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54093341 No.54093341 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you growing your own food anon?
>saves money
>healthy food
>you actually know whats on our table
>no pesticides (if you dont use them ofc)
>cutie trad girls everywhere
>touching gras

can highly recommend frens give it a try

>> No.54093411

>growing your own food
Sounds really difficult and time consuming

>> No.54093509

not as difficult as you might imagine. kind of time consuming but not that bad and actually a nice way to spend your time imo

>> No.54093576

It is. And a single hailstorm can fuck all your shit up.
But it's also highly rewarding. A single homegrown in-season summer tomato is worth x20 of any supermarket bullshit """tomato""", the difference is so large that I wouldn't even call it the same fruit/vegetable.

Anyway if you have free time it's most certainly better spent on growing your own food than playing videogames and jerking off to Twitch streamers.

>> No.54094813
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Even with make it stacks, I'll still be growing chillies, sweet peppers, radish, lettuce, carrots, potato's, garlic, and ill be out on the boat with the rods catching pollack, bass and mackerel. I also drop pots for lobster and brown crab. No better feeling and no better taste. If you don't have or seek a life like this then you're ngmi.

>> No.54095387

>Sounds really difficult and time consuming
so is working, anon.

>> No.54095416

Worth it. It's genetic memory. Humans have been growing at least some of their food for 10,000 years. We love it. That and raising animals is extremely cathartic. If you don't have land just find some deep in the woods where no one will stumble across a little garden. It is impossible for your government to justifiably own every square inch of land. It does not belong to them and it's not theirs to give unless they have built something upon it to mark their claim and legitimacy. Building a garden will not harm anyone. Just fence it and better to have it in a small clearing

>> No.54095909

because rabbits and squirrels keep getting into it and fucking it up

>> No.54096082

You meat your meat keeps eating your vegetables? Just harvest the meat, then.

>> No.54096124

Would have started but circumstances were such that I needed more immediate supplies just in case. I did almost set up a whole garden and greenhouse environment powered by solar (want to grow during Winter after all).

>> No.54096146

I live in a New York apartment

>> No.54096149

> broccoli
> healthy

NGMI anon

>> No.54096160

did some /sig/ madman actually do it?

>> No.54096178

Are you insinuating that if I simply plant food plants in a garden trad wives just show up?

>> No.54096188

its snowing. Southern cunts.

>> No.54096226

What about fucking a Twitch streamer? Follow up question: how do I do that?

>> No.54096306

You can grow herbs in a planter if you have a south-facing window, and potatoes if you don't.
>t. inwood

>> No.54096418

Not really the same as gardening. But you already knew that.

>> No.54096512

first few seasons you wont have enough anyways takes a while till you get the hang of it. after that I would highly suggest getting into conserving food for winter since with the missing sunlight it wont matter that much if its in a greenhouse or not I would imagine.

thats kinda fucked I couldnt stand living in a city like new york. are there community gardens or something like that or is it just a concrete hellscape?

thats kale anon... and extremely healthy not the most delicious thing on this planet tho ngl but ey will grow and survive through the winter


season starts in a month or two just starred planting some carrots potatoes and radish atm. But started tomatoes today from seeds I took last year but they will have to stay inside for some time.

>> No.54098246

Holy fucking shit, tell me you live in an overcrowded shithole without telling me you live in an overcrowded shithole.

>> No.54099326
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The Trad Revival scene is cool. They're attempting to do an inverse of Commodity Fetishism.

>> No.54099348

>are there community gardens
not where I live lmao

>> No.54099472
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Based. Growing season is soon for me, waiting on my pay to buy some starting mix and some heirloom tomato seeds. Might even try peanuts this year

>> No.54100311

sucks fren...

might have to look into that never had the idea before

>> No.54100368

the Trad Waifu was a meme to get the coomers in here and maybe get them to catch some fresh air. Ist mostly old ladies. But you do actually meet some nice girls on plantmarkets and stuff to bad I am a turbo introvert so yeah

>> No.54100564
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Seedlings, nigger.

>6 variety of tobacco

>> No.54100595

also pretty based thought about growing some tabacco this year as well. How difficult is it?

>> No.54100777


Easy. Curing is long tho.
Everything that makes the taxman seethe is good to grow imo

>> No.54100901

checked and kekd

>> No.54100936

My boomer relative grows all his own food (save for big livestock which he trades for with his neighbor who raises pigs). I just give him money for his stuff until I get a yard.

>> No.54100957

Those them jiffy trays??

>> No.54100987

pretty based boomer relative you've got there I must say. Hope to be that guy some day

>> No.54101004

also you should definitely help him out if you dont already do it you will probably learn a shitton for the time when you start your own thing

>> No.54101099

Sedentary farming is for simps.

>> No.54101100

Would love to grow my own food, but I currently live in a small apartment in a shithole city that is mostly cement. Once I finish this shit degree I will move to a semi rural place.

>> No.54101160

I live in vienna also a pretty "shitty" city if you live inside the city center but I moved to the outskirts best of both worlds can highly recommend.

>> No.54101219

who says I dont rotate my fields fren. But the soil here is top notch you can definitely go for multiple years in the same place. But I am kind off a hippie and like to take care of the soil so I do actually rotate.

>> No.54102459

>no pesticides (if you dont use them ofc)

You bug eating faggot

>> No.54102553
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>HFW you tell her you grow your own food.

>> No.54102575

It's like a day or 2 investment to get it set up, then 30 mins every few days. Play 30 mins less video games.

>> No.54102579

What is opportunity cost?

>> No.54102605

>just find some deep in the woods
the animals will eat or trample it all

>> No.54102734

Hell yeah

>> No.54102839

>buying a garden
nice way to lose money and waste time, here's what you actually do:
- Go to the store
- Buy seeds, especially sunflower seeds because they'll survive basically anything, buy as much as you can reasonably afford
- Find areas around where you live that are away from main roads, are moist, aren't trimmed, and aren't immediately obvious
- Literally just start throwing seeds everywhere, bury some if you want better results and are willing to spend more time doing it
- If you have worm casting dump those everywhere too

It's that simple, if you repeat this enough times a good amount of them will start to grow, DON'T HARVEST IMMEDIATELY, over a number of generations they will adapt better to the environment

>> No.54102853

I am. But it's literally not enough to feed my entire family by growing a few plants. Also I can't grow pineapples and bananas and other exotic shit when I live in Canada.

>> No.54102882

Gigabased, anon. I'm relocating in a few months to a different state for work and bought a house with 6 acres. Definitely going to start a nice garden. Any advice for a noob?

>> No.54102924

ur local wild bunnies want to tnak you for feeding them a continuous diet free strawberries

>> No.54102926
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I grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, spinach, green beans, sweet/hot peppers, and various herbs. I also planted 2 each of pear, apple, peach, and cherry trees. The trees produced fruit last summer but nothing big enough quality yet. Should be another year or two before they’ll be solid to eat right off the plant. I also have strawberries but they haven’t been growing in too well. Pic related are two of my garden beds. I want to get chickens soon once I get some extra time to focus on that

>> No.54103250
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it's simple, we uh... kill the bunnies

>> No.54103469

Bunnies are made of food

>> No.54103761

God please tell me it's not porn...

>> No.54105130

Don't worry, anon. It's Holly Earl, an actress, giving an interview about a play she's in.

>> No.54105205

Real niggas photosynthesis

>> No.54105618

theres still snow on the fucking ground retard

>> No.54105695

If you're gardening to help your budget your goal should be to focus on the food that's both easy to grow but relatively expensive at the store. That's the most perishable stuff, where the price is covering the very short shelf life. OP has the right idea, kale and strawberries is a good start, you can do them anywhere. Arugula is another good one.

>> No.54105745

She's ridiculously cute. Just checked her on the internet. It's a good day

>> No.54105789

>always wanted to marry a man who grows his own food. Happy to cook,clean and raise kids.

>> No.54105852

because there are farms who can do 100x the amount of work in 1/5th the time

>> No.54105875

starting my garden, on the back half of my 1/4 acre lot, gonna do in-ground with 7 rows of 4x52 feet, what am i in for?
ive been studying companion cropping, permaculture, and I think I can get enough out of it to only spend $10-$20/week on groceries for grains and tropical shit like bananas, while possibly selling some cash crops like leafy greans, berries, and herbs
the biggest question is whether or not to add cherry and plum trees. they should prevent errosion and add some more yield, but im concerned about the shade they would produce. anyone with experience vegetable gardening with trees?

>> No.54105895

I only grow rare heirlooms for the taste and because I can’t buy shit like that at the store. It’s not about saving money.

>> No.54105899

So? Just salt the ground and it’ll melt faster

>> No.54105907

redpill me on heirlooms, i just bought seeds at the hardware store and kinda want to upgrade next year. how do they do with pest/disease resistance?

>> No.54105915

this has to be bait

>> No.54105925

And with 100 times the chemicals too!

>> No.54105939

I'm not a peasant, time is money

>> No.54105966
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Depends on the variety but generally they’re less resistant. I just like growing different varieties I can’t find at the store. All types of colored tomatoes and peppers. I like the taste better too.

>> No.54105985
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>> No.54106008

I grow my fruit trees away from my vegetable garden so they kind of take the brunt of pests for me. I keep my vegetable in raised garden in my greenhouse. If you're just starting grow anything there's a decent learning curve when you first start. Trying to do things perfect or doing too much is going to fuck with you.

>> No.54106150
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You don't grow heirloom tomatoes for resistance, you grow them because you can get varieties that lack the mutation for uniform ripening. This is good thing - that mutation harms the taste of the fruit but is essential for growing them commercially so almost all store varieties have it. The ugly tomatoes are sweeter and tastes better.


>> No.54106187

I love growing heirlooms, unfortunately my back is degenerating bad so it's getting hard to garden let alone work but when I was healthier a few years back I make my entire backyard a garden

>> No.54106200
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All organic use nothing but whats in the ground, I have put in bone meal and blood meal but that's it and worm casings.

>> No.54106211

god damn they look healthy

>> No.54106220
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>> No.54106240
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I always crop em early to get maximum yields.
I also got some weirdly divine nature with plants and animals although it's fading since my health declined, god I miss it.

>> No.54106258

I'm 6'4 I remember some of those tomatoes getting a foot taller than me, I had some sunflowers no shit probably 16-17 feet tall they were getting up to my roof.

>> No.54106318

>A single homemade grown tomato
I can unironically confirm this from a biological perspective.
In Agriculture farmers have personal crops they tend by hand. Their Garden on the farmland. This happens everywhere from North Korea, to the U.S.
Hand tended crops are much less negatively stressed than those farmed by factory machinery. We've known for years that plants respond to human touch and interaction, often in a positive way. If you want the best crops though, you want them in the soil, interacting with the Mycelium layer. Those fungi will transmit signals between plants. When you talk to, or stroke the leaves on a plant it produces a kind of Eustress(the good kind) releasing healthy chemicals throughout the plant.
When a machine scans a plant, or a truck/pipe dumps frigid pipewater on it, it goes into a semi state of shock and releases negative chemicals. The frigid pipe water is an important thing too. For your garden put a barrel outside and fill it with water, so it's the same temperature as the air. Water your crops with that. It prevents the shock of cold water.
>Inb4 sounds like Hippy bullshit
Check some agri-science articles. It's all true.
The reason plants respond well to human and animal interaction is because of how linked we are. Even trees. Squirrels living in a tree do the same thing, it's because of the shit they leave on the ground nearby, it's a signal more fertilizer is coming. With birds nesting in a tree, it prepares the tree to receive calcium from the eggshells that fall.
Natural fertilizer
Animal fur for nitrogen(just get a fuzzy boy and brush him often)
Egg shells(raise some chicken) The reason I don't recommend bones is because they produce a high quality ash for soil but are too hard to break down in a typical garden.
Fruit skins(Amazing fertilizer)
Stems, leaves , etc(Put the shit the plant is back in the soil)

>> No.54106383

Cool tip
Bones are calcium phosphate, so that is why their ash makes a great soil.
Eggshells are calcium carbonate, which is also great for soil, however if you dry the eggshells and crush them. You can make a powder that is essentially your OTC Anti-Acid. Eggshells are made out of Marble Stone as mindfuck.

