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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1280x720, AEEA6B89-F12C-47DF-8572-8F91EC8CDA4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54107613 No.54107613 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is 24, what have you achieved so far?

>> No.54107623

I exist

>> No.54107655 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 668x634, jake paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know he is Jewish right? All top YouTubers are Jews.

>> No.54107683
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They are all also trannies

>> No.54107687

i made some eggs and oatmeal earlier

>> No.54107691

I manage to not look like a soulless demon in photos.

>> No.54107703

>racial jew
i bet you have brown eyes

>> No.54107708

why can't he smile properly? It's like there are some demons he's struggling with

>> No.54107709
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>Mr. Beast reacts

>> No.54107734
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Oh really?

>> No.54107772

what exactly has he achieved?
0 kids
0 wife
0 respect from community
>b-b-bbbut he has money and material!
money isn't real, money doesn't make one happy.
But yes sure in your brainwashed little brain he is very successful. God I wish I were him, right? LMAO

>> No.54107781

>money doesn't make one happy
You're on the wrong board lmao.

>> No.54107791

olympic grade cope

>> No.54107792 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 640x1027, 1326311373161703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beat trannies at lgbt parades until they caugh blood

>> No.54107819

>what have you achieved
a smile that looks human

>> No.54107825

Being rich is nothing. I was a billionaire once. Ive since donated it all away and have only about 12m to my name. Theres no point being filthy rich. This cringe guy doing youtube can be richer than me but it doesnt matter because i covet not material wealth but fulfillment

>> No.54107827

you think having a wife is an accomplishment?

>> No.54107837

Is profiting off of charitable deeds a sin?

>> No.54107844

Daddy didn't give me millions to throw around.
So I work my way up as best I can.

>> No.54107878

I have become my household's first person to own 50K in cash, at 27.

>> No.54107887

I remember a year or so ago Mr Beast said he had $0 because he spends all his earnings on making more videos and giving all his money to charity

But suddenly now hes a billionaire?

I dont get it

>> No.54107908

Grift. No different to the Clintons getting rich from their foundation.
Big charities are always a scam.

>> No.54107926


>> No.54107937

Most large youtubers are psyops tier. They get money from 3 letter agencies through sponsors normal people never would have access to.
The same way *influencers* like serpentaza, laowhy, Bald and Bankrupt and etc are used to funnel information on China/Russia to USA authorities.

Major *influencers* like the Paul brothers, Dan Bilzerian etc are rich kids inheriting a lot of cash and influence. Mister Beast is no different.

>> No.54107938

all this talk
if you are so eager to talk tell me what has he accomplished? being a eceb on jewish meadia yea he got that going for him lmao.
Narcissist full of himself hypocrite and fake. Not a person I would like to be around. Like I said brainwashed - all of you.

>> No.54107943

at what cost?
no thanks.

>> No.54107959

I don't know man, I have a beautiful wife, child, some money in the bank, a house, some land... What else does a human really need.

Does creating envy over the internet really fullfil you spiritually? This person had a rich upbringing, which gave him a great headstart, as is usually the case. Good for him, at the end of the day he can only be at 1 place, eat the same food, sleep in a bed, shit in a toilet... We overvalue what fat stacks of money can do for you. At some point it only buys you power, not comfort. If you want to exert power over others sure, keep wishing for tons of money. If comfort and happiness is what you want however, have a good fucking meal on the table and find someone that genuinely loves you.

>> No.54107987 [DELETED] 

Another point:
Remember those japanese mangas/animes where the country elite pays extraordinary sums to watch goyim be humiliated or killed in gruesome ways or have them gamble their debt for a chance to free themselves off of loan sharks?
Remember when westerners would go to Japan to watch indebted hookers make out with animals for entertainment among the japanese elite and the manga/anime scenarios sounded better ?

Tell me mr Beast doesn't ring of that with all of his restrictive challenges for *poor* people.

>> No.54108029

Your wife wishes you were Mr beast and Master bates all the time thinking about Mr beast, keep seething

>> No.54108060

lol That makes me think hes definitely propped up in some way. You dont just become the biggest videomaker in the world by 22-23.

