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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 1100x663, next big thing bois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5404238 No.5404238 [Reply] [Original]

US has Ethereum, China has Neo, Japan has NEM. Now Korea will have ICON.

Partnered with Korean government. One of biggest blockchains in world already.

Mainnet launches within one week at which time it will likely also be listed on first Korean exchange (thats right, not even listed on any Korean exchanges yet). Will probably be listed on Coinone seeing as the company that own icon also OWNS Coinone exchange...

Essentially Ethereum, Ark and 0x all in one.
Not listed on CoinMarketCap yet because still calculating total supply. Wait til the normies see it pop up in top 50 and realise what this really is...
Partnered with Samsung and Ripple just to name two.

Cardano does x30 without any product - literally just whitepaper and team. ICON is already 'halfway through developing finished product' according to interview with Foundation Council.

I am 100% all in as of today.
This is like being one of the first group to get into Antshares. Im expecting between x10 and x30 within 4 months.

Oh and in the recent cryptomarket crash ICX barely budged, showing us that people holding it arent planning on selling so its unlikely to dip more.
Shilling bc i have finished accumulating btw.

>> No.5404264

I thought the whole point of crypto is that it is borderless. Fuck this.

>> No.5404279

ethereum of namibia when?

>> No.5404296
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>> No.5404302

Oh forgot to add it was added to Binance a few days ago and they havent started marketing yet so its still under the radar.

Its token is ICX btw

>> No.5404309

Yes. Went deeper today. This will be good

>> No.5404334

Funny I had already decided to go all-in on ICX before seeing your shill. I took my gains from all-in trx tonight. Easiest hold (and yes not hodl) of mah lief.

>> No.5404348

ICON's slogan is literally 'Hyperconnecting the World'

There are no borders to ICON you moron, why do you even say that?

>> No.5404354

how many icx enough icx

>> No.5404386

not until youre all in
this is the all in and hodl coin

>> No.5404408

>Essentially Ethereum, Ark and 0x all in one.

Yeah because trying to do everything at once instead of 1 thing well always works out, right?

>> No.5404426

Just hit 4 dolla boys

>> No.5404429

Nice wan.

Yes this is actually a very safe coin to all-in on in my opinion as due to impressive partnerships, 600 employees, and leadership by already established company, its very unlikely it will be allowed to fail or mess up

>> No.5404432


What is the deal with exchanging the ICX token for their native one? i heard people saying that you will need to switch it to their chain token because the current one is an ERC-20, is that right?

>> No.5404491

take a look at their website scrub

600 employees and 9 'Blockchain Developers' listed. Also AI scientists involved and partnerships with 3 universities.

This is a BIG project. They can afford to work on several different projects, its not like other shitcoin projects with like 5 team members.

>> No.5404499
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Holy shit

>> No.5404533

Yes it is currently an ERC20 token to make TokenSale easier and more accesible for people. By end of months Mainnet will be launched and tokens will be migrated to mainchain

>> No.5404560

if i buy 500 icx coins and hodl for 3 years will i be in lambo land?

>> No.5404577


although 500 is on the low side. try 2k.

>> No.5404602

is this a coin that can reach something similar to btc where it's worth 2K per coin?

>> No.5404678
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Yes. It will be top 10 very soon.

>> No.5404681

lol no not 2k a coin.. maybe in 5 years if crypto takes over world.

per coin price doesnt matter tho.. market cap is more important as it reflects coin price x supply

>> No.5404695


Marketcap is already over 3bil though...

>> No.5404748
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>> No.5404770

we dont know market cap yet. We don't know circulating supply which dictates mc

>> No.5404795

>The US has Ethereum

you mean the west?

>> No.5404829
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>bullish reversal again


>> No.5404935
File: 117 KB, 591x1280, 2017-12-23 11.59.30 pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market Cap:
328,188,600x $3.92

>> No.5404963

Do I need to do anything then or just keep it on binance?

>> No.5404990

im not sure - instructions will be announced soon

i keen some on binance and some in MEW

>> No.5405028

How do you buy it? It said you buy eth and trade it for ICX?

Can't just buy it?

