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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 608x613, McKinseyMom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54075927 No.54075927 [Reply] [Original]

>Be MBA from Duke along with husband
>Both former McKinsey and made millions from consulting
>Husband is now C-Suite exec for large steel mill company
>Raise 10 mil series A no problem with connections + 5 mil venture loan
>Just a Mom from Ohio with blue collar husband works in manufacturing Kek!

Like this is what they do. And people just swallow it up don't they? This was the story of the SVB bankruptcy and its impact to just plain old normal people.

>> No.54076020

VCs have been orchestrating social media / youtube / podcast fud for 3 days to push for a bailout

>> No.54076024
File: 92 KB, 680x573, zesty_go_down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54076040

I was about to ask why she wouldn't be using Ashtabula Community Credit Union or whatever the fuck but now I'm laughing even harder. Good find. I hate women.

>> No.54076084

That cunt can go fuck herself.
She deserves 20 years in max security prison.

>> No.54076118

I hate people like this so much. They are well off because they have connections. This is the way the world works and it makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.54076150

>i can afford 4 kids
>i'm just like you

>> No.54076157

Not our problem. I’m pulling my money out

>> No.54076199

no bailout for the 1%

>> No.54076221

Some hardworking business owner didn't lose the money she put at a bank. That makes you sad, you fucking ghoul? Seethe more lmao.

>> No.54076251

Normies are so goddamn stupid. Why make longform blogposts on this piece of shit?

>> No.54076260

The powell put will payoff nicely, you were delusional to think the Fed will raise rates forever

>> No.54076267

Who gives a shit, this deposit protection costs the state nothing, because it's just buying the bonds back, and saves the state all the costs that would come with contagion.
How about you talk about the real news which is the fact this was an organized hit on crypto banks.

>> No.54076375

Her company’s “product,” is a bespoke to-do list app that costs $600/month

I am not making this up.

>> No.54076400

SVB has a 60 billion dollar hole between its deposits and the true value of its assets. That is what we are on the hook for.

>> No.54076420

can someone post it? sound extremely based

>> No.54076451
File: 521 KB, 1106x1012, 1661891136669839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drives a used honda odessey
>As opposed to... being behind the wheel of a brand new unused honda odessey...

>> No.54076508

>is real

Sgrongsuit app it says in the screenshot

>> No.54076533

I sure hope they're doing a little more than this behind the paywall for six hundred dollars per month:
Considering everything else she said is a lie I'm sure her used Honda Odyssey is really a 2018 Honda Odyssey she was the first owner of.

>> No.54076536

The first kid is only like 10k/yr and every additional one is maybe an extra 5k

>> No.54076555
File: 440 KB, 1080x2115, Screenshot_20230312_225556_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only $500/mo if you prepay a full year

>> No.54076561
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>> No.54076613

that's affordable if you're looking at a subsistence-level existence for the kids. unfortunately, i am white so my standards are a little higher than "just feed them goyslop and give them an ipad"

>> No.54076617


>> No.54076627

>I'm sure her used Honda Odyssey is really a 2018 Honda Odyssey she was the first owner of.
Yeah that's basically what I'm getting at
Probably has the fanciest version also

>> No.54076700

checked. it looks like i wasted money on that 4x3' whiteboard in my home office. leveraging the power of technology would boost my productivity for the mere price of $499.99 plus tip per month, vs. the virgin erasable marker surface that i got cucked into buying

>> No.54076705
File: 141 KB, 461x461, 3274AD5C-8350-4637-9D97-81BF6187151B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the war in the ukraine costs more than 3 bank failures so far
>the wars in iraq afghanistan etc cost more than 100 bank failures
God damn no wonder they’re speedrunning white genocide

>> No.54076716

>Odyssey Elite
>10-Speed Automatic

>> No.54076741

Oh so it's an outsourced personal assistant. Why can't they just say that? Why is being obnoxious a virtue to these people?

>> No.54076751

Goyslop is more expensive than making meals at home, retard

>> No.54076755

kek my goddamn filipina maid costs less than that

>> No.54076818

yeah but this could impact my brypto scams. We're all intertwined

>> No.54076840
File: 588 KB, 1079x1105, Screenshot_20230312-185453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drive a used Honda Odyssey
Technically if you are driving any car it's used

>> No.54076922

well you didn't refute my point about ipads as entertainment so i win and am the master of the internet

>> No.54076930

buzzwords convince people to invest in shit that doesn't create actual value


>> No.54076946

>he didn't have a cheap $400 desktop computer per kid for family LAN parties every weekend

>> No.54077074
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Well maybe if she behaved like a regular person with regular person words she could have gotten a regular business loan from a regular bank that isn't in FDIC receivership right now.

>> No.54077118

>tfw I live in Columbus and work for the Honda auto plant and her larp enrages me.