>> No.54108131

My ancestors smile upon me imperial can you say the same

>> No.54108149

Not only your ancestors. Your words made me smile, anon. The blasted imperials will have their reckoning in this life or the next, friend.

>> No.54108290

>weak chins are white

>> No.54108301

You might be onto something

>> No.54108347

>Japan to watch indebted hookers make out with animals
I thought this was only on the wild hentais

>> No.54108374

He owns a production company breh. He reinvests into his company so even if he doesn't personally have mountains of cash he's still a billionaire in terms of net worth. His recording equipment alone is worth hundreds of thousands.

>> No.54108389

I've observed the way he portrays himself in videos and thumbnails but he tends to smile with his mouth,not with his eyes.
He might have a couple of skeletons in the closet, of course I don't have anything against him, I don't even know him irl.

>> No.54108409

Nope. Humiliating and toying with the life of people who cannot pay debts is a past time of the elite.
Not just in Japan.

>> No.54108412

Shit this makes a lot of sense. Man has a messiah complex probably.

>> No.54108860

Bottom doesn't have a weak chin, but neither does top look anything like a jew. Idk how someone could look at him and the woman on the right and think they're the same race.

>> No.54108889

I just had a threesome.
And I'm worth $1

>> No.54108936

Today I found out I'm Jewish

>> No.54108954

Nice kill yourself god will forgive you he hates jews.

>> No.54108961

Shit I think I'm jewish too.
Already boys it's been nice knowing you.
add 1+ to hitlers bodycount.

>> No.54108966

not being a dumb goof

>> No.54108972

>in an interview, he said he doesn't want to watch something just because he wouldn't be able to earn money during that time
yeah no I am not doing that

>> No.54108975

I don't know who this is? Did pewdiepie get fat and younger?

>> No.54108979

Was Amazon a worthless company when they invested all their money to growth?

>> No.54108982

>line literally doesn't even touch his nose at all
kek looks just like technical analysis

>> No.54108988

Some guy who gives out millions of dollars away in his videos over stupid challenges.

>> No.54108995

I haven't killed myself therefor I win

>> No.54108997

Im 7 months old am the worlds first quadrillionaire and also a once in a millennia savant

>> No.54109005
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>> No.54109013

i really really dislike this guy. don't watch any of his vids

>> No.54109018

>Bald and Bankrupt and etc are used to funnel information on China/Russia to USA authorities.
This is some next tier schizo posting thinking B&B produces usable intel that the CIA doesn't already know. Why would they let him go after arresting him if they nab people like the basketball player for minor drug violations?

>> No.54109019


>> No.54109028

Mother called you a savant because "fucking retard" sounded too harsh

>> No.54109043

Jake and Logan Paul actually are genetic Jews, though

>> No.54109085

>B&B goes into forbidden former research locations, like the one housing the discontinued supersonic aircraft
>that is just from the obvious youtube stuff
Why would you not want this clown as your hands and eyes in what is now enemy territory?
In war any foreign national is considered a spy. Why would influencers walking around your whole country and sneaking into millitary property not be ?

>> No.54109106

>This guy is 24

is he really? makes him even more impressive.

he does give me some weird vibe though. not sure why.

>> No.54109227

Not being an ugly piece of shit, actually having a hobby I enjoy, having a personality that's not a "money personality", having people in my life who love me for me and not my accrued wealth, y'know the little things :3

>> No.54109266

He isn’t, he thinks he can sell his channel and various businesses for over a billion
Rich but not THAT rich

>> No.54109369

average business & finance user ladies and gentlemen

>> No.54109406

>makes him even more impressive
What's impressive about being a plant born with a silver spoon in your ass?

>> No.54109414

Do you really believe a 24 year old is going to become a billionaire off youtube donations?

>> No.54109509

he makes at least 300k per sponsorship per video and that's a low estimate because creators with

in his "curing blindness video" he gives away around 175k dollars worth of medical care
it has 122 million views
youtube ad revenue is 4 dollars per 1000 views
-> ad revenue alone from the curing blindeness video is 480k dollars so hundreds of thousands of profit on top of what he gave away "in altruism"
he also shills his jewish satan chocolate company that destroys kids teeth which is probably valued highly but i don't know how popular that is in reality, i can only guess it makes a lot of money if more than a hundred million kids watch his ads for it

>> No.54109609

Ask yourself again why youtube would give him hundreds of thousands, for free and wise up to it. If it was so simple, you could also do it. The answer will always be that someone is laundering money.