>> No.5405044


>> No.5405062

its called binance newfag

>> No.5405063

yes buy eth or btc, transfer to binance, buy icx there

>> No.5405088
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>not owning both already

>> No.5405103

I sometimes ask myself if should sell some icx to ride a pump but i say to myself every time, no faggot, when the time comes, ICX well blow everything out of the water. Hodl faggot hodl.

>> No.5405106

r u serious lol

ur gonna fail at crypto if thats how u think/do

>> No.5405110

bruh. total supply is 800m

400m circulating as token sale sold to ICO investors

400m private investors and foundation lockup.

800m total. 3.2 BILLION market cap already

>> No.5405123

i did earlier and gained myself 100 extra icon
not risking it again tho its too stressfull

>> No.5405144

Nah, because big websites like coinbase dont sell ICX. So you buy eth from coinbase (because coinkikes charge less transaction fees from eth so its a better deal than BTC to ICX) and then send it to binance. Lastly you then buy ICX with ETH.

I am so high on Dunning-Kruger right now

>> No.5405149

u dumb or what

>> No.5405157

You're right
Thanks all

I've been watching this shit for years and never jumped on, I think I'm ready

>> No.5405159


market cap is based on circulating tokens only

look at any coin on CMC and calculate it yourself

>> No.5405185

market cap is calculated by circulating supply newfag

>> No.5405188

This is our ticket to lamboland anons

>> No.5405211

This... also ICX will most likely overtake Cardano so have fun everyone.

>> No.5405225

I sold 25% of my ICX to ride the Tron wave bros. I'm hoping I can get a quick 20% return and get out. Wish me lucky boys.

>> No.5405229

ICX coloured tag bois will make it

>> No.5405230


>> No.5405243

Just went all in. See you on the other side.

>> No.5405256


>> No.5405260

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.5405265

welp ICX sats going up, unlucky. You did this when Asian money is coming in.

>> No.5405269

once cmc updates it should be top 25 coin. By then normies will be all over. Then u are going to get koreans buying this with their new yr money when it gets listed on exchanges $10 in few weeks

>> No.5405280

im thinking of converting my 100 OMG for this, what do you guys think

>> No.5405311

my license is gonna say

>> No.5405321

its going to break $5 today than $10 in 2 weeks do the match when u want to get in

>> No.5405325


also perfect timing for christmas
flow of money from old to young and people shilling families to crypto

combine this with inevitable hype and kick start of marketing and you have recipe for lambo

>> No.5405340

I'll have


>> No.5405351


try half if you are not sure

>> No.5405362
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>selling at the beginning of a bull run
>at the start of korean peak buying time

>> No.5405377
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Plan to go this and Tron. What percentages though?

>> No.5405403

Fuck I don't really understand this coin but it seems to be huge.

Should I trade all my BTC and LTC for it?

>> No.5405424


>> No.5405426

OMG is a shitcoin. What do you want to hear?

>> No.5405430

stop being a corecuck and join us on the moon already

>> No.5405467

>should I trade shitcoin X and shitcoin Y for the cryptocurrency of the future?
no retard, stay poor

>> No.5405507

Please do it

>> No.5405529

Told people to load up other day when it was 1.70... this is basically like getting into ETH at $40

>> No.5405536

>tfw in love with her

>> No.5405558


>> No.5405566

Lol. Most people who FUD OMG can't even bring themselves to say this about it.

Go on, tell me why it's a shitcoin

>> No.5405581

QTUM will dominate all of asia

>> No.5405647

$10 eth

>> No.5405656

>Go on, tell me why it's a shitcoin
>no working product
>fake hype
>scammy marketing practices
did I forget anything? oh right

>> No.5405705

All hype

>> No.5405717

All it takes is REQ to have their product out before OMG, inc flippening.

>> No.5405773



>> No.5405796

some teams are focusing on development and some on fake partnerships

>> No.5405801

You had to be a retard and sell when Asian money is waking up...

>> No.5405808


>> No.5405811

dude you shouldve done that play earlier in the day. this is icx moon hour.