Might be fun to engage in some citizen journalism and debooooooooonk her in person on camera

>> No.54077490
File: 1.18 MB, 1736x1760, imjustlikeyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54077566

based researcher, also
>I AM Mrs. Nesbitt

>> No.54077569

If there's a credentialed human bean going through all of your shit and fixing it for you I can see California retards doing it. It's probably some "AI" nonsense that just spits nonsense google results at you though.

>> No.54077618

>she made 230k per year at mckinsey
Damn. Consultants slave for that? I already make more than her and i'm not even front office at my bank

>> No.54077650

If the cunt was honest that they aren't just an *ordinary family* like she larps about I'd be fine. Also to play devils advocate I'm guessing they debtmaxxed the fuck out of those duke MBA's because I'd peg them at upper class and not rich, but just because say 5-10% of people are above them doesn't change the fact that 90% are below

>> No.54077669

635k for a house split between two working professionals in their 40s is not that much

>> No.54077690

I suspect they're debtslaves

>> No.54077696

finance fags really need to be strung up

>> No.54077735

>Oh so it's an outsourced personal assistant. Why can't they just say that? Why is being obnoxious a virtue to these people?
Because they want to make it seem like they have a team of people working for you when in reality it's probably one person managing 100 other people

>> No.54077744

Her and her husband are elite prep school alumni. They don't have a single dollar of student loan debt.

>> No.54077761

Yeah, this bubble needs to pop LMAO

>> No.54077760

My sense is they want you to think it's AI because that's hot right now but it's just someone reading product and hotel reviews and giving you a list of the best recommendations.

>> No.54077762

their monthly mortgage payment is like 3k which is affordable if they can make 100k per year between them, which is easy to do in any medium-sized city in america and i suspect columbus is no different
i don't think your "research" is any kind of smoking gun but the house looks comfy

>> No.54077783
File: 343 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-03-12-22-59-06-46_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54077833

>team of 15 start up
She should have no issues at all paying those 15 employees with the $250,000 insured from FDIC while SVB assets are sold off and the rest of her deposit is given back.

Also this should be a learning less for her to not be a retard and put everything in one bank beyond 250k if you desperately need it to survive a full year.

>> No.54077834

>Think of the hard working parents
>(that we were screwing this whole time before you noticed)
Burn it all down.

>> No.54077906
File: 28 KB, 641x340, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest thing is property tax in franklin county is actually high. might not be a NJ tier property tax but when people say it's affordable here they neglect this detail kek
their house doesn't indicate that to me.

>> No.54077951

100% a fake story and total damage control. God this charade is so fucking obvious. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO FUCKING FAKE?????

>> No.54078000

>seething over a house purchased for $635k sold in mid 2020
Bro I think you've got some serious issues to work out

>> No.54078025

FMV for that house is probably in the 500s. the fed is retarded when it comes to valuation of property, and zillow is way way more retarded and massively overvalues houses to drum up interest in the owners to sell---no way that house would go for 8. so they're paying probably 10k per year in tax, which is a chunk of change, but again manageable for a middle class professional couple with dual income in their 40s. these people are totally average for their demographic

>> No.54078051

wasted get. we both know that's not why I was looking into this, but if that satisfies your fantasies stay in la la land
senior management at worthington and director at ohiohealth is not at average for their demographic kek

>> No.54078062

Lmaooo those are the free icons every retard uses

>> No.54078072

Because American people are dumb enough to buy it.

>> No.54078091

the only wealth source you posted was their property and i'm saying that whatever money they used to acquire it and maintain it is not extraordinary in the slightest
find a different slant

>> No.54078154

>find a different slant
>I suspect they debtmaxxed their education
>they're upperclass but now because it's /biz/ that means theyre poorfags

Imagine defending an individual who blatantly misrepresents themself to pretend to be a victim of SVB collapsing as well. Weird turn of events

>> No.54078204

>Who gives a shit, this deposit protection costs the state nothing
Changing the rules is so tiresome and affects how people plan their future, but I already know that and got rich off bitcoin.

>> No.54078217

i'm not defending anyone i'm calling you an idiot

>> No.54078267

I'm glad this thread was posted. This whore went viral all of Saturday and it was all a psyop. Glad I didn't have to make it myself.

>> No.54078298

no you didnt, youre getting the VP coffee and praying for a raise at 70k tops.

>> No.54078299
File: 103 KB, 459x488, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you're just an idiot!
thanks for admitting you have nothing of value to debonk anything i've said

>> No.54078328

>This impacts parents putting dinner on the table
Ok and?
Literally not my problem.
Fuck you and your whole mother fuckin crew.

>> No.54078422

enjoy being dumb for the rest of your life at your shitty car manufacturing job

>> No.54078486

I work at Raymond lmao
This was not the dunk you thought it was.

>> No.54078521

whatever you say bro

>> No.54078594

Sorry I disappointed you bro, feel free to keep defending deceptive subhumans though kek

>> No.54078629

>I may be a millionaire but I live in OHIO and because I'm in the MIDWEST I am poor and retarded JUST LIKