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54112167 No.54112167 [Reply] [Original]

i dont' fell so good

>> No.54112193

How is this not objectively true? You'd have to be a moron to deny that people with more money have more chances to make it.

Doesn't mean the rest shouldn't try.

>> No.54112237

We need communism.

>> No.54112243

meritocracy is trivially easy to accomplish, just give iq tests to children every 3 years and bracket them by their value. you can practice as much as you like, but a true iq test will only be of by 3-4 points as a result.

when there's actual rewards for being intelligent, not simply wealthy, the incentives to have intelligent children make for a much healthier, evolved populace.

the only "problem" is ranking by intelligenc makes the inbreds and browns seethe.

>> No.54112265

He's not wrong.

>> No.54112268

yes, so we can hang (you) on the square.

>> No.54112270

Leftypol trannies, go back to your bunker

>> No.54112275


No It means the rest of us should check out and stop playing their game altogether.

>> No.54112298
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>normalfags getting impressed over basic bitch common knowledge

>> No.54112315

The amount of darts you start with depends on your parents previous darting effort. Maybe the poor kids should be mad at their parents aim or try and learn how to aim, so that they don't do the same to their kids.

>> No.54112335
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>We need communism.

>> No.54112341

rich kids aren't throwing darts they get to walk up right to the board (ask their dad's friends while golfing)

>> No.54112346

Extraordinarily based. If you applied this to browns as well their collective IQ would also rise over generations.

>> No.54112349

whoa, did he just write out the words 'twenty seventeen' instead of just using '2017', for le epic smart-yet-youthfully-trendy-on-the-internet-all-underscore dramatic effect? i totally feel more inclined to agree with him now!!!!

>> No.54112361

Holy shit man. Shut the fuck up. Kill yourself you faggot fuck. Jesus.

>> No.54112371

Being poor and being abused lowers IQ though.

>> No.54112377

skill issue and skill issue

>> No.54112442


Society is built upon the backs on the poor ignorant and stupid face it a certain percentage of us have to do the shit jobs no one wants to do. The poor and intentionally kept financially illiterate and stupid else they would say fuck this shit and walk away. I'm a prime example of that

I advocate that all porrfags rise up and walk away and let society die.

>> No.54112451

but anon there will be no darts to throw

>> No.54112456
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You are in the wrong neighborhood

>> No.54112486

you will be put against the wall with the banksters

>> No.54112533
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Objectively true
But it doesn't take into consideration generational wealth that ones grandparents only got one chance and got lucky and managed to preserve and grow that wealth/luck throughout time.
If you're poor, your goal should be to give your kids a better chance than you got.
If you only got one swing at the carnival, work towards giving your kids two swings.
Very VERY VEEERY few people has grown insane wealth in one generation....

>> No.54112535

or you just end up with a population of trained test-takers (China)

>> No.54112543

IQ and intelligence are just tools. Its all about accomplishing things in practical reality, nobody gives a shit about how well you score on some gay test lol.

>> No.54112548

It’s like these fuckers have never read the lean startup. Find a product and business plan first and you can focus on the funding later, there’s way more money than competent business plans out there.


>> No.54112572

that's true, as does sleep deprivation, malnutrition, depression, etc.

but in the real world the answer to those problems is "tough shit".
i'm not going to let some 80 iq animal be my doctor because he had a "hard life". life isn't fair. we're so far away from a "post-scarcity" society (especially with rising population of the low iq races) we just don't have the time or resources to turn the world into a charity.

meritocracy is fundamentally about giving the opportunities to those who will give you the best results, the individual circumstances of each individual does not matter and should not matter. the only acceptable deviation is to prefer natives of any given country over foreigners due to the negative externalities foreigners bring.
that said there's little reason why a country would have any problem with a total foreign population of only the top 0.01% of humanity.

>> No.54112608
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>> No.54112612

see >>54112572

and the more intelligent you are the more you accomplish. any system that prefers wealth over intelligence ends up with the wealthy deciding we need more brown animals because that increases their wealth, despite gutting the intelligence of the populace.

>> No.54112627

Sure, except you can make the completely valid argument that many times the “best man for the job” is completely socially based on your connections and money, and not on your skill and aptitude, and a large amount of resources are wasted pandering to such a paradigm

>> No.54112668
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Darts isn't a game of chance it's a game of skill.
The other way the analogy fails: do all the darts cost the same to throw them? Obviously they would.
It's a midwit analogy that makes average people feel smarter when they read it.

>> No.54112692

Also steal and use violence.
Rape (homosexual) is an effective tool on them.