>> No.5405812

30k sat wall my old friend. Today you get BTFO

>> No.5405817

We're hitting $5 tonight boys, buy buy buy

>> No.5405827

ICX been on an intergalactic mission for 4 days now

>> No.5405856

Coinbase is best to use to buy ETH since it offers the 4 major ones?

>> No.5405910

All in on this or TRON?

>> No.5405938

This is it. I can feel it.

>> No.5405942
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My first trip to the moon
Scooter land here I come

>> No.5406018

You call that a wall? This is just 10 BTC worth. I mean come on.

>> No.5406036

mexico has dent

>> No.5406143

Ok, i am ALL in now. Bought since 900 sats, now i am up to 60k, smooth and round number - see you at the moon.

>> No.5406163

eaten within 2 minutes

>> No.5406183

pfffft. he thinks walls matter with icx.

>> No.5406184

Were going to hop over this wall better than a mexican

>> No.5406198


>> No.5406199

If this thing dumps, I'm going to hang myself and come back as a ghost to haunt fuckers like you

>> No.5406249
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of course its going to fucking dump - look at the 1d chart

its going to correct pretty soon, anon

>> No.5406258

Lol everybody dump now

>> No.5406281

bitcoin crashing and this thing keeps goin up

>> No.5406288

Meanwhile BTC died 10mins ago. That crazy sell of volume...

>> No.5406296


>> No.5406329

>Look at the 1d chart
>Coin just launched on major exchanges this week

>> No.5406355

its fucking 5 days of pure green yeah of course its not gonna correct

>> No.5406358

the shills are just bad because they can't articulate the value without saying hurr next eth hurr next bitcoin. But this really is the most legit project so far in the 10+ year history of crypto.

>> No.5406371

ETH dump eating all of my fiat gains lol

>> No.5406397

My shit coins needs to moon so i can get in aaaaaaa

>> No.5406403
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 23bbc7b15052946ea7126e759a7ad359_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16k in tron, maybe i can buy opel next year. :d

>> No.5406409


>> No.5406448

WTF BTC NOOOOOO don't crash now, not in the moon time !!!!

>> No.5406460

Got in at .00549300 eth. Now we are at .00600000, and my USD funds are dwindling... Is ETH crashing?

This is where you tell me not to worry about USD price, right?

>> No.5406491

Don't worry about USD price... Are you okay now ?

>> No.5406492

80% icon
20% Tron

>> No.5406496
File: 254 KB, 1068x1670, Screenshot_20171223-154848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on earth do I read these? They dont label what each color means. I just wanna track the usd and eth value per tron

>> No.5406525

this is good for ICX. sell orders will get filled because of week eth/btc. I've been in this coin for 3 days and it doesn't swing very hard with btc/eth down turns. That's actually when I decided to buy more after it insta-rebounded after the btc dumpening

>> No.5406535
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>I just wanna track the usd and eth value per tron

>> No.5406573

Big thick green dildos = gains
Big thick red dildos = r.I.p

>> No.5406576
File: 390 KB, 1280x720, camfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.000071 eth for 1 tron,

green means it went up

red means it went down

candlesticks guide here:


>> No.5406577


>> No.5406603

I like how as Soon. As I buy it drops 20 cents while it was holding at $4 for like 2 hours.

>> No.5406613
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>> No.5406635

everything crashing except for icx comfy af
btc resistant

>> No.5406700

nope, it's crashing too

>> No.5406849

So we should be scooping up more as the USD price drops down to 3.70 and less?

>> No.5406873

Fucking this. Anything under $4 between now and jan1 is a steal.

>> No.5406917

Let's mooooooooon

>> No.5406918

probably, there are a bunch of 20 btc + buy walls forming at 2800 so really nice support at that level

>> No.5406976
File: 49 KB, 701x239, icx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the marketcap is $1.8billion right now
The circulating supply is 400 million what is currently listed as total supply.
The total supply is 800million.

You can check on their twitter

>> No.5407033

The mcap is 1,3B because 18% of the circ cap is locked away. Check Min's message in TG

>> No.5407191
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>> No.5407231

430 ICX! going to try to make it 500 and ill be comfy

>> No.5407260

I really hope you fickers aren't bullshitting about this

looks solid and I know Koreans love this shit, so I went all in

pls god

>> No.5407354

no shit? Wow even better.

