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54080841 No.54080841 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54080853

It's called lying

>> No.54080862
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Because all the capital is flowing offshore to them. Know why? Because they're communists. They centrally plan their economy and they don't literally burn their own society down just to keep billionaires a little bit more flush.

They're also not dependent on the rest of the world to produce the things they need, meaning they have no issues with inflation.

Murica's free markets mean we need to import everything from somewhere else. So when there's a problem with the global supply chain like, say, a war in ukraine, it means we face giant inflation.

No inflation in China right now. None. None other than the normal 2%. They're all good

>> No.54080868

The same reason they paint their grass green

>> No.54080874

China aint "lying" guy. You fail to understand that what's at the true heart of our economic troubles in the US today is a collapse of capitalism in the face of eastern communism rising to become indisputably the biggest economy in the world. And if you think "USA is actually the biggest because it's ahead by GDP" you should look into the USAs status as the world's biggest tax haven and how that artificially inflates it's GDP

>> No.54080879

>theyre also not dependent on the rest of the world to produce the things they need
this is the exact opposite of the truth, they are very dependent on the world for resources

>> No.54080887

>China aint "lying" guy. You fail to understand that what's at the true heart of our economic troubles in the US today is a collapse of capitalism in the face of eastern communism rising to become indisputably the biggest economy in the world. And if you think "USA is actually the biggest because it's ahead by GDP" you should look into the USAs status as the world's biggest tax haven and how that artificially inflates it's GDP
PS no one in the entire world is as far right and capitalist and corrupt as the US. Nobody in the world worships the wealthy and "free markets" (which are just corruption to help the wealthy) the way that we do. And that system is failing hard and that's the central cause of everything happening with banks, high rates and inflation right now.

>> No.54080901
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OK tell yourself whatever lies you want. Pic related is just one random example of their production dominance

>> No.54080904

hahahahahahahahahah so confidently wrong

>> No.54080930

They make things of actual use.

Crazy, I know right.

>> No.54080952

They had 1% YoY inflation in China as per their CPI data released just a couple days ago. You idiots saying "I'm wrong" are the typical clueless, uneducated /pol/ack 4channers. You morons just get your head's cooked by foxnews propaganda. Everything you think is fake and insane. "Le Biden cause le inflation with le money printing! And le spending!" and other stupidities. You're idiots

>> No.54080978
File: 66 KB, 1412x678, yuan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes bro, and Russia will win the SMO in just two more weeks!

>> No.54080979

1% CPI. While the rest of the world fucking burns in a sea of inflation due to the breakdown of the global supply chain due to the war in Ukraine. Because nobody else centrally plans their economy and just makes the shit they need whenever they need it. Only China. Only communists.

In murica, there needs to be a free market incentive for someone to produce shit here. Which never exists. Ever. Because "free markets" are just fake corrupt shit that rightwingers say to help support the wealthy. And con uneducated trailerpark idiots into supporting the wealthy

>> No.54080981

>"Le Biden cause le inflation with le money printing! And le spending!" and other stupidities
He won't even remember if you suchkle his k'yack

>> No.54081001

Changs have been doing massive QE for the past month. The question you should be asking is why have they been red so often

>> No.54081030

Clearly you do not have a concrete understanding of neither forex markets, nor inflation. Clearly you're a typical moronic rightwinger who believes "le inflation data is a measure of the value of our money!" when that's not at all what it is. None of you on this site even understand basic shit about the global economy or investing or medicine, or history, or virology, or climatology, or political science, or ANY of the litany of endless issues you pretend to "know better than the scientists and the experts!" on and that's the freakiest part of you all.

>> No.54081041

>Tomato Producers

>> No.54081058

>throws around a bunch of baseless conclusions about others while being completely wrong himself
Hi 4chan

>> No.54081069

China's indices are one of the worst performing indices last 10 years. Even the most boomer and retard proof index like DAX outperforms it like crazy.
So, we have crazy volatility, unreliability, and bad performance for China vs. any other index, all of which are characterized by better gains at the same time as they are retard proof.
You would have to be a masochistic fool to invest in China

>> No.54081089

LMAO this leftypol midwit sperg is unhinged, look at that volume of pseud babble lmao.
China is fucked.

>> No.54081091

you are a pathetic ideologically, economically, and philosophically illiterate midwit

China isn't communist, hasn't been for ages, you stupid niggercattle peddling the most retardedly inaccurate version of the capitalist-communist dichotomy I've seen on here in ages
>calling others /pol/tards when he has the most /pol/tard opinion of Chinese politics
lmaoing @ u rn fr

>> No.54081115

Seething assmad chinkoid lmao. Don't get plastic beads in your rice.

>> No.54081141

China is a 1 party communist state, dude. Nobody takes you retards on the right who think "The USA isn't capitalism and the China isn't communism" seriously. You don't even know what those words mean. Especially none of you even know what "communism" means. You think it's about "government making you share" or "you're not allowed to own property" and other retarded things you were brainwashed with based on 4chan memes

>> No.54081158

Go ahead gentlemen, tell me how you unironically think inflation is a measure of the value of our money. Stupid ass rightwing fucks. 100% can guarantee you're both brokeass too
It's food production. A very important measure of an economy's productiveness

>> No.54081168

usd brrrrr increases industrial demand, but also will inflate commodities, but meanwhile they go up.

>> No.54081179

LMAO you're such a lolcow. you sound like some dim bimbo tween girl talking about how fox news doesn't understand lyk how lyk deep and complex lyk akchual communism is
>leftist pretending he understands marxism and projecting that he hasn't actually read it onto others
nothing new here.

>> No.54081181

>China green
>Russia green
Ameribros… I’m not feeling that good

>> No.54081194

OK cool. Well I'm a rich and sedentary dim bimbo tween girl then. While you're a bunch of poor, suffering wagie maggots who openly vote for their own slavery with the republican party (which yes, all of you, as nazis, absolutely are)

>> No.54081205

chinky mad

>> No.54081211
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>You fail to understand that what's at the true heart of our economic troubles in the US today is a collapse of capitalism in the face of eastern communism rising to become indisputably the biggest economy in the world

>> No.54081225

Dont worry, this nigga can help you join the SMO

>> No.54081236

I'm a straight white man, not that I think that should matter. I'm just educated and intelligent and not a retarded like all of you. I just don't share your delusions on this board, which you have all brainwashed yourself with as a cult that's disconnected from reality. Because you're in an echo chamber so when you make moronic claims like "LE BIDEN CAUSE LE INFLATION WITH LE SOCIAL PROGRAM!" or "LE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPEN AND LE NAZIS ARE SOCIALISTS!" or "AMERICA ISN'T REAL CAPITALISM!" you don't have anyone from the real world showing up and showing you how stupid you sound. But I'm from the real world. I am the real world knocking at your door so tough shit and deal with it. Deal with it in your pathetic little filthy trailers.

>> No.54081256

>It's food production. A very important measure of an economy's productiveness
LMAO this guy has me making fucking hyena noises. psst you can just look up total agricultural production. but china is entirely reliant on exports to maintain its food production, it's one of the agriculturally fragile countries in the world. if someone threw a shooting war in the indian or chinese ocean china would descend into famines and mad max. China is one of the most vulnerable and fragile countries in the world reliant on secure global trade, without it then it would quickly cease to exist, china is only ever held together by iron fist of the militarists.

the real problem with china is that industrialisation is a huge boom, but you can only do it ONCE. China fucked it and they've come out of the other side with no skills, no valuable industries, no high tech, and no fucking babies lol. it's the fastest ageing and dying country in the world. They're demographically fucked, they have no real skilled labour, they make basic bitch products, and they don't exist without the global system as maintained and paid for by the west, which the west is losing interest in maintaining.

>> No.54081270

Bro you are fucking assblasted I dont have have any of those opinions lol

>> No.54081278

lol you're such a seething lolcow. come on, we all know you're really projecting now. I'm quite comfortable, need not work another day in my life. Own some nice properties, I'd wager that I've paid more Stamp Duty and CGT in the last few years than you have earnt in your life.

>> No.54081295
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>> No.54081301

Half truths, like all rightwing propaganda is. Lies by omission. Reality is that China feeds 20% of the entire world with their agricultural production, despite not having anywhere near 20% of the world's arable land, that's for sure. Your understanding of China's import export situation is grossly oversimplified in the way rightwingers like to oversimplify things to sell idiotic rightwing narratives to uneducated trailerpark subhumans in red states.

>> No.54081315

China lowers interest rates while the rest of the world has to fight "inflation". Also keep in mind that COFCO Meat stores a two years grain supply in their harbour storage units. Shit will hit the fan soon.

