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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54120146 No.54120146 [Reply] [Original]

Got a letter in the mail today from the IRS that I will be getting audited. I am freaking out right now as I haven't reported any of my gains or losses made in crypto for the past 3 years. I also haven't cashes any of it out though to cash. I've moved it between exchanges and shit from times or swapped between coins, but never to USD. Do I need to be worried or is there no way they would know about any of my transactions and gains?

>> No.54120169

if they targeted you for audit then they know anon...

>> No.54120181

I mean, you probably sent money to a centralized exchange to on ramp. You are pretty fucked.

>> No.54120199

You stupid fuck. They're going to take it all anon.

>> No.54120200

Happened to me. How much do you think you owe? Audit will be a huge PITA and at the end you will be forced to pay a ton of money. I ended up oweing them over $350,000 so I'm paying them $1,500 payments every month for several years.

>> No.54120220

>swapped between coins
that's equivalent to selling to usd. thanks for playing.

>> No.54120221

They won't take it all, but they'll get it in installments. OP lawyer up, do it all through the lawyer. You may get a settlement. I couldn't settle because I have a business with good income.

>> No.54120233

What did you do, hide crypto gains?

>> No.54120234

hahahaha burger slave, in my country we don't have audits because as soon as someone from government try to audit a citizen, their adventure is over in this reality. Ahaha call them sirs, beg them. Poor faggots american dream is actually slavery and they sold it to you with their jewlywood. If you can't kill the auditors kill yourself.

>> No.54120266

Yep. As part of the deal to avoid criminal, I have a mandatory audit every year until 2027.

>> No.54120345

Shit. I was boring my nails a bit over having to fudge some of the shit that cointracker spit out last year, but I did my best, which I think they appreciate versus straight dodging.

I did actually get line audits a long time ago cashing out a trustee stock thing without entering the proper cost basis (fucking impossible with no records from 1985 on). Embed up just paying as though the cost basis was zero, and moved on with life.

>> No.54120372

>publicly posting an admission to a crime that you are being investigated for
get a lawyer

>> No.54120374

Ok, but you have poop all over your streets, so....

>> No.54120381

> I haven't reported any of my gains or losses made in crypto for the past 3 years

That's why you're getting audited. Did you ever get the memo that CEX's report your transactions to the IRS if above a certain amount (not much I might add for the threshold)? Remember that crypto to crypto is a taxable event.

If you made mostly capital gains by swapping cryptos for other cryptos, then you're fucked.

>> No.54120435

>I've moved it between exchanges
This is how they found out
>or swapped between coins
This is how they're gonna nail you for tax evasion, Crypto-to-Crypto is a taxable event in the U.S
In short, thanks for playing, no refunds.

>> No.54120467

Move to Mexico. Or come to us here in Germany if you hold for over 1 year then it is tax free.

>> No.54120473

its so over

>> No.54120497

I'ts a lot more fun to submit to them the thousands of trades I've made during a bullrun, most of it doing trivial shit like ponzi yield farms. Claim every rug as a loss, and also intentionally selling my coins at a loss and then buying back in because wash trading is completely legal in crypto.

So far they've taken my word for it, but I would feel bad for any agent who has to audit me.

>> No.54120517

Larp thread

>> No.54120519

Withdraw your money from your bank account before they freeze them

>> No.54120529

They knew you lost lots of money, OP, they just want to review all your trades and lol at you.

>> No.54120558

this cant be real. merica is that evil for its citizens?

>> No.54120592

If they know how much you owe them why do they waste time with an “audit”?

>> No.54120617

>haha SIRS look at my UNMOLESTED food stall gains! Designated shitting street only 2 blocks down HAHA YOU LOSE!!

>> No.54120643

This is why I used Koinly. Should of input every transaction and you can explain every transaction in easy to understand template. Probably wouldn't even need a lawyer

>> No.54120713

Are you me?

>> No.54120749
File: 285 KB, 750x735, 10D56EBF-16BD-4416-81BB-373EA41FE9A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake. They don’t target people for trading on dexes. Youre only on the hook if you cash out on a cex and dont report it. They cant prove you own wallets off of the cex, even if money was transferred there. Post the letter from the IRS with a timestamp and your personal into blocked off if youre serious.

>> No.54120810

just ignore them as they are not present in the same room, everything will get weird and you might end up in asylum but they won't find any coins (take care of your devices) and you will get out after some time after you may sue them for big money making you go insane

>> No.54120815

He never specified dex . He just said between exchanges. He's a 1pbtid though, so probably just an interloper spreading fear anyways.