>> No.5407395

/dyor/ but no we're not shitting. Its a guaranteed top 5 coin that's been exposed to the markets for less than a week

>> No.5407441

This is no bullshit. I've never held a coin this solid before.

>> No.5407528

Did some research and it looks like it could very well be a top coin but fuck me if I don't get paranoid buying into coins that biz shills

I genuinely hope everyone here makes money from this shit

>> No.5407587

if it makes you feel better, the market cap would make it out of biz's reach to influence by shilling.

>> No.5407611


I really have to fucking say that hats off to ICX market. I bought in at 1100--> 1800. up to 2 btc. And it has doen nothing but goen up with good buying and selling. It doesn;'t blip in btc moons. I'm moving most of my stack to it because ho lee fuck is it stable atm. Obviously have some stop losses in.

This compared to somethign great like LINK, but you coudl lose half your stack if you decide to take a shit, its not worth it.

>> No.5407631

Bought in at 880 what a time to be alive

>> No.5407633
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Anon , how long until i am ICON millionaire?

>> No.5407651

agreed, sold my entire LINK stack to go all in on ICX, with the news coming out soon this is a no-brainer

>> No.5407716

10 days, nice stack

>> No.5407747

Probably next summer

>> No.5407760

I mean I am a die hard LINK. I bought at 4k today, sodl at 4500, and it plummeted down to 3600.

ICX barely moves down a 1%. EVen in the btc crash it barely budged. It's unbelievably comfy. When is the news?

>> No.5407771

2% swing in the last hour

pick one

>> No.5407866

We should be getting something before EoY, check the roadmap

>> No.5407963
File: 144 KB, 750x750, damn.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it makes ya feel better i bought before biz started shilling it because i read white paper etc etc did my own research. now im sorta an icx shill because of course its in my best interest to influence as many people to think this is the greatest fucking thing ever but not because its bullshit but only because i have a solid fucking position cause i see the potential. hope it all works out man, take care.

>> No.5407997

>buy in at 690
>sell at 1500
>panic buy back at 1700 after making some small gains on something else.
>+4 ICX to my 220

Anyone else /building that stack/?

>> No.5408041

While other alts dump like crazy, icon just moons. icon is anti dump!

>> No.5408093

Girl is Amanda Lee if anyone was wondering.

eth: 0x4e72204c315b699290f46a02ef2e0900b07a99d9

>> No.5408119

If this cunt can double one more time I am out.

>> No.5408168

I lost almost 300 icx trying to build the stack lol. It just goes up, fuck me

>> No.5408182




>> No.5408195

Nigger this shit is ETH at $35.

>> No.5408203

I gained about 16 but shat myself. It doesn't seem to dip predictably

>> No.5408222
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>> No.5408235

See you in a month when you fomo in at $10

>> No.5408259

look at eth pair volume is up there

>> No.5408281

That wall is insane

>> No.5408304
File: 725 KB, 1080x1267, damn.png.exe..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously at least wait for mainnet and dex holy shit lmao

>> No.5408336

Koreans love a challenge

>> No.5408337

christ are there any nudes of this woman? fuckin love bimbos like that

>> No.5408450

ok after seeing that wall get ripped apart i fomo bought back in at a 15 icx loss i've managed to work my stack down by 100 icx trying to swing trade this piece of shit

just gonna uninstall blockfolio and coinbase and sit on my eth and icx and see where i'm at in the new year

>> No.5408484

Unironically just sold $5k in stocks and will buy more ICX when I get it transferred in a few days

>> No.5408517

i do want to set a stop limit though so i don't get totally shit on

what do you think is a fair stop loss to set and walk away for a couple weeks? i was thinking 4800 on the eth pair

>> No.5408550

Whats wrong with blockfolio?

>> No.5408567

Yeah please set one. And get rekt in the next chain event, when multiple sell loss are getting triggered.