>> No.54112699

metaphors when you have no argument

>> No.54112707

The stupid are stupid because they are stupid, not because of lack of education. You can see this because we've been trying for the past 200 years, still on the dream and premise that every human is a blank slate. The truth is people are stupid, because they are stupid.
You can see that half of them will neve read a book again after they leave school and the other half will be reading erotic "literature". You can see they will always and forever be tricked by midwit politicians that understand that people will always pick a small reward today over a big reward tomorrow.

>> No.54112760
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Reminder Trump sincerely thinks he's a self-made man because all he had was daddy's connections and a million dollars when he started.

>> No.54112812

go to north korea i will pay for your one way ticket!

>> No.54112830

which is only down to the current culture. a meritocracy makes the most intelligent the person everyone wants connections with for the same reason as the wealthy or political class today.

>> No.54112837


We are all slaves in a satanic system that is hellbent upon kill you if you are a cis white male christian. Work is ment to distract you keep you busy. You are intentionally kept ignorant and stupid upon certain facts certain ideas and certain knowledge. the elites do not want an educated goyim but a mass of mindless nigger cattle to stupid to realize their own enslavement yet smart enough to do all the work required to keep society going all while blind as how they are being robbed each and every day.

I say say fuck that. stop contributing to society stop being a wageslave find a way to be NEET to be a leech and suck as much blood out of the system before it dies. to contribute to society is to contribute to your own enslavement.

>> No.54112874

stfu Josh

>> No.54112875

>in this in this thread thread
This bait is impeccable

>> No.54112878
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Humanity is stupid

>> No.54112963

The China that's on its way to supplanting the US as the preeminent global super power?

>> No.54112964
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>> No.54112978

>leaving a better life for your kids and giving them a better chance at a great life is *le-bad*
I fucking hate this. Worst part is I guarantee the people making that """argument""" are going t be leaving their kids a nice inheritance.

>> No.54112992

Depends on race. White dudes from rich families tend to stay rich. Black dudes from rich families have about an equal chance to end up in any given wealth quintile. Basically, the system is set up to privilege rich white dudes, while for black dudes it actually is a true meritocracy.


It's presented as racism here, which is kind of true, but only insomuch as white dudes seem to live in some sort of utopia where as long as you're middle class you get funneled to the top, while everyone else settles where their ability lies.

>> No.54113025

Yeah, but someone in their bloodline was a poorfag at one point who got the first hit, and if the descendants fuck around too much, their kids will be poorfags again. If you're upset about your life being unfair, it's probably because you think the purpose of your life is to horde as much pleasure as possible. If you're stuck in that mindset, godless consumerism, you have two choices. You can either keep telling yourself that you're "gonna make it" or you can go on a killing spree of those you envy most, who you feel have "made it". Once you do either of those, you'll still be unhappy though, because being happy isn't what we're supposed to be.

>> No.54113039


>> No.54113043

your life is better under capitalism and you know it. if you dont like it get off 4chan and go live in the woods

>> No.54113046

Yes but if the poor kids work the carnival their whole lives their kids can afford a dart throw. Income mobility is generational. Anyone thinking everyone should be able to go “rags to riches” doesn’t understand the history of the world and how good people have it now

>> No.54113074


I worked in manufacturing with niggers for 20 years no more. If onyl one of those niggers won the lottery we wouldn't see them tomorrow morning. but hell you don't need to gib shekels to the gambling jew to win your freedom. because thanks to cryptocurrencies and Defi if your willing to save for a year or 2 you could be earning as much as a wageslave job would pay in just passive income. and if you can do that then why wageslave for kikes for 40 years.

Do whatever it takes but drop out let society die especially if your a white man because society needs you more than you need it.

>> No.54113125
File: 107 KB, 1080x639, hxozeyv9unp21 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get back to work wagies and make me my hamburger.

>> No.54113130

“Rich people get more chances.” That’s the point of the analogy. Stop being a pedantic midwit.

>> No.54113138

>life isnt fair

also (((ackerman))). I'm sure its capitalism and not the jews thats the problem

>> No.54113144

>a meritocracy is based on subjective cultural values
Lol think a little bit more on that sentence and get back to me

>> No.54113166

I see so many boomers who plan to blow all their wealth instead of leaving it to their kids. These are the type of people who make their kids buy their own car, while at the same time they had the benefit of their parents buying cars/houses/educations for them.

>> No.54113168

In what world?
China hasn't even surpassed Japan yet. If you believe China is overtaking the world, you are living in CCP Propaganda land.

>> No.54113211

yes, so 95% of the country falls into the "poor class" and everyone else is part of the state, working to protect it at the cost of even common economic sense.

>> No.54113316

make it robot/Ai communism and we have a deal

>> No.54113330

iq isn't subjective though, it's objective.
meritocracy is about using objective measurements to ensure the best work is done by giving those jobs to the best people.
if wealth is the best objective measurement for some fields, try to justify it and use it. for everything else that matters in modern society, it's always been iq.