Everyone should get their taxes sorted though. Don't want to hear the "cuck" shit. Not worth the risk. Pay a modest amount of your gains, and go buy some real estate.

>> No.54120869

>I've moved it between exchanges and shit from times or swapped between coins,
Changing between coins is a taxable event. One of those exchanges reported that you made trades and you didn't report any trades, this is why you're being audited and you're very much screwed.

>> No.54120898

>This is how they're gonna nail you for tax evasion, Crypto-to-Crypto is a taxable event in the U.S
This started in like 2018 or something

>> No.54120981

They know crypto is a nightmare to keep track of and I think the general assumption is that if you're reporting more trades than they are aware of through exchange reporting that you're being honest and trying... there is more money to be had going after the people that they know have coinbase trades and didn't report any crypto trades ... they can just audit you, force you to claim a zero cost basis at the short term capital gains rate and the rape you with penalties and interest

>> No.54121315

dear fucking lord I think i'm fucked, I had a lot. A real lot and some of that was lost over bad gambles during crashes over the past few years.

>> No.54121446

If you didn't cash out to fiat you'll be fine. No way these retards are going over all your blockchain transactions and guessing gains/losses on every single one. If you're really worried about it move to Dubai and renounce your Americuck citizenship.

>> No.54121494

you'll still owe them every penny you made in realized gains over the years, it doesn't matter if you have nothing now.

>> No.54121575

keep your mouth shut
let them pull the amount owed out of their ass
show up to court and make them prove their case
if they win, by this point you have moved your assets into things/ places they can't locate or garnish

>> No.54121764

Taxes are voluntary, anon.

>> No.54121788

Showing up in "court" is the worst possible mistake you could make. The "courts" in the Anglophone world are maritime businesses who award their 'judgements' to whichever side will most profit the corporation. Taxes are not subject to common law. Just tear up all their letters and they can't compel you to pay.

>> No.54121799

Its a just a phone audit. Theyll want some simple info. Like the last time you let a bunch of homeless dudes in your shithole apartment to have an orgy on the livingroom floor

>> No.54121845

This is obviously an IRS glowie post.
Not that I'm worried. I declared and paid.

>> No.54122238

They don't. It's a larp. There are two main letters the IRS will send an individual tax payer that signal trouble:
>Notice Of Deficiency - A letter telling you that you owe tax, and specifying how much
>Notice Of Audit - A letter telling you that you're being audited, and where/when to show up. and what to bring.

>> No.54122534

I always do my taxes as much as I don’t want to. I’m such a fuck. I feel it’s better to let them get their pound of flesh than ever have to go through what OP is.

>> No.54122587

>IRS decides to audit me
>Goes through records to find out they actually owe me
Being a retard is finally going to pay off, boys

>> No.54122603
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>> No.54122616

Transfer everything to a monero wallet and take a boating trip.

>> No.54122687

My experience with the IRS is that they want their paperwork. Sure, they're in it for the money, but settlements and payment plans can be arranged.
But what they'll hunt you and your entire family over is their paperwork. They'll (metaphorically) waterboard you in some abandoned meatpacking facility until you finish the form that they know full well will reveal they owe you a 5 figure refund.

They just want their paperwork. Effort matters, especially if you can point at an incorrect decision you made and can explain how you got to the answer.

>> No.54122839

/biz is so fully cuckolded it's difficult to decide whether they want to be the shabbos goy, or the Jewish taxman themselves.

>> No.54122880

Hijacking the thread, how do you go from fiat to coins to avoid this kind of thing? I don't really care about going back to fiat but I do not want to pay taxes.

>> No.54122895

It's simple: don't pay them.

>> No.54122939
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>Do I need to be worried
Oh yes..

>> No.54122950

OK but I like not owing taxes better than not paying them. If I don't pay my taxes bad things happen to the property I have that can't be relocated outside the us.

>> No.54122952

Onramp like Coinbase, send a coin of your choice to an exchange that offers Monero, and send it all to a wallet, then move that around exchanges you haven't used, preferably with a VPN.

>> No.54123002

Nobody's gonna notice my fiat disappeared into thin air?

>> No.54123014

Tornado cash that shit

>> No.54123081

If they come looking, they would have to request statements from the exchanges you used up to the one you used for monero, they won't be able to see where your fiat went after that

>> No.54123105

Then pay them. You want an easy answer but the easy answer is the one I already gave you. You're not ready to face the consequences of true freedom.