>> No.54081479

>Reality is that China feeds 20% of the entire world with their agricultural production
lmao your argument is appealing to your own simplistic understanding which is the opposite of the reality of the situation. the 'reality of the situation'; what actually matters and defines it, is the likes of how labour intensive it is, what inputs does it use? where do they get those inputs? how secure are those inputs? what amount of consumption is imported? something like a fifth of china's consumption is imported iirc, meanwhile u.s.a exports around a third of its production. the agricultural powers of the world are brazil, australia, north america, russia etc.
>uneducated trailerpark subhumans in red states.
I quite like my trailer, currently having the skylights above re-fitted which is a big job as it's at the top of a 20 foot ceiling above a beautiful staircase, it's lovely trailer built in 1860s part of a neighbourhood of grand old townhouse trailers near the beach, but unique as the area was designed by an italian architect so it's a sort of mix of mediterranean granduer with victorian. i like old trailers but they can be a real pain with the maintenance costs, i have another trailer built in 1830 that's also going to have an expense conerning windows, the problem with these grade listed buildings is that many things you can't bring up to modern standards, such as windows, and this other trailer i own has these beautiful floor to ceiling original bow windows but they need refurbishing and that's going to cost a bomb as need to get skilled carpenter to do it and handcraft some parts which have rotted, going to cost above 5 figures.

>> No.54081525

And whatever happened to that Evergrande fiasco? And those ghost cities? Did China find a solution or are they just managing to hide it from us?

>> No.54081610

They really dont have enough land or water to be self sustaining. They use a lot of land to grow some slightly valuable produce, export it, then use the money to import an abundance of cheaper stuff. Your initial point of
>theyre also not dependent on the rest of the world to produce the things they need
was profoundly stupid because they would starve trying to live off of the tomatoes they normally export

>> No.54081720

China thought that once they became a economic powerhouse everyone would want to move there the same way that people flock to the united states. So a lot Chinese boomers are bagholding the 'ghost cities' and other developments. The situation will largly remain the same until chinese boomers die and their inheritors sell the RE for pennies on the dollar because it didnt cost them anything anyway

>> No.54081749

>because it didnt cost them anything anyway
Yeah only their generational wealth, tied up into rotting empty real estate.

>> No.54081768

Also a large chunk of the RE will be given to the loan originators who will probably cut their losses and sell it off to the CCP for whatever they can get

>> No.54081841

A lot of people just like the fast cash. Many people who inherit their parents' property in the US sell it off quick with few contingencies even if they dont get market value.

>> No.54081871

Can you idiots stop forcing everything in a left vs. right frame it shows your low iq. Succesful people play both sides of the aisle and tards pick a side then bleed for it. Stop being tards.

>> No.54082599

They won the covid wars.
Prepare for the take over 4"CHAN"er

>> No.54082619

This is a level-10 midwit. Be cautious it will drive you insane.

>> No.54082629

>they are very dependent on the world for resources
yeah to produce value-added goods that modern civilizations depend on. while the west undermines its present and future with green initiatives, china will build 180 5th gen nuclear reactors with innovative thorium LFTR to boot.

>> No.54082983

That shit with the commie spastic was fucking hilarious, for the past few hours I keep thinking back to it and laughing. I was walking to the shop and I kept almost laughing like a retard and worried someone saw me pulling weird faces and laughing to myself. I have to come back to it

>I'm a straight white man, not that I think that should matter. I'm just educated and intelligent and not a retarded like all of you. I just don't share your delusions on this board, which you have all brainwashed yourself with as a cult that's disconnected from reality. Because you're in an echo chamber so when you make moronic claims like "LE BIDEN CAUSE LE INFLATION WITH LE SOCIAL PROGRAM!" or "LE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPEN AND LE NAZIS ARE SOCIALISTS!" or "AMERICA ISN'T REAL CAPITALISM!" you don't have anyone from the real world showing up and showing you how stupid you sound. But I'm from the real world. I am the real world knocking at your door so tough shit and deal with it. Deal with it in your pathetic little filthy trailers.
I have to commit this shit to memory it's so cringe, it's like parody - IS IT parody? I duno.
>you don't have anyone from the real world showing up and showing you how stupid you sound. But I'm from the real world. I am the real world knocking at your door so tough shit and deal with it. Deal with it in your pathetic little filthy trailers.
you can't make this shit up, this is peak spotty greasy dumb cunt edgtster commie. Reading it one can almost hear a middle class mother cooing that dinner is ready. I was out in public and I it came to mind I had to keep stopping myself from laughing.

>> No.54083008

because in reality China is much more powerful and wealthier than the US

>> No.54083009



kek, China has been buying up U.S. companies for nearly 1 decade.


> And those ghost cities?

Do you think this isn't happening in the U.S.?

U.S. scammers have been doing it for decades. Plenty of newly constructed; empty office buildings all over the U.S.

>> No.54083033

>U.S. scammers have been doing it for decades. Plenty of newly constructed; empty office buildings all over the U.S.

empty offices and shops all over the UK too

>> No.54083040

Why would chinks care about american banks?

>> No.54083041

No one has told them they are supposed to be red yet. Unironically that's it.

