, you retarded fuckin' heeb

>> No.54137126


>> No.54137231
File: 84 KB, 512x512, 1666106683287371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they accept the gibs it basically means green light to call them niggers again.

>> No.54137289

And where do I sign up?

>> No.54138780


Could one of the racists here actually explain why paying restitutions to a people who have suffered centuries of oppresion and bigotry is wrong?

And no, spamming the n-word or other racial bigotry is not an answer.

>> No.54138854

call me when pigs fly

>> No.54138888

Because every race has suffered centuries of oppression and bigotry, you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.54138906

I have no idea what your faggy meme means.

>> No.54138938
File: 899 KB, 2000x3000, Escape From L.A. 1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do this so every black moves to commiefornia
then build a wall around it

>> No.54138999

The talmud is right about goys

>> No.54139041


>> No.54139072

Those are good quads but this doesn't really apply equally to each case when one tribe literally owned the other tribe as whipped slaves while acting like a shining city on the hill

Just imagine if the roles were reversed. It's not that hard.

>> No.54139102 [DELETED] 

Sour grapes, nigger. You should have invented boats and guns first. Niggers deserve nothing but the rope.

>> No.54139162

No clue what the long term plan is. Flee to China? Kek, yeah good luck with that. Brown America will not give two shits about Israel either.

>> No.54139171

WOWZERS is this the same committee from 12 "two more weeks" ago?!?

>> No.54139213

>it hasn't even happened yet so why are you even talking about it lol
Because, you fucking retard, just the fact that it's being proposed by legislators is indicative of the absolute shitshow that is our country right now. Also, you're probably jewish.

>> No.54139781

they are literal domestic terrorists at this point and from what ive read their sales pitch is: "give us the money we ask for as reparations or we burn down the city and start looting things"

its domestic terrorism at this point.

>> No.54139809

>Just imagine if the roles were reversed. It's not that hard.
You are correct that it is not hard, because it is something which has happened. The Muslim world owes Christendom a massive payout for invading, destroying the culture, and geocoding the Christian nations in the middle east, and they (the arab nations) owe Europe for centuries of invasions, wars, and the Barbary slave trade.

>> No.54139879

>97k/yr for the next 250 years

That's an awful lot of Dodge Chargers

>> No.54139900

I'm in favor of it. How can we make it real?

>> No.54139922
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>> No.54140277
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>> No.54140309

Get all your buddies and head to San Fran

>> No.54140323

such a retarded take.

>> No.54140330
File: 237 KB, 856x859, dfgdfbbdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 million dollars to each black resident

>> No.54140406

>/pol/cels will actually believe this
fake and gay. Also they don't have enough money to do any of that.

>> No.54140411

Trump did do anything. Filling out a box on a private ballot doesn’t do anything either.

>> No.54140449
File: 84 KB, 720x658, 1663434984663090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel did this to us

>> No.54140559

this seems right, it's about what it takes to prevent niggers from being aggressive
ideally you would just have no niggers

>> No.54140690

It's just a list of shit that won't happen. Literally a bunch of DEI consultants got paid 6 figures to make this list and probably the only work they did was taking out things like "Black people should be provided free jetpacks" or "Crack and opioids should be made nonaddictive but they still get you high and only black people are allowed to do the nonaddictive drugs and also they're free."

>> No.54140933


a BLACK SVN will rise over america


>> No.54141003

Why is that?
Because it's jews pushing this shit, open borders for us and gibs for terrorists fine.
Oh hey there little Palestinian boy, I see you have some chocolate, that's terrorism now get on the hood of my car gonna use you as a human shield and then blame Palestine when we bomb you.

>> No.54141174

Houses for a dollar programs are nice for run down neighborhoods where it would be cheaper for the city rather than paying for demo.
House for a dollar would also require a X amount be spent fixing it up and a X amount of years living there.

>> No.54141451

> get voted in
> decide to give them selves money
This is really how democracy dies. Nothing could create more animosity to blacks and the government.

>> No.54143555

Can vouch for this. Allah snackbar

>> No.54143584

As KSAboi I say you suck

>> No.54143598

>one city that's infested with chinks, pajeets, and various subhumans
>America is LE BAD right fellow whites?

You're not fooling anyone slavnigger

>> No.54143885

not if we nuke it once the plan has taken full effect.

>> No.54145250

no it's not

>> No.54145412

Didn't they get an entire country already?

