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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54114051 No.54114051 [Reply] [Original]

They halted trading because the stocks are in free fall

>> No.54114147


>> No.54114232

Looking into it

>> No.54114246

Let us know your analysis

>> No.54114348

What have you discovered?

>> No.54114392

fear not, i am monitoring the situation

>> No.54114448
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They are all banks ,50 plus . They are trying to keep them green to make cattle think its all good. The pumped it last night with fake money ,market opens its starts to collapse again and they close market

>> No.54114451
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We WILL NOT stop
Just because we killed some zombies

>> No.54114536

If this is really the case then this isn’t exactly sustainable. It’l bite them in the ass tomorrow

>> No.54114614

How do you know it's really fake money and not some traders or whatever buying the dip?

>> No.54114686

Can I have some fake money to buy stocks too?

>> No.54114757

Ask black rock they have 20 trillion under management
If its pumping so hard why halt the market

>> No.54114837

So they invest money just to trick the goyimtards for a couple days?

>> No.54114918

Bullshit. They're all trading higher today.

>> No.54115911
File: 20 KB, 316x488, BankLine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. They aren't.

>> No.54116251

Ok a bunch of banks are suddenly nose diving again what happened

>> No.54116306

You can't fix the problem by throwing money at it

>> No.54116318

What is your watchlist, I bought puts on the big 4 and a few randos, riding out til Friday and next week

>> No.54116363

Moodys cut outlook from stable to negative. Buckle up buckaroos either the gov fires up all the printrs or this will be the fabled crash of crashes.

>> No.54116551

because it gapped up from an undisclosed fed injection into the futures market last night.

Look at the halt list now faggot. its all the banks again.

>> No.54116656
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> watch news channel talking about Deutsche Bank stock
> -11.5% yesterday
> +2.8% today
> "DB in the plus again."

>> No.54116774

They were trading higher this morning, looks like the pain is catching up

>> No.54116858

schizo cope

They're still up double digits today.

>> No.54116921
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Look at FRC as an example.
Institutional scam wicking

>> No.54117093

Up 39% today. OP is full of shit.

>> No.54117200

they may use the us-rus drone collision today ("possible war") to justify crash.
>yeah it was nothing, they were recovering already, but then the Russians attacked

>> No.54117247

yeah im sure thats totally real and not at all a pump n dump

>> No.54117265
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, Beaker-from-The-Muppets-Show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The federal government is taking over ever bank no prisoners, it's given the banks 2 options fail now and sell your bonds, or fail later when we continue to raise interest rates till you fail. Failure is the only option. The government then takes full control over the banks, and the banks assets.

>> No.54117320

There would be no way to pump and dump it if the stock was halted, dumbshit.

>> No.54117431

yeah dude
go all in on bank stocks dude
no where to go but up dude

>> No.54117527

Are you the same op from /pol/?

>> No.54117554
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>> No.54117616


>> No.54117647
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Illiterate fucking retards

>> No.54117653


>> No.54117680

>fixes the problem by literally throwing money at it

>> No.54117711
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>> No.54117735

Can't go "all in" if the stock is halted, moron.

>> No.54117783

OP claimed the stocks were halted because they were in free fall. The reality is that they are trading higher today.

>> No.54117790

well whatever is going on, i'm sure things are on the up and up

>> No.54117828

You read maybe every fifth word.

>> No.54117879

OP literally said:
>They halted trading because the stocks are in free fall

What word did I leave out?

>> No.54118198
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Holy fucking shit
>op explains the banks were all artificially pumped 20%+ after trading
>they opened this morning 20%+ up
>however they immediately start falling again
>NYSE halts trading on 50 odd banks less than an hour into the day
>leaving them still technically green
You enter the thread
>but dey still green doe xD
Dunno why I bothered typing this out you obbiously can't read anyway

>> No.54118298

That's obviously false, though.

>> No.54118390

Eventually black rock and vanguard will have to “bail” America out of its debt

>> No.54118460
File: 103 KB, 847x594, Screenshot 2023-03-14 131133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or they'll print more money, which always happens.

>> No.54118587

Everything OP said is demonstrably true you fucking streetshitter. You could argue he has misinterpreted the situation, but you'd need to provide contrary information which would likely require reading

>> No.54118652

>Everything OP said is demonstrably true
Utter horseshit. They are trading above yesterday's closing prices.

>> No.54118809

How is it false, brainlet? Are the prices not lower than they were at open? Yes they are, so we know the halts are because the “gains” are falling.

>> No.54118870

Faggot kys

>> No.54118928
File: 70 KB, 720x935, 20230315_081700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Previous close $26
>oh its down 2% lol
This is the lowest IQ board on this fucking site. Attracts the stupidest, laziest, ignorant fucking niggers.

>> No.54119037

>one stock is down a few cents
You really are a special kind of stupid.

>> No.54119109

The fact that WAL lost ~50% of its valuation (and other banks comparable amounts) in two consecutive days, garnering numerous halts throughout the day, should be an enormous red fucking flag to anyone watching this.
This guy's willful misinterpretation of what's being said is beyond the realm of stupidity and can only interpreted as being actively malicious. Opinion discarded.

>> No.54119258

The KRE is well above its lows. The trend is up.

>> No.54119293
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SBNY is just nope zoned

>> No.54120551

Big booba

>> No.54120669

what's more believable
>there is a conspiracy to pump shitty bank stocks to calm retail
>people were bullish last night betting on a legit taxpayer bailout and they've since realized they're retarded and interest rates will continue to hike

>> No.54122512

>goyim getting tricked into providing exit liquidity by the jews in the fed and fdic

>> No.54122531

This. We call this one ‘prepping ze bull.’

>> No.54122572

is this why reddit was downed? to prevent discussion of it?

>> No.54122615


>> No.54122650

>there is a conspiracy to pump shitty bank stocks to calm DEPOSITORS

>> No.54122715

its gotta be crash time, printing while hiking makes 0 sense

>> No.54122804

Well, at least this time it’s a shorting cult, so the baggies will actually have to pack it up and go home when they’re out of money from le epic big bank short

>> No.54122829

Banks are bankrupt lol

>> No.54122948

Sorry Im wary of happening fags after years of being let down by nothingburgers

>> No.54122984

the first is literally acknowledge by the fed themselves, we've known about the plunge protection team for years

>> No.54123051

i think it's time we FOIA'ed the "Plunge Protection Team" for their activity, purchases, source of money, etc.

>> No.54123127

cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.54123187

jewish businesses
>source of money

>> No.54123195

How is this Fucking Fake FUD allowed to Fucking stay up?

>> No.54123337
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but then there will be occupy wall street V2, i think with printing more money you at least weaken the goyim financially and mentally, and you can easily make a scapegoat.

If you just take control over the banks, the christians will march to ottawa like they did with the trucker convoy.

>> No.54123673

Checked BoA. Opened at $29.99, closed at $28.75 Still... Up 0.25% because of previous close at $28.56
They propped them all yesterday. Question is if it will happen tomorrow as well?

Who propped them all?
As of why, my guess is to avoid a massive bank-run of never before seen proportions.

>> No.54123975

I wish reddit wasn't down, the discourse here makes even the clueless onions redditors look like geniuses.

>> No.54124304

I'm sure you're right, but I want that with a government letterhead.

>> No.54124496

Ok and? Manipulating the market by using retail as liquidity apparently saved the US from economic collapse. Pretty smart if we're being honest here.

>> No.54124534

pic related

>> No.54124596

No one wants to invest in a bank that could fail tomorrow. Prices are fake and gay.

>> No.54124852
File: 77 KB, 254x194, 1678702520780849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game theory does not work, they made things worse yesterday with that retarded speech

1_We will insure all money
2_We won't insure investors

What the fuck is the point of fractional reserve banking if bad choices are now paid by the government on the depositor side?

What prevents now the son of the bank ceo to deposit a shit ton of money from a larp company the bank invested and when the bank goes down the government pays the company.

They broke the game theory of fractional reserve banking with that retarded comment.

Also the "we won't help investors" crap is a way of making the bailout look better for normies while completely scaring every investors into selling, insane.

They truly are insane ffs.

>> No.54124989


Yeah someone said that they nationalized the banks yesterday and it really got me thinking. Banks no longer have to give a single solitary shit about fiscal responsibility and will just be eternally funded by taxpayers.

>> No.54125256

They need to nationalize the banks. Not that this is the ideal permanent state, but because capitalists need to understand that if they insist on socializing losses, their profits are fair game too.

>> No.54125313


I can get on board with socialism as long as we get rid of all nonwhites and Jews.

>> No.54125429
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>> No.54125551

>If this is really the case then this isn’t exactly sustainable. It’l bite them in the ass tomorrow
It worked with credit Suisse and HSBC like a year or two ago. They have both been balancing on the edge of bankruptcy several times over the year and they just magically get pump full of money but the European news strangely never focus on these near crashes. I think it's because their governments have a stronger hold on their media helping to divert I crash.
Similar to how America now wants to try censor "mis/disinfo" to keep everyone in the dark

>> No.54125644

No, we're the cosmystical reason why America can't be invaded. You need us and our ancient Chinese Voodoo.

>> No.54125900

It coomtinues tommorrow.

>> No.54125991

So is this the calm before the storm or are they just gonna print and pass the ticking thermonuclear bomb to Desantis?

>> No.54126096

Why are the rating agencies down rating these banks now? These banks have been operating with unrealized losses for how long, and could continue to operate business as usual so long as the rating agencies don't downgrade their dogshit. The rating agencies depend on the banks for their business. Or am I mixing up rating for the banks themselves and rating for their banking instruments. Is the tide going out naturally or is the plug being deliberately pulled?

>> No.54126137

Plausible Deniability probably. Of course it's hilariously too late for that.