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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54092136

That's not the eclipse you fucking faggot.

>> No.54092172
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I took advantage of moments like this past weekend and bought some more.

>> No.54092220
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>Total crypto market pumps 6%
>Avax only pumps 1%

>> No.54092336
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It's a reference to what's happening right now on all markets virgin retard
Been DCAing onto AVAX for a while now, literally a nobrainer

>> No.54092460

Any redacted this week anon?

>> No.54092482

btc and eth always lead the pump, then alts will follow anon

>> No.54092734

while paper hands crumble and shake, some others only take their profits and shit
ETH is still an altcoin, everything besides BTC

>> No.54093064

Spill the beans, what's the redacted now anon
Least cucked breton

>> No.54093078

Avax is dead

>> No.54093140
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>> No.54093748
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Rising a bit but with green flags, buying bags before it pumps more, wagmi

>> No.54093936

repeat this until you believe it, nigger

>> No.54094461

based anon

>> No.54094593
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Come with daddy

>> No.54094912

avax is falling down avax bros, this is the end

>> No.54095395

the crypto market is pumping. I'm glad that I'm holding AVAX

>> No.54095477

The year barely started. Im bleeding out bags & I dont care. Everytime I get green uts worth it.

>> No.54095552

This is only the beginning if you're intelligent enough to recognize opportunities.

>> No.54096285
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Saw the Blitz Subnet announcement?
All of this in a bear market
Lurk moar
$30 EOM

>> No.54096394


>> No.54096414

Terrible PA, even scam like Söylana pumps more

>> No.54096874

Is it safe to buy this time or will it fucking crash again?

>> No.54097303

Of course, if you've already sold, it's over for you. Also, if you haven't bought it yet, it's the end.

>> No.54097685

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.54097709

I have 1k avax Am I gonna make it Bros ?

Might go up to 1400 soon

>> No.54097848
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No one knows what's gonna happen next, but AVAX has always been a long-term hodling project, that's why DCAing remains as the best strat for accumulating avaxxies
Bless this crab pumping piece of gold coin. Going up faster than you can say nigger.
digits confirm you're gmi anon, godspeed

>> No.54098209
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When will ultra poorfags like me get priced out? How much will one token be worth by Christmas?

>> No.54098287

love the way the lighting works in this one

>> No.54098470

I'm almost the same as you, we can only wait

>> No.54098471
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Emin just got appointed into the CFTC: https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8674-23?utm_source=govdelivery

>> No.54098970
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I'd say you have at least a year (basically just a little before the beginning of the next bull run) to accumulate as much as you can before getting fully ass-blasted.
Once all the ginormously superior tech + subnets + announcements and partnerships get properly priced in, it's over. Top 3 is conservative.
common AVAX W

>> No.54099109
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>> No.54099459

Even matic and kadena stopped their shill campaigns but AVAX keeps going. Maybe it's because the avalanche hub/ambassadors shill programs are funded by protocol inflation. It's so massive and the shilling is so pushy only the newest of newfags will fall for it. To you roaches my advice is you sell the tokens instantly you get them because you don't want to be left holding the bag and ending up doing the shilling work for free. Because the token will be worthless once the show is over. Most of you already know this but some might not.

>> No.54099474

I do it for free you fucking nigger

>> No.54099478

get better FUD retarded nigger

>> No.54099787
File: 119 KB, 1280x730, TwitterDiscussion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche is literally the most under-shilled coin in the top 30, Couple autists in esoteric anime board mean nothing

Emin himself said Avalanche is severely lacking in marketing and that it's about to change soon.

>> No.54100146
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This is one purpose of shilling; to recruit an army of parrots who do it for free.
What part of it is FUD? It's factual open information that Ava labs buys shills. Are you told to deny this? Probably.
Absolutely not. Maybe on twitter because CT is on average a lot more crypto-savvy than /biz/, reddit, tiktok, instagram, etc. Of course Ava wants to focus their shilling on the retards who are less likely to publicly criticize it and more likely to buy in to the soft scam. They've bought ads on a fucking subway cart for fucks sake.
Enjoy the free money from my (You)s btw. It's on AVAX holders in the form of inflation :)

>> No.54100182

When I worked there, there was more than one guy on staff paid salary and tokens to astroturf all the various fora and social media platforms all day.

