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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54127787 No.54127787 [Reply] [Original]

Mark Zuckerberg: “Our early analysis of performance data suggests that engineers who either joined Meta in-person and then transferred to remote or remained in-person performed better on average than people who joined remotely. This analysis also shows that engineers earlier in their career perform better on average when they work in-person with teammates at least three days a week. This requires further study, but our hypothesis is that it is still easier to build trust in person and that those relationships help us work more effectively.”

>> No.54127875
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spending $22 billion on a vr chatroom probably didn't help desu

>> No.54127884

got the memo recently from the wagecage that they want be back in office. feels bad. i can only do my job if i can get in the zone and i cant in the office

>> No.54127902
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Amazing reading comprehension but what can you expect from this retarded board

>when on boarded in person they performed better
Also 1pbtid from faggotry OP

>> No.54127928

Story time, you won’t care but I knew they’d crack this whip on you
Before covid, years before, we did remote work part of the week
It was great and I could easily do my simple job without having to deal with bullshit
The managers couldn’t have their gay little meetings as easily
So they couldn’t suck the dicks up the chain and show how good little slaves they were and how they should be promoted to Major Faglord and call more useless meetings and continue the sham of the modern workplace
So they ended it
I had a bad feeling everyone doing it now was going to hear that news and have a seethe out
So now that one Super Douchebag has done it, they’ll all do it
These people are just retards, cattle, who are made to severe massah
When massah say JUMP
They say
Yassah massah how high massah!
That’s everyone who wants to “move up” into management
You know the types

>> No.54127981

I will add an addendum here
I think in the past there were better bosses
And work wasn’t as completely full of bullshit
But now it’s all pretty much a sham and an act, something people tell themselves that they’re doing
They only work a few hours max out of the day
This is for office crap though, other jobs not exactly the case