>> No.54123273

> ends up in Guantanamo

>> No.54123407

I was audited before. They wound up just wanting to hold my money longer and keep a little of it. Never give more info then you previously did and use the jewish wording. It APPEARS correct TO THE BEST of my KNOWLEDGE. Being dumb isn't illigal but lieing with get you in jail. They want money nothing else

>> No.54123446

Glow nigger detected

>> No.54123475

so you had to find out this way, crypto is the most trackable asset in human history
every single swap will be treated as a gain or loss, per calendar year. the only good news is if you've consistently lost money, you may have a lot of tax losses you can carry forward.

>> No.54123476

Right. Until ai takes over the irs man hrs is the limit

>> No.54123504

>yearly irs fud thread

>> No.54123527

Audits are deliberately punitive. By the time they find all of the money you owe money on, between taxes, penalties, and interest, they will probably take 90% of your gains, rather than the 30-something% you would owe if you just paid your taxes like a good boy. Prepare to give it ALL back to the IRS.

>> No.54123644

Just plug it all into an excel file or tracker and it'll get you a halfway decent cost basis.

Just be aware that your volume might be fucked. Some CEX's and even DEX's can turn one transaction into literally dozens.

For example I had a 1k buy of some shitcoin on KuCoin. Pretty simple right?

Well when I actually plugged it into my transaction history it ended up being like 22 buys and sells of amounts worth 1k to give me the best fill order due it being a low liquidity shitcoin.

It effectively turned a 1k transaction into 22k worth of volume of buys and sells. Now multiply that by even a hundred and you're looking at over a million in trade volume.

>> No.54123665

This is probably very true. The taxman gets satisfaction from fucking people over but it’s not like they get bonuses or anything depending on what revenue they bring in. They just want to check the box and complete the file so the manager stays off their back. The IRS must be a soul crushing place to work.

>> No.54123664

sell everything and book a one way flight to cambodia

>> No.54123701

Wouldn't that take like 300 years?

>> No.54123749

Go to KuCoin, don't do kyc and move everything to xmr you stupid fuck

>> No.54123771
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this but unironically

>> No.54123796

It's also about cost/tax recovery ratio. For example if you're a business dude in NYC with no farm property and you try and deduct 500k in tractors you're gonna have a bad time unless you can justify it. That's an easy recovery to cost basis by the IRS.

Some anon with 5 figures in shitcoins doesn't report taxes but gets picked up by an on ramp? Easy audit

Some anon with 6 figures in gains forgets to report 20% of them because he forgot about it but still paid most of his taxes? It's not worth an agents time going through his 10000 shitcoin swaps to get 20k.

>> No.54123820

But you're still adding to your online confession desire being warned. You have to be a troll

>> No.54123850

>Happened to me
How much did you not report?
>I ended up oweing them over $350,000 so I'm paying them $1,500 payments every month for several years
Good to know that there's a payment plan, though in my case I always reported my shit to avoid problems like this.

>> No.54123865
File: 58 KB, 1715x1658, SS Africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA is over. Too many digital nomad types have discovered it and the girls, while still marginally better than Western girls, have been spoiled by too many Western incels visiting there. Unless you're a Chad-lite or a Brad, you've been priced out of SEA. Most of LATAM too. Demographics are fucked too -- not many 18-24 year olds relative to the rest of the population.

The only place that hasn't experienced pussyflation yet is, regrettably, sub-saharan Africa due to the unbelievably favorable demographics.

>> No.54123959

>Remember that crypto to crypto is a taxable event.
jesus christ. can't a man take a break?

>> No.54124000

>are maritime businesses
I'm sure something was lost in translation, mein freund.

>> No.54124078

no its sovereign citizenship free man on the land stuff
Might be true but they will ignore you

>> No.54124159

the women dont look like that, thats super cherry picked, oh and they are complete whores, dont expect any loyalty say you want a long term relationship, unless your into cuckholding

>> No.54124183

Thanks for playing.

>> No.54124214

we're on an anonymous board there's no way they can tie this to me.

>> No.54124255

>we're on an anonymous board there's no way they can tie this to me.

>> No.54124286

It's not criminal court. They'll spitball an amount you owe based on a quick review of your trades and if you think it's too much it's up to you to prove otherwise

>> No.54124291
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>in my country we don't have audits

>> No.54124358

Even this cliched cherrypicked image couldnt find decent girls

>> No.54124416

Real simple. File three amended returns.