>> No.54113399

If you can't win with their rules, change the rules

>> No.54113432


don't play at all let the rich starve.

>> No.54113434

And yet our gen has less wealth than previous ones. How is that possible anon?

>> No.54113439

But I won.

What if you just get to throw 10 darts instead of 3? That's literally what the post says. Even a skilled player loses against an average player if they get 4 times as many tries, retard.

I'm not much of revolutionary.

>> No.54113563

They won't magically starve if you just stop. You need to take back what they already have.

>> No.54113585


Being a NEET in today's society is a revolutionary act.

I'm just not gonna contribute to the system If the spics and niggers can be leechs so can I.

>> No.54113634


Don't blame the rich for being rich. Your targets should be set for much bigger prey.

>> No.54113700

Communism does not solve parasitic elitism. They are both shit.
Also jannies: I'm posting the pasta 5 times a day now. Next time think before you use your little toy hammer.

>> No.54113795
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>> No.54113859

Lol the chuds are coping so hard. You’re right tho. Never forget Hitler killed himself

>> No.54113923

Probably one of the few comments with truth in them from hackernews
have you guys browsed that place? they're /biz/ and /g/ particular antithesis moreso than reddit I'd argue.

they are, in short, no fun

>> No.54113946

what the fuck are you niggers even talking about?
rich people get more chances?
at what specifically?

>> No.54113957

more people and less resources to go around
when boomers were born, there was 4.5bn people on the planet, jobs were plenty full. Today we're over 8bn and the planet cannot sustain many more middle class people.
It's literally over - growth that is, and the entire financial system is build on population growth(monetary growth), inflation and an increase in productivity.

>> No.54114007

>Don't blame the rich for being rich. Your targets should be set for much bigger prey.
the uber rich

>> No.54114057

There are no carnivals in communist societies

>> No.54114166
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>> No.54114243

How about don’t tax poor/middle class kids 50% to pay for wars, niggers and a cut for kikes?

>> No.54114263

If you're poor, you better get to your dead end job and work your ass off of the landlord will kick you out. If you're from a wealthy family, you don't have to work, you can peruse high risk ventures that might not work out, if you fail, you can just try again.

>> No.54114287
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no carnivores either

>> No.54114355
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no, we need a sort of ethnic based socialism
hmm if there would be an ideology describing my initial thoughts

>> No.54114400

He's not wrong tho.

>> No.54114413

If it involves lebensraum to function it’s shit

>> No.54114481

Pretty much. The alternatives to being a wage slave are pretty grim desu.

>> No.54114500
File: 27 KB, 499x481, CFEB1D5E-CFBF-48E1-8E59-5AADBB291252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children of people who have shown more intelligence, bravery and moral virtue across generations deserve more chances than dysgenic plebes. And we all know equal chances is a slippery slope for equal outcome.

>inb4 if you have more wealth that means you’re evil because that’s the only type of a rich man I was exposed to in this degenerate society while being brainwashed by jews (but not the rich jews you antisemite!)

You npcs deserve to be fucked in the ass every day

>> No.54114531

So I guess the niggers are too busy throwing darts at each other?

>> No.54114549

I'm better at violence than you. You'll do even worse at that game.

>> No.54114561

Sure all factors evened out, if you have more cash it will be easier. But its not evened out and you can have success if you're smart and find a way. And you will not hit the bullseye at all if you never throw one, you miss 100% of the shots you never take.

>> No.54114572

>muh lebensraum
the Reich was barely dependent on it, the fight against Bolshevism was the sheer reason for the Eastern front

>> No.54114624

yes we have a class system, no nobody will openly admit it

>> No.54114651

>instead socialism
>everyone gets a prize
>2m people in line in front of you
>prizes are all gone by the time you get to the front

>> No.54114743

Badass detected

>> No.54114767

>muh apologist
so you’re sticking to a failed doctrine instead of renouncing it as worthless huh? I also believe in jebus fellow dogmatic

>> No.54114769

Even in a shithole country like the US, social permeability is still a thing.
In Switzerland pretty much everyone with an IQ greater than 95 can end up in a 150k+ job if he just quietly pays attention in school. It's not hard. Most people are just fucking lazy then blame "the system" for their own shortcomings.

>> No.54114852

This crashes birth rates, drives up suicide rates, and makes everybody wear glasses. (South Korea)

>> No.54114879

what kind of retard makes the game winnable?

>> No.54114949

Switzerland is also mostly white.