>> No.54106462

Careful with putting shit plants back into the soil, diseased tomatoes and other plants if sewn into the soil will spread and ruin your ground.
Then you'll be forced to rest,
Many farmers would make seperate gardens for their shit plants as a containment area.

>> No.54106477

Best to grow corn in your garden and throw it out, it tends to leech out negative disease and other bad shit.

>> No.54106500

Thanks for the tips anon. I listen to a lot of older people and hippies on the matter, none of them knew about corn. I'm gonna have to look into that, you have any resource you want to dump?

>> No.54106526

Well I dont keep a lot of resources my mother was a master gardener so I learned some from here but mostly her books over the years and trial and error.
Another thing is find a source of copper to sew into your ground, blood meal should help but if you don't have copper your tomatoes will get blossom rot where every single fucker with rot from the bottom.

Use blacklights at night to find horn worms they can destroy your crops within a day, if you notice their green shit on your leaves go out at night use a blacklight and some scissors they will light up like a rave, versus doing it during the day the fuckers will hide and all it takes is one hornworm.
Copper, Blacklights, Bone meal blood meal and yeah basically what you said.
Till your ground, use good wood chip mulch to retain moisture, or hay, hays wonderful for nitrogen but it tends to bring crab grass, I prefer cedar chips untreated they will slowly break down over the years and save you assloads in watering.

>> No.54106603

>>>54106462 (You)
I've always wanted to find a butcher and collect his blood and use it directly into the plants.
It smells good actually.

>> No.54106610

Tomatoes are carnivores so the little hairs on them actually trap insects and kills them sucking the life and blood from them, so aphids etc aren't a huge deal although don't let them get out of hand.

>> No.54106614
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Waiting until I have a stack large enough to buy a cottage or bungalow out in the middle of nowhere with land (UKfag so land is expensive).
Currently have a small garden that's completely saturated with ground ivy and bindweed due to years of neglect from the previous owner. Don't really want to use weedkillers because of cancer so I just try to control it as I can.

Godspeed gardenfag anons.

>> No.54106633

I won't question Gardener Mom.
For copper, I'm trying to find a decent natural self sustaining source. I'm assuming the only real best bet is chicken neuro-innards and blood(unless you have the land for cattle)

>> No.54106645

I completely forgot that insects are high in copper. It's pretty easy to make bug traps. They make great food for the plants in gardens.

>> No.54106673

Get a weedwhacker and just annihilate it mulch it and keep weeding till it gives up, or you can use salt but you're gonna destroy anything for awhile.

You can also use sulfur or acidifiers to lower the PH which increases the NU copper in your soil.

>> No.54106723

I would recommend the cut and leave technique. If it's severely overgrown, just find where the plants from the ground.(About 5 hours of work). Cutting each connection. Then leave them, cover the garden bed with a tarp.
If you starve it of sunlight for a year, and leave the plants you will have a twofold approach, of returning the plant nutrients to the soil, while also making sure nothing new can grow.

>> No.54106787

>cutie trad girls everywhere

>> No.54106791

Instead of the salt, pour kettles of boiling water on the base of the steams until it gives up.

>> No.54106800

Thanks anons, I did a pretty good job two years ago with a rotavator, boiling water, plenty of digging for root clusters and black tarp to block sunlight but the problem is it creeps in from all sides via the neighbours' gardens so unless they get it cleared there isn't really anything I can do.

If I were planning to live here forever I'd use the chems and then just use raised beds or planters, but there's tons of old broken up concrete paths and lots of landscaping to be done. Just focusing on maintenance at the moment but I might get a container to try and grow some heirloom tomatoes, they look pretty tasty.

>> No.54106825

The neighbor situation sucks. All I could recommend is planting a bamboo wall, or some plant that will grow fast, and prevent the weeds from infesting your garden through that avenue.

>> No.54106959

Why not just use copper sulphate? Natural pesticide + copper source and cheap. I take it as a supplement myself.

>> No.54107054

No thanks inorganic compounds doesn't seem wise

>> No.54107074

Salt will increase nitrogen to ungrowable levels and will naturally go back to normal in about a year piss also works

>> No.54107869

>why aren't you growing your own food anon?
those are veggies
you need to feed those to livestock in order to get food.

>> No.54108057
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I’m already growing my own food
Magic food

>> No.54108386

bros is it possible to grow vegs without a greenhouse with all the geoengineering dumping nanoparticles of aluminum ?

>> No.54108444

Back in elementary school we were taught how to grow food and each kid had their own little field to plant seeds in.
I remember it being very maintainable after setting everything up.

>> No.54108502

based shrooms
I know they’re adding new stuff to the chemtrails all the time but they out can remove the heavy metals from the outside of fruit/veggies with hydrogen peroxide

>> No.54108566
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>have to wait a month for food to grow

I'd rather just buy food from the grocery store where it only takes 5 minutes

>> No.54108587

Are all you guys this dumb?
Keep eating your goyslop, if you’re not smart enough to realize the grocery store is poisoning you, you’re not worth saving

>> No.54108597

I thought that too until i ate my own grown tomatoes unironically taste and smell completely different. Try it out grow a tomato in a pot on your windows sill or something.

>> No.54108676

I've been doing my own backyard gardening for a few years now, and yea, nothing compares to the taste of fresh produce. It's more of a hobby at this point since I'm a full time wagie, but for anyone looking to be self sufficient, learning how to preserve your food is a must, especially if you have short growing seasons. Greenhouses can solve that but they're also expensive to build.

It's not. Make a raised bed, fill it with good soil, plant whatever is in season, and keep it watered. Some plants are more nutrient hungry, so have a small bag of fertilizer on hand. That's really it. Obviously you aren't going to feed the entire village, but you can get a feel for it and you might even find out that you enjoy it. With a raised bed, you can easily recondition the soil you have, it requires less water, and little to no weeding. I live in an area with sand, so raised beds are a must, but even if you have good soil, I'd still recommend it.

>> No.54108697

Squirrels and rabbits aren't kosher though...

>> No.54108722

>time consuming
Nigger they grow on their own, all you need to do is throw some water on them when it hasn't rained for a few days.

>> No.54108745

Too many critters. Can never get a harvest with them.

>> No.54108766

Fry them. Crispy critters.

>> No.54108767

hey thread is still alive thats neat.

as the other anons said you cant even compare it. I heard over in burgerland it is even worse the "vegetables" they get over there seem to be literally garbage completely dead on the inside and covered in wax and shit. only know it second hand tho but I can guarantee unless you buy straight from another farmer you never had veggies as good as you can grow them yourself

whatever tickles your fancy fren growing stuff is growing stuff. I grow a little weed even tho I almost never smoke. Just love the plant and give it away to frens and keep a little bit for myself.

go ahead and grow the food for your own livestock then would be kinda neat no clue about animals tho. But sometime in the future I want to have chickens.

You are right it isnt about saving money I do it just for fun and for the quality of the food. That you save money is just a nice little extra.

grow your own food and tell me its the same as the stuff from some giga corp. if you buy from local farmers thats great as well. but everyone who has the opportunity should try it imo.

start seedlings then

im not tho

no bunnies around here only wild pigs

I can imagine feeding a whole family is a lot of work. Would be a nice activity to do with your kids tho.

there are a lot of natural remedies and you can simply grow a little more so the critters can eat some stuff and it doesnt matter.

I am also only doing it as a hobby but in the long run I do want to grow all my food. Dont want to only eat kale in winter tho so yeah theres that. But I think growing as much as you can is a good start

>> No.54108792

I want my own chickens

>> No.54108814

My yard is all clay dirt and I live in a hot desert climate so I didn’t think much would grow in my yard
Then I started growing shrooms indoors and I would dig a shallow hole and throw my old mushroom substrates in the yard. My backyard changed dramatically after that. Grass started growing and I planted some flowers. Birds and bugs have now started coming to the areas where I buried my spent cakes. It’s amazing what mycelium, cow poo, vermiculite and coco coir can do to hard clay soil. I want to plant a neem tree next because I like using neem leaf in my compost I grow marijuana with.
I think I need a greenhouse to grow most veggies though. I’m in climate zone 9

>> No.54108819

It's the truth. I catch trad wives in my garden all the time.

>> No.54108828

>have a greenhouse
>grew loads of peppers plants
>Huge crop of peppers
>go to harvest
>first pepper has a huge hole in it
>next pepper does
>every pepper does
>look up what causes them
>a specific type of weevils
>makes the whole pepper inedible because they laid eggs inside

I'd guess 20-30 peppers had to be thrown away. Lost the will to continue or try again after that.

>> No.54108845

turning a "barren wasteland" into a place where birds and bugs want to hang out is really cool fren good job. you should try how far you can go. turn your desert into a little oasis

>> No.54108861

try looking up beneficial insects dont know if thats the right translation. There is always something that eats whatever is bugging you. Just have to give them a nice environment. Last year my whole field was full of ladybugs was great.

>> No.54108939

During the last bull run I managed to make some money and bought a plot of land in a nice area.
I planted some tomatoes, onions and some cucumbers.
After they grew I made a salad out of them. The taste was so good that I was rolling my eyes like I was having the biggest orgasm of my life.
We have such shitty food available...

>> No.54108977

Ladybugs and praying mantises, two best natural pest killers you can find.

>> No.54108986

Grow spinach and tomatoes, cucumbers, maybe some kale, get some buttermilk ranch.
Fuck dude it's like better than sex, and I just literally came back from having sex.
I'd rather have a salad.

>> No.54109014

Nothing worth doing is difficult and time consuming. That's what robots are for.

>> No.54109041

Fascinating op. I have increasingly been thinking that we are far more 'connected' to nature that we have been led to believe.
We also have a small grow of about 20sqm. 100% organic, no pesticides or fertilisers and I can 100% confirm this is true, store (((vegetables))) are barely food by comparison. You can literally taste the nutrients in home grown, vegetables actually have complex flavour. Same goes for factory farmed meat. We only eat local organic and recently unknowingly had factory farmed from a restaurant and I could taste the fear and stress in the meat.
Growing is hard to begin with, we still struggle with slug cunts eating all our sowings but we're getting the hang of it, and as time goes on it is less and less work.
We rent a local space and the most bountiful garden is only tended to once a week for a few hours by a trad boomer.

>> No.54109046

try to grow a little more this season. Salad is super easy kale carrots radish all of those basically grow themself without any input only water thats it (depending on your climate and the soil of course) just look up the food that grows in your area and give it a try. Maybe it works out maybe it wont but before you can look you will have an overabundance of great food.

Ladybugs are literally murder machines kinda spooky if you think about it. They go around and kill everything and are beautiful while doing it. Never tried praying mantises but they already look like murderers so I guess they will act accordingly as well kek

>> No.54109059

Mantis are a good option. I hatched a pack of 30 in my greenhouse. They slaughtered eachother but the ones that lived keep the pest down. They breed between themselves so you don't even have to replace them and you can put them on your hat or shoulder and they'll just chill there.

>> No.54109110

>I have increasingly been thinking that we are far more 'connected' to nature that we have been led to believe.
I would bet my right nut that a shitton of people would benefit tremendously if they started growing their own food. Not only because it actually is food but it's a fun and healty activity you do outside. Only benefits imo. Thats why I started this thread I unironically think that some anon could read this and give it a try and benefit beyond his wildest dreams

I am really glad to hear that you enjoy it so much fren keep it up.

>> No.54109113

I've been fortunate enough to have a house surrounded by woods, I might be a penniless poorfag but my house is a nice little gift from my mom.

I won't sell it though, unless kikes build up around it.

Matises flock from the woods and i'll always have a few around my gardens, I got perennial coneflowers going in bunches around my yard I planted and reseeded till they got huge, brings goldfinches from the woods as well.

>> No.54109122

sorry my jeet tier Engrish, I've been up all night and not proof reading my shit.

>> No.54109134

Nice i've found a few owls knocked out asleep in my garden. I plant a bunch of native flowers to attract stingless bees and now they live in a big rotting log in my yard.

>> No.54109144

im going to plow my acre and try to get in on the halloween pumpkin racket. I guess mid june is my planting window.

>> No.54109175
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go out and start your gardens now
get less from (((supermarkets)))



>> No.54109178

Very nice, bumblebees tend to build in dead trees/logs/ground, don't worry about honeybee's they are literally harmless only sting if you're purposefully fucking with them, watch for yellow jackets those little meat eating fuckers will grow in the ground and in potted plants, they can sting indefinitly.

I was with my brother as kids and I took a scythe I had and hit the ground randomly as hard as I could.
Well turns out it was a yellow jacket nest me and him got swarmed instantly and they chased us like 4 blocks, me and him shaking with some much venom in us, my dog at the time was biting them out of my hair, they got in between my toes stinging, it was fun.

>> No.54109180

>the ATF would like to know your location

>> No.54109192

I live in arizona, and the amount of water I'd have to use to keep shit from withering away would far outcost the actual vegetable savings.
That's not to take into account
>birds/rabbits/squirrels etc eating all of your shit
>bugs and other pests
>random storm wipes all of that shit out
>your meals are 99% water with some fiber and vitamins

>> No.54109219

Cedar mulch literally will save you from having to water
Look up Eden Garden I believe it's called, basically you can get even in your climate a no till no weed no water garden if done right.

>> No.54109229

Society would also call me a poorfag because I have barely any money at all. I consider myself far far better off than almost all of the wagies out there tho. I cant even afford a house or a car basically anything. I just live. I had a company a few years back and it almost drove me to the rope. Sure I had a lot of money but everything felt so meaningless then I moved to vienna and started a new life. And I sure as hell would not trade it. back. I can honestly say that going along the path I am on right now saved my life.

>> No.54109239
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Back to Eden Gardens, basically layering mulch over your topsoil makes it one watering will later in enough moisture for months.

>> No.54109248

>/rabbits/squirrels etc eating all of your shit
You can buy shade sail tunnels for like $50 to put over garden beds which elimates that.
>>bugs and other pests
Shove a pack of ladybugs in the tunnel.

>> No.54109259

You guys seem decent it's hard to find decent people here, I had a business in 2018 was making 500-1.5k a day but it went up in flames due to a suicide of my partners wife.

Money isn't everything, it can be gained back as well.
Gardening is the funnest thing I ever did and it kept me from roping many times.

>> No.54109286

I have no clue about the climate in Arizona fren but I am sure there is a solution if you really want it. A lot of people grow in extremely dry areas with great success but this is nothing I know anything about but I am sure there are ways around it if it is something you really want to do.

>> No.54109302
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collect rainwarter in barrels, if it ever rains there...
put a net over your veggies and fruits

>> No.54109305
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Gardening also helped me not rope in my darkest times.

>> No.54109316

based op, its super comfy growing your own stuff and seeing plants sprout, shit is magic.

>> No.54109330

I'll also say it's a great hobby for getting a break and letting your brain process it's backlog.

>> No.54109336
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>> No.54109339
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Freak red sunflower, was pretty eventually they crossbred into my other ones and the year after the yellow ones came out red and yellow mixed.

>> No.54109391
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My mound of coneflowers, it's about 4x the size now, and go another back on the opposite side and a few more random patches coming up from birds dropping seed.

>> No.54109403

I agree but do NOT use roof runoff water it's got tar byproduct chemical leeching.
Better off just making many barrels in the open, or use clean creek water if possible.

I luckily have a creek fed by a spring running through my backyard.

>> No.54109409

wtf i have a creek too.

>> No.54109416

I pump the water through my irrigation system which is powered by solar panels though.

>> No.54109439

Very nice I've considered doing this and making some hydropowered systems, I made drop off waterfalls using concrete and creek rocks and made natural mini waterfalls, thinking about making about 20 of em and making them little mills for energy producers

>> No.54109447
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Food is free, you can take it home. I have 500 jars of food myself

>> No.54109463

The mint, strawberries, golden raspberries and blueberries survived the winter and I'm buying more seeds tomorrow, lads. I'll also be growing potatoes for the first time in my life following Tony's video:
Feeling pretty bullish this year.

>> No.54109478

I've also been experimenting with taking the weeds from my yard and turning them into a nutrient teabag for my stored water. It's pretty great and helps when i actually have to use my watering can.

