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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54113947 No.54113947 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason why individuals can't just create their own digital currency and use it with friends and family? Even if it's just a simple ledger without the use of any blockchain it's still better than fractional reserve banking.

>> No.54113992

because then you'll get 1 friend whom is slightly savvy at tech and begin changing the ledgers in his/her favor

>> No.54114046

Whom Police here. How about you stop trying to be a precocious fuck and learn to use whom correctly. Nigger

>> No.54114070

There's no point at that scale as you can just hand each other IOUs, even just verbally.

>> No.54114113

What if the ledger was publicly auditable?

>> No.54114134

whomst* retarded esl

>> No.54114222

it is properly used. I suggest you educate yourself.

just because it is publicly auditable does not mean it cannot be changed. I think it's a decent idea in theory, but if it grows too large then people, whom of which have ill intentions, will take advantage of the loopholes.

I'm american

>> No.54114283

Even that sounds better honestly. Those IOUs wouldn't be devalued with the printing of more IOUs if everyone could just agree on a fixed amount beforehand. No taxes for anyone either.

>> No.54114288

It's an interesting exercise, and has been attempted many times before although not as a digital currency but instead private currencies. What almost always happens is that since these currencies are deflationary they eventually fall victim to hoarding (since why would you ever trade one away if it's getting more valuable every day) and nobody uses them for day-to-day exchanges, making them really useless. So they're just like crypto.

>> No.54114336

Because your local costco might not accept your personal currency in exchange for groceries

>> No.54114337

No it fucking isn’t, it’s not a pronoun retard
Checks out

>> No.54114350

Just make your own 4chan and social media.

>> No.54114373

If the system could maintain a constant amount in circulation somehow could this work? I'm not familiar with any private currencies but have any of them ever worked out?

>> No.54114393

>"whomis always used instead ofwhoafter theprepositionsto,for,with, andof."
It is correct.

>> No.54114415

I was imagining more of like a private currency just for your friends and family, maybe some other people in your town. Possibly for selling homemade goods and food from your own garden, stuff like that.

>> No.54114460

Stick to your insect language you third worlder ESL monkey

>> No.54114488
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you're all very tiresome

>> No.54114497

Oh in that case, yeah, instead of trading denominated in different goods between neighbors, have a standard unit of exchange. In our rural area, there is a community basket that different farms bring produce and exchange.

>> No.54114533

Wtf? You didn’t use whom after a preposition, nigger. I’m done. I’ve decided you are too retarded to keep responding to.

>> No.54114540

>use it with friends and family

If you all trust each other already then what would be the point. Just use a spreadsheet.

>> No.54114570
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>> No.54114590

>esl can’t even follow his own made up rules

>> No.54114632

I gave my husband coupons he could redeem for things one valentines day. We could just do digital version of these vouchers too I guess

>> No.54114660

By IOUs I mean people literally saying "I owe you 500 bucks". That's all you need among family and friends why would you need a currency for that. You have trust, so verbal IOUs like that are enough

>> No.54114689

Ease of use mostly. Also if instead of a single digital currency this was more of a framework where anyone could easily create their own then people might work together as an open source project to build tools or apps or whatever.

>> No.54114795

Go ahead. There are hundreds out there already but if no one will accept your currency then you may as well not bother.

>> No.54114890

>Go ahead. There are hundreds out there already but if no one will accept your currency then you may as well not bother.
We have to try. If not we will just be slaves to central bank currency our entire lives.