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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54091550 No.54091550 [Reply] [Original]

Oof. #103?

>> No.54092081
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Damn it. I was hoping we'd hit 19 cents. I still have $1500 of buy orders below 20 cents at various spots.

>> No.54092196

Is self serve really coming or they just trolling us again?

>> No.54092756
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At the risk of being apologist, I think so. We can shit on Luke for using words like "serious" and "earnest" to make us think that this time, *this time* they really mean it, but the Beta does seem to genuinely be getting loaded. As for how long before it enters live, who the fuck knows.

>> No.54094139

this whole thing is a fucking joke man

"this time we really mean it!!!"

yeah fuck off dude. self serve doesnt even matter anymore regardless, because their ad sales are WAY the fuck down brave.com/transparency

cant wait to dump this god damn fucking nigger coin

>> No.54094154

It doesn't matter anymore. BAT is spiraling down to 0.

>> No.54094228
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we broke support today. i am absolutely fucking disgusted with this god damn company and everybody in it. fucking cock sucking lazy lying ass pieces of shit.

>> No.54094294

The more users brave has the less this shit token is worth

>> No.54094636

Lets be honest. Yall are gonna keep holding.

>> No.54094644

All you had to do was read the whitepaper:
Price BAT: Total $ Value Services Purchased / [(Total Supply - Supply withheld by speculators) * Velocity]
Less whales holding BAT for speculation & more users driving up velocity means stable/suppressed price.

>> No.54094880

Brave really went out of their way to mock their own community and make us all hate them. I guess that was their way to further distance themselves for when BAT finally goes belly up. BAT is a sinking ship and I’m not sure there’s any way they can fix it at this point. People are completely fed up with all the lies they’ve been telling. Even if they do rollout self serve, it’ll be slow as fuck and it’ll disappoint everyone. They haven’t even completed goggles yet. I hate this company and everyone that works there.

>> No.54095130

Yup they isolated the entire community and you can't help but feel like it was intentional. They killed this fucking coin and it's never coming back.

>> No.54095278
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The 1 pbtid FUD fags are really working overtime over the last few days. It's either a pissed BAT bro running scripts to kill time or a psyop from some rival project of some sort. As much as I want to believe (((THEY))) can't let us make it, I feel like it's the former.

This weekend's thread was insufferable. Almost started believing the "Brave lost everything in SVB" meme after awhile.

>> No.54095504

>Almost started believing the "Brave lost everything in SVB" meme after awhile.
Wasn’t a close call until JPOW announced he’d “backstop” depositors? Brendan did say they had money at SVB and he did dump 8.7 million BAT from the UGP 2 days prior. I tend believe there was an actual problem that could’ve sunk them.

>> No.54095592

The community call has like 4 ppl. Its literally a few people who have held bat for 5 years ahahahahahha retards

>> No.54095635
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I didn't think it was a close call - at least most of the time. I said it Friday in these threads: there was no way the government was going to allow their Silicon Valley gravy train to die. Classic kike too big to fail nonsense. Only moment I had doubt was when Titmouse Yellen inexplicably said there'd be no bailout yesterday morning, before backtracking by the afternoon. Even then, with the way Newsom was promising to White Knight, and others with him, I had little doubt there'd be a bailout.

The way Eich and Mulks were shitting on SVB online when the news broke didn't seem like panic. I figured they had some exposure. Many did. I mean, Christ, my dad's business had some exposure in SVB (under the FDIC limit, but still). But not enough to sink them. If anything, I figured their exposure was of the payroll variety, which meant their employees may have had delays in getting their paychecks. Lots of these online payroll providers used SVB (Patriot Software, etc.) Bigger companies = bigger payroll account. Easy to crest 250k if you have enough people.

The UGP dump was an interesting one. Will be fun to ask about on the community call.

>> No.54095733
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Don’t know if you saw what I posted

>> No.54095808
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The roadmap they posted the other week was a HUGE "fuck you" to the last few remaining BAT holders

>B-b-but it wasn't a roadmap it was a state of the BAT hurrrrrrr

Shut the fuck up faggot. Luke was the one who wrote it and he was well aware of the fact that people were referring to it as a roadmap for MONTHS and were looking to that post to get direction on where they were going with BAT and what their plans were. He delayed it for fucking MONTHS and then put out some total fucking trash about their god damn bullshit NFT's. If you actually read what was in it, it is quite literally disgusting. It is impossible to deny at this point that they despise their holders and want nothing to do with BAT anymore. They want to get search ads going and then quietly let BAT drift off into obscurity because they make more money if they don't show the ads to BAT users, plus they are afraid of regulations surrounding use of their token. These fucking cock suckers should be ashamed of what they've done and I hope they all fucking eat shit and die.

>> No.54095891

these fucking niggers at brave should be in fucking jail. complete pieces of shit. they fucked us so hard.

>> No.54095895

I'll hodl until it's worth enough to warrant adding it to tax forms. Maybe never, either way I'll have exactly what I paid for it.

>> No.54096002
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I can't believe how hard they fucked us. I kind of knew they hated their community before they made this post and I honestly wasn't expecting much from it and thought it was hyped up too much, but what they put out here is egregious and really highlighted how little they give a fuck about BAT or ever making it worth anything. I'm dumping my 320k BAT once it hits 40c and will uninstall the browser at that point just because I hate Brave so much. I never want to hear the words BAT or Brave ever again.

>> No.54096049


>> No.54096077

Checked. I did see that. I tend to take Eich at his word, with a grain of salt, as I do everyone including my own family.

>> No.54096079

jesus christ i never actually read the whole thing. that is so fucking bad.

>> No.54096134


>> No.54096184
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God I hate Brave so much

Same. I'm getting out on the next pump. Not wasting my time with this coin for another bull run only for BAT to fall even further down in the rankings. Brave clearly doesn't have any plans to make BAT pump. This is literally the only project in all of crypto where the team unironically gives zero fucks about their coin.

>> No.54096222

>This is literally the only project in all of crypto where the team unironically gives zero fucks about their coin.
they not only dont give a fuck about their coin, but they are actively sabotaging it because they will make more money the less usage the coin gets

>> No.54096243

With the events on Sunday I took it to mean he was expecting a bailout.

Btw, did you see my massive shit posts on Blind this weekend? I’m also dominating the Food section.

>> No.54096257

If you're all waiting to sell, you're all going to end up frontrunning each other, and lose even more against BTC. Who else will there be to sell to?

>> No.54096267

Why are you responding to yourself

>> No.54096307

I'm pretty sure the market consists of more than just 2 people on a basket weaving forum dumbass

>> No.54096353

Is there any way we can sabotage Brave besides constantly filing SEC complaints and telling everyone what scumbags they are? I wanna make sure they never exceed 60 million users. I want them to hemorrhage. Can one of you guys hack them or something?

>> No.54096377

I don't see anyone else who is bullish and not poor, whether reddit, twitter, or elsewhere. Sentiment on /biz/ seems universal everywhere.

>> No.54096458
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Who cares it was all a big nothing burger. All the banks depositors have access to all their funds so it doesn't even matter.

>> No.54096533

BAT. Btw to the 4 ppl in here whove been holding bat for the last 4 years. Yall are justd manlets