>> No.54109484
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Sunflowers are great I had a purple and two white ones last year cant seem to find a picture tho. Amazingly beautiful and insane how large they get. Have a picture of an artichoke I didnt harvest instead

>> No.54109496

your place sounds like an absolute dream fren very happy for you

>> No.54109513
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I couldn't post what I wanted for some fucking reason counted it as spam but basically heres my basin bunch of animals come I can't say which cause it's catching a fucking spam filter thanks jeets
You name it, but some homeless niggers been camping near it running em off.

>> No.54109525

I have no clue if google spit this out correctly but try "nettle manure" you basically take nettles (didnt even know they where called that) and stuff them in a trashcan with water and let it sit in the sun. Stinks like hell but is the best fertilizer I ever came across and is great for plants that need a lot of nutrition. Also makes the plants stronger against sicknesses.

>> No.54109527

Actually smart idea, compost teas are a thing for sure.
Damn artichokes are beautiful might have to grow those for fun.
Unfortunately surrounded by niggers and tweekers.

>> No.54109558

Well frendos I'm probably gonna take a nap hopefully threads still up or a part two, best thread since the bullrun here.
And I'm a constant poster been here during the deadest times, nice thing about the bankrun it's bringing us together.

>> No.54109559

Does it save money? I highly doubt you can grow cheaper than you buy from the store especially when you factor in the time dealing with the plants. having chickens for eggs I can see being cheaper but not vegetables

>> No.54109561

Interesting will try.
Also drowns all the weeds ( you have to leave the bag in the bucket for two weeks to kill everything) so there's no chance of them re seeding somewhere if you chuck them in your compost.

>> No.54109571

Yes you absolutely grow cheaper especially now, 5 dollar plant can net you hundreds in food, and you can easily sell tomatoes from the vine for $5 a pop.
And grow heirlooms restaurants will pay top dollar for your shit.

>> No.54109577

Mix it in a 1 part nettle 3 parts water tho because it is very very strong. Used it once a week on my tomatoes in the summer months and they grew like mad

have a good sleep fren and I will sure start another few threads once the seasons starts rolling. I am also an old fag and here all the time I am sure we will meet again. Take care!

>> No.54109611

Definitely I enjoy talking about gardening it's one of my only passions in this retarded world.
as for the poster above copypasta from an article.
Enrique Martinez, manager of Valpredo Farms near Mettler.

The heirlooms, which come in — and this is all on purpose — yellow,

green, orange, brandywine and purple, among others — get special care.

They are vine-ripened, hand-picked and hand-sorted in the field to get

a mix of colors in each box, Martinez said.

They are shipped to Los Angeles where they are sold to high-end

restaurants like Spago Beverly Hills, for soups and salads that run

about $16 to $18 as part of meals that range from $85 to $150,

restaurant manager David McIntyre said Friday.

The reason the restaurant has used heirloom tomatoes for at least eight

years, he said, "is the flavors are intense and sweet. We use all the


Martinez candidly admits the heirlooms are "not as pretty, but they are

much tastier."

>> No.54109619

the nettle is really good, full of N-itrogen but no PK. so when its fruiting, time add manure and more compost.

>> No.54109621

During summer I basically dont pay anything for food and since I start almost everything from seeds I took myself I dont have to pay anything either. Time is not an issue for me tho 1 only go to the wage cage twice a week. But the saving money part is only a side effect the best part is that you actually know your food, and that the food is worthy of that name. Not some low nutrition garbage but actually healthy stuff. And the being outside part is also great fresh air sun and touching gras does wonders to ones soul.

>> No.54109635

The "mortage lifter" tomato was literally named because the guy paid off his mortage with the proceeds he got from his breeding.

Tomatoes are easily the most profitable if you want to garden for money.
otherwise preserving is the next step in gardening.

>> No.54109636

this anon knows his shit kek. Yes that is absolutely right

>> No.54109656

nice mulch you've got there tard

>> No.54109679

I only buy meats and niche herbs for cooking since i grow all year round in my greenhouse. The girl i'm seeing cried last time i killed a chicken so i got rid of them for now, they're pretty economical and cute looking once they trust you.

>> No.54109682

That was unnecessarily rude fren. I am trying no dig this year never done it before and very interested in finding out if its any good

>> No.54109693

Why didn’t you keep the chicken for eggs

>> No.54109743

Most of them were old hens so they were out of egg laying age. I could have kept them until they died and then buried them in my old beds for fertilizer i guess. They're just living down the road with my neighbours hens now.

>> No.54110076
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Fresh off the presses. May your harvest be plentiful little fren. And to all the anons out there that haven't done so. Give it a try!
Godspeed frens

>> No.54110654

I really want to, but I have no land. Saving up for a home with at least 2 acres (hopefully more) so I can have a comfy garden and chicken coop

>> No.54110830

you can check for community gardens in your area mine is 100 bucks a year water compost and tools included pretty amazing deal, or ask neighbors friends or family. Other viable choice is to do guerilla gardening. My first field was next door in an empty lot behind a construction fence.

>> No.54110918

How long do hens lay eggs for?

>> No.54110931

3-4 years they live 8

>> No.54111116

pro tip for community gardens. The wait list is usually pretty damn long but I just went there and said I would prepare my own field (the hard part is making it ready removing grass and weeds and and often they are to lazy) but if you go there and say I just want a little plot I will prepare it myself you can get lucky. The waiting list for mine is 2-3 years. Usually you only get in if someone else leaves. I didn't have to wait at all.

>> No.54111187

Instructions unclear, I'm now infested with harlequin beetles

>> No.54111191

Do you like the taste of the meat better than store bought chicken?

>> No.54111203

>raised beds
literally why
just till the ground, the dirt is free

>> No.54111264

its not raised i just threw in some planks to keep the weeds out and filled it with cardboard and compost thats why it looks a little higher than the floor level isnt much at all tho. >>54110076
this is how it looked like last year

>> No.54111267

Reminder if you want to keep hens to be extra careful if you're in an area with foxes. They will endlessly try to get in and will try everything including digging under, chewing their way in, learning how door catches work.