>> No.5408613

if it hits, its gonna dip and rebound and you'll shit yourself because it always rallys after a dip

>> No.5408615

i check it every 10 minutes and start panicking and running to binance to make dumb trades

i mean shouldn't i have some safety so i don't get totally shit on if i'm walking away for so long

>> No.5408656

haha did the exact same thing too

>> No.5408704


FYI, I got burned on a trx stop loss at 232 this morning. Bottom of a fucking candle. Moons to 360. I bought at 170 so whatever, but be aware that the price of setting a stop loss does lock in profits, but also allows for missed profits easy.

Bear market is different, stop losses and limits are king.

>> No.5408746

But while total ETH amount has gone up from original purchase, dollar value is significantly lower? Is this UP or DOWN?

I am sure I will get a lot /biz/ shit for this question but can someone help me understand this? Just trying to turn my 3k USD into Lamboland with my fellow ICXers

>> No.5408803

I looked at my yearly ROI for my $10k stock portfolio... $194. Bitch I made more than that in an hour with ICX

>> No.5408864

i actually just started my portfolio and only bought blockchain companies. my portfolio was up 40% in 2 weeks. but fuck it, icx is better. i still kept 3k in something called datamatrex ai though.

>> No.5408890

invest in stocks anon so that banks get their fair share of your profits.

t. boomers

>> No.5408942

Im all in cypto. 60% icon and will probably bump that up to 65%. We are still the early adopters especially in alts

>> No.5408976

Weak hands man. I dont care if icx drops to .01¢ I am holding

>> No.5408977

ya but in a bubble with tech thats shit. this is dot com bubble 101

>> No.5408980

everyday around this time hits new ATH like clockwork so SICK come on boys lets go $5 tonight

>> No.5409011

You want to increase your ETH or BTC. That's all that matters because it's the only thing you can cash out in and that's what all alts trade against.

That is until ICX becomes a trading partner.

>> No.5409033

icx should be ranked inside top 25 soon as they update the market cap

>> No.5409121

can we twitter spam coinmarketcap, etc to make that happen sooner? ICX is still off of the real whales radar

>> No.5409123

Heading way past 3000k Sats

>> No.5409151

They've already sent a request to coinmarketcap to update, no response yet

>> No.5409182

some1 already did and need dev to contact them. I believe they are aware of the situation

>> No.5409196

whats the fucking price eta on this cunt for 2018?

>> No.5409207
File: 27 KB, 656x359, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone explain? Is It gonna dip?

>> No.5409235

But muh accumulation dude.

>> No.5409259

pump this bitch already

>> No.5409260


>> No.5409269

day/swing traders at it. i see this every night nothing to worry eats up walls like that and reach new ATH

>> No.5409282

50 - 100 bucks realistically. its not going to hit 9,000 in a year despite what the shills will tell you

>> No.5409293

no this is moon volume chart

>> No.5409315

no, itll just stagnate at under 3000 sats until the wall gets broken through. But eating walls is what ICX does best

>> No.5409354

>3000 sats
>he doesn't know

>> No.5409378

How do I acquire ICON then?

>> No.5409401

If you're worried about this KOREAN coin just know that it's not on any KOREAN exchanges yet

>> No.5409422
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>Not listed on CoinMarketCap yet because still calculating total supply.
What? https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/icon/

Am I getting this wrong?

>> No.5409439

is icx

>> No.5409449


Market Cap
$? USD

>> No.5409478

You mean 30k sats

>> No.5409490


>> No.5409513

know what? I don't see any other major walls besides one 47 btc wall around 3000

>> No.5409535


>> No.5409536


>> No.5409556

That 46 btc flex wall

>> No.5409562

trading volume per day is 5k btc.. yeah I think we might make it over a 47 bitcoins wall..

>> No.5409613


Volume has been decreasing past hour. I reckon we'll see a fall back to 2400-2500. That being said, I'm not selling.Merely putting buys from 2450-2600

>> No.5409626


It's nost just 47 btc, theres a cluster of orders totalling well over that amount. The 24h volume is meaningless since volume has been drying up.

>> No.5409807

just fomod into this bullshit at ATH am I gonna make it?

>> No.5409862
File: 421 KB, 960x960, 1488774454846.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks best korea, this coin is looking pretty great

>> No.5409865
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I'm considering to sell my BCH at loss ($1k loss) to buy ICX because of several reasons:

- ICX low market cap. $1B is big but this is an even bigger project. So +$5B market cap is possible in the near future.