>> No.54145473

holy shit
how can it be all of those things together

>> No.54145507

the pls dont riot act

>> No.54145522

*the mostly peaceful pls dont riot act

>> No.54146972

This is a great way to create a containment board

>> No.54147226

This was an episode of Deep Space 9. The Bell Riots.

>> No.54147258

I identify as the biggest blackest nigger now.
Also no way this is real

>> No.54147263

Go ask nick fuentes. He's literally a gay furry tricking poltards out of money.

>> No.54147377
File: 424 KB, 3384x955, ed4805d90d0dbba16d7f8a6547de5d8437f4a73cff0ca8552f59693508741468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, only thing the non whites miss is that as White fade away the USA is gonna become more and more like Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Whites might be broken but they are also the only ones keeping the US social security and basic infrastructure running, once they are gone of less than 20% of the population there won't be enough productive people to pay gibs

>> No.54147381

Why aren’t all black people moving to San Fran.

>> No.54147431

>some slam pig
why would you refer to potential mom of your kids like that?

>> No.54147438


>> No.54147458
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PBS article writer secretly based?

>> No.54147481
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but the San Andreas Fault did the needful

>> No.54147575

>try to provide a fair life for your people after pasty foreigners come in raping and enslaving your children all the while
>kick the rapist and slaver race out and start to heal
>pasty devil race intentionally destroys country on their "way out"
White people are FAR worse then jews, should have rounded them up like hitler so they can't destroy your country from the inside. Nasty creatures.

>> No.54147750
File: 515 KB, 652x562, 1675093294889635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels and conservatards are REEEIng, and Black Twitter is being its usual retarded self.

Meanwhile, this is never gonna pass. Save your energy for something else, faggots.

>> No.54147912

The "cancer" in this analogy is HUMAN BEINGS with FAMILIES. You treat cancer by killing the cancer cells. You can't do that with people, obviously. So what's the treatment?

>> No.54147956

normalfags dont care about taxation, and they don’t care to understand it.

We will have to force tax reform, or we are fucked

>> No.54147998 [DELETED] 

The funny thing about this meme is that some anon will inadvertently post
>2 more weeks

One day as an accurate forecast for a major black swan event exactly 2 weeks before said event occurs. Kek

>> No.54148306

I'm Irish. My people were enslaved in this country as well. Where's my license to do anything I want and blame this fact? Where's my 5 million dollars?
As for a practical reason: This is a logistical nightmare. What's the eligibility criteria? Who verifies it? Are you okay with someone with mixed race parents who is as pale as a golf ball receiving the payment? If the criteria is based on skin color, are you okay with our example's vantablack brother getting the payment but not him, even though they have the exact same lineage? No matter what decisions are made here, large numbers of people will say it's the wrong decision.
The only real incentive to do something like this is to say "Okay, we've made it all even and fair now. Now there should be no more bitching." when in reality there will be easily twice as much bitching.
The $1 house and everything related to mortgages is a non-starter. Banks *will* find a way to wrench those houses back, and then you're back where you started.
What do you do when recipients money is swindled away, stolen, or just blown in the first 6 months? Remember, it's all your fault that happened.

It solves nothing and creates more problems.

>> No.54148435
File: 58 KB, 1024x577, d84660d0982ca9379558f833f453a098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biden actually said this about whites literally chimping out over not being able to lynch black people anymore
Holy shit you subhumans need to go back to your nazi shithole.

>> No.54148446

Just kidding fren. Good post

>> No.54148492

Fuck Palestinians

>> No.54148517

I had the same thought when I saw this. Only the educated and already well off will handle it responsibly.

>> No.54148531

yes you can

>> No.54148575

Stop treating Africans like they are human. They have an entire chuck of brain matter, a golfball size, compared to every other human.

They are a different species and I'm tired of pretending. This is why its wrong to treat blacks as equal. Africans don't understand what a "future" is, they are narcissistic, and are incapable of humility (they can't blush)

>> No.54148578

This. You may never make it on crypto anymore, but there’s always another opportunity

>> No.54148586

>san fransisco is america
It goes in all fields.

>> No.54148608

The problem with tech hubs is that scientists are completely fucking retarded when it comes anything outside of their field of expertise. So when you have an entire city full of people who are 50 iq morons when they're involved with anything that isn't their specialty, it turns into an absolute nightmare. They will believe in and vote for the stupidest shit, and because they're the majority there's nothing anyone can do about it but sit and watch as they destroy their own city. I know you're thinking "but surely someone can say something to try to stop them", but it's not gonna work, because the excuse that will always be used is "but they're smart! are you really gonna tell a 150 iq genius that he's a fucking idiot?", and the argument will end there. They are so ridiculously confident in their decisions that trying to convince them otherwise is impossible. Once your city is designated as a center for science and technology, it's fucking over, so you may as well get a headstart and move before it goes to shit.
If you have a job in tech and you get an offer for a job in a tech hub city like san franisco, you should insist on working from home so you don't have to move. Moving to one of these places is suicide, the city is doomed from the start.