>> No.54109617

People telling me he's 24 is what weirds me out. He looks closer to 40.

>> No.54109625

I can't stand this guy's plastic face

>> No.54109626
File: 5 KB, 225x250, 56A2A715-DEA8-4254-8D31-1802959D2460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Vanderbilt without a legacy, earned a Rhodes scholarship, and then went to Yale law school. It honesty wasn’t worth it. I should have not followed my parents expectations and become a musician or YouTuber like i wanted. Whatever

>> No.54109637

Zombies make shitty YouTubers rich,

>> No.54109648

>why youtube would give him hundreds of thousands, for free and wise up to it
because tens/hundreds of millions watch youtube ads in his videos?

because _literally_ hundreds of millions of kids watch youtube ads in his videos

>> No.54109658

Ad money is not donation and he is not trying to make money only on youtube.

>> No.54109662

I've never met a Jewish 'Donaldson' once in my life. I think you're full of shit. He looks like the most WASPish teenager I've ever seen.

>> No.54109665
File: 41 KB, 546x438, 1643963954617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever put the time together to make this might be the most pathetic person on the planet.
It's very obviously a pussy there. She has a nice juicy fat pussy.
Incel never seen a real woman so he thinks it's a tucked dick absolute fucking kek

>> No.54109666

he got his teeth fixed?

>> No.54109673

not being a fucking pedo and not having a pedosmile, first of all.

>> No.54109684


>> No.54109696 [DELETED] 

Well for one, I do not suck off zog. I also am not a race traitor and do not help people in other countries. Let them figure things out for themselves. Look into his associations, and you'll understand how he came to be. Just a gigantic unprincipled hypocrite and if that's what you want to be then by all means go ahead.

>> No.54109723

In short his entire schtick is a front for Jewish Mafia money laundering

>> No.54109731

>This guy is 24, what have you achieved so far?
I'm 24, I have no job, and I have 20 bucks in my bank account. And a shitton of LINK that isn't worth anything.

>> No.54109823

this is just a psyops
its all about head tilt and how you put your lines

>> No.54109989

If you're a billionaire at 24, you didn't earn it. If you're a billionaire at all you didn't earn it. You had generational wealth, connections, and probably berg in your last name.

>> No.54109996

This is such boomer cope.

>> No.54110010

It'd be too obvious if he was a Goldberg, they can just change their names you know. He's a plant, of course he has a fake persona.

>> No.54110170

grade A projecting right here

>> No.54110216

i can crush that guy any moment, i don't even really know my net worth at this point.

pretty much own this planet you faggots call Earth.

>> No.54110428

He sold his soul

>> No.54110432

holy fuck that dude is 24?? Thought he was mid 30s lmao

Got a lot of $$$ but man a very sorry ass face

>> No.54110472

Honestly who is this

>> No.54110480

The benefit of wealth is that it can buy you complete freedom, all things equal more is better. But if you dont care about influence then really having 5 million isnt much different than having 1 billion.

Younguns dont realize this though

>> No.54110481

>Expecting a manlet to succeed early in life
Only tallfags get handed the resources to make something of themselves in their twenties, I have to play the long game.

>> No.54110535

more info on this plz

>> No.54110587

bro I also was a Commodore, but did finance route after. Realized in 20s I had no idea what I want, I just always did everything (school, major, grades, etc.) because of parents expectations. Even when I was fucking 11 or 12 they would only tell me jobs that made money.

Wish I went into sports writing or sports management or something like that at a poverty state school instead. The pay sucks but who cares, if you are good at what you do and bust your ass youll get ahead and do well but only if you enjoy it. Dont enjoy this excel all day bullshit

>> No.54111381
File: 1.01 MB, 300x162, salute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do what I must

>> No.54111520

MrBeast is a literal glow op both his parents are military
Wake up

>> No.54111791

damn thought he was 30 at least

>> No.54112090

Haha sure bud

>> No.54112158

Butt fucking in an alley with your fellow homeless men doesn't count

>> No.54112398

Im glad Im not like him
He has a punchable face like there is no tomorrow.

