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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54111835 No.54111835 [Reply] [Original]

>person without a degree in finance, economics, or accounting starts talking about finance, economics, or accounting

>> No.54111870

I have a degree in finance, so what. I'm retarded anyway

>> No.54111884
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>> No.54111886
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shut up and claim my haircomb

>> No.54111891
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Imagine thinking an accounting degree makes you credible or interesting

>> No.54111900

>paying thousands of dollars to be taught common sense ideas that anyone can understand
>still can't predict the future accurately

>> No.54111911

>cute hero dabs and naynays
pound sand chud

>> No.54111915
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You're gonna make it.

>> No.54111925
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>person with a degree in finance, economics, or accounting starts talking about finance, economics, or accounting

>> No.54111973
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“Uneducated Economist here…”

>> No.54111991

>have degree in economics
>still poor
It was your entire fucking purpose lmao

>> No.54112014

>degree in finance, economics, or accounting
>Social sciences with fewer job prospects and lower pay than a girl with an associates degree in nursing
We're ready to listen to you talk, slugger.

>> No.54112026

I have a degree in economics, it's all fake abstract social science bullshit. A successful small business owner knows more about economics than any fag with a econ degree.

>> No.54112066
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>only tamed wagies understand the world

>> No.54112068

This post is spreading hate against chuds. pls stop it.

>> No.54112075

t. doesn't know how to calculate NPV
t. doesn't know what a yield curve is
t. doesn't know what an accrual is

>> No.54112091

>I only take economic advice from the people who destroyed the world economy

>> No.54112109

My econ degree is worthless when the fed acts like this

>> No.54112145

That dude glows in the dark

>> No.54112161

Economics does have a risk of sucking. But the quantitative elements are useful and things like game theory are interesting.

>> No.54112163

Thinks working 80hrs per week at an ib for $100k is rad
>economics degree didn't teach him division
Have fun with that $25/hr bro

>> No.54112182
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>mfw you just started your second semester of your Finance/Econ/Accounting degree
>mfw you're going to be poor regardless

>> No.54112208

Get destroyed by lawyers in Economic areas.

>> No.54112226

i have no idea what any of those mean,

still made more money than you kek

>> No.54112255

Yes there's no way you could know anything about these subjects without getting a degree. Kys
T. Engineer

>> No.54112313

Op status:

Good job boys. 4chan has always been pretty good for reking fart sniffing state school sophomores.

>> No.54112383

>no math degree
>no eng degree
>no physic degree
>no CS degree

you are a low iq wagie and just paid for an "education" that can be learned from some light reading every Sunday morning. get the fuck off the board son

>> No.54112409

>only one in friend group without degree
>highest networth
I really wish I had a degree

>> No.54112446
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>late 2021
>multiple female friends suddenly take interest in investing
>start talking about options and TA
>discussing "doggycoin"

>> No.54112484

No one cares about your pajeet degrees

>> No.54112525

>googles those words
>suddenly I'm you but not in student loan debt

>> No.54112848
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>A person with a degree is always right, and a person without one is always wrong

>> No.54112898

calculus too hard for ya son

>> No.54112900

Yes we need more economists to keep producing NOTHING OF VALUE, other than bubbles and crisis after crisis.
Truly a well educated and useful field !

>> No.54112929

You would like Reddit more

>> No.54112952

> a degree in finance, accounting
its a fuckin scam and a house of cards. its all built on make belief. worthless degree.

>> No.54112958

I got a degree in finance and all it taught me was how to use Excel.

>> No.54112971

hahahahahahah exactly this. worthless degree.

>> No.54112985

>a 25 year old finance, economics, or accounting major fresh out of college, with no empirical experience starts talking about finance, economics, or accounting

>> No.54113034

Reddit is almost exactly the same as most of /biz/. Except there's slightly more whining about "inequality" and the rich instead of about the federal reserve. Basically all of the internet is people repeating political mantras and mistaking them for economic knowledge.

