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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5405733 No.5405733 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5405783
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>> No.5405881
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I'm irrationally angry about Smiley slagging off Smorple. His is my pride and joy.

>> No.5405926

What did he say?

>> No.5405972
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>> No.5406047
File: 175 KB, 960x960, 24899925_172183470045676_3619760402191071168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep puting out a gen a day its working
steal more artwork
samefag more
bleach your skin pajeet

this project gave me faith in cryptocats going all in on wikileaks cat fuck this weak ass lame

>> No.5406069

can someone fucking answer my question. DO YOU GET ANY MONEY FROM OWNING THE FREE GEN-1 ETHEREMONS?>?>

>> No.5406098

No. These are ponzimon no more. No more dividens, just trading and battling to make money when they're implemented.

>> No.5406147

cant the gen-1 lay eggs n shit?

>> No.5406175

Maybe later. Either way they're free at the moment, so you may as well get some for 5 gwei.

>> No.5406233
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jiggaboo anon why did you make the gayest thing on the planet im sick of watching this autism

>> No.5406313
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wtf are the mods of this board doing
unless there the fucking creators of this shit

>> No.5406351

He's going to exit scam

>> No.5406909

You can't get ETH out of Gen-1 yet. Later when battling and trading is implemented they will have some worth, how much is anybodies guess. But they cost 0 ETH right now, so you only pay the transaction cost. You invest next to nothing but have a lot of upside potential, I would get one of each of the free ones.

>> No.5407169


>>he's going to take all of the money that doesn't exist.

You're retarded, aren't you? He's no longer making money off of this shit.

>> No.5407197

Smiley is a legit faggot

>> No.5407847

I just bought 3 of each, gas price 1 gwei.

>> No.5407919

This BTC crash fucked me up a lot.
I really hope this game becomes big and fast, so I can get a couple ETH fron selling my 3 Pangrasses

Will anybody even want to buy them for 1 ETH?

>> No.5408210


>> No.5408261

>not wash trading your pangrasses to give the impression of a rising and highly liquid market

>> No.5408262

doesnt work for me.
Gas limit still 600000?

>> No.5408264

Someone needs to make sure he loses his 14ETH for doing this. He's a complete newfag when it comes to crypto so it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.5408299

Think I had to raise the limit from memory, just set it really high anyway you don't pay for unused gas.

>> No.5408314
File: 26 KB, 396x400, 1410278013881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dev chickened out of the ponzi scheme and got rid of dividends, what's the next ponzimon?

>> No.5408427

how can he improve it when its already perfection?

>> No.5408468

Where do I get my free theremons from and how many can I get?
Could someone lend me some ETH/Gwei so I can get them? I wanna try it out.

At first I wanted to try out crypto kitties, but it's dead. I'd be losing ethereum breeding because I'd be stuck holding kitty bags nobody would buy.

>> No.5408479

Still this. Once trading and battling go live, the gen 0 will flood the markets and there will be a super class that people will buy up. Gen 1 will become aged by then too and worth more. This will create a whole ecosystem

>> No.5408535

Not lending you shit but i will help you. go to the site etheremon.com and click the mon you want to buy, make sure you have metamask set up.. and press confirm in the extension.. track the progress via etherscan and soon youll have a mon'

>> No.5408564

Not even worth wasting the gas to buy these, they'll come up with some bullshit ad make them unusable like "we haven't rolled out the next update so we're going to add these as gen 0" or completely render them useless gainwise.
All of you saw what kind of bullshit they came up when the price of ethmn matched the catched one, or when the went from "Sumbit your design and get 0.3eth and the mon you designed" to "u get 0.2 eth, bye".
Don't waste the gas price,

>> No.5408590
File: 76 KB, 295x501, eeeeeeeeeeeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am the alpha and the omega 74 power eekape

thou shalt put no other eekapes above me, for no eekape above 74 power hast ever been seen

>> No.5408599

600k gas and 1 gwei.

Got 1 after 30 mins trasnaction

>> No.5408616


>> No.5408618

Having played dozens of freemium games, I know that a tiny percentage (<2% usually) are actually willing to spend more than $20 on transactions of a game, even if those purchases give you godly power.

Unless these new features give payouts in some way or generate returns with those who own Gen 0, I see a market that's supersaturated with Gen 0 because of the egg mechanic.

>> No.5408637


>> No.5408658


I think I took a wrong turn, sir.

>> No.5408702

This shit is a pyramid scheme with PokeMon skins. Like, how can a pyramid scheme be okay just because cute mons?

Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy?

>> No.5408718
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*teleports behind you*
heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.5408732

Learn to read

>> No.5408749

For the "free" Gen 1s, I would not purchase more than one of each. Inflating your mon collection causes raises transaction prices. These mons are worthless starters for f2p players. You're only hurting yourself buy holding these worthless Gen 1s.
Think starter mons/characters in mobage -- If the gameplay becomes fully developed, they'll be disposable for anyone that puts any amount of time or money into the game.

>> No.5408777

prob the bags im least upset to be holding at this point.

whats the best way to handle mon-gains on taxes at this point?

