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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54084017 No.54084017 [Reply] [Original]

Why is BTC not crashing right now?

>> No.54084025

because nothing is happening

>> No.54084033

Because it is already worthless

>> No.54084062
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>why would the very thing built to dismantle central banking not crash when central banking utterly, helplessly crumbles?

>> No.54084068

Money printer going brrrrrrr again.
Learn to play the market, don't fight the fed kiddo.

>> No.54084120

Btc pumped from under a dollar to 60 thousand fucking usd while central banks around the world were orgasming. Btc destroying central banking has been an ancap pipe dream since we hit one dollar.

>> No.54084412

Bitcoiners still sleeping

>> No.54084561

Things have gotten so bad that people are fleeing banks in any way possible.

>> No.54084636

It's about to become reality

>> No.54084695

You don't get it, do you?
This is the end of central banks.
BTC is the new reserve currency

check my digits

>> No.54084706

Premature take, but inevitable.

>> No.54084717

it's starting to dumb, enjoy the ride

>> No.54084736

Bailed. Out. Back to work.

>> No.54084746

gongo up

>> No.54084750

You're all absolute fucking retards. How have you not noticed that all your gay ass ecurrency reacts to the market the same way as the regular fucking market.

The banks have you by the balls. All the banks fuckin tanked last week and bitcoin tanked. Sunday the federal reserve says "oh we're gonna actually bail out all the banks" market goes back up, bitcoin goes back up.


>> No.54084770

Probably people moving their money into crypto thinking that its safer than the banks

Oh how wrong they will be

>> No.54084924

Really? I've held Bitcoin for almost 10 years and let me tell you, it's not correlated.

>> No.54084966

You will seethe very hard soon. And it's 100% your own fault.

>> No.54085151
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It's absolutely fucking correlated. When all the offload exchanges are actual banks and those banks are failing you're going to see the same run on bitcoin as you have everything else.

Good luck with your shit when you can't offload it for actual money. The day coinbase stops letting you exchange your Chuckie Cheese tokens for the Feds monopoly money bitcoin is going to like 4k

>> No.54085204
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haircomb liquidity stacks provide excellent lose protection

>> No.54085209

Bank run panic is creating a short term flight to alternative currencies. It wont last because too much crypto is backed up by debt.

This is the kind of exit pump speculated about in dollar crash theories. Smart money will sell this pump and dumb money will claim "we're back"

>> No.54085245

Because that’s the point of BTC sweetie
To replace (((central bank fiat currencies)))

>> No.54085253

This is situations that Bitcoin was designed for

>> No.54085340

>Actual money

Making it more difficult to buy will only increase it's value, retard.

>> No.54085424


Are you out of your fucking mind? If you can't offload it for fiat it's worthless. "Yeah I can't access my bank account this just makes it worth more money." ok dude

>> No.54085608

Why so many retards on this board?
So let me ask why would the government make it difficult to acquire Bitcoin? What would be their reason?
Btw, I can always access my Bitcoin and in fact I sold a car a couple of months ago in Bitcoin. Fiat not needed.

>> No.54085813

Oh I forgot you morons are still operating under the delusion of complete fiat collapse where bitcoin will be used as an actual real currency on a daily basis. I'm sure everyone will just pull their phones out and use metamask when all the banks fail and you'll be super rich because you had 5k in Ethereum.

>> No.54085833

Why did the cartel need their car back?

>> No.54085861

Ironically, I bought a house from a boomer back in 2015 with the gains I made from Bitcoin. Had that boomer accepted Bitcoin and held onto to it, he would've made alot more money off the deal.

>> No.54086313

because when stocks and banks are in disarray the only play is gold or BTC