>> No.54100399
File: 196 KB, 849x795, heyniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What part of it is FUD?
>"Because the token will be worthless"
meanwhile in reality:
All of this in a bear market
>Emin Gün Sirer becomes advisor for the CFTC >>54098970

>"hurr durr the token gunna be worthless!"
>"ignore all these megacorps having to stake this hardcapped deflationary asset!"
Dumb Nigger.

>> No.54100441

>It's on AVAX holders in the form of inflation
Most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators. Its not like Ethereum where only 11% of all tokens are staked, its 64%+ and rising.
More Subnets = more Stakers =less AVAX to go around =demand is high supply is low = ???? = PROFIT
>also 2000+ Subnets in the works

do the math nigger retard

>> No.54100620
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>"this chart is important"
>more than half of the list is composed by shitcoins
holy cope, you're either a delusional faggot or just another currynigger shilling on AVAX generals

>> No.54100667
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once Emin takes over the CFTC Americans will only be allowed to buy and stake AVAX and AVAX will be the only thing anyone is allowed to talk about.
All the other shitcoins will be footnotes in crypto history and known as the garbage that made everyone poor and everyone will know they were murdered by the Red Coin.
$10k+ per AVAX WILL happen.

>> No.54100724

God I hope it happens

>> No.54100818
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where are the 189 pics left?

>> No.54101188
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>> No.54101216

>"Because the token will be worthless"
It will be if the main purpose of the token is to dump it. All the protocol building, tech and users are secondary to the token, they all are an excuse to print the token and sell them. It lives on marketing.
Don't matter. It's for marketing purposes to namedrop big companies and make avax seem more legitimate. It's all advertising like it was back in 2018.
>hardcapped deflationary asset
There are nearly an infinite amount of "hardcapped deflationary assets", rarity alone doesn't make them valuable if they have no demand in a few years.
"While AVAX is still far away from its supply cap, it will almost always remain an inflationary asset." Source:https://docs.avax.network/overview/getting-started/avax#tokenomics
From a technical point of view this is bad design choice and shows how it's not made to last long. What happens to stakers if token burn hasn't been high enough to offset issuance and we are nearing the supply cap? It's not a future proof design, but it's not meant to be. It's designed to create hype for the first few years (high staking APY, promise of hardcapped supply), sell tokens and then die off as it will probably do that around the time when marketing and hype stops increasing token value and attracting liquidity. Interestingly Bitcoin is doing a bit of the same, but unintentionally.
I don't see how your reply answers to my argument that a part of protocol inflation is going to Ava labs and is used to pay for various forms of marketing, including /biz/ shilling. But if we are talking inflation here's some of my concerns: 1.) The staked tokens can be unlocked and sold at any time 2.) Last year AVAX had around 30% of token supply enter the market (token inflation), 3 times bigger than staking APY 3.) The protocol is just 2.5 years old, making 3 year average inflation infinite.
Why am I wasting time on paid shills? Argue me.

>> No.54101358

Oh, and you got caught forgetting to change IDs. Why'd you reply to me in 2 posts with different styles of typing?

>> No.54101625
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> the main purpose of the token is to dump it.
the Main purpose of AVAX is to stake it you dumb nigger.
>Don't matter.
Yes they matter, all Partners will run their own Subnets which means they HAVE to stake AVAX
>if they have no demand
There is massive demand for AVAX
>it will almost always remain an inflationary asset.
Most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators.
>we are nearing the supply cap?
not a problem at all.

>The staked tokens can be unlocked and sold at any time
AVAX is needed to run Validators and Subnets and to create all kinds of Assets.
>Last year AVAX had around 30% of token supply enter the market
Staking ratio didnt change by much, which means more AVAX is getting staked/delegated.