- It's Korean. Will be listed on Korean exchanges. Enough said.

- It's the Korean ETH. This will skyrocket like NEO and DRGN.

Give it to me straight, biz. Am I a fool if I sell my BCH at loss now? Is this a good decision?

>> No.5409893

ADA (with no working product) is 10b market cap. Let that sink in

>> No.5409906

according to my technical analysis you shouldn't have bought normie coins in the first place. But yes, jump in on the dip

>> No.5409961

what the hell did you buy bch at? you can probably just wait a few hours and sell at a better price. ICX probably will stay stable for a bit with the massive sell walls

>> No.5409962
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I knooow. Once the market cap is shown on CMC, ICX will explode. That's why I'm considering this decision.

I thought BCH would skyrocket on BCH. I don't regret buying BCH, I take it as a lesson. I won't touch both BTC and BCH again.

Realistically, how high do you think ICX can go this year?

Also, is the rumour true about Bithumb listing?

>> No.5409985
File: 51 KB, 785x644, 1511183648886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at $4100.

>> No.5410010

this year meaning the next 2 week? double digits is all but certain imho

>> No.5410050

>in early when nobody knew
>biz retards piling in now having doubts

>> No.5410126

>double digits is all but certain imho
Any reasons why, anon?

Also is it true they will release their main net this month?

>> No.5410144
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>bought at 29500 sats

>> No.5410253

mainet getting released, its getting listed on korean exchanges all in the next few weeks, not to mention its off a lot of people's radars still because of its marketcap not being updated yet

>> No.5410290

It's fucking crashing. We had fun boys, time to go home.

>> No.5410316


>> No.5410362

everything in past 1hr is red not shocked at all

>> No.5410365
File: 89 KB, 1127x685, 1510979646751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I have the source of korean exchanges listing, anon?

I'm literally a few clicks away from selling my BCH and buying ICX. I need that little push for the leap of faith.

>> No.5410406
File: 108 KB, 980x712, hwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy that dip

>> No.5410411

What's the fastest way I can buy more, buying eth on cuckbase then buying more on binance?

>> No.5410440

anons I'm hodling an equal amount of REQ as well as ICX. which is more likely to moon? would it make sense to go all in on ICX?

>> No.5410453
File: 2.43 MB, 5476x6797, ICON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company that owns Icon literally owns Coinone anon.

>> No.5410457
File: 79 KB, 716x668, 2017-07-15 17_03_27-Post 'Death Grips Post-Breakup Support Group' Support Group - Startseite - Maxth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain me one thing:

If it is supposed to be Koreas Ethereum, why isnt it on a korean exchange?

Makes no sense.

>> No.5410463

Korea already has QTUM you dumb nigger

>> No.5410464

currently all korean exchange are not adding new coins till Q1 2018

>> No.5410490

Same parent company that owns Coinone also owns ICX. Can't speak for other Korean exchanges.

>> No.5410493


>> No.5410517

join crypto pump group https://discord.gg/qXpkdeZ FREE $$!!!!

>> No.5410522


>> No.5410525

korean exchanges don't add new coins until jan 1st. some regulatory bs

>> No.5410547 [DELETED] 

!!join crypto pump group https://discord.gg/qXpkdeZ FREE $$$

>> No.5410589

its a good thing for the time. WE can get icx UNDER $5 for little . when it gets listed on korean exchange it will FLY and cant accumulate more . I need more time to get extra

>> No.5410789
File: 204 KB, 750x842, IMG_1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICX is the IBM of Korea not just the "muh Ethereum" fucking Samsung is in this shit. Bros I've never seen anything better since pic related

>> No.5410816
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When is it getting added to Korean Exchanges/CoinOne??

>> No.5410827


>> No.5410841

Who is this sexy bitch

>> No.5410855

Q1 2018

>> No.5410958
File: 115 KB, 582x561, IMG_1083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icon has 27 banks/firms. They actually have working product unlike IOTA/CARDANO and look what they did. Also you Silicon Valley in on this shit too. This is big if true. Hope hype is real and we actually did something right for once.