>> No.54115093
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Yeah. Some sort of nationalistic variety, preferably one that still has a free market for things like commodities and stocks but tight controls on shit like rent and usury so that the next generation still has a chance to get ahead. An economy that promotes real labor over speculative "value" creation and meaningless service industry nonsense. Preferably one where people feel not only comfortable, but encouraged to invest in their country with both their time (labor) and their money (bonds).

Damn if only someone had tried something based like that before.

>> No.54115129

There's no real guarantee that the rich will hit the bullseye no matter how much he trow if he's unskilled, also he has not infinite money nor time to spend in one game, this analogy more than suck
Because if anyone is winning here it's the people working in the carnival

>> No.54115135

The USSR gave the world the best chess players because it allowed people who were actually good at chess play professionally while the US discouraged anyone who wasn’t rich.

>> No.54115170

The best chess players were likely aristocrats who got ahead due to nepotism. There's not much difference. At least in the US, I can still become a chess player if I felt like it. Whereas in USSR, if youre not a politician or general's friend, tough luck.

>> No.54115214


>> No.54115239


>> No.54115240

>What if you just get to throw 10 darts instead of 3? That's literally what the post says. Even a skilled player loses against an average player if they get 4 times as many tries, retard.
The internet has drastically decreased the price of darts. I paid next to nothing for my dart and hit a prize of several million dollars by making my own shitcoin.

>> No.54115258
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>The best chess players were likely aristocrats who got ahead due to nepotism.
Why do people decide to just offer opinions on shit they know nothing about? They weren't "likely" aristocrats you dumbfuck. The USSR made chess classes mandatory in elementary school as a way to filter out gifted children; it literally didn't matter your background. Having the best chess players in the world was soviet propaganda to convince the world that communism produced more intellectuals than capitalism.

>> No.54115261
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instituting communism won't make you a woman

>> No.54115298

Never forget that national socialism was far, far, FAR closer to communism than what we have in the west now. Commies are just "chuds" who haven't realized it yet.

>> No.54115347

In fact, Stalin killed trannies and gays. Faggots are universally despised.

>> No.54115372

No, we need aristocracy. 90% of the people is retarded as fuck and shouldn't have right to vote.

>> No.54115392

Isn't comunism the place where worker work just as much as ain capitalism but for less and they can't quit or go on strike or they will get shot?

>> No.54115413

I want to be the commissar, so I can shoot all the revolutionaries.

>> No.54115425

My IQ was 122 at 14 and 138 at 25. Children grow at different pace thus childhood testing is inherently flawed

>> No.54115438

Rich kids tend to be complacent, docile and hedonistic who will piss away their parents' wealth on parties and philanthropy within a generation. This isn't conjecture, if we had a culture of wealth preservation we'd need Inheritance taxes to prevent Rockefellers and Fords from ruling everyone in perpetuity.

Working class kids are on average congenitally retarded (not all, but almost all retards end up in this group) and most were never going to make it no matter how many chances you gave them.

Virtually all value creation in society comes from the middle class, the other two classes exist to motivate them and keep them in perpetual wageslavery. The middle class will do anything to avoid becoming working class retards and they're easily lured by mansions and yachts of the wealthy elite.

>> No.54115474
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>sends NEETs and degenerates to forced labor camps or just outright kills them

>sends NEETs and degenerates to forced labor camps or just out right kills them

>> No.54115577

Being good chess players doesnt make them super smart. At least here in the US, smart people had a choice to do other things. There's nothing special about being a chess player.

>> No.54115632
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The difference is that the NSDAP did it to the right "people".

>> No.54115663
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You fucking dumbass I never said being a good chess player made them smart. I said it was part of a soviet propaganda machine to appear smart to the rest of the world. Doesn't change the fact-of-the-matter that they weren't "aristocrats" as you so moronically assumed; they were just gifted kids plucked up from the government to promote the soviet regime.

>> No.54115739
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True, but both sides hatred for trannies/fags/degenerates/gypsys/downies/etc was essentially shared, and for the most part they basically agreed on 90% of the same policy apart from a few things. Like most contemporary political parties, they were similar in more ways than they were different and your typical voter was only swayed by a single issue or two.

>> No.54115766

>your typical voter was only swayed by a single issue or two
I too would be swayed by the single issue of removing jews from the general population.

>> No.54115777

Absolutely based. Too bad everyone itt is a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" and thinks communism will hurt their chances of being the next Elon musk (lmao)

>> No.54115800

>communism has no carnival games, just work

>> No.54115834

You guys need a new phrase, a million dollars is hardly unachievable in 2023.

>> No.54115869
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I'd take either right now compared to the false dichotomy we have now. Getting rid of (((bankers))) would just be the icing on the cake.

>> No.54115897

Communism in a hyper-automated, small, isolated society with the ability to easily lab-produce all essential foods and materials is the final shape of civilization.

