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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5412082 No.5412082 [Reply] [Original]

fucking chinke scammer not tweeted yet. I need to drop this fucking heavy bags. looks like every one know what is announcement so dropping bags before announcement.

>> No.5412117

sell it dipshit. if you're too dumb to realize bitcoin is bringing all the prices down you deserve to be poor

>> No.5412128

So unironically hodl on TRX?

>> No.5412156

unironically kys

>> No.5412163

buy the rumor sell the news

>> No.5412171

yes hold it to have heavy bags for 6 months to recover . this shit is digibyte 2.0. ceo is fucking shiller.

>> No.5412173
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>> No.5412191

so I fuckked up with this shill. man I cant hold so many heavy bags.

>> No.5412200

Kinda afraid to go to sleep but I'm gonna be hodling all night long baby, hopefully ath when I wake up

>> No.5412226

Just hodl bitch. You don’t deserve to be rich. TRX is going to 1 before February

>> No.5412254

already dropped my bags this moring, it just got way too tiring, it's not worth it bro.

>> No.5412279

ok dumped my bags.will buy back below 100 sat

>> No.5412284


Kys faggot this alpha coin will raises $1 before February

>> No.5412300

>just fucking end it if you cant wait a week
>do planet a favor and get rid of weak ass biological shit like yourself

>> No.5412313

nigga, to raise 1$, it has to more than xrp and eth mcap combined. u fucking retareded

>> No.5412375

i only have the 500 binance gave me, am i gonna make it?

>> No.5412388

light chuckle, how desperate you all sound. If it goes to $1, good for you. It's just not the coin for me.

>> No.5412430

How is it dropping? It's still above 300 sats and has been holding strong.

>> No.5412499
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Sold my 5k at night for 350 sats while I was Zzzing.
Do I rebuy the dip?

>> No.5412560

Rope yourself. Do you see BTC tumbling, yes?
Then what the fuck, wait for it to stabilize.

>> No.5412673

>BTC drops like a rock
>TRX doesn’t budge

It’s over guys, cash out now.

>> No.5412679

this is not dip, that is top for this fucking shitcoin. it fall below 100 sat soon.

>> No.5413573


Fucks sake I had work today and I missed the pump, it didn't hit my sell order.

Has any news happened yet or is this coin over until the 29th when the next news releases?