>> No.54124432
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P2p is also taxable?

do you have to pay taxes on your crypto purchases or just when you sell?

>> No.54124453

take that IRS kikes! You'll be dealing with me FOR.EV.EVER! Hope you like my stamps niggers.

>> No.54124504

You gotta be kidding. If you're on a vpn you may have a chance to be anonymous but anything else they can track it down. Even with a vpn they could if they really want to. Not saying they would for this but don't be clueless.

Call a tax lawyer/accountant tomorrow and lay out to them what is going on. Have your paperwork together, all of your transactions and let them start to get your story together this way they may be able to estimate what you should have owed in the past to understand what they may be looking for. Do it now before April 15 and you may be able to send in a decent enough payment for the past that makes the IRS chill out a little.

>> No.54124509

Don't fucking pay them. They can't force you to pay, that would be slavery.

>> No.54124523

How do you use Monero to avoid shit like this, is it even possible if you want to cash out your gains to fiat, or will you have to keep them in XMR?

>> No.54124526

Bro there's literally a box on the front page of your 1040 you have to check that asks if you've ever traded crypto (i think they call it "virtual currency")

It's so they know who's actively committing fraud, don't be a dummy and just pay taxes, usa cap gains are like 15% why the fuck would you risk jail/penalties?

>> No.54124536

you don't, as that will be seen as actual felony tax evasion

>> No.54124545

I'll be completely honest with you guys. I haven't filed my taxes in years which is also part of the issue.

>> No.54124548

100% bullshit.

>> No.54124554

>It's so they know who's actively committing fraud, don't be a dummy and just pay taxes, usa cap gains are like 15% why the fuck would you risk jail/penalties?

>dude just pay 15% to globohomo so they can kill more ukrainians and russians lmao!

if you pay taxes you are going to hell

>> No.54124560


You don't need to cash out, if you buy $5k with of BTC, it goes up and you trade it for $10k worth of ETH, you made $5k USD, doesn't matter that you didn't trade it into fiat first and then buy the ETH.

But OP's probably larping, if a CEX like Goybase was reporting his trades to the IRS, they also would have emailed and mailed him the same forms they sent the IRS. There's no way you couldn't have realized that you owed taxes.

>> No.54124581

>usa cap gains are like 15%
most people have tons of short term capital gains from trading crypto which has a much higher tax rate

>> No.54124591

>scrolls thread
>never posted part of letter, nor did anon ask

>> No.54124590


Hell is fake but prison is real so I'm gonna pay

>> No.54124604


>> No.54124622

Before they ruin the next decade of your life with $ penalties and audits get this shit cleared up.

>> No.54124626

>if you pay taxes you are going to hell
"Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. " ~ THE MAN

>> No.54124671

Post the letter or this whole thread is a larp.

>> No.54124672

fake & gay

>> No.54124686

Based. Frog poster actually asked for proof and faggot OP completely ignores

>> No.54124696
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>I have evaded taxes for 3 years
Yes you should be worried. I personally don’t give a fuck what you do and think taxes are bullshit. But there is a massive crunch for money the government needs and they’re looking exactly for people like you to squeeze money from. Converting “x” coin to “y” coin is still a taxable event unfortunately. You are pretty much screwed if you are kyc’d anywhere. Time to just fess up and pay what they want. They have unlimited resources to make your life a living fucking hell. Please hire a tax lawyer if this post is serious. IRS is nothing to fuck around with, they will hunt you to the ends of the earth to squeeze you dry. If you want to avoid taxes your only option is to liquidate everything to Bitcoin. Use an atomic swap to exchange the BTC anonymously to Monero and flee the country. If you have residence in Puerto Rico, you’re exempt from all capital gains taxes if that helps at all. Best of luck.

>> No.54124758

Atomic swaps let’s you swap from Bitcoin to Monero anonymously. Here’s how it would work. Take your KYC Bitcoin, swap it to Monero on Atomic swap, leave to another country. Use the atomic swap to exchange the Monero back to Bitcoin. Sell your Bitcoin on Bisq for physical cash of whatever country’s currency that you’re residing in. All of this is anonymous. Bisq and atomic swaps are all private and decentralized.

>> No.54124760
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OK first things first.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Second, I'm a former tax CPA and I can tell you a few things about the IRS.

