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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54077138 No.54077138 [Reply] [Original]

The fed is going to continue to raise interest rates. Which will make credit card payments, mortgages, car loans, etc more expensive for us goyim. While at the same time they are going to print money and buy treasuries from the banks for more than the bonds are actually worth(since bond values go down as interest rates increase)

They are literally going to make only the plebs feel any pain from thier efforts to crash the economy in order to slow inflation.

They just made public thier new system is intentionally designed to force the public to bail out the banks yet again, but this time the bail out is going to come from everyone paying more on thier credit cards than the treasury.

The general public is too fucking retarded to understand what is happening right now. This is the the biggest ass fucking of the average American in history. Way worse than 2008

>> No.54077223

Paying higher interest is to slow down inflation, that’s a good thing, stop trying to make it out to be some conspiracy theory

>> No.54077244

He means YOU will be paying higher interest rates you fucking nigger retard, kikes will get cheap loans from the Fed's teat

>> No.54077296

and that's a good thing. we all need to do our part no matter how insignificant to curb inflation you idiot

tell me why you hate money and why you are antiemetic

>> No.54077307

this might sound crazy but you can actually avoid getting into debt

>> No.54077328
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Frenchfag mentioned this in another thread

>> No.54077329

>goes to another thread and says everyone should take mortage to buy a house

>> No.54077348

what a reductionist comment. its that rates are hiked IN ADDITION TO a multi billion safety net for large VC depositors at specific banks where the average deposit is over 7 figures.

>> No.54077354

yeah I'll just rent for the rest of my fucking life

>> No.54077363
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You again?

>> No.54077379
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>Finance fag here
>they are going to print money
>They just made public thier new system is intentionally designed to force the public to bail out the banks yet again
>Way worse than 2008
God, the amount of fucking retards on here lately.
Each and every statement on there is false.

Kill yourself

>> No.54077381

apart from vc multi millionaires and billionaires r-right?
only poor people will pay but not the rich
privatize the financial gains, socialize the losses in the form of inflation for the plebs.
im convinced pro-establishment shills like urself are paid off by PR firms to make those inane, intellectually dishonest comments.

>> No.54077399

>no debt only assets
You are in the ~3% of the population the fed actually cares about

>> No.54077414

pro-establishment paid shills detected.
you have no heart, honesty or conviction.
im glad im not you.

>> No.54077459

The number of coping doomer fags here is actually hilarious.

>> No.54077484

it's a pretty good time to be debt-free. it won't stop the inevitable kikery from affecting me in some way, but at the very least i won't be paying (((interest))) during it

silver lining, the market crashes and i shovel as much as i can into tax-advantaged retirement accounts. i love this shit, in march 2020 i was making a guaranteed 25% on every single VTSAX purchase

>> No.54077531

inflation is based because it reduces the real value of my mortgage debt (which is fixed-rate)

>> No.54077555
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okay but this is why you shouldn't ever go into debt tho

>> No.54077568

My position is that I have: No debts + a small home + a flat that i let + around £50k cash in a safe. No money anywhere else really. Is my position bad for what's coming? Would /biz/ say I should move some of my wealth somewhere else?

>> No.54077574

I already maxed my IRA this year and changing my 401k deferrals taxes at least 1 month. Guess I'm just unable to buy this dip

>> No.54077610
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invest in guns and lots of ammo

>> No.54077686

same here. just make a sole proprietorship, get an EIN online, and start a solo 401k through vanguard small biz

>> No.54077688
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>strategizing retirement accounts amidst the collapse of western civilization

>> No.54077708

>catastrophizing in reaction to some jewish news articles about jewish moneylenders in a jewish vassal state

>> No.54077731

What is this? Mad Max? I'm in U.K so I could get a crossbow, or apply for firearms license and a .22 rifle, but apparently those don't do much.

>> No.54077748
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>doesn't realize (((retirement accounts))) are the most jewish scam on the face of the planet and thinks his money will still be there in 40 years.

>> No.54077824

>he thinks my entire net worth is in index funds

>> No.54077832

>we all need to do our part
>not even my fault SVBFuckers Collapse
KYS Stupid Sheeptard!!!

>> No.54077915

Just don't get an adjustable rate mortgage. That's mortgages 101 babby-tier knowledge; you should only get a fixed-rate mortgage, otherwise you get rekt in the long term.

>> No.54077928

You can’t even spell their correctly

>> No.54077929

See >>54077915

>> No.54077963
File: 36 KB, 686x576, 1475732436900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't a big deal why don't I remember multiple simultaneous bank failures in any other scenario except for a crash?

>> No.54077994

Yeah, we see what you jews are doing. We know you are bailing out the rich with the People's Money. We aren't stupid. Not again. One day you will pay for it. Day of the Rope.

>> No.54078008

DAY OF THE ROPE!! And it can't come fast enough!

>> No.54078016

It’s a good thing it will tame the housing market

>> No.54078023

Good lengths of rope will also be a valuable trade item.

>> No.54078030

Isnt it funny, that I knew you are the guy that always advocates for taking out mortgages
Yet here you are saying "not to go into debt" with your left side and saying the opposite with your right side
You asshole.

>> No.54078031

Cancerous houseniggers

>> No.54078050


>> No.54078070

Yes I can I just pasted this thread from /pol/>>54078050

>> No.54078089

You must not understand what I'm talking about. If you NEED to buy a house and for that you need a loan, then you should get a fixed-rate mortgage, because then your monthly cost to service the debt is constant in time. If you get an ARM, then it's not constant and you get fucked in the ass when the interest rate increases. If you don't need a house, then don't get into debt.

>> No.54078098

The housing market is destroying the white race, we need to let our kids buy their own house to raise their kids, this and cheap dairy. everything else is just senseless numbers

>> No.54078119

I mean to buy it just out of their labor

>> No.54078125

Sorry, mistook you for the other guy

>> No.54078134

.22 rifle is fine for hunting small game such as squirrel, I'd say get it if only to have fun plinking.
>mad max survival scenario in the UK
I dunno maybe get a baseball bat?

>> No.54078138

.22 would be nerve racking if you didn't have anything to return fire.

You would need a shield and strategy to advance on a target

>> No.54078212

I'd day go to the woods and wait out a couple months when it gets really bad. But you guys don't have those anymore

>> No.54078254

Down it all comes

>> No.54078429

I fucking love all of these Americans who think 30 year fixed rate mortgages are normal.

>> No.54078535

I know, we're spoiled (even though mortgages are still somewhat of a scam and it would be better if they didn't exist). I know up north in Canacuckland there are only ARMs, which sucks ass desu. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for Yuropoors.

>> No.54078544

It's the same literally everywhere in the world, and probably only exists in America because you faggots wouldn't know a free market if it slapped you in the face.

>> No.54078560

Watch this finance cartoon if you want understand what is currently happening: