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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 1024x576, Yellen-Powell-AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54081107 No.54081107 [Reply] [Original]

>we need people to lose money to bring down inflation
>*rich people in Silicon Valley lose money*
>we need YOU PEOPLE to lose money!

>> No.54081116

Based that they are going after Silicon Valley rich fags instead of retail

>> No.54081128

They are bailing out Silicon Valley at your expense retard.

>> No.54081136

Yellen has a punchable face. I just have the urge to make her face completely deformed and unidentifiable.

Financially speaking, I think the whole situation with Silicon Valley Bank is quite financially interesting.

>> No.54081155

This. The left prints cash out of thin air and then mocks the right for being “poor and stupid”, goes bankrupt anyways, and then the terrorist in chief bails them out.

>> No.54081161

Unidentifiable Crying Yellen

>> No.54081165

The people who held money at the bank will get 100% back. Banker jews themselves and people who invested in the bank are getting FUCKED
This is the perfect scenario of how /biz/ has always wanted it to be

>> No.54081177

>muh left vs right false dialectic
Kill yourself or go back to /pol/ dumb retard tourist.

>> No.54081190

But yellen said inflation is transitory and that taxpayers wouldn't pay for the bank bailout

>> No.54081200

DeSantis said that

>> No.54081203
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Yes and?

>> No.54081206

<--- He's right, you know.

This sort of behavior will break the bond market.
There will be no reason to buy any short term, since I can always get a better rate any time I say I need more.
Obviously this will also then compete with equity and lending, since why would we put more risk when we can just bet on middling value bonds.

>> No.54081220

>nooooo, you can’t just criticize this administration, the bank failures are transitory

>> No.54081223

>taxpayers wouldn't pay for the bank bailout
Politician double speak.

They said it would be paid for by a tax on the whole banking industry, so all bank account holders will ultimately pay to bail out Silicon Valley VCs.

>> No.54081227

>Cattle still thinks there's a difference between left and right government

>> No.54081245

You idiots are still stuck in 2017

>> No.54081249

go back

>> No.54081308
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>Yellen has a punchable face
Mmmmm. Indeed, indeed.

According to the article, the signature bank of new York is next on the list after coming under regulatory control on Sunday.

Biden has apparently created a "bank term funding program" that will insure tax payers don't bail them. Money from where, who the fuck knows at this point. I fink we all know, one way or another, you're paying.

>> No.54081354

You're just mad that a lefty president is going to bail out the kikes. Or are you still calling them "wallstreet"?

>> No.54081360

But its true the politicians pretend and laugh all the way to the bank with the tax payers money that the fed prints out of thin air.

The next ass hat comes along and tells everyone he is going to represent the LGBTQI transexual women and we have a bunch of protests cheering for the next clown.
Its all fake and gay.

>> No.54081369

There is literally nothing wrong with bailing kikes.

>> No.54081408
File: 28 KB, 380x250, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo we can't pay for student loan relief that's gommunism and it's unfair to everyone else who doesn't benefit from it
>*prints trillions to bail out banks and billionaires*
>*sends Zelensky a few more blank checks*

>> No.54081416

it's an unfortunate truth, taking money from rich people doesn't bring down inflation since they still have enough to consoom as before. taking it from poor people does bring down inflation, because they can't afford stuff anymore.

>> No.54081423

>DeSantis said that
this is not a desantis fan board you dumb nigger, we hate him too

>> No.54081434

I’m not in full disagreement with you, but the new right has done more to piss off the uniparty than the left has. Elect dogshit to foil their plans.

>> No.54081443
File: 528 KB, 817x725, 1671122257659204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is anti-semitic. I'll be reporting it to the proper authorities

>> No.54081464

Heh based and farm pilled

>> No.54081468

Did Yellen attend the Jim Coomer school of economics?

>> No.54082898

>The left prints cash out of thin air and then mocks the right for being “poor and stupid”, goes bankrupt anyways, and then the terrorist in chief bails them out.
What the heck diddly heck! Democrats propping up their big banker silicon Valley Street friends. I think imma gonna puke.

>> No.54082924


>> No.54083104
File: 1.21 MB, 444x250, democracy-palpatine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You have no idea how bad things really are if you think you can vote yourself out of the shit hole that has been created for you.

>> No.54083248

she could still croak before the plunge and be technically correct

>> No.54083251

They have less money to spend on higher cost things, it all effects pricing. If David Israel can't afford his 5th maldives holiday of the year it has a downstream impact.

>> No.54083414

>inflation caused by corporate greed
>Workers need too lose money so it stops
stupidest thing I've ever heard. maybe they should just decrease the corporate elites paycheck and these companies would have no problem handling a bit of increased costs

>> No.54084177

Please stop. My dick can only get so erect.

>> No.54084470
File: 42 KB, 888x888, 49363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfathomabley based

>> No.54084562

Boomer retard

>> No.54084606

leftism doesn't exist in america

>> No.54084692

Imagine thinking blm and antifa aren't leftist/jewish/communists.

>> No.54084845

Don't forget all the PPP loans they forgave

>> No.54084882

god I hate these boomers so much

>> No.54084922

>The people who held money at the bank will get 100%
They should only get up to 250k. Are they giving bailouts that exceed this? FDIC insurance is only suppose to cover up to 250k.

>> No.54084985

its pretty tired. the actions they can take arent enough and they were retarded to have gone this far as it stands. macro economic retardation like this is usually what predates wars because of poorly mismanaged funds and shortsighted agendas.

>> No.54085001

You can't be this retarded
This is a bail out, except they're not calling it a bail out
They let them play their woke game with your money, they lost it, and now you're going to fill up their coffer so they can play the casino again. For free.
The state stepping in and nationalizing everything, plus the death penalty for everyone involved all the way down to middle management.
I don't see any of that happening. I see the FED once again stepping in and socializing losses. Wake me up when jew heads start rolling - oh wait, that's never gonna happen

>> No.54085009

>The left prints cash out of thin air
Did you miss the last year of the Trump admin?

>> No.54085043

Everyone is now getting 100% of their shit back regardless of how much they had in the bank, courtesy of the FDIC

>> No.54085050

>tourist calling others tourists
You can't be serious, nigger! You've got larp written all over you and you've been going at this for months, and the embarrassing thing is that when you're BTFO'd in each thread that you shit up, you move on to the next pretending nothing ever happened so that inflated brainlet ego isn't hurt. Tell us then, faggot, when did you start shitting up /biz/? Eth ICO? Defi summer? Enlighten, cocksuck!

>> No.54085056

over 90% of PPP loans were forgiven. Beautiful boater franchisees are welfare queens

>> No.54085099

kill yourself, shill

>> No.54085147
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you miss last year of Trump?
This is why bizfaggots are pathetic. Between Jan 2021 and Jan 2022 the money supply went from $6 trillion to $22 trillion. Who was president during those dates niggerfaggot?

You and every other biztard fall for kike chyrons without realizing it really is Dems you voted for that printed more in one year than last five presidents combined. You are doomed to repeat your mistakes which isn't really surprising for the retarded losers that post here

>> No.54085156

PPP is the most insane shit to me, why would the government implement a program that literally incentivizes defrauding the government?
>ib4 unemployment insurance

>> No.54085197

>why would trump suck off his small business voter/donor base?
gee anon itll be a mystery forever

>> No.54085236

Who do you think dropped the 1% liquidity requirements on bank?

>> No.54085279
File: 378 KB, 1859x560, 1678678324606505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the point: fuck the jews and jeets making out at our expense, etc. But... is this not true? I've been thinking about this. If poor people have money they spend it on cars, nike trainers, more goyslop, etc. They consume more and more. Very inflationary. If rich people have money they invest it, OR spend it on luxury goods, which (as far as I can tell) don't impinge the market for non-luxury goods.

Think: 1,000 pairs of Nike trainers vs a luxury handbag. 10,000 Ford F150s vs a yacht. In terms of both the markets they address AND the raw materials, energy, workers, transport, etc they involve, it seems as if one is far more inflationary than the other despite equivalent monetary value, no?

>> No.54085287
File: 195 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230313-090906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Between Jan 2021 and Jan 2022 the money supply went from $6 trillion to $22 trillion

Imagine sperging out this autistic screed instead of taking two minutes to make sure you had your dates right.

>> No.54085329


>> No.54085369

Partisans do not care about facts. They beleive what they feel is correct

>> No.54085384

tbf she looks like she could die tomorrow

>> No.54085390

>They should only get up to 250k. Are they giving bailouts that exceed this? FDIC insurance is only suppose to cover up to 250k.
fdic set the rules. the 250k limit is now unlimited

>> No.54085583


magatards have the memory capacity of a dementia patient. dont even bother engaging them except to make money off their retardation.

>> No.54085660

...it was under Trump we got the most bailout money.

>> No.54085708
File: 844 KB, 1242x920, E48F743B-70F2-4805-93AA-1196C81D37CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54085989

>Our Lifetimes
lol. lmao even

>> No.54087094

I think it's more that companies in the only sector of the American economy growing have their money frozen. It's not people losing money due to bad decisions it's bussiness unable to access money they already own.

>> No.54088783
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>Government puts customers on house arrest
>Business can't make money anymore
>Government offers "loans" so that employees can get paid instead of applying for welfare
You're dumb niggers comparing apples to oranges. And it's not "forgiveness" when there's stipulations for it being free to begin with.