>> No.54115909

Boy, a twitter screencap of a shiddit screencap, and all the biz retards tolerated it so much the thread got over +100 posts instead of being deleted.

>> No.54115916

fuck off troon faggot

>> No.54115950

Ok... and? You don’t have to be a fucking entrepreneur. Just get a job oh wow now you have some money and skills and experience and a better sense of how the world works. I guess you can start making some throws now.
>163k people thought this was a poignant reflection on society
Eat a dick retards

>> No.54115977

Stephen Jay Gould is a fraud who fudged numbers on Morton Skull Measurments to invent the myth that he was an "evil wacists" who fudged the numbers until a man who was with the universities went and measured all of Morton's skull himself and found out that, no, Morton number were objectively right, Africans really do have cranial capacities that are a golfball smaller then Europeans.

He was also a notorious IQ deniers, and the idea that IQ isn't heritable.

>> No.54115980
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What would you rather talk about anon? Shitcoins, or would you prefer another "IT'S HAPPENING" thread?

>> No.54116032

1.stop using the word capitalism, it's a communist concept with no meaning to trap and dismiss those in favor of decent freedom
2.parasites exist regardless of any system and they are responsible for making the current system broken
3.money have to be taken potentially by force to those who abused the system for many generations
4.bitcoin may succeed
5.it's not a bad thing to help fellow countrymen if struggling and unlucky
6.communism as we know it is a totalitarian system and a dead end

>> No.54116039

Yeah well that is very true that life is unfair but really what's at the heart of this subject is people are starting to realize consciously or most likely unconsciously that we've spent all of the greatest wealth ever generated over the last 100 years on steering the society into a direction that is not at all beneficial to a vast majority of people without even glimpse of it getting better in the future but only worse so. And shaming tactics of lazy and stupid are not as effective anymore even though most people believe that lazy and stupid people shouldn't be rewarded equally it's more of even the smart and hard working people are starting to realize that it doesn't matter any more you almost get ahead better in life being stupid or lazy because that seems to be culture of society nowadays which leaves people wondering what the hell has led up to this over the last 100 years.

>> No.54116053

Eastern Europe still has the best chess players, the best chess player was still an anti-jewish jew.

Its almost like its more of a genetic thing then anything else. So even a liberal democracy could have done what the USSR did if it wanted too. Truly, what a stupid point to advocate for the USSR. Anyone could do what they did, you don't need their system. There was just no willpower.

>> No.54116182
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>Truly, what a stupid point to advocate for the USSR
God damn mental midgets on this board I swear. I'm not advocating for the USSR any more than I'm implying that being good at chess = being smart as this retard >>54115577 seemed to think. I was just explaining that it had nothing to do with nepotism as was implied.

You fucking faggots really can't help yourself from fighting imaginary enemies can you?

>> No.54116517

You have one life. You can waste it trying to make excuses about what you couldnt do because you weren't given the opportunity. Or you can use it to make your own mother-fucking opportunities. No one likes a whiney fuck. And whiney fucks never do shit. So how about you shut the fuck up about what you weren't given and fucking make what you want you stupid fucking whiney faggot bitch ass cunt nigger.

People like you should be stomped on a fucking curb. Youre worse than a crab in a bucket because you have the fucking capacity to actually pull yourself out and you fucking refuse to because its too much work and youd rather someone pick you up and let you go. Well guess what. The buckets gonna get boiled either fucking way and sitting at the bottom whining about isnt going to fucking make you anything other than a shit stain on toilet paper.

>> No.54116615

he has a point. kids from good families have opportunities poor kids never get. even merely having access to decent food and medical care, a stable home environment, heating in winter, clothes that fit, and parents who aren't abusive makes a huge difference. and no one even mentions it. so the kid from the crappy home is expected to walk in and compete against some privileged little cunt from a loving decent family and upper class money. it's like having a guy who just worked night shift compete in a test against a guy who got 8 hours of great sleep.

not even bitter because i've clawed my way out of poverty, but no one admits how much it kneecaps your potential

>> No.54116643
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poor people are poor because they're stupid, and their children should have to suffer for it

>> No.54116693
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>makes stupid analogies about complex, non discrete systems
>is poor

It all checks out.

>> No.54116720

Is it not my right to enrich my children with the fruits of my labor?

You would steal from the mouths of my children to feed niggers and jews; who would gladly kill my children.

Fuck you.

>> No.54116740


No one admits? Lmao all I hear every single day of my life is how downtrodden poors are and how terrible richies are.

Yes, we know rich kids have a leg up. But for every rich kid there was a poor/modest ancestor who worked for them to be where they are and if you take that motivator away you kill multi-generational economies.

