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54120243 No.54120243 [Reply] [Original]

>apply to 8 min wage jobs near me
>no reply
how am I gonna get money bros

>> No.54120303

Is this Japan or Brazil?

>> No.54120388

use your eyes anon

>> No.54120401

>how am I gonna get money bros
rob da liqqor store.

>> No.54120410

That's a favela

>> No.54120431

ur in ching chong narnia? whats min wage there

>> No.54120468

it's japan. your butthole would be completely safe

>> No.54120495

with chink script on the road sign? brazil must be full of weebs

>> No.54120518

Have you tried not being poor?

>> No.54120561

At that point you're better off walking straight into the businesses you wish to work at and shoot your shot in person.
At minimum you (likely) won't be ghosted in person.

>> No.54120724

imagine living there selling ice cream out of a cart on the seaside

>> No.54120769

is that a port? go work there Takehiko

>> No.54120776

You are a fuckin stinky weaboo and the managers are worried about how their gonna protect their kids from u trying to fuck their butthole

>> No.54120783

>tfw selling mochi to local big tiddy tomboys

>> No.54120875

In the same boat right now. I thought these businesses were dying for employees and would take anyone. What happened?

>> No.54120905

This. Every minimum ish wage job I ever got, I got it by showing up in person. If youre lucky the hiring manager will be there and you'll get to meet him immediately. If he's not there, probably should ask when he will be there next and show up then.

>> No.54120938

>favela, Brazil
>favela, Japan

>> No.54120942

Could be a decorative sign.

>> No.54120966

You might be over qualified for the min wage jobs. Employers of min wage jobs want people that they know can never do better so they stay working their min wage job for life

>> No.54120993

Go to your local construction site and ask for a labourers job then try and get a trade

>> No.54121049

it's not "great" but life in the latter is objectively better

>> No.54121741

Tango sucka!

>> No.54121778

Yes and?

>> No.54121814

Only 8?

>> No.54121829

imagine how beautiful this area probably was before it was ruthlessly paved over with these disgusting favela-tier buildings. just delete humanity already

>> No.54121900

phoneposters literally cannot even see the sign text

>> No.54121927

how about aiming a little higher than minimum wage?

>> No.54122146

its amazing that every people think all japan is tokyo

>> No.54122158

Neep adds.

>> No.54122183

Nipbros not like this

>> No.54122203

Why is there no garbage on the streets?
Why is there no graffiti?
You retards are hilarious. Even a shitty port neighborhood in Japan makes your average city look like a dump.

>> No.54122235
File: 99 KB, 900x900, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firm handshake, maintain eye contact, use sir/ma'am

>> No.54122243
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you retarded, goi?

>> No.54122432

The number of discarded chicken buckets is in direct proportion to the number of niggers.

>> No.54123828

Probably, my past jobs have all been sports/teaching related.
I'm in college now, but I need to work to pay this shit off.
I'm gonna try to get a construction job, I'm pretty fit and have some sort of experience, I used to help my dad renovate our house.

>> No.54124030

There actually are a lot of japs in brazil

>> No.54124064

go to a construction site, you fucking wimp.

>> No.54126759

>how america's youth coped with the 2008 recession

>> No.54126785

I got a job online “work from home”, five dollars an hour, helping me. If you’re interested leave your skill sets and an email.

>> No.54127651
File: 3.90 MB, 1834x3554, 1677881279939537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in Japan? fuck man most jobs for you will be a teaching thing. Very dead-end so have an escape plan although you could look at corporate jobs but why you would ever want a cooperate job in Japan is beyond me. Trust me, I know. At least look at foreign tailored or foreign owned businesses in Japan. A couple months ago a white guy (I think European maybe) sold me a cool Cowboy Bebop statue in Akihabara, I bet a lot of places are looking to hire English speakers for roles in and around the big cities. Hiroshima is where it's at by the way. Amazing standard of living if you can get a cool job there.

>> No.54128033

I'm a Japanese in Canada.

>> No.54128179

Why do this to yourself? Just go home, Japan is nicer than Canada.

>> No.54128205

Largest Japanese diaspora in the world is in Brazil.

>> No.54128267
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1620616489613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain what's happening in this picture, I'm retarded

>> No.54128278

Go to temp or staffing agency. You can get basically any manual labor job (which most zoomers don't want to do and old people are incapable of)

>> No.54128304

Apply to a "real job" dummy. Min wage is for retards and old women.