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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 750x1334, 1FCDD285-A7DA-4D11-9ADD-327E164C1DC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54122886 No.54122886 [Reply] [Original]

Sooo… U ok bbs?

>> No.54122908

Sell it all, today. Is that even possible Sam?

>> No.54122996

Why is this bad?
I didn't withdraw my money from Wells Fargo yesterday since it seemed like stuff calmed down.

>> No.54123043

I have 20k in Wells Fargo, 450k in Vanguard and 350k in Etrade. What do I do?

>> No.54123063

As soon as my payczech hits tomorrow I'm pulling it all out and throwing it in stables, crypto and some silver.

>> No.54123117

wells fargo is fucked they aren’t releasing any papers or data but everyone knows they were incestously intertwined with svb.
probably super easy puts on them in all honesty.

>> No.54123140

distribute them so all three are under fdic

>> No.54124094


>> No.54124130

take your market manipulation back to /r/wsb, you fat retard.

>> No.54124231

I have my mortgage through Wells Fargo. If they go under do I get my house free?

>> No.54124258
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look at WFC AFS and HTM and the 4.5bb move to the latter on the most recent 10k

>> No.54124264

>microsoft start

wow you must be really old op

>> No.54124298

no, someone will buy the debt

>> No.54124433

Oh well.

>> No.54124452


Gee, I wonder who is behind this post.

>> No.54124547

fdic insured all deposits, the 250k limit no longer applies.

>> No.54124599
File: 489 KB, 1280x720, D757CA11-09C4-469A-A244-8A70DB0FAE5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Wells Fargo

>> No.54124621
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>> No.54124683
File: 156 KB, 1114x263, TOTAL FINANCIALLY ANIMATED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey hey heyyyyyyyyyyyyy
>hey hey heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.54124737



>> No.54124759
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>> No.54124784

And you'll get your money back in minutes! No waiting whatsoever!

>> No.54124786
File: 288 KB, 1353x1152, F6E3B69B-FDE5-406F-91B1-C15669217072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My company just moved all finances from svb to wellsfargo

>> No.54124918
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>waso waso waso waso waso waso waso waso waso WASO WASOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP

>> No.54125172

Unintentional but I'll take it

>> No.54125211

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.54125261
File: 61 KB, 1036x344, Screenshot 2023-03-10 130709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk I use Wells Fargo and now I'm mildly concerned.

>> No.54125320

Yes but at what cost

>> No.54125329

>general corporate purposes

holy fuck its happening

>> No.54125333


>> No.54125371
File: 3.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1678757037219419.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Margin Call posting becoming the new Bane posting

>> No.54125403

I can accept this trade.

>> No.54125415
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>> No.54125438

That's the faggiest sentence I've ever read. Don't speak like a subhuman. Not engaging with the topic for that reason.

>> No.54125452

lmao you're such an npc goy but go on 4chan thinking you're smarter than all the redditors. Imagine thinking shit magically is all better because the govt said so or because you stopped hearing about it. I already moved most of my net worth out of wells fargo last year because anyone with 3 braincells knows they're degenerate fucks that'll get btfo the second something bad happens. I hope you lose everything :)

>> No.54125518

SoOoOo… UwU okway nonny?

>> No.54125646


>> No.54125808

I took all my money out of banks, but I kept an account open just in case I want to transfer out gains into the real world from elsewhere. Like writing a personal check or off ramping into cash at an ATM.

Only goyim let money sit in a bank for others to gamble with. Own cash-like securities. Own precious metals. At least with these, you can transact.

>> No.54125842

No one will ever buy from us again...

>> No.54125909

I told all you guys this weekend when you were panicking nothing will happen to Wells, and Ill keep coming back to remind you. Im just…going to leave my personal checking there. And it will be fine. Good luck with the “crash”

>> No.54125919

Wow you totally OWNED that bank bro! Internet high five

>> No.54125923

I told all you guys this weekend when you were panicking nothing will happen to Wells, and Ill keep coming back to remind you. Im just…going to leave my personal checking there. And it will be fine. Good luck with the “crash”

>> No.54125959

go back to fucking reddit.

>> No.54126050

Kept 1 cent in it just to annoy whoever looks at the account. Only price I'll pay to keep it open.

>> No.54126070

Now that I think about it...why do we need to put our money in banks?

>> No.54126169

If for some reason the FDIC didn't make it right then the money I would withdraw would be worthless anyway. The only point of getting money out of the bank would be to stockpile ammo and food before money becomes worthless and everyone here should have already done that way in advance of this totally real and meaningful two more weeks epic and world shattering happening

>> No.54126459

Happeningchud strikes again

>> No.54126472


>> No.54126502

I have -4$ in Wells Fargo, AIGMI?

>> No.54126636

Lol i get banned every comment now. Dont feel like creating new email addresses. God damn everything sucks

>> No.54126718
File: 157 KB, 750x1334, 56CCFADA-4F09-4BD2-8C38-E4A6D0134695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If these cheapies print…

>> No.54127257

I have serious doubts they’ll eat shit that hard between now and then but that would be glorious

>> No.54127296

shove it all inside 3crv, aave and frax

>> No.54127535
File: 21 KB, 504x215, FDIC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

if everyone keeps like $10 in then the vast majority of accounts will be undercapitalized and the bank's hedging mechanisms get extreme

that's why SVB went down, too much money. works the same way when there's too little money. and rich people won't want to keep over $250k in.

Loans for new buildings stop. Loans for new cars get too risky.

>> No.54127712
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yeah, i had a funny feeling at close...

>> No.54127869

ask yourself why a bank needs liquidity

>> No.54127934

Banks need liquidity when they run out of money.
>Verification not required.

>> No.54128214

>in stables

>> No.54128218

Send it to me. I’ll keep it safe.

>> No.54128271

Good point, better off with Bitcoin as a savings.

>> No.54128368
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You know what to do deep down.

>> No.54129319

Unironically this guy asking the real questions.
If you don't want the liability of storing a bunch of cash at your home, a safe deposit box is a good way to go. literally sitting in a bank vault, without the risk of it suddenly 'disappearing'.
Only disadvantage is convenience, bill paying, whatever. have enough in your account to do your business, but have your savings at least in physical form somewhere.

>> No.54130129

>an entire crypto exchange collapsed and billions worth lost.

>a stablecoin went to 0 in a single day

shut up tourist

>> No.54130295

They just updated their terms, but it doesn't take effect until May. As usual, I didn't fucking read it. Not gonna, but I figured this would be useful information. I only keep the minimum 1k deposit in a shell company account with them.

>> No.54132275

>trusting fdic
You do realize if all of this blows up nobody gets paid?