Let the rich kid piss away his wealth, who cares? Be the smart person who separates them from their money. Not the whiny little commie cockroach who thinks EVERYONE being poor is the superior result.

>> No.54116856

>s to prevent Rockefellers and Fords from ruling everyone in perpetuity.
they already do, shit for brains. labor derived wages, including white collar, cannot outpace gains from capital investment. a guy who works for a living makes 80k a year. a rich shithead gets 200k a year investment income while sitting on his ass, and free rent because his family owns multiple properties. the guy who works and pays rent can never get ahead of the rich shithead no matter how much of a lazy screwup the latter is because the rich shithead has 40x as much discretionary income to throw around after expenses are accounted for.

>> No.54116897

nice larp, you don't have any children and never will

>> No.54116906

Increasing twitter character count was a mistake
>or this isn’t twitter, I can’t tell these shitholes apart

>> No.54117063
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there's no point in making these analogies
rich people will always claim their methods of success were both valid and reachable for most people to protect their ego and ignore their survivorship bias, and poor people will waste their time complaining about how the rich are deaf to current entrepreneur obstacles because their empires are already built, even though that energy could be better spent finding ways around those obstacles instead of acting like intellectual elitists towards an indifferent audience
fucking sage

>> No.54117319

It blows my mind that anyone would think commie rambling like this represents any semblance of a coherent thought. None of you are even middle class in a global sense, you're the 1%.
Everything is like a game of darts where people skilled at darts do better at darts than mindless incompetent retards. This is not some kind of tragedy or representative of some oppression of you as a retard.

>> No.54117342

based communism b8 poster

>> No.54117477

The American black is the most disgraceful failure of a human being to ever live. They have the most opportunity of any black on the planet and they choose to squander it being worthless gangbangers. If you ever see any of the black immigrants in the US that come here with a work visa, you will understand because they too hate American blacks.

>> No.54117515

sauce on this whore please and thank you sir needful sir

>> No.54118377
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>passive income
>everything else you said

>> No.54118530

oh the cope is so delicious. Truth really does hurt

>> No.54118589

Build your own mother fucking dart board and make your own motherfucking prizes you fucking panzy assed faggot.

>> No.54118722

Maybe white dudes are just smarter and/or have better impulse control? I'd imagine Asian guys out-perform white guys, because a lot of untermenschen like the scots-irish and slavs are considered "white."

>> No.54118874

You fucking commies.

>> No.54119030

>Rich families burn through their money
Kek they were never rich genetically, just middle class and daddy had grit.
Richie's are laughing at you for thinking they don't have generational wealth. That money is not given away, it's using their families money to throw parties and write it off on their taxes, essentially free parties about some Fuck off issue

>> No.54119406

not bad advice in general but you can't discount the fact that in America, the system goes out of its way to be discouraging and throw down barriers to entry. no longer is there any sort of discourse about earning wealth through "hard work" because its all proven to be bullshit. the only thing you are encouraged to do is gamble your money.
great. cool brainlet trap. doesn't even matter if i agree but what the fuck does anyone do with this information who is being financially squeezed? i dont even expect a real answer.

>> No.54119443


>> No.54119743

I'd like to re-emphasize that in my first post I only highlighted the unfairness while ending my post by stating that you should still try. I 100% agree with that.

>> No.54119778

pornhub com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5be108847107c

>> No.54119790

no darts and no food and no carnival either

>> No.54119984


>> No.54120346

>We need communism.
So you can solidify classes with absolutely no means to move up or down?

>> No.54120525

every time there's a happening midwit redditors flood this board trying to figure out a way to get back what they lost

>> No.54120575


>> No.54120901

bless you sir doing the dutiful

>> No.54120984

>white man should use crypto to achieve freedom
>crypto - a tool made by minorities

Low iq post

>> No.54121008

Only after I become rich and I can reign as a local oligarch in my city. I don’t need to be ultra powerful

>> No.54121392

We need gamer communism.

>> No.54122012

Yes this is exactly right. I always used the American "at bats" analogy. Rich kids simply get more at bats, and hit more home runs. I went to a very fancy US University. My favorite pal who has opened multiple businesses is a trust fund, top 5 US cities by income, etc. I fucking love the dude, and he will tell you he has more opportunities. While I have to work to support myself/family, he does not. He has more opportunities as his base needs (cars, condos, vacations) are already set. He has more opportunities... and takes advantage of them through a positive mindset.

This isn't to let lazy niggas off the hook. The rest of us have to be more creative. I just launched a tech company (first contracts incoming) by building it during the COVID furlough. My seed capital as COVID-payments and unemployment benefits. Wealthier kids don't have be creative. Anyway... just play the hand you were dealt.

>> No.54122218

The only part about rich is the truth, but the guy assumes the other two scenarios are true as well. Well it’s not. I was born in a lower middle class family and we didn’t even have a proper bed until I was a teenager. And yet I made it.
Most people think you have to risk a job to do business, but that’s a fallacy. If you’re driven enough you can juggle both and only go full time into a business or entrepreneurship as the guy calls it here if and when 70% of your income is coming from your venture. It’s the smart way to do shit. Ofcourse people always look for excuses on why they can’t do it.

>> No.54122338


>> No.54122359

We know that’s what you want bobo

>> No.54123280
File: 747 KB, 3000x2101, 182058D1-16C3-41BC-8162-3AAD016815BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o7 gommunism

>> No.54123311

We need to become a communist forum I say we combine all our money.

>> No.54123397

this is an astoundingly stupid idea. You didnt even put 5 minutes of thought into it

>> No.54123398

Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya**

>> No.54123426

do you realize that you just threw meritocracy out the window?

I hope one day you have a serious illness, and right before you go into surgery your doctor tells you he got admitted to Medical School due to his grandparents generational wealth.

>> No.54123438

nice bait, but you clearly don't understand the overarching point because you're literally retarded. the point is the carnival game is rigged from the start, doesn't matter which.

>> No.54123488

every time

>> No.54123534

Germany had been steeped in the philosophy of Drang nach Osten for centuries dude, you cannot deny that

>> No.54123605

>positive tags: based, good, high iq, large (you) yield, dubs, trips, quads,
>negative tags: cringe, faggot, low iq

>> No.54124472

there is a meaning behind writing out the date like that.

>> No.54124583

>Darts isn't a game of chance it's a game of skill.
And if you have never thrown a dart before? What if you have thrown many? Go back to rebbit retard.
Epic. you won 4chan.

>> No.54125866

This unironically

Only Americans and retarded boomers will disagree

>> No.54126016

kys, retard

>> No.54126036


But you wouldn't survive communism.

>> No.54126046

>tranny discord on a epic raid

>> No.54126069

>t. drooling, evil moron that'd push his mother into traffic if some jew dangled a bill in front of him
>literally willing to do and support anything for gibs
Fuck off, leftypol.

>> No.54126083
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>what we need is the people trying to cut childrens penises off to run the economy also
commies are traitors and born snitches

>> No.54126117

There's scholarships for poor kids. Hell, if they get good enough grades at a cheaper uni, they have a bright future ahead of themselves. There's far more upward mobility in america than you beloved socialist euroland. You get higher wages, and american whites are far less indebted than swedes and other whites from the richer euro countres. What's true about this retarded seething?
>it's all about luck
NPC retardation.

>> No.54126141

>commie raid on /biz/
>the retards here support them
pathetic thread. You morons need to leave. You're unironically too stupid for this place.

>> No.54126160

Hol up is this guy saying life isnt fair? The fuck

>> No.54126490
File: 190 KB, 549x683, commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a commie and thinking that you're better than anyone else

>> No.54126946
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If you try and appropriate what I've worked for I will kill you.

>> No.54128676

Like any good analogy it's undeniably correct, but causes readers to draw extra conclusions that are wrong. Based.

>> No.54128779

The baitest of the bait thread.

>> No.54128813


>> No.54129825

This is true with everything. Every skill you try to learn is a dartthrow with no guarantee of success. I couldn't even learn programming.

>> No.54129828

Shut the fuck up you sperg. Stop nitpicking a solid analogy.

>> No.54129876

Notice how the VCs were the first to put their hand out for a bailout over SVB.

The American dream is a meme to keep the masses compliant. It was always crony capitalism.

>> No.54129918

>its probably just down to luck
But you cant ever prove it

>> No.54129939

Trying to convince others emotively that we should enact social change is doing something about it, just not in the way you would

>> No.54129949

Capital is literally the most important thing in capitalism

>> No.54130079

>more people and less resources to go around
economic growth has wildly outpaced population growth
the problem is that the working class gets an ever-shrinking slice of the pie and any meager savings they scrape together gets wiped out by inflation anyway
capitalism is first and foremost the art of using capital to get more capital, not a way to improve living conditions

>> No.54130172

Return of throwing cost

>> No.54130573

>Because if anyone is winning here it's the people working in the carnival
No, it's the people who own the carnival, but who is it that owns the carnival I wonder?
Really makes you think

>> No.54130618

Whining like a faggot isnt changing anything.

>> No.54130843

This leaves out that rich kids are from rich parents and typically that means better parents or BETTER PEOPLE.

Do you really want a lucky poor running anything?

>> No.54130915

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.54130939
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weimar problems require weimar solutions

>> No.54130947

What are loans

>> No.54131315

>work hard to give your kids better opportunities than you had
>Noo you can just give your kids better opportunities than poor kids! That's unfair!
Fuck communists and fuck anyone who doesn't respect property rights.