>They aren't bringing their best. And that was before the 87,000 diversity hires.
>They only know what they are told, and that does not include the transactions in your bank account.
>It only includes those things you get a 1099 or other tax documents for.
>They don't know what you did on a DEX, they don't even know what you did on coinbase, unless you got a 1099.
>If you haven't filed in years and now they are auditing you, you probably got 1099s from some shit and then never filed.
>Let them ask you and provide what documents they ask, if any.
>Anything they ask you about that they don't have documents for, say you don't remember or don't think so.
>The only way they crack this is if you tell them.
>For others reading this thread: WHAT YOU FILE NEEDS TO MATCH WHAT THEY HAVE. If there's a 1099 your return must include it, otherwise you'll end up like OP.

Extra disclaimer: don't listen to me, I'm a retarded anon on fuckin 4chan.

>> No.54124770
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>Don't fucking pay them. They can't force you to pay, that would be slavery.

>> No.54124863

>just exit the country bro
You realize this filters out like 80% of posters right

>> No.54124876

Back in the early days of /biz/, we had a trip fag lawyer named Wype. This is exactly how he used to post. Cool guy desu.

>> No.54124906

I got a 1099 3 years ago from Robinhood that I never paid because I forgot about it only made like $100 in gains will they look into other shit about me because of that?

>> No.54124908

Fuck em say they’re corrupt and illegitimate

>> No.54124910
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Yea but I thought I’d share how you would theoretically do it, in case some anon needs to escape the global financial slave system in an emergency

>> No.54124975

>nothing on yandex for the big boota in the top left
It's over...

>> No.54124977

They are auditing you because you got a 1099 and you didnt file taxes for it. check if it was an exchange that you are registered that did this, check your email you used to register. they would normally send an email notifying you. it can also be one of your banks filed a form saying you earn interest from a savings account or some shit like that. If you didnt STFU, and just give them EXACTLY what they are asking for. nothing more.

>> No.54124979
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Probably not, but it's safest if shit matches. Also, the statute of limitations is 3 years after the due date, or after the return is filed, whichever is later, assuming there is no fraud involved.

>> No.54125007

can I just pay taxes when I cash out or do I really have to report my crypto trades this year?

>> No.54125027

i'm assuming for it to be fraud they will have to prove you were purposefully evading taxes not just "i forgot to pay" amirite?

>> No.54125145
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I didn't go into all the details, but if the "mistake" was more than 25% of your income, the statute can go up to 6 years, and if you didn't file or committed fraud, it's unlimited. Fraud like the actual crime, so I'm assuming the threshold is pretty high. I've never had a client even threatened with this. Here's more if you're really interested.

>> No.54125160

that tornado cash fork is coing soon anon. that's what I'm going to do. fuck'em all. OFAC these nuts niggers.

>> No.54125304

How the fuck do I file it so I only pay taxes on what I cashed out?

>> No.54125454

they're getting rid of the end of gear wash trade loop hole this coming year.

>> No.54125479

literally all forms of income need to be reported you dumb retards
whenever you sell

>> No.54125502

How can /biz/ be this dumb
you retards cannot be this dumb

>> No.54125505
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Jokes on them. I lost $11k last year despite making $18k the year before. Was able to deduct $3500 from my taxes this year and still have $9k in losses to roll over for the next 2 to 3 years.

This was only coinbonk tho, no dex shit.

>> No.54125548

You only have to report what you do on kyc’d cexes. Only literal cuckold npc’s would report dex trades. They cant proce you own a hardware wallet even if crypto was sent to it from your kyc cex account. For all they know you sent it some indian kid who promised to trade for you lol

>> No.54125566


>> No.54125772
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Here's a green text that's unrelated to your question.

>Evil man buys $1,000 in BTC on Coinbase
>Sends to Uniswap
>Turns it into $10,000 through a byzantine labyrinth of trades
>Sends $10,000 back to coinbase
>Cashes out
>Coinbase sends him a 1099
>1099 says "Evil Man cashed out $10,000"
>Evil man fills in his tax return that he sold 10,000 in BTC and his basis was 1,000.
>IRS doesn't know that there were really a lot more transactions to be taxed

Moral of the story is that the evil man should have reported all of his transactions on Uniswap and paid more taxes.

>> No.54125828

Yeah the IRS isn’t a criminal organization. Total myth. They earned that money fair and square after all.