>> No.5408782
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>dav has taken every possible precaution to not have a pyramid scheme
>people still call it one

>> No.5408799

Yeah but those games where not on the blockchain. If the dev implements a clever and fun way to do battling, trading and breeding I see ppl flocking to the game to gamble. Think Cryptokitties 2.0.

Will it work out? Maybe not, but for me it's worth the 3 gwei to get the 3 free ones. But hey, up to you on what you place your bets.

>> No.5408801

>because of the egg mechanic
The 'egg mechanic' doesn't even add 50% more to the overall Gen 0 purchases. Eggs are being given out to people who didn't get a return on their initial investment, but you can bet your ass you're not going to be able to breed these incredibly rare ('legendary', in the devs' words) mons.

There will always only be a limited number of Gen 0. Give it a year and literally any one of us could try to sell our shit and we'd be the only one selling it at the time, so we make bank.

>> No.5408812

I can read. I can also comprehend.

>> No.5408856

I think the probability of this game being relevant a year from now are extremely low. Just wait until next month. You will see dozens of games like this, some with much faster and competent development

>> No.5408867

Then you'd know that this isn't a ponzi anymore and the dev is actually developing a game

>> No.5408961

No man, developing a game doesn't mean it's not a ponzi. It just means it's a ponzi with game mechanics.

Facts are you pay money for mons, then try to convince others to do the same, then make money every time someone buys a mon. Taht's how a ponzi works.

Concerning the game, it's a game where your power is based on what mons you own and you can spend irl money for mons. That makes the game p2w. That's 2 evils: ponzi and p2w games. That's worse than EA.

>> No.5409007

it's definitely p2w. not a ponzi.

that being said, i have one of the things people need to pay to have to win, thus i support this structure 100%

>> No.5409026

67 power tho

i still haven't even seen another 74 power eekape. closest was 73

>> No.5409085

How is something where you buy a seat that entitles you to make money when the next guy buys a seat not a ponzi scheme? That's exactly how a ponzi scheme works!

I'm seriously asking here, how can something that fulfills all the conceptual qualities of a ponzi scheme, that behaves in the expected way that a ponzi scheme would behave, and can be expected to have the same outcome that a ponzi scheme would, not be known as a ponzi scheme? How?

>> No.5409124

Because that's now how it's structured anymore. It was definitely structured as one before. Now it's just... the people who bought the early ones are the distributors in a p2w structured game. Which is dope, I'll take any free income from that 100%

>> No.5409133

That's like the middle east trying to educate their muslims to stop raping and acting like primitive psychopathic chimps.

>> No.5409139

First, that's a pyramid scheme, not a ponzi. Ponzi implies if everyone left, the entire scheme would fail - in this case, you still keep something behind, and people could still buy in.

Second, it's not working like that anymore. That was just Gen 0 shit.

>> No.5409145

We're basically EA now to this games battlefront. Idgaf, someone will pay for this shit wanting to win in a shitty ethereum version of pokemon, and i will sell it. That's all there is to it. get more mad

>> No.5409268

I'm not mad. Just confused as hell. I don't get it.

Okay, going through, it looks like you no longer make money when somebody buys a new mon. Is that true? If that's true I guess I can agree that it's not a ponzi scheme anymore.

>> No.5409291

How long till the free mons become unavailable? Paying 600$ for even 1 mon is insane. I'm not swedish to be earning 10k a month from doing nothing.

>> No.5409314

Me either but i don't get cryptokitties either and those things were like winning the lottery for some people. So i bought one of these stupid things like another ticket

>> No.5409360

The only thing i regret is not converting all my alts to ethereum and buying as many of these retarded things as i could the first day when I saw. Everything was at like 50 catches, i would have made bank. Still made 3x on the one I bought. Trust me i was shaking my head every time someone bought one after it got to like .4eth to purchase

>> No.5409752

these wont be available for ever tho, so i bought the ones that had an acester DNA match 2 my two that i bought gen - 0 so if anyone wants to get a giant bird thing u gonna have 2 buy my cesstoid

>> No.5410209

the day this becomes playable, i will take refuge in on days like today where the market is down.

feels /comfy/ brahs

>> No.5410637

how does this shit even work

I sent 0 eth for the "free" one, didnt change gas price or whatever.. the trasnaction took 5 hours eventually went through but I don't see any transfer of pokemons or whatever the fuck into myetherwallet

paid like 5 bucks for the transfer, and got nothing? this shit is a scam

>> No.5410737

How about you read the instructions before you blindly buy something you absolutely retarded retard

>> No.5410763

seriously man?

what the fuck kind of morons post on this board

>> No.5410790
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>> No.5410811

hes also the best designer

>> No.5410889

You all need to read, etheremon is not a ponzi, or an exit scam.

Gen 1s will be infinite supply.
Gen 0s are no longer found, only hatched.

Trading goes live Jan 1. Hatching too

Battles yet to come.

Reddit/r/etheremon has a guy named similarly to satoshinakamoto who is a member of the dev team and responds very frequently.

If this helped feel free to tip eth for my mons'

Ps. the blogs on the official site are very solid to help you through buying

>> No.5410911

And they can only be hatched a few times. There will only be a max of like.. 1000-1200 of each gen 0