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54117219 No.54117219 [Reply] [Original]

people seriously think they are escaping the banking system by buying BTC

>> No.54117238

nobody thinks that retard, we're all here for the gains. Sorry you missed it bro

>> No.54117255

My bank froze my account until i called over 5000 to coinbase. Bitcoin doesn't have limits on how much I can move or what I can spend it on.

>> No.54117310

the bullish case for btc is that you are escaping the banking system
if you agree it's bullshit, then this pump is fake and gay

>> No.54117347

They are. They're leaving behind a monetary system based on unbacked fiat and joyfully embracing a new monetary system based on unbacked stablecoins.
Even better, the new system allows you to be your own bank. And if you lose access to your wallet somehow, you don't have to worry about getting a bailout or anything. You just lose your money.

>> No.54117371

im buying steak and eating steaks while i stake my steak

>> No.54117424

the dream might be to escape the banking system but ill settle for some steak

>> No.54117482

who cares about that fundamentals crap, its all about the memelines. We're here to make money not rebel against the system or whatever bs mumu says to make you pump his bag

>> No.54117506

at least you are honest, unlike most btc shills here

>> No.54117541

yeah its all fake talk they spent years trying to develop a narrative but it has shaky foundations, anybody with a functioning logical brain knows what this game is about

>> No.54117589

>They're leaving behind a monetary system based on unbacked fiat
>For a digital assets that's price is controlled by the inflows of unbacked fiat.
Kek ok genius it's another banking scam. Just ride the waves and make lots of money, then dump your bags on some other fag

>> No.54117996

basically if you don't own real estate and and lands you're fucked anyways
shibariumfag detected

>> No.54118051
File: 118 KB, 1200x800, steaksteaksteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sad to see you go

>> No.54118152

Show me how to buy eggs with Bitcoin without intermediaries.

>> No.54118183

> he doesn't know about the upcoming shibarium bullrun

>> No.54118252


you realise your property rights are only guaranteed by the same guys printing the money right?

>> No.54118401
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Only complete retards do that. Modern thinkers use crypto as a side thing to make some money and don't take it seriously. I myself stake nftb and bnb and I get ok returns that compliment my salary. That's really it.

>> No.54118409

That sentiment died with celsius, retard

>> No.54118415

Copytrading makes things x100 easier too. It really is a side hustle now

>> No.54118424

>btc shills
you stupid?

>> No.54119756

it's all priced into the heat death of the universe.

>> No.54120055

Yeah obviously I am escaping the banking system. If my bank fails I lose my fiat but not my crypto since it's on-chain.
>b-b-b-but price can go down
And it can also go up, yes.

>> No.54120144

you live in denial, the banking system is a scam and thinking people care about it and not about preserving wealth/making money, you're delusional

you sound naive, which money are you accumulating long term?

what are you accumulating long term?

>> No.54120185

if the banking system fails your btc is not going up in value, i can assure you of that

>> No.54120226

literally just message someone 'hey i want eggs, i will give you x BTC for it' and they will say yes

>> No.54120818

First you need to learn to put on your pants. One leg at a time, anon. Focus on not falling over while you're doing it.

>> No.54120858

it better be a ton of eggs, or else it ain't gonna be worth it with the fees lol

>> No.54120915

Average fee at this minute is 75 cents

>> No.54121052

use bitcoin to buy a $200 wholefoods gift card? now you can buy eggs every week

>> No.54121087

>without intermediaries
>tells anon to buy an intermediary debit card
Do you understand English?

>> No.54121133

everyone uses cards these days, or get a coinbase card or cro card

>> No.54121148

we're full, anon. stay poor. kek.

>> No.54121166

Kings use gold; silver is the people's money. But not everyone wants to accept either one. Are you a man? Do you want to be a king?

>> No.54121178

I think the unspoken part is: make bank with BTC and then use that wealth to become self-sustaining and/or have deals with industry that don't make you immune, but definitely make you less easy/attractive to screw over.

>> No.54121270

Money is an internal ledger of the mind, keeping track of your strength in the tribe. Its form is less important than what you do with it. To lead a tribe you have to see the future and then convince others to take action with you.

>> No.54121300

Kings also have a bunch of people to protect them and watch their shit, and a high walled castle protected by a moat, some knights, a clown, and such on hand. nigga if you ain't got those things you're not a king.

>> No.54121324

you need to claim haircomb do to this

>> No.54121328

and they're right !

>> No.54121332

yeah and what's gonna happen to that fee if everyone starts using it to buy every day items like eggs, dumbass?

>> No.54121361

Hahhha yeah this is a funny assumption. Everything still goes back to the asset which is most widely used to exchange value of goods and services. At least was able to follow up on Altcoinist Monday prediction and reap sokme neat profits out, can now get more of my fav $ kek

>> No.54121366

You don't understand what a king is; the root is kin-ing. A king is someone who makes family.

>> No.54121387

You can say the same thing about gold or any security dumbass. you're missing the point.

>> No.54121409

They won't, obviously. But that's a different question OP is too retarded to answer which is: why are most people retarded?

>> No.54121411

You've got to at least have a horse and a roundtable, or pull a sword out of a rock. That's the bear minimum.

>> No.54121441

In a way you're right, but only metaphorically: to create a family takes something close to an act of God. And this is why kings were understood to be divine.

>> No.54121879

you will never be someone's queen.

>> No.54122756

my property rights are guaranteed by my rifle blasting you the fuck off my property which is my castle

>> No.54122869

This deep ancestral sanity predates the "US Constitution" by millennia and yet whites seem determined to forget it.

>> No.54123375

History has shown, time and time again, fiat currencies lose value and eventually fail. So eventually, what you are using daily today, to buy food and services, won't be around in the future. The next currency could be a cbdc. So what would you rather use? A cbdc or Bitcoin?

>> No.54123510

>What would you rather use
Implying you'll have a choice

>> No.54123536
File: 73 KB, 827x1181, dont buy xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's XMR

>> No.54123584


>> No.54124099


lol, worked out great for the guys at Waco. Your land is yours because your government lets it be, if they change your mind your best bet is using that rifle on yourself. guns or no guns , ur just as cucked as the rest of the world

>> No.54124135
File: 3.12 MB, 1252x1632, satoshi-knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are though, its literatlly a system that allows people to hold their own money free from Jews stealing it and then going to the government for a bail out.
Its a system that prevent socialising the losses onto the poor and privatisation of the gains.

You me you can see that right and are not just a shill.

>> No.54124171

>without intermediaries.
I mean this is how you lose in life. It's realistic to say what intermediaries agree with your personal politics in being able to get the trade done

>> No.54124344
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>> No.54126040

Nah i just buy in hopes the banking system does either of these two things:

FOMO into Crypto like cucks and buy at the peak then become desperate enough to beg the government go bail them out.

Ignore Crypto and deny it's existence so a thriving black market can continue to push innovation into Cryptocurrency anonymity.

Either options would work out.My bags become stupidly valuable, or I can continue to support the dark underbelly that is anonymous transactions.

>> No.54126082

this shit is part of the banking system now.

>> No.54126923
File: 131 KB, 1310x855, 1600222245167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using btc to make money so I CAN escape, Preferably before it becomes worthless toilet paper. That's the plan, man.

>> No.54127885