>> No.54132016
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Meritocracy in my eyes have mostly become an excuse for foreigners to pretend to have a right to your nation which you were "just born in by chance" by hiding behind credentialism and enough money to quiet down any lawsuits from their fuckups.
At this point i've decided to favor my own people with native nepotism. As long as they're baseline competent and aren't actually hostile to our own it's enough for me.

>> No.54132750

It's always been like that. Entrepreneurship risks increase the closer you are to poverty.

Want to decrease risk? Can't.

>> No.54132775

We need national syndicalism

>> No.54132837

That post is completely wrong though.
If you have a good pitch and the skills needed to execute on your startup idea you need 0 dollars as you can pitch VCs

You only need to self-fund your startup if your idea sucks or you are an autist without charisma who cant convince a VC to fund you.

You can easily raise 6figs for your startup with 0$ of your own if your idea is actually good and you aren't retarded

>> No.54133509

>what if you just throw 10 darts instead of 3?
In darts, every single dart is identical. The environment is unchanged. The targets never move. All of these things exist independent of one another. In business (as in life), things are constantly fluctuating, and they're all interdependent. Navigating that *is the skill.* If I gave a poor person $1million, he would made one million bad choices and still be poor. Lack of money is a symptom of his problem, not the cause.
If any of you have ever had a "black sheep" family member who just keeps fucking up his life despite every possible opportunity being handed to him, you understand this.
If your a predditor living on Mount Stupid, then you're easily duped by trite and unoriginal analogies made by *literally who.*

>> No.54133675

> Rich people have more time and resources

Revolutionary observation anon. And yet most rich people still don't do anything worthwhile with It.

>> No.54134169

Nah. In my experience incompetent people are 1/10th or 1/100th as productive as people who know what they are doing. They literally need leaders to tell them what to do.

>> No.54134210

NOOOO! Not everyone in the world has an equal opportunity for starting a silicon valley startup? This is making me sick. What kind of cruel world do we live in.

>> No.54134235

Reminder that you would lose the money in 6 months or park it and never get any returns. And this is true because almost nobody who has a million dollars becomes Donald. Parable of talents.

>> No.54134252

Kino bait, based, and checked

>> No.54134459
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They usually stay on pol, which returned to its roots as a containment board. Some fag probably posted a biz screenshot, and now theyve run over here just to autistically screech. These people cannot build. They know only decay. At least they cluster together so theyre easy to spot.

>> No.54134534

all the woods are owned and they'll hunt down any non-taxpayers.

>> No.54134705

>No It means the rest of us should check out and stop playing their game altogether
The game is called life retard.
Feel free to check out and stop playing at any time dumbass, new players join the lobby every day.

>> No.54134842

Remind me, which other species use money in order to live?

>> No.54134982

>nice larp, you don't have any children and never will
I have children.
Now address the fucking point he made you commie fuck. Why the fuck should I take food from the mouths of my children and hand it over to feed niggers who will grow up and try to murder my children

>> No.54135054

>do you realize that you just threw meritocracy out the window?

Darwinian selection IS the ultimate form of meritocracy, retard.

>> No.54135069
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not my problem.

>> No.54135157

I’m that case, enjoy your “meritocracy.”

>> No.54135214

>They have the most opportunity of any black on the planet and they choose to squander it being worthless gangbangers
I'm african American. We don't exactly have the same opportunities. I'm willing to admit that even though I'm liberterian. The truth is that most of the wealth is owned by certain individuals that view people with my features and skin color as a bias. Whether intentionally or unintentionally. What matters is that I am not part of their family or tribe, whether white or jewish. So I will never get the ease of going into a place without huge nepotism. Obama wasn't even fully black. He got to be president because he was in a legacy family, something most people don't bring up in the public sphere. And what Trump was touching on with the birth certificate.

I'm not deluded in thinking I have the same chance as many other people. Rich people tend to stay rich unless they take a very big gamble. And poor people require generations of wealth acquisition to build it, so all that Im building right now, I wont ever get to experience the full extent of it cause I'll be old by then and handing it off to my next generation.

It's an annoying position to be in and I understand why some people believe that the "white man is keeping them down". I have to deal with it but Im stubborn so Im fighting the system to see how rich I can get despite everything being against me. You have to have a thick skin unfortunately.

>> No.54135391

1: post hand with time stamp
half this thread needs to do a flip. Its not fair. Its never been fair. It never will be fair. Shoot your shot or kill yourself. Scarcity will never go away.

>> No.54135429

It's not fair but I'm not crying over it. I'm analyzing the obstacles and looking to overcome them rather than ask for handouts.

>> No.54138046