>> No.54148631

I would actually 100% support this policy but on the condition that any recipient of these funds must relocate to Africa or another country that isn't America. Ideally they can use their funds to help oppressed people in those countries and continue the cycle of healing

>> No.54148653


I like how you right wing retards cope with

"yeah, we allow people in our own government to literally allow one of the most evil pieces of legislations to even be written off, but its okay, its no big deal, it won't pass"

You pussies will say anything to cope with the fact you're a loser. In sane society, this should have never gotten off the ground. No you aren't temporarily embarrassed winners, you are a future genocide victim. You're a loser and a weakling.

"ffs its just a plan" said the coward hiding behind a computer screen. Its OKAY, I CONSENT to my government doing this.

>> No.54148673

This is classic well poisoning:
>get all the dumb niggers riled up over reparations
>they riot when they only get $500 and a pack of Newports
>jews swoop in and buy out all the burnt out property
>rinse, repeat

>> No.54148674

and what is your brave and courageous plan do deal with this that you want us to say?

>> No.54148687
File: 147 KB, 1280x698, 1591724850023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup, fellow niggers, where do I get my paycheck?

>> No.54148699

Why does this remind me of that one onlyfans clown chick that made me discover a fetish I didn’t realize I had?

>> No.54148751

Lol it's a baiting game you retard. You propose something outrageous, and on top of the attention you get, you are able to bait the other side into overstepping so you can scare your own base with their panicked idiocy. This is SOP in American politics and the people do it to themselves.

>> No.54148803

Lets see:
Grand Total Final Budget US$ 6.3B

No mix race Black or African American 5.7% of 815,201 = 46,466 (rounding down)
(Being generous here taking into account only no mix race)

Without taking into account anything else besides the 5M it would already amount to US$ 232.330B

How does it add up?

>> No.54148807

Fucking retarded zionist kike

>> No.54149486

when are we going to start making memes to promote niggers to all move to california to get the reparations?

>> No.54149597

unironically, they aren't that stupid.

>> No.54149661

They are short sighted in this. Even if they managed to afford it, after it has worn off in 5 years and they’ve all sold their houses, put mortgages against them and lost them, blown their money. The racism will be even more powerful and this time there won’t be an excuse as to why a disproportionate amount of black people are losers other than the way they are.

>> No.54149718

i really want them to do it, so the new rich in SF can complain about the street shitting, and everybody will care, and the city will be cleaned up, and there will be peace in the middle east, and amen. get all that gay white shit outta SF for good. Wakanda forever!

>> No.54149788

so the mod protected /pol raid threads have moved to /biz huh? I'm sure it'll go far better than on /tv lol

>> No.54150483

You don't belong on this site if you hate /pol/ anyway. Fuck you you coward. There is no raid, all reasonable people believe this. Only cowards like you disagree.

>> No.54150502
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>> No.54150584

/fit/ here. Remember to drink water and go back

>> No.54151015

If it doesn't specify descent from slavery or segregation the black population of the US will increase as 50 million Africans show up for their gibs.

>> No.54151028

>No taxes
They should do this one, then everybody else should sue to also get it. Magically, America would be fixed.

>> No.54151034

Yes poltard, you should go back to /pol

>> No.54151568

Can a true blooded american give a qrd on how exactly what kind of mental gymnastics have been pulled to make people believe that a small minority of subhumans "built" a country any more than a hammer and nails build a shed?

>> No.54151589

How much would this cost? Would it surpass Trump's 500B for niggers?
White people voted for this, they also suggested this
They will do something and it will be worshipping niggers

>> No.54151593
File: 810 KB, 1170x1171, 1675445987925039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we also wantz extra helpings of corn breadz

>> No.54151609

Anons, Should I buy Link or LTC? I have $1k to spend on crypto

>> No.54151619

Anon, it's real and you asked for this, and you will defend it
You deserve everything that's happening to you and everything that will happen to you

>> No.54151659

Yeah, apparently all of the wealth and innovation in the US is the product of a single cash crop (cotton). All of this retardation is a symptom of a sick society and I’m not just talking about liberals. You would not believe how stupid some of these people are.