If a fox gets in, it'll kill every single bird. And take 1.

>> No.54111297

very nice i retract my previous statement
raised beds are a pet peeve of mine, mainly because i autistically enjoy improving barren soil so that it can sustain life

>> No.54111312

>mainly because i autistically enjoy improving barren soil so that it can sustain life

>> No.54111362

Tastes about the same as store bought. Some people say that homegrown is richer but not in my experience. I usually cook my chicken in a recipe with some kind of treatment or sauce.

>> No.54111549

I'm actually interested in gardening but I have no skills and don't know where to start. Is there any good website or youtube channel or something that teaches complete noobs? Maybe if there were a gardening simulator it would be a nice place to start I guess.

>> No.54111616

1. put a plant in the ground
2. if something goes wrong, look up how to fix it

>> No.54111647

Rotate all you want. I'll pillage it all the same. See you next season, chud.

>> No.54111711

literally just start fren. Go to a hardware store and buy some seeds (I would prefer a farmers market but maybe you dont have one in your area). Take the good ones not the cheap stuff (will cost like 1-2 bucks more) On the packaging it tells you when to sow them out how deep how far apart everything. Start with simple things like carrots and radishes. The first season I ever planted anything my only goal was to get anything from the ground at all I didnt know jack shit either. I exceeded my expectations by a surprising amount tho. Just set yourself the same goal throw something out there and have to goal to harvest at least 1 carrot or whatever. Small goals and you will improve rapidly.

All the information is out there as well just google for half an hour. But honestly its not necessary if you are just starting since you dont want to maximize your yield.

>> No.54111953

>why aren't you growing your own food anon?

I have some pigs and chickens. They're easy to raise.

Pigs give a lot of meat. Chickens give a lot of eggs. I have broilers for meat, but I'm not a fan of chicken. Usually trade the meat for other stuff.

The only vegetables I grow are tomatoes and potatoes. Not a huge fan of eating vegetables nor growing them if I'm being honest.

>Reminder if you want to keep hens to be extra careful if you're in an area with foxes. They will endlessly try to get in and will try everything including digging under, chewing their way in, learning how door catches work.

A single goose is good at guarding a flock of hens. They aren't too great at night, but nighttime security hasn't been a huge issue.

>> No.54112003

>that tiny patch of land
Lmao that's enough veggies for a couple of weeks tops. Actually growing enough food to feed an entire family is extremely laborious

>> No.54112053
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>be city boy
>absolutely interested in everything ITT
The countryside life calls me, anons. The more traditional I get, the louder the voices.
Is there any decent uncucked board that has "gardening general" threads?

>> No.54112070

You'll not grow enough to feed your family, but it's still a good thing to grow as much as you can.

>> No.54112073

yes if you want to feed your whole family for the whole year a lot of labor will be involved. but that isnt necessary at all if you dont have the time or motivation for it. You can still grow some tomatoes lettuce and cucumbers and a field of that size will be enough to enable 5 families to enjoy a great salad basically daily

>> No.54112086

>Is there any good website or youtube channel or something that teaches complete noobs?

The first step is to find your gardening zone.


You then want to find plants that grow easily in your zone. For instance, it would be dumb to try growing pineapples in zone 1a.

The next step is to Google "easy vegetables to grow in zone [your zone]"

Pick any of those vegetables and then research on the ideal planting time, how often to water, how much sun to give, etc.

It's not super difficult. There's so much information out there, but there's no one size fits all solution because growing in a place like Florida is very different than growing in North Dakota.

What zone are you in?

If you're in a similar zone, then I could point you in the right direction.

>> No.54112129

look here >>54109175
but since the reception on /biz/ is honestly pretty impressive and this is finance related after all maybe will will start our own one who knows. How do I profit from this?

>> No.54112131

/diy/ sometimes has gardening threads.
I fell you, grew up in a big city, fled and now have a small garden. It's really great.

>> No.54112194


You can do gardening in the city. My parents had an urban homestead on a decently sized city lot. You can YouTube urban homestead and find lots of examples.

Their whole front and back yard is a garden lol.

I'd still recommend moving to the countryside, but it is possible to do this in the city IF you have a big enough lot.

>> No.54112773

>5 families daily
If that's 1 cucumber per person, that's about 20 cucumbers daily or about 7000 a year. On that patch of land? What in the fuck? And I'm not counting tomatoes and lettuce

>> No.54112857

You don’t put a whole cucumber per person in a salad
Are you stupid or you’ve never had s salad?
Just give up at life

>> No.54112926

Based and Johnny Appleseed-pilled.

>> No.54112930

no only you get the cucumbers and that size will definitely not be enough for that. but lettuce and tomato without a doubt. and since you dont want to feed 5 families the cucumbers should work out as well. you can also put some beans and zucchini on it. and potatoes in a tower. didnt work out for me last year but seems to work pretty well if you do it right. what I am trying to say is a field of that size will net you an amazing amount of food even for your whole family not enough to feed them for a year but probably way more than you expect. and your kids will benefit from it to no reason not to do it imo.

>> No.54112983

Too cold right now to plant.

>> No.54113001

That's why there's an "if". I put 1 cucumber in a salad, it's not that big really once you remove the skin. If you eat cucumbers with skin you're a barbarian.

>> No.54113136
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yeah we are pretty blessed where I live aside from the amazing soil not only can you start really soon but you can go on until October early november. I just hope we don't get any frost anymore which could definitely happen but we shall see the last jew years where no problem.