>> No.54125880

>are maritime businesses
Ignore him, that's schizo "sovereign citizen" gibberish, they think because the flag has a fucking fringe that the rules don't apply on land

They feel smug all the way up to being thrown in a slammer by a judge who doesn't give a fuck about schizo theories like that

>> No.54126232
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You guys are mad at this post but he has a point. The way the US treats persons involved in crypto is actually filtering out some foreigners, that's how bad it is. See pic related

>> No.54126354

>You only have to report what you do on kyc’d cexes. Only literal cuckold npc’s would report dex trades.
and those of us who only lost on dexes lol

>> No.54126609

What if I cash out regularly from my trezor. Also I have like over 50 metamask accounts cant keep track of which ones ive used for what.

>> No.54126713

Hurry up and use 0xMonero OP

>> No.54126868

>op doesn’t post letter
>fags fall for this bullshit
You niggas sus fr

>> No.54127308
File: 766 KB, 1562x908, BD6A34FC-3B13-4617-A333-605F470E44E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have done some crypto cash-out fuckery 2 years ago (possibly $4k total). Am I safe?

I swear i won’t do it again.

>> No.54127543

A man of my own heart, praise be to you bum buckling buccaneer. I wish you well on your endeavours fellow backdoor conquistador!

>> No.54127606

>just tear up letters and people will leave you alone
anon, this doesn't work

>> No.54127625

legally? never sell and only use crypto to purchase small things once the no tax for less than $300 or whatever goes through.

>> No.54127750

70% on owed principle fines sound fun?
Y u guys do dis shit
Just pay your taxes like the rest of us or Just perma dca Btc and eth and never return to this board

>> No.54127754
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Realistically, probably. But since the money is all fake anyways the IRS will work out "deals" where if you agree that you swindled uncle sam out of $350,000, say your sorry, and dont take the IRS's determination to tax court then the IRS will "go easy on you" and only require you to pay them $200,000 or something because you are "cooperating".

There are literally commercials on TV for lawfirms that will do this negotiating with the IRS for you on your behalf if you "owe" them a ton in back taxes.

The whole system is a scam and money is fake but money still has the power to ruin peoples lives if the men with guns determine that you violated what a piece of paper called a "law" demands of you.

Violence is the only REAL currency on Earth, but even then its really only the threat of violence that has any purchasing power because if you actually do carry out the violence in that threat, well... Dead people don't pay out.

Thanks for reading my blog, love from Khazakstan.

>> No.54127806

>BBTT already works . . .

>> No.54127837

>burger slave

>> No.54127891

They cant Tax you if you didnt sell.

Those are unrealized gains or losses.

>> No.54127896

It’s realized profit the minute he swaps them dummy

>> No.54127937

How the fuck do I even begin figuring out what my trades were? Is there a program I can enter my cex and metamask wallets public addresses into and it'll calculate it for me? I don't use the big exchanges as I just swing trade or hodl shitcoins. I use the 3rd party payment processers in metamask for fiat on ramp (even though they rape me for 5, sometimes 10% fees) because I specifically don't want cuckbase sending me tax forms.

>> No.54127991

If Bitcoin never did a 10x in between when he deposited 1,000 and withdrew 10,000 then they would know wouldn't they?

>> No.54128032

where did i say criminal court you illiterate nigger? if you don't pay it, they have to get a court order to proceed with any garnishments or liens.

>> No.54128061

It's definitely a glowie larp. I haven't paid taxes on crypto in 6 years, and I've made waaaay more than I get paid at my job. They're fucking clueless. IRS agents are too busy watching gay porn while their wives getting blacked

>> No.54128123

If your not on a payment plan to your local tax man you don’t know SHIT about crypto

>> No.54128230

Funniest shit i've read all week nice one anon

>> No.54128238

If I don't file any crypto taxes for like 2-3 years as I accumulate and swing trade and then pull out a million dollars into fiat in 2025 and then take it to a crypto tax accountant will I get raped with penalties for not filing up until then? Or will they not care as long as I pay the 15-30% I owe on my trades for the last couple of years at that time?