>> No.54083049

lmao retard
they live on making a consoomer garbage, they sell to the US
If US is down, no one will buy their goods
So China will collapse afterwards

>> No.54083059


>> No.54083060

and that's called coping

>> No.54083081
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like the americans?

>> No.54083122
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muh evergrande was a nothing burger and muh ghost cities was also just westcuck tabloids clickbaiting, china builds urban areas and then gradually people from rural areas move in, there's no autistic muh real estate bubble scam conspiracy about it

>> No.54083123

>Italy only #4
Mama mía, pastabros… first they steal our noodles now this???

>> No.54083135
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>> No.54083151


Yup, it's basically a rug pull.

Investors pump a project, the project owners build something.

> Foxconn in Wisconsin


The promise of 13,000 tech jobs... turned into a warehouse for rent.

> Under a deal with the state of Wisconsin announced on Tuesday, Foxconn will reduce its planned investment to $672 million from $10 billion and cut the number of new jobs to 1,454 from 13,000

>> No.54083218


It was mega FUD last decade to discourage U.S. citizens from investing into China's market.

I remember seeing it all through 2005 to 2018.

> China bad, stay away.

Yet their economy was booming with returns way beyond what the U.S. stock market could yield.

>> No.54083324
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it is somewhat suspicious that western media is constantly spammed with retarded clickbait garbage about china and how it's gonna collapse any day now, but then all the rich american politicians and businessmen, including trump, constantly invest in china, ivanka's brands are all invested in china, it's almost like they want the stupid plebs to stay away and not compete with them

>> No.54083478

What the fuck is this entire shitshow of a thread?
Chinese markets closed at today's local high, that's why they're still green

>> No.54083485


That's all it is... massive FUD, to keep the plebs investing in U.S. companies and out of the Chinese market.

15 years ago, just imagine investing into a chinese stock valued at 2 U.S pennies and it pumps a 20x over a few months or year.

That's what was going on, and it still is.

>> No.54083838 [DELETED] 

China is one of the worst regions in the world for population to food production.

>> No.54084234

Holy shit cope.
China lied about COVID numbers. While the US was at 200,000 deaths they were still claiming only 20,000 infections.

The crazy part is they actually want people thinking theyre lying because the real truth is they have no idea what's going on.

Lying is part of Chinese culture. The only reason they make it in the top 25 student test scores each year is because they cherry pick a few developed cities on their coast and do not report scores for 90% of their country.

They allow foreign companies in, steal everything, create generic knock offs and run the original company out of business.

China is in a bad spot now. They've pissed off the world, the world is slowly pulling out, and there isn't shit they can do about it. It's just an empire falling.

>> No.54084378

>China is in a bad spot now. They've pissed off the world, the world is slowly pulling out, and there isn't shit they can do about it. It's just an empire falling.
Lmao. Which "world" pray tell us ? China just fucking brokered a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran lmfao. They're taking over US areas of influence and there's nothing mutts can do about it.
I'm euro, and would have loved a US dominated world because you're euro descendants for the most part. But seeing how every policy you've pushed has been about undermining people of euro heritage and bringing degenerate trends here, fuck you seriously. Chink overlords can only be a step up compared to what the US have been doing for the last 20-30 years.

>> No.54084404

So much this. China's belt and road is failing across the board, the infrastructure they're developing in third world countries is often times condemned as unusable almost immediately. What do you really expect these countries to do when they're in debt to China with unusable infrastructure?

Between a failed belt and road, and a failed domestic policy (massive failures of city scale construction operations, provincial pork barrel, and individual banking restrictions), China is a fucking clown show.

>> No.54084464

>Brokered a peace deal
Lol no, they sucked the Saudis dick so they could get a small share of reverse payments on oil in yuan.

Keep your fairy tale bullshit out of the news

>> No.54084509
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>If I bury my head in sand it's not happening!

>> No.54084569

You would turn down citizenship in China if it meant revoking your current citizenship.

>> No.54084683

I live in Europe. I wouldn't move to any other country in the world under any circumstances, this is already heaven.
This also has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. We're talking about economic trends of countries, not how comfy womfy they are.
I earn a lot more in Germany than I would in Spain and our economy is a lot stronger than Spain's, yet Spain has the best standard or living by far.

>> No.54084840
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Because 4chan is retarded...

>> No.54085339

>Pajeet overoptimism : the post
Pajeets are delusional. They're dumb niggers that will never make it out or poverty like China already did for 40-60% of its population.
The only think India will manage is breaking up into smaller states in a few decades. It's a banana republic larping as a country that's too big for its own good.

>> No.54085823
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Pretty much this.

>> No.54086415

It's called hoarding precious metals and Commodities, not over inflated unpacked assets