>> No.5410993

stop posting this fucking ugly whore and post some kpop girls or at least cute white girls she looks like a man

>> No.5411130

Coinbase is fairly reliable and safe (it is FCID insured) and one of the few places to buy crypto with fiat.

>> No.5411304

Holy shit lad it's FDIC

>> No.5411362
File: 57 KB, 640x640, IMG_1082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loop is similar to IBM/Hyperledger the loop can build private blockchains to fit a companies needs.

>inb4 last pic of this whore

>> No.5411410
File: 883 KB, 1242x2208, A4CEE354-AFCC-4F1B-BD57-93AD90A092D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming FUD

See attached picture. Page 30 paragraph 1 of the white paper. Are they referring to the 400M reserve or are we talking about new inflationary tokens?

>> No.5411458

I remember hearing it will be inflationairy up to 20% of the supply annually.

But does this mean ICX is proof of stake and I will be able to stake my coins to earn these newly issued coins?

>> No.5411499

You probably prefer shemales

>> No.5411520

wow nothing can keep this coin down she just keeps on swinging :)

>> No.5411603

Is no one going to talk about how we're down a dollar since earlier today AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.5411618

Buy the dip anon

>> No.5411643


>> No.5411648

cause both eth and btc are down you goofy

>> No.5411661

meaning when BTC keels over this will too


>> No.5411663

>measuring in fiat


>> No.5411696
File: 1.07 MB, 198x200, 1513734609222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Measuring in Satoshis

>> No.5411697

this is /koreacoin/ m9 they dont give a shit about btc and eth

>> No.5411705

its because bitcoin decided to dump + normal post rally consolidation. I'm comfy af seeing how resistant it is in a selloff

>> No.5411745

last time normiecoins sold off, ICX rallied to ATH soon after

>> No.5411785
File: 81 KB, 605x623, baby seal .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok give it to me straight. Is ICX a fucking PnD? How in fuck is it the only bag I have in the green?

>> No.5411798

Im getting 3.58 from one exchange and 4.29 from another?
What the fuck is this shit worth

>> No.5411817

ICX is doing FAR better than most of other coins in this sea of red. Says alot about this great project and potential. If u have any kind of idea about crypto u no this is long term

>> No.5411818

10 billion

>> No.5411821

where are you seeing 4.29?

>> No.5411836

All the volume is on binance. Use that price.

>> No.5411849

some dumb ass place coingeko says it was 4.20 1 minute ago but clearly that isnt right

>> No.5411990

down 60 cents but up about .00110000 ETH since 7 p.m. est.

>> No.5412034

what does this mean realistically? That fiat value should go up after a stabilization or BTC/ETH?

>> No.5412129

fiat value will go up when btc and eth go up as its a ratio pegged to either one

>> No.5412149
File: 160 KB, 1920x1200, muh dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is so fucking confusing seems like it will never work

>> No.5412229


>> No.5412274

man reddit posters are fucking cancerous and so cringeworthy

even /biz/ is getting this way with the mass normie influx but thank god we aren't as pathetic as this

>> No.5412353

Fuck off vizard scum

>> No.5412381

it's one of a handful of coins that is immune to btc pumping or dumping

>> No.5412469

I hope icx is the new reserve currency.
Fuck. Bitcoin.

>> No.5412557

i don't think it's even possible at this point in crypto, we are fucking stuck with this piece of shit until the end (which it is going to be responsible for)

look at eth, every major cash exchange will cash it out for fiat, most alts are operating on its own fucking network, most exchanges trade every slightly decent coin in eth pairs, and it still tanks worse than bitcoin whenever it crashes for no other reason besdies bitcoin dropping

nothings ever gonna replace bitcoin as a reserve if eth couldn't do it

>> No.5412562
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>> No.5412791

i honestly think they'll come out with a second token for rewards just like NEO. remember when NEO was gonna reward their stakers with NEO but changed their mind and made GAS instead?

>> No.5413058

yeah that was genius on their end hopefully they do something similar

>> No.5413472
File: 186 KB, 1023x881, 864131212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koreafag just getting into crypto here. Don't even know as much as most normies, but while the rise and fall of BTC and other alts are always on the news, I have never even heard of ICX before. The two hits I got on searching were "Shit, I should have gotten in on this before it went public so its too late now" and "What are these domestic coins that only burgerbros are raving about"

I'll trust /biz/ though.
Where can I get in on ICX? Do i make an account on binance?

>> No.5413560


>> No.5413671
File: 124 KB, 1877x924, 866131226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K. Just made an account. Left referral as blank.
And jesus christ what am I even looking at.

Deposit? Exchange?

>> No.5413723

1. top left click the leftmost icon
2. hit advanced
3. you go to the actual trading page

then ask more

>> No.5413764

I though Qtum was supposed to be the ethereum of Korea

DESU I don't see why Korea needs its own "ethereum", china is a commie mess so of course they'll have their own shit, but why would Korea use ICON (or QTUM) over ETH.
>NEM is the ethereum of Japan
No it isn't.

>> No.5413769

Accounts > funds > deposits withdrawals

also click exchange and use the advanced one after you deposit ur coins


you should buy at market price between limit and stop-limit, this is a good floor

>> No.5413866

Thanks. I'm on their advanced exchange page so do I need another crypto like BTC to buy Icon? No USD or credit card orders?

>between limit and stop limit
I wish I knew what that meant.

>> No.5413870

qtum is not fkin korean stupid do u r research

>> No.5413873

Linking to Reddit because DYOR and kys.


>> No.5413905

u will need to find a way to deposit using ETH LTC or BTC n fund the account first

>> No.5413906
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>> No.5414006
File: 531 KB, 916x963, ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you're going to have to convert fiat to BTC/LTC/ETH in some other service (coinbase, GDAX), and then transfer the coins here to trade for ICX.

A little bit more of a hassle but the commissions on this software are amazing and the web trading page is phenomenal.

>> No.5414397

2% down from an all time high... Muh dips!

>> No.5414582

Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.

>> No.5414824

whatever the next fag will pay for it, just like every crypto-currency

>> No.5414980

Alright, I'm sold. Just bought a small position after selling Ark and Omg.

>> No.5415002

Please kys

>> No.5415039

Action coin. Receive 1,000 free coins for signing up. https://actioncoin.io/ref/226136/

>> No.5415124

Such a good deal!! OHHHH YEAHHH! Stick it right in there!!

Unless you’re shilling this to get a paycheck so that you can buy more ICX, gtfo.

>> No.5415233

you're late

>> No.5415285

I’ve been watching ICX since like 2013 and finally decided to buy some.

>> No.5415346

what's the fastest way to turn my fiat into icx

I just got my xmas bonus and want to buy the dip

>> No.5415351


>> No.5415370

what the fuck are you talking about you stupid pajeet

>> No.5415619

My mom, a pajeet, told me that I should buy the first thing I see called ICX. This was back on her deathbed in 2013. I just bought in today. The Korean Hyperledger.

>> No.5415738

Okay thanks for the help guys. Fucking took forever but I bought 200 bucks worth of bitcoin from cex.io (why are their prices the highest?) because I couldnt find a comparable service that works in worst korea.

>> No.5415802

u r buying this from korea? since exchanges are not adding new coins?

>> No.5415883
File: 2.16 MB, 3000x2000, 1511955630569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying from korea, yeah. More than anything just getting on some /biz/ bandwagon for the hype. I know absolutely nothing about the crypto market here, or anywhere else for that matter. Using a damn Chinese exchange (binance) to buy ICX.

So now I have some worthless bitcoin. Do I "transfer" bitcoin from my cex.io wallet to my Binance account to then exchange BTC to ICX?

>> No.5415924


well done anon this really is a fantastic hold, expect that $200 to turn into at least 4 or 6 by mid January

>> No.5415996

Yes, go to you Binance account and obtain the BTC deposit address (Click funds on top right and search for BTC and click deposit) Then on cex.io copy paste the deposit wallet in the BTC withdraw. THen you can trade your BTC for ICX

Tip if you want for ICX

>> No.5416641

Wew lad