>> No.54128356
File: 329 KB, 2228x3184, another traumatizing event bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here OP, I was in between multiple jobs, got some unemployment at one point, and was dealing with being homeless for a short time/having a kid/moving between multiple states/and my gf eventually cheating on me & fucking everything else up for a while. And of course buying & selling btc on coinbase for a while (thankfully never swapped to other coins at least on KYC’d exchanges [have a non-KYC’d kucoin acct for that], so hopefully that’ll make things easier if I end up in your situation in the future). Haven’t filed for the past like 3 years because was too busy/stressed and then missed the deadline and then was too scared & didn’t know what to do so just buried my head in the sand. So been kinda paranoid looking over my shoulder this whole time, but yeah I am monitoring this thread with great interest. Fuck the tax kikes in this country. And I am certainly gonna try to stick to monero primarily going forward

Thank you based anon, good info & bookmarked for later. I am listening to you whether you like it or not

>> No.54128513
File: 119 KB, 1140x641, irs-cid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, chud. We will use your taxmoney to give it to poor refugees and immigrants. And Ukraine too! Just pay your tax and think: "Take that, Putin!

>> No.54128540

The context is missing from his response: He was specifically being asked if the Jews subjugated by Rome at the time should pay taxes because if he explicitly said no he'd be arrested. But he didn't explicitly say yes, either.

It's important to point out here that Jesus actually made a stronger case against the unrighteousness of tax collectors than the Pharisees originally had in questioning Jesus's disciples about it: the Pharisees actually separated the tax collectors from the sinners when they asked "Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" Yet when Jesus heard this He answered the Pharisees by lumping the two groups together under the category of sinners--thus: "For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."

Yet since this is the story of Matthew the tax collector being called to repentance by Jesus we will do well to ask how it was that Matthew obtained repentance. The answer: By first giving up tax collecting! And from this beginning Matthew would thus go on to become one of Jesus's twelve disciples.

>> No.54128635

Just work with them, they care more about the money. Did you make like $600 or more? Hope you didn't take a large loan thinking you could pay it...

Also correct me if I'm wrong but did they change it where making less than $600 is no longer an exception to being taxed? They aren't clear about this shit... I'll pay the fucking $20 or whatever the fuck it is. $200? I like my funny math moneys didn't get into it for a profit.

>> No.54128795

Wrong. You must pay taxes so the government can act as a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Problem we have right now is that they are actually the ones that are doing the evil. Most crime gets away unpunished.

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

>> No.54128829

27 The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest.
28 “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.”
29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

You are obligated to disobey the government if its actions are ungodly.

>> No.54128853

So you made profit and spent it all? That's a bad move. If you are in losses, then it's likely a wash. You could audit yourself. Just connect your wallets to a software and see how much you owe. Rough guesstimate 20% tax on profits. The good thing about crypto are wash sales and everything is on the blockchain, so they can't try and fuck you.

>> No.54128854
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Send them back a letter that reads, "Come and take it".

>> No.54128878
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that verse is not about taxes, its about whether God will hold you responsible for what the elites do with your money. The elite using taxes for child murder and torture is nothing new.

>> No.54128935
File: 68 KB, 892x892, 1664507578852618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caesar doesn't want money
He wants to mentally punish people
I do no owe Caesar any amount of suffering

Caesar needs a bullet in his head


>> No.54129648
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I won't disagree.
The government should only get taxmoney so they can keep punishing and jailing criminals.
No need to pay taxes for roads and all that stuff.
However, you are obligated to pay taxes.

Its real easy. Its their money. Not yours.Ceasar's face is on it. Not yours. The Federal reserve is a privately owned entitiy. Its not owned by the "people"

>> No.54129722

Just chance it and dont divulge anything outside your bank account.

>> No.54129730

That's not money though that's currency that should be backed by gold (real money)

>> No.54129766

CEX or DEX trades
Shut up faggot
You didn’t even ask questions to find out the details
Obvious glownig

>> No.54129772

Post pics of your letter for proof
No one trusts internet strangers and this thread is astroturfed as fuck

>> No.54129871
File: 7 KB, 180x266, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be where you have to introduce the

>Ah jeez bro i got these pills bro I only got the money cuz I haven't got the pills bro

>> No.54129987

Bro, glowies track every post on this website

>> No.54130400
File: 1.13 MB, 1242x827, irs_owned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go do your scareops elsewhere taxnigger.

>> No.54131972

I didn't know gas fees reduce your cost basis, just trading dollars for a stablecoin is a loss. Say you deposited a $1000 into your wallet and made thousands of trades to make $10k, all the gas fees lower your cost basis. After last year, I bet most people have a shit ton of carryover losses, if they sold before the end of the year.

>> No.54131995

Yes... yes they are.
They're systematically destroying our morals from the inside, you think they're upset about killing people's gains? Cmon man they want us dead

>> No.54133836

proof; didn't happen
post censored shit you lying piece of melatonine shit

>> No.54133904

>The 100k white people living in Southeast Asia have warped the population of 600 million
Ah yes, much like the "900 Americans living in Portugal are pricing locals out of renting"

>> No.54133942

Not in burgerland, nope.