>> No.54112428
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>most forced smile of all time
>he keeps doing it, must think it works
100% guarantee this guy is a psychopath is some series skeletons in his closet. The type of skeletons that would make someone the perfect puppet for an unseen entity, lest the public was made aware of his transgressions.

>> No.54112465

instead of coping improve your folio

>> No.54112488

I'm not a faggot so I'm already lightyears ahead of this homo

>> No.54112583

Why are you even here

>> No.54112599

Jake Paul looks like a chad though

>> No.54112614
File: 22 KB, 400x400, H_mcbpS1_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 100 years, no one will know who mr beast is, but the world and the world around the galaxy will still think of me, because I jammed hard

>> No.54112621

>what have you achieved so far?
I had sex with your mom.

>> No.54112630

Hes 24 dude what could he possibly have been up to? Not long ago he was basically a child.

>> No.54112725

Mr Beast has Crohn's disease



I don't envy him

>> No.54112752

Nigger op. You should be asking yourself that question

>> No.54112832

there was recently an extra from one of his videos that claimed he was an asshole bully off camera

>> No.54112913

every single influencer downplays their wealth to stay relatable
as soon as they stop being relatable they start getting insane schizos and haters coming after them trying to cancel them

>> No.54112961
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>Hes 24 dude what could he possibly have been up to?
No clue, But I know enough to know he's up to no good.The world doesn't work like you think it does. It's all a stage, and these are actors.

If you haven't researched the occult I don't expect you to understand. You will think I'm crazy and that's fine. But if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're not in a position to refute.

>Clue 1
His name. Mr Beast. As in, the Beast of Revelations. He is representing the Beast of the Water because he is all about money.
Money = Energy = Water

>Clue 2
His logo. A "lion" head with a lighting bolt from the right eye.
The lion is pride/ego/demiurge. The false creator.
Lighting bolt is lucifer/prometheus. Take note it's pointed West, instead of South. This is to say, away from the East which would be considered truth.

>Clue 3
His restaurant is located on 33 Border Way. I can't possibly explain the significance of that if you don't understand it already.

I'm sure there is more, but I don't care to spend any more care/energy on this charlatan.

>inb4 someone accuses me of being a bible thumper or something equally as dogmatic and ignorant.

>> No.54113038

What's a Billi aire?

>> No.54113165

He's boosting of funds realized from spilled contents. At least 1 BTC, some ETH and few bags of SPOOL at 25. Just $100k BTC, I'm a trillioniare.

>> No.54113174 [DELETED] 

I was today years old when I found out I'm jewish. Where do I apply for my NWO shekels jewbros? Klaus Schwab finna pump my bags with his blood money no cap frfr

>> No.54113185

The fucking cope from whites in this website I swear. You guys are literally the same as niggers complaining about the white man

>> No.54113208

I'll let you in on a secret... women with her body type usually have fat and juicy pussies.

>> No.54113275 [DELETED] 

you don't have to be jewish but you do have to make it through the jewish gatekeepers

>> No.54113344

next to this tate hes most astroturfed faggot in recent history, no way its all "natural"

>> No.54113456

You're full of shit and larping and it's very transparent

>> No.54113483

>nooo its da jooz da jooz are going to kill me bwhaaaa

>> No.54113678

I've masturbated daily for the past 11 years, I'm 32.

>> No.54113803
File: 148 KB, 1242x1424, A22E97D2-8C1D-4759-95F7-150B59757029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m also 24.

i graduated college and worked part-time jobs.

now, i live back home, in mom’s basement.

>> No.54114633
File: 1.94 MB, 1200x982, collecting scalps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remain peaceful instead of doing pic related

>> No.54114658

i hate this faggot so fucking much its unreal

>> No.54114832

I hate him so much but I hate the zoomer worship of this dude. They talk to him as if he is like the next coming of Jesus just because he gives money away as part of his grifting scam to get YouTube views and sponsorships.

Personally shit like Mr.Beasts channel just demoralizes me. Our economy is fkn retarded that some adhd zoomer gets a billion dollars providing zero value to society.

>> No.54114908

>being envious of some creepy basedbeard peado intentionally selected by youtube algos

>> No.54115311

Nothing interesting but Im 32, good looking and in shape, recently divorced with no kids, kept the house, good and stable job and my only debt is my precovid mortgage. I pass my days watching movies, video games and going out with friends and sometimes hookups, have a small portfolio . Having too many expectations about your life is what truly gets you, relax, try to make the best decisions and enjoy the ride. It's guaranteed to be a bumpy one.

>> No.54115373

Checked for og wednesday much better than the new fatso

>> No.54115417 [DELETED] 

This is Jewish psy-op, a massive amount of influencers/celebs and highly prominent people in control are Jewish but not Mr.Beast. He probably is connected with Jews and maybe had to do rituals for them (ie selling his soul) and is controlled by them, but he is not Jewish. Jake/Logan Paul I think are like 25% Jewish though or have some Jewish dna, but still mostly goy

>> No.54115483

retaining my dignity, for one

>> No.54115521

He's ugly so I really don't care

>> No.54115562


He has 30 toilets that he can use on rotation, the best food in the world, an even more beautiful wife and child

Mr beast is living like a king and i wish i was him

>> No.54115565
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What is there to envy? I doubt rich and recognizable people have such a great life. You always have to watch your back for scammers/robbers/people who just want your money all the time. Probably hard to make genuine connections with people cause you never know if they hang around with you for the money or not. Andrew Tate would say how he would buy a barbershop for a day, fill it with bodyguards just to take a haircut. Literally where's the fun in that? I'm 25 and a total loser in life but at least if I meet a woman who likes me I know she'll like me for who I am and I can go cut my hair without fearing for my life. If you want to get rich in a smart way be like those silent crypto millionaires who nobody recognizes and NEVER tell anyone how rich you are.

>> No.54115665


>> No.54115795

hes a tradfi cuck.
he'll lose 99% of his wealth when the USD becomes rapidly overnight WORTHLESS.

>> No.54115893

They're called golem how fucking new are you?

>> No.54117381

It's never gonna happen dumbfag. He has his USD routed to yield generators via SpoolFi protocol and everything is never gonna dump once. Go mourn your poverty and stop envying whales.

>> No.54117462

doesnt he come from an incredibly affluent family?

>> No.54117533

Didn't this guy recently convince millions of people to wageslave at walmart for FREE?
Kind of based but there's no denying that he is satan.

>> No.54117675

not a lion, not pointing west, name is Mr bEAST. his name is the truth. 33 is insignificant you masonic faggot might as well be a scientologist

>> No.54117777


>> No.54118128

It's a little more than that, he was literally broke about a year prior to become this huge "Mr. Beast donates a gorillion dollars to some bullshit cause" channel, it's suspicious as all fuck

>> No.54118863
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>lucky quads
>comments Luck

Fucking checked my dude

>> No.54118896

Okay Elon. Take it easy. Fuck.

>> No.54118936

>This guy is 24
looks 40 though. No thanks.

>> No.54119008

I prefer being anonymous and not having to make videos, deal with people, and being known. Quiet and solitude and getting rugged on Bitcoin is the way for me.

>> No.54120225
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i turn 24 in 3 days, i dont have the greed to become someone like mrbeast, i just want to be content

>> No.54120250

I am not in danger. I am the danger. This is enough, right? I'm 22.

>> No.54121965

>promethus bad
>muh lucifer
Abrahamics ruined /x/ so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.54122619

hes gon post vid about catgirl coin

>> No.54124371

Hello, Jacob, how is your adenochrome farm going?

>> No.54124499

Nice one bill gates

>> No.54124557

He's achieved way more than you or I, coping bucko. Having kids and a wife isn't an achievement. It's a financial burden. And the only respect someone needs is from oneself.

>> No.54124667

Isn’t squid Games about this? I have a feeling Korea is objectively worse when watching controversial stuff like the lightbulb man.

>> No.54125237


>youtube ad revenue is 4 dollars per 1000 views

in 2015 maybe, today it's more like $0.7

>> No.54125251

I turned him down.
Still feel good about that. You can take your poverty porn to someone else, I may even watch.

>> No.54125340

there are videos by youtubers in 2022 saying they make 3 to 7 dollars per 1000 views base depending on the type of content (family friendly or not) and what country their audiences are from

>muh adblock!
only 20-30 year old men use them, mr beast's audience are all kids on ipads and smart phones who have no idea what an ad blocker is

>> No.54127568

Based anon, bizfags should focus more on their own investments. Well, I'm already doing that through the passive income I get for Egld and Ride through staking.

>> No.54129142
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>> No.54129308

Mr Beast is a literal saint.

>> No.54129325

Why do his eyes look so dead?

What has he seen?

>> No.54129345

>hundreds of thousands
>a billion
Buddy do you know how different these two things are

>> No.54129538

I haven't achieved anything in my life

>> No.54129602

He got big years ago. Basically he spent years devoting as much time as possible to understanding how to be a popular youtuber, so it’s not surprising he eventually got big.
The money comes from his food businesses, because he realised earlier than most that, if you already have an audience, you can have any other business get over the starting hump. He also kept up with a physical rollout during covid, which lead to larger returns last year.

>> No.54129676

How did he make a billion dollars by giving money away?

>> No.54129697

Trying to stay a neet while I watch the world spiral ever further into insanity.

I'm all for pointing out jewish nepotism and influence but this is fucking dumb. Stop it.

>> No.54129783

He doesn’t make any money of his videos, he just uses it to make more videos and increase production.
Merch, his chocolate bars, and his (virtual) burger chain make money.

>> No.54129840

guy's a regime plant used to usurp pewdiepie after he went off message

>> No.54129845

jews are the most mutted race on this earth, and everything they do is to cope with that fact

>> No.54130433

I tried watching his garbage. It's terrible. He makes 2/10 gameshows that would not be greenlit for TV ever.

>> No.54130758

1) didnt fall for drugs
2) had sex with women who liked me, and i know that because i dont have a lot of money
3) can fix some household things myself

what about you?

>> No.54131067

Isn't he basically the host of a TV show? Think his backers are the ones actually making money.

>> No.54131108

>0 kids
Retard, he has plenty of kids to choose from.

>> No.54131170

oh my gosh this is so fucking hot, i want to eat her out

>> No.54132921

No one is getting rugged on Btc anon, crypto is the key to financial freedom and I already hold a few like Dot, Sylo and Fil for future gains

>> No.54132980

If he has so much money why can't he learn how to properly smile. Surely he has consultants that help him with his image. His eyes look dead yet he's got a huge grin. Fake af smile. I don't think he's capable of smiling genuinely. He's a machine. He needs to at least learn to bring the eyes into the smile. Squint a bit or something.

>> No.54135635

He's Antichrist, saw a post on Reddit about it. Basically, he enlists people into his army through challenges.

>> No.54136295

theres something demonic about paying for poor peoples curable blindness in exchange for forcing them to see your ugly jew face first thing and say your name in front of a camera like a circus monkey

>> No.54136382

he is a jew and pushed by jews. it's fake culture and curated. kys

>> No.54136401 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you retarded subhuman. Holy fuck this board is terrible.

>> No.54136732
File: 36 KB, 500x374, 1661294630468274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54137320
File: 237 KB, 320x332, 1678716562540417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years old
Didn't believe you, had to google it and fucking hell he is.
I thought he was at least 10 years older.
What the fuck is wrong with burgers? They age so god damn quickly.

>> No.54137402

How do you even get a wife as Mr. Beast? Guaranteed gold digging sluts and divorce. Pewdiepie is lucky he found a waifu when he was a poor nobody playing vidya in his parents' house.

>> No.54139026

>Our economy is fkn retarded that some adhd zoomer gets a billion dollars providing zero value to society.
this. why the fuck does this youtuberfaggot get paid millions while EMTs and construction workers wageslave for peanuts?