>> No.54113056
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Meanwhile degreechads

>> No.54113095

Kek, this looks like tech lead yt, what the fuck with all the red and doomsday, is this a troll?
>two more weeks and the ccp is over...
>>Verification not required.

>> No.54113143

socrates didnt make it he was poor af

>> No.54113170


>> No.54113220

>>no CS degree
>no eng degree

Faggotry, unfathomable faggotry... Only Mathematics rain supreme... physics can kill my ass, but I'll allow it, all the rest is faggotry, faggotry of faggotry all is faggotry.

>Verification not required.

>> No.54113231

Top G's go to prison

>> No.54113233

Sure, but his protégé's protégé's got to stick his thumb in Alexander the Great's bumbum. Not to shabby.

>> No.54114718

I respect eng/tech majors.

>> No.54114784
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>a degree

What does a "degree" show nowadays? That you spent a few years doing stupid homework assignments that literally everyone who takes them passes at this point? I have a software engineering degree with a 3.6 GPA and many of my assignments, I just paid poorfag students shitcoins to do them for me.

I'm confident that I could get a "degree" in any subject with minimal effort,

Pic Related.

>> No.54115051

>grouping CS in with math, physics, and engineering
hello codenigger

>> No.54115668

>that can be learned from some light reading every Sunday morning
Can you guys recommend me resources for how economics works. Thanks

>> No.54115741

>a "realtor" who got their real estate license in 2020 or sooner is giving advice on the housing market

>> No.54115855

> writes shitty python for physics simulations
> “I can do everything you can do, and more!”
If only you were right. IF

>> No.54116412
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weird because they hired me for a quant role over some guy with a finance degree
you can learn about the intricacies of buy/sell side in a week, you can't learn about nonlinear fluid dynamics with basic 2nd-semester calc
t. physicist

>> No.54116999

If any of those degrees were useful they would be as competitive as medicine or law, right now it is were the premed wash out too

>> No.54117948

Someone with a degree in finance thinking they know about finance is like a doctor thinking they know what is healthy

>> No.54118092

How do you think the concept of having certification and training formed? From people who didn't have it. Case-by-case, anon. I've seen money making machines crash because lazy people only listened to people with certifications instead of taking the time to look for sense, reason and innovation.

>> No.54118100

We dont repsect you
Most of the dropouts from engineering went into finance at my uni. Finance is just big words for high school math concepts
etc. It can all be learned while scrolling through investopedia while sipping a coffee

>> No.54118821
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>being jewish trumps all of those.

>> No.54118886
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>person without a degree in political science, international relations, or law starts talking about politics

>> No.54118965

I have a degree in business. You finance kids wouldn't exist without us businessMEN

>> No.54119200

>People with a degree in finance, economics, or accounting haven't gotten rich off their knowledge
The only thing learning about economy is learning that the economy is irrational and no matter what your gambling because companies are always doing shady shit.
Your money is never safe unless it's in your own pocket

>> No.54119332

M. Sc. Engineer here, literally learned all about finance while reading lectures on the toilet taking a shit
soft science is a joke anyway and this fags make more money than us

>> No.54119365

Good luck with that, bro.

>> No.54119764

>appeal to authority

>> No.54122023

I have a degree in electronics & control system engineering, I worked in the IT industry for 2 years and now I'm a neet hunting for eco/finance/accounting jobs. how to get it?

>> No.54122092

>Hey, you should eat less than 6000cal a day

>> No.54122100

>Person hasn't read 10,000 of Austrian heterodox economics and mastered the universe

>> No.54122113

My greatest regret is getting a degree in information systems instead of finance at business school

>> No.54122131

I hope you came here with some kind of teaching or language degree.

>> No.54122149

your theoretical knowledge from your degree isnt worth shit. have you ever bought stock?
wipe your ass with your degree, egghead.

>> No.54122170

This nigga was alive thousands of years ago and people still talk about him. Socrates 100% made it

>> No.54122186

>only listens to people with zogged degrees

I bet you are a vaxxed nigger that trusts the science of medical fags just because they have a degree.