Anything else you have you to say retarded subhuman Nigger?

>> No.54101650

>you got caught forgetting to change IDs.
I didnt.
I just didnt read your entire Nigger post at first.
>with different styles
get your eyes checked Nigger retard.

>> No.54101668

also DONT buy AVAX, stay poor you fucking Nigger.

>> No.54101853

What a non-answer of a reply. I'm open to argue someone not financially incentivized to post worthless argumentless crap. Enjoy your last (You).
>Main purpose of AVAX is to stake it
For a negative real yield? Sure.
>HAVE to stake AVAX
If they have to buy in on the scam to become bagholders, then sure it's good.
>There is massive demand for AVAX
Only because of marketing and speculation. The chain doesn't see much usage.
>Most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators.
Meaning they all enjoy ~9% APY, paid by inflation.
>not a problem at all.
It could become one in the future.
>AVAX is needed to run Validators and Subnets and to create all kinds of Assets.
Doesn't answer "The staked tokens can be unlocked and sold at any time" at all.
>Staking ratio didnt change by much, which means more AVAX is getting staked/delegated.
What happened to deflationary? Are you agreeing it's inflationary now?
I've wasted enough of my time.

>> No.54101882

>Argue me
ESL detected

>> No.54101938
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>For a negative real yield?
AVAX price will go up. Thats a Sure Thing.
>If they have to buy in
yes they have to buy AVAX to run their Subnets.
>The chain doesn't see much usage.
already more usage than Ethereum, also can scale to million of Validators/Subnets/Blockchains etc.
>Meaning they all enjoy ~9% APY
AVAX price will go up.
>It could become one in the future.
unlikely to be a problem at all. just shows how dumb of nigger you are.
>Doesn't answer "The staked tokens can be unlocked and sold at any time" at all.
again Nigger, AVAX is NEEDED to run Validators and Subnets. Nobody is fucking selling it. thats why staking ratio, delegations and validator count keep going up.
>What happened to deflationary?
AVAX is deflationary, all AVAX fees are burned.
>I've wasted enough of my time.
your time is worthless Nigger.

>> No.54102122

I'm trilingual so not even ESL. You understood what I meant so language did its job. I didn't have enough characters left to type "have an argument with me" or even "argue with me". I'm still open for argument if there exists a single Avalanche supporter who isn't paid shill.

>> No.54102133

What shitcoins are in your poorfolio?

>> No.54102257
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If you weren't a paid ESL (ETL?) FUDer you could have come up with a pithier phrase than that. There are other tells though:

>Last year AVAX had around 30% of token supply enter the market (token inflation), 3 times bigger than staking APY, The protocol is just 2.5 years old, making 3 year average inflation infinite.
>For a negative real yield? Sure.
>Doesn't answer "The staked tokens can be unlocked and sold at any time" at all.
>Why am I wasting time on paid shills? Argue me
>I've wasted enough of my time.

Nobody types retarded shit like this unless they're being paid to FUD kek.

>> No.54102346

I'm not paid, just bored. And there's nothing wrong in those examples. Why are you trying to direct the conversation away from AVAX criticism? It's AVAX general, not ad hominem ESLs general.

>> No.54102359

answer the question nigger retard >>54102133

>> No.54102415

Did you guys hear that? It almost sounded like an AVAX roach crying for a (You).

>> No.54102451

>MATIC/ICP FUDhomo cant answer a very simple question

>> No.54102520

Joe Biden just hired Emin.
Explains all the pedo posting

>> No.54102543

Ava Labs and the CFTC will OUTLAW your dirty currynigger chain and shut down your Piss computer for good.
prepare for the Storm maggot.

>> No.54102564

okay kiddy fucker

>> No.54102608

ok nigger.

>> No.54103103

>there's nothing wrong in those examples
Ok retard kek. None of those statements about AVAX make sense.