>not that big
you should really start growing your own food fren all the supermarket junk isnt good for you.
top row cucumber
bottom row zucchini

>> No.54113190

oh and let me add yes you most certainly eat your homegrown cucumbers with skin

>> No.54113216
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I bet you do it at a whole cucumber in your salad. Probably don’t even chop it up and just shove it in your hole

>> No.54113286

1 cucumber per person?
get the fuck out of here liar

>> No.54113372

>invest several months and money to grow 20 carrots and a cabbage

>> No.54113382

My dating profile got like 10X the amount of matches when I put I was a gardener in my profile. Although I think that might be due to the fact that you basically need a house and a garden, and those are expensive.

>> No.54113386

Fuck Nature and fuck you

>> No.54113417
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maybe read the bread before you come in here to garner attention like a instagram thot take this you tho since you so desperately need it

>> No.54113448
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not nice

I am gone for now frens been here long enough. See you in the next one

>> No.54114553

senpai, write a blog about tips and tricks for growing or tell us where you learned the skills to become a master farmer

>> No.54114736
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You will learn in time.
I figure this is a good time as any to tell a bit of my history
I am a direct decendent of Ethan Allen the man who captured Fort Ticondaroga and overthrew the british from this country.
Taking the cannons to Boston and using them on their ships.
Burning their own houses down to prevent the English from using them and took the largest fort at the same by force without bloodshed.

We are the sons of the revolution, our time has come around the same time of our countries birth anniversary.


Remember this song it will be used as a signal for true allies, glowies won't touch this group as it's ordained by god himself.
“in The Name Of The Great Jehovah And The Continental Congress!”

I've played a great role in this last decade and a half and especially during 2020 to now.

I will be here for you all and a leader during the great war.

All these things we discuss here take them to heart it will be important in the coming trials.

>> No.54115017
File: 663 KB, 1125x1078, 142DC12A-8B76-4A94-83A2-AC8AD59BB874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ready

>> No.54115398

I bought a house last fall in tthe country, and just got the grow room finished. Going to plant my starters next week. Im excited to see what real food tastes like instead of the stote bought garbage

>> No.54115432

>living the dream
when I was young I never thought I would want to farm but now I want fruit trees, and vegetable farm

>> No.54115437
File: 50 KB, 600x372, 8c7b738fef159097010126e25f8d5bee-3573398843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you truly are frens.
Many of us will die I am prepared to throw my life down for our brothers and our land.
This video was used by me to promote the idea of freedom in 2020.
When I started spamming the video everywhere it had 200k views.
By the time it got to 800k rapidly they shut all comments down, only unlocking them about a month ago.

It was causing other countries including China to form Green Mountain boy groups, The call of Erin lives within us all.
God wants us to win that's why they whitewash anything I touch because my impact is as of my forefathers.

>> No.54115504

When I was very young my grandfather had a farm and I wanted to be a farmer just like him, I grew up and forgot about all that until Covid happened and I realized how fucked our system is and that we needed a back up plan. Also started cooking at home a lot more and now I have a taste for good food, no more goyslop

>> No.54116339

Raised beds and adaptive gardening tools for olds. My grandma had a little scooter made specifically for gardening.
Learn to store winter squash and cut your green tomatoes, vine included, and take them in just before first frost. I can get a red tomato in december and squash in jauary and february. It's great.

>> No.54116425
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based and swamp pilled

>> No.54116950

Yeah I've been considering something like that where I actually get about waist high beds and make canopys of tomatoes, there's a new zealander gardener who has that and it's perfect.
This fren

>> No.54118683

cumsocks dont count anon, thats cheating

>> No.54118726

dont forget to choose the lesser of those weevils

>> No.54118795

My plan is to build an automated greenhouse powered by solar panels. Gonna grow potatoes, peppers, and weed.

>> No.54118846
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>> No.54118857

>automated greenhouse powered by solar panels
You know what's solar powered and automatic? Growing outside.

>> No.54118911

> HURRR humans have been farming for 10,000 years!!!

The world is 6000 years old. Seek Jesus

>> No.54118917

Not in winter it's not. Careful self reporting yourself as a California cuck. Not everything can grow in my climate zone and especially not in winter when the deer come around to pick your plants dry.

>> No.54118937

Anon, keep the strawberry vines cut. Strawberries naturally put their energy toward growing vines. Trim them regularly so nutrients and energy goes toward strawberry production. Otherwise, just let the strawberries do their thing and the birds can snap.

>> No.54118957

they’re beautiful

>> No.54118970
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Not even Origin, whose notes heavily influenced the formation of the Bible, believed that the old testament was to be taken literally, anon.

>> No.54118982

Deer fencing and russian kale. Hoop houses if you need them

>> No.54119006

How would you guys keep birds away from fruit trees and strawberries?

>> No.54119026

Shoot the bastards.

>> No.54119032

My plastic owl doesn’t seem very effective

>> No.54119060

I don’t have the time to guard my backyard from birds with a gun
Also I live in a city where I can’t be shooting at my neighbors trees
I appreciate the suggestion

>> No.54119068

Humans have supposedly been around for 200,000 years -- yet only in the last 10,000 years we suppose farming, language, and recorded history developed. Even from an evolutionary perspective, it makes no sense. How should humans from 100,000 years ago be that different from humans today? Evolutionists would tell you that they aren't that different genetically. We have excuses for this now involving the ice age... "Well, we would've developed farming sooner but there was an ice age!"

Though that ice age lasted just a fraction of the last 200,000 years. It's stupid.

>> No.54119082

Or just a greenhouse with a door, a solar panel and an Arduino controller to turn on a water pump once a day.

>> No.54119108

I take the view that no one knows shit, and that much of history is a set of lies agreed upon.

>> No.54119281

I agree with you

>> No.54119459

can grow steak in an appartment

>> No.54119506

vat grown steak you mean? sounds delicious
or you wrangling an actual cow in there?

>> No.54119574

based indoor cowboy
found out that keeping chickens in your wardrobe is quite sustainable