>> No.54133968

they assume you sold it and YOU have to prove you didn't

>> No.54134012

this, there's daily fake IRS audit scare threads (with the same template as this one). could go as far as calling it data mining.

>> No.54134053

koinly, zenledger, etc.

>> No.54134403

They won’t know what he bought in at. Plus, most tax cheats are looking to inflate their basis, not reduce it.

>> No.54136099

That traitor to the white race with his "look I have a sleeve tattoo im not a soft onions numale!" really irritates me.

>> No.54136225

Those are ladyboys, tranny loving faggot

>> No.54136768

any other undisclosed info youd like to tell the court now you stupid faggot?

>> No.54138959

they are targeting white people with audits. don't you keep up with the news? i'm not bullshitting.
i got audited a few years ago when i was a poorfag. under that nigger Obongo. i was like "are you fucking serious?" i think they audited me then because I was white and because it was when I first started making a little coin after being poor for years. that and i worked overseas for a bit.
i would say with our current corrupt morons in charge, you have a 50% chance of getting fucked in the ass and being able to worm your way out of it. but you're probably fucked. they find out everything. hire a lawyer.

>> No.54140217



>> No.54140587

When you said "prove their case" dipshit
You dont understand civil versus criminal court

>> No.54140744

I have a weird feeling in my pants now.

>> No.54140951

You know how I don't get audited not filing for years?
They owe me money.
They know anon.

>> No.54142191

Remember if by the end of the fiscal year you had a gain of $100 million in equivalent Bitcoin, ETH or others; those gains we're taxable depending on your state.

If you lost it all the next month, it doesn't matter tax reporting and filing is done on a strictly annual basis.

>> No.54143430

>I ended up oweing them over $350,000 so I'm paying them $1,500 payments
if anyone belive this retarded garbage lmao

>> No.54143568

just ignore them

>> No.54143612
File: 236 KB, 1242x1515, 1678852893381137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be fine stupid nigger. If you truly lost everything then they'll probably settle but you need a tax attorney and/or cpa pronto.

>> No.54143637

just ask for a bailout like the banks

>> No.54143660

lmao retard. even though i never pay i alwasy file. everyone knows you file to stay under the radar. just dont report anything on your filing.

>> No.54143691

good advice. always bog the kikes down with their own bureaucracy. never do any work to help them. only do the bare minimum that is legally required. never give additional information that isnt requested.

>> No.54143717

report your earnings you degenerate faggot greedy cunt. you deserve everything and 20 more years of prison.

>> No.54143725

no but somewhere down the line a few years from now when they have better AI systems and resources they will flag this. just pay it up late with the penalties this year. it wont even cost you more than $20 most likely. dont give them an excuse to come snooping years down the road.

>> No.54143813

literal retard. the end result is the same they dont care. your profits were taxed.

heres what an an actual evil man would do:

>$1,000 worth BTC on coinbase
>sends to private wallet
>trades for shitcoins and hidden gems on dexes
>got a lucky 10x and now has $10,000 worth of crypto
>converts to monero
>sells monero for cash
>now has $10,000 untaxed cash
>jew claws furiously grabbing all his fellow americans money but he is safe

>> No.54143823

IRS agent here. Give us the money and no one gets hurt. It's for you're own good, citizen. We know how much you have. Be honest and we won't take more than you can handle. It will pay off in the end, would you rather have roads and internet, or a worthless pile of bitcoins?

>> No.54143863

>willingly post naked IP in a honeypot.


>> No.54143888

> I also haven't cashes any of it out though to cash. I've moved it between exchanges and shit from times or swapped between coins, but never to USD.
Crypto to crypto is a taxable event dummy.
> Do I need to be worried or is there no way they would know about any of my transactions and gains?
If literally any of your shit is tied to an exchange, it's already been reported by those companies and is trackable.
Get fucked.

>> No.54144742

You are not white

>> No.54144928

portugal isnt fucked due murrica. It got ran over by euro pensioners. Though its a mixed bag. They needed the income source so they gave special incentives to get the pensioners on tax benefits into the country. Gov needed tax money while natives had trouble with lacking jobs.

>> No.54145028

Based sovereign citizen retard. Dangerously based, in fact

>> No.54145236
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It's not the same. Learn to math.