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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54092274 No.54092274 [Reply] [Original]

You will pay to bailout (through more inflation) trust fund roasties, techjeets, and anyone else at that bank with over $250k. They will be made whole on every dollar by the Fed because it's racist and bigoted for them to have to assume any risk.

And you will do nothing about it.

>> No.54092352

we don't like them because they are women, sex-havers, and against Hitler's vision.

>> No.54092386

>Daily reminder this is who the feds are bailing out at SVB
you mean normal people?

>> No.54092426

This but unironically

>> No.54092456

so its now its become clear that the government and the fed are choosing inflation vs economic crash. The problem with sustained longterm inflation is societal risk. You'll see more crime, more reckless driving, more angry people in public and maybe even riots. Stay comfy friends.

>> No.54092797

literal Sheik toilets

>> No.54092948

>do nothing about it
you are correct, glownigger. not my problem.

>> No.54092993


>> No.54093123

Is SVB getting bailed out? Biden just said no bailout? What’s going on I’m too stupid for this!

>> No.54093819
File: 23 KB, 307x276, Hoggle_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s going on I’m too stupid for this!
Bank's already closed. Can't save a sunk ship. The government is guaranteeing that depositors will get their money back, but investors are SOL. The government has assumed control of all of SVB's assets and will use their sell-off / other financial magic to make more money than the depositors are owed, so the tax-payers won't foot the bill, the government gets a chunk of change, and the depositors all get their money back. SVB and investors that allowed this to happen will get nothing, as it should be. This is pretty much the best-case scenario.

>> No.54093853


Reminder that there's a video of the first girl getting fucked by a black guy that's impossible to find because her millionaire daddy has scrubbed it from the Internet.

>> No.54093874
File: 242 KB, 1100x1356, 1678656983836506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if you were a woman who was in this situation?

>> No.54094039

kill them all

>> No.54094048
File: 1.38 MB, 828x1019, Hsbzbuud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw when I fit in all these categories
Cant wait for my $250k baillie

>> No.54094056
File: 245 KB, 680x616, ADA0195F-FAB1-4E2A-94C3-36CB1E574030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking tired of the “you won’t do anything line” yeah no shit, life is still pretty good. Things are more expensive, finding a wife is harder but over all life isn’t so bad, almost everyone gets three square meals of slop a day. People don’t go apeshit till they’ve missed two meals. We’ll get there but not yet. Only 20% of people are capable of independent thought. It’s the masses that need to be brought on board for anything to be accomplished and they are too fat and happy right now to throw their lives away for some ideological motivation. Getting them stirred up when they’re hungry will be easy though:

>> No.54094076

and yet she is more successful than you will ever be

>> No.54094111

Yep. We're bailing out a bunch of unprofitable startups run by foreigners that will be bankrupt in 2 - 3 years or sooner. Not to mention, few if any of them hire any Americans and primarily rely on immigrants for cheap labor.

>> No.54094273

>impossible to find
Literally took me 3 seconds on duckduckgo


>> No.54094502

So you're saying if I get the bottom surgery I'll have countless investors lining up to invest in my gig economy portal app I outsourced to pajeets too?

>> No.54094667

You guys know what's sad about this girl (first one)? She's had or even has a successful YouTube channel since she was a teenager, the algorithm use to always push her, she used to, maybe even still gets millions or if not hundreds of thousands of views and I think this was back when YouTube use to still pay well and look at how she turned out. I means it's not like she was addicted to crack and was eating rodents to survive. Is it an attention thing with women? Did she lose all her YouTube money? What about her huge following? Idk if she ever made it to 1 million subs but she definitely had a couple hundred thousand subs, I'm sure she had sponsors.... Now anon post a link of her smashing blks on camera... Back then all her boyfriends were Hispanic though if I recall but it's America and are you even American if you aren't whoring yourself out to blacks now a days? Plague of a nation. Sad sh1t.

>> No.54094747 [DELETED] 

>She is more successful
No she isn't. She's using her daddy's financial advisors to tell her what to do. She's a mindless pig-bot that's doing basic playbook shit because she has paid help. She doesn't have the IQ to be a waitress, let alone a fucking self-made investor.

>> No.54094812 [DELETED] 

>She is more successful

No she isn't. She's using her daddy's financial advisors to tell her what to do. She's a mindless pig-bot that's doing basic playbook shit because she has paid help. She doesn't have the IQ to be a waitress, let alone a fucking self-made investor.

>> No.54095223

That’s the rosy lie they are telling. If you think that’s what’s actually going to happen you are a gullible moron.