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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54102053 No.54102053 [Reply] [Original]

Idiots! All of you! Now get back to work!

>> No.54102109

>I'm proud to be an American
lmao what a fag

>> No.54102124

LOL "I'm a wealthy CEO who gets free money from the US government while most people can't even get healthcare! I'm proud to be an American!"

Of course you are, you fuck. I would be proud to be a guillotine

>> No.54102152

CEOs in the 1990s: "I work hard for the millions and millions and million and million of dollars I make! I do like 3 things every day! It's hard work! I deserve it while my employees make minimum wage"
CEOs in 21st century: "Fuck it I'm done pretending, just give me free shit or we'll crash your economy. #ProudToBeAnAmerican"

>> No.54102155

He's right though the regulators made the right call and made this country look good in the eyes of the world, setting a great example. America needed this win.

>> No.54102172


>most people can't even get healthcare

over 90% of people in the US have health insurance

>> No.54102181

tfw no chud genocide. no chuds starving in the street, getting kicked out of their homes

>> No.54102197

No. Our healthcare system in the US is horrifically broken and everyone is in debt from their costs due to it's privatization(capitalism). Fuck off with your retarded nazi gaslighting

>> No.54102214

>capitalism bad
>you’re a national socialist!
Commie sisters… we’re terminally retarded

>> No.54102215

>No. Our healthcare system in the US is horrifically broken and everyone is in debt from their costs due to it's privatization(capitalism). Fuck off with your retarded nazi gaslighting
PS 90% = not enough. Those are not acceptable numbers. Fuck off with your retarded nazi gaslighting

>> No.54102221

>health insurance
>costs $500 a month for me and my wife and kid
>have to spend $4000 before insurance actually kicks in
>then after that they cover 80%
>mfw last year i spent $12,100 for the monthly combined with having said child
>so proud to be an american
oh btw it's 2023 now so my body magically resets and now i have another 4000 deductible

>> No.54102233

Capitalism is a corrupt government that steals from the poor to give to the rich. Fuck off if that's what you want one day people will wake up and stop accepting it

>> No.54102250


>> No.54102252

health insurance means fuckall in the us

>> No.54102255

>over 90% of people in the US have health insurance
Yeah great health insurance. Monthly premiums, and then oops copay, and then oops out of pocket until the maximum is reached, and then oops we don't cover that, sorry.
American healthcare is fucking pathetic.

>> No.54102266

>be obese retard
>keep getting sick and hurting myself
>government did this!

>> No.54102272

Commie sisters.. I think we’re on the wrong website and should go back to R*ddit and leftypol

>> No.54102379


>Our healthcare system in the US is horrifically broken and everyone is in debt from their costs due to it's privatization(capitalism)

only about 20% of healthcare coverage in the US is private. The vast majority of healthcare in the US is public

>> No.54102390

>spend the most on education
>spend the most on healthcare
>spend the most on military
still no universal healthcare
still not #1 in education
still lost to muslim hillbillies you created 30 years ago kek.

>> No.54102399

This wasn’t a “bailout,” in the way that term was used in 2008. The government is insuring deposits, while letting the investors and management take a bath. The federal government set a precedent for backstopping ALL deposits, beyond the FDIC’s existing commitments.

>> No.54102427
File: 107 KB, 600x584, 1672382666929205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost time.

>> No.54102466

"having health insurance" is to "having healthcare" as "having unemployment insurance" is to "having a job"

>> No.54102529
File: 52 KB, 770x391, health.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54102531

Proud to be an Israeli

>> No.54102537

>Hurr durr I'm leftwing that means I attack rightwing durr are you rightwing well then you supposed to attack me leftwing durr

>> No.54102545

Insurance is a transaction. This is the government giving free shit to chosen people.

>> No.54102583


>> No.54102657

lol no

>> No.54102688

>im proud to support the international jew

>> No.54102723

Nah, he's Christian (this one time). Not the good kind tho, he wrote about his admiration for Jews on Twitter.

You literally cannot serve God and Mammon at the same time.