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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54130423 No.54130423 [Reply] [Original]

The glowie room posting here has reached extremes
This shit is so obvious it’s crazy
What agency is paying for this doomer shitposting? CIA? JP Morgan? NSA? CCP?

>> No.54130428


>> No.54130507

I've been a doomer since 9/11
And it has progressively gotten worse ever since
Feel that anon - world's shifting under your feet...

>> No.54130514
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>The glowie room posting here has reached extremes
>This shit is so obvious it’s crazy
>What agency is paying for this doomer shitposting? CIA? JP Morgan? NSA? CCP?

>> No.54130539
File: 75 KB, 750x1000, 2b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right anon, new threads are fishy
maybe russians

>> No.54130548

The world was always fucked but you’re just waking up now
Royal families have literally eaten the poor for hundreds (if not thousands) of years
Clinton blew up the OKC building and had Al queda attack us before 2001
You just never cared before the news put it in your face or you got old enough to realize

>> No.54130559

America has the best weapons in the world, including weaponized troll farms
Russians can’t fuck with us

>> No.54130575

thank you for posting this. I was going crazy thinking it was a polcel raid. glow officers makes much more sense.

>> No.54130591 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54130595

based, i bet this thread gets hit hard by retards claiming it’s not cia

>> No.54130605

When I was in Myanmar formerly Burma…

>> No.54130609

That shit is not right faggot, at least back in the 70's the entire world wasn't royally fucked and thing did get better

>> No.54130638

oh shit. you pissed off the doom posters
see, they hit you twice with the tin foil chudley in 5 minutes. “disinfo agents” will hate this thread

>> No.54130640

>Reddit spacing.
Nice try fbi. Go away CIA. Go to bed feds.

>> No.54130656

you mean when they had a draft and sent kids to die in Vietnam
you’re a spoiled little bitch who couldn’t last a day through some real shit
>oh my god the news keeps psyoping me
Man up bitch

>> No.54130685

yep. this thread is getting lit up by govt sponsored trolls
biz has never had this many people sticking up for bsnks and govts

>> No.54130712

>not even 30 minute old thread
>14 posters with 15 replies
This thread is compromised

>> No.54130815

We need more financial conspiracy posts to keep the glowniggers busy

>> No.54130885

All of them

Learn how to spot them in almost any thread
See these posts for examples and explanations:

>>54130514 (very common type)
>>54130559 (avoids main topic and latches onto a minor passing thought and is zealous)
>>54130640 (create confusion and a "who is really who?")

>> No.54130994

this week has been nuts here
It’s obviously mostly bots ran by glowfarms

>> No.54131180

No it's a bunch of nu/pol/ tards.
The glowies leave /biz/ alone because those who make it will get out of dodge and won't be a problem.
It's our financial illiterate and emotionally incontinent neighbours who attract their focused attention, albeit only ou of concern that one day they may go postal and actually take some none dead end generics with them

>> No.54131327

i don't think the CIA gives much of a shit, i'm guessing there's a private agency somewhere that specializes in manufacturing consensus for the markets, if it's happening here then they must be doing the same thing on Twitter, Reddit etc

>> No.54131338

>implying /biz/ is financially literate
sir there are people here who bought eth

>> No.54131360

You've got the players, and their respective roles here, completely inversed.

>> No.54131394

Shut up newfag
Stop sticking up for glow nigs
The cia hires troll farms to post here
They don’t have agents do Astroturfing
They care more about what we say and think than you’ll ever know
They value our data more then any corporation
Nice try disinfo agent

>> No.54131432


>> No.54132757

I would have to guess russian intelligence. They have a very characteristic posting style and instead of engage in discussion with anons who question them, they will lash out autistically as if they are pretending to blend in the 4chan crowd. Very cringe, very predictable. Chinese agents typically struggle to get rid of their inherent cultural bias (i.e. avoid conflict) so they will actually engage with discussion and try to convince you of a certain viewpoint by acting all buddy buddy.

CIA? They would be posting so intelligently that you wouldnt even be able to tell they are an agent. Hell, for all you know, I'm a CIA agent.

>> No.54132865
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>yeah so basically the CIA are omnipotent prodigies with infinite power and influence so like yeah they're basically god
>also all disinformation is foreign influence btw trust me bro

>> No.54132947

operation russian bear is over. the nafo desk is moving to 4chan. we need give the glowsoldiers information that their handlers don't want them to know, like how the ukraine war was started by the west to clog up the black sea corridor.

>> No.54132976

The only shills I’ve seen here are inorganic chud posters shaming anons into not withdrawing their money from banks. Nice projection jew
Also see >>54132760 for more projection. So you thought hard to come up with a new shilling tactic and I just wrecked it in one minute. 95 jewish IQ lmao