>> No.54122208
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I agree, and we need to only allow people who get political degrees go into politics. In fact, there should be cooking licenses which are only given to those with cooking degrees.

>> No.54122229
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>person with a degree in finance, economics, or accounting

>> No.54122244

I have a degree in engineering. But I work as a financial analyst.

>> No.54122259

>he thinks i have a degree
>he thinks that stops me from giving out financial advice in exchange for money

>> No.54122292

Learn to read.

>> No.54122355
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> person with a degree in finance, economics, or accounting starts talking about finance, economics, or accounting

>> No.54122474

>person without a degree in breathing, eating, or having sex starts talking about breathing, eating, or having sex

>> No.54122843

>Person without a degree in engineering starts talking about engineering
Yeah, it's infuriating.

>> No.54122884

This. Socrates definetely fucking made it, this guy is a foundational part of western culture. Literally what is the point of being rich if you're not gonna do anything with it and be remembered?

>> No.54122901

>a person with a degree in gambling


>> No.54122940

> googles each of those things
What else?

>> No.54122995

The only difference between 4chan and Reddit is that on 4chan the minority has a voice

>> No.54123025


>> No.54123107

No you didn't, I bet you can't even value a small business let alone a corporation.

>> No.54123118

you are educated stupid. time is CUBIC

>> No.54123128

Except not because you don't actually understand what any of that shit is. I can Google quantum physics, do you think I will suddenly know the subject just by reading for a few minutes?

>> No.54123129 [DELETED] 
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>a person with a degree tries to talk to me

>> No.54123462
File: 557 KB, 1576x1429, A6FEAD4F-6080-43E3-9FC6-BAB36C9E859E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I have a PhD in chemistry, and I’ll be the first to admit to anyone that I am genuinely retarded. Finance bros on the other hand think that their bachelors in economics somehow qualifies them for anything more than a burger flipping job. It doesn’t. They’re not smart people, they just picked a degree that would payout well if they managed to suck the right jewish cock

>> No.54123491

>person who isnt a politician speaks about politics

>> No.54123501

>PhD in chemistry
lmao even
What a waste of time. Many such cases.

>> No.54123591

>I’ll be the first to admit to anyone that I am genuinely retarded

>> No.54123632

Same but economics master

>> No.54126134
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>person without degree in gender studies starts talking about gender

>> No.54126348

its an interesting field.

>> No.54126363
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Yeah, but check this out.
>*moves utxo from 2011*
I won't get out of bed for any less than a plate of tendies and $300k starting. Take it or leave it.

>> No.54126645

Will you be the Walther to my Jesse?

>> No.54127004

Just check smg, it's all in the initial post

>> No.54127034
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Imagine a yuppie telling a tradesman how to do their trade, yet people who haven’t read a book in a decade think nothing about confidently parroting their garbage from their bitchute doomcaste and think being a angry cynical contrarian makes them unique.

>> No.54127112

Tf is linear fluid dynamics lmao t. Aerospace engineer

>> No.54127121
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Bachelor of Arts in economics, made 3 mil before 35. Maybe if you hustled as hard as you hated you wouldn’t be such a faggot?
Real talk, I can’t stand non finance bros. We all know those delusional faggots who enjoy spouting their shit beliefs on politics and sports. They will never have any consequences or face reality. People who play the markets though, they have to live in the real world or face painful consequences.

>> No.54127204
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>person paid tens of thousands of dollars to learn something over 4 years that he could’ve learned for free over 6 months

>> No.54127467

you can just get FAFSA, financial aid, or the pell grant if ur slow.

zero idea how midwits get into debt when the university is almost free.

>> No.54128558
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>person with a degree in finance, economics, or accounting starts talking about finance, economics, or accounting

>> No.54128573

Yeah but I do know a bj from your mum is 5$ and a root is 7$ and your also a faggot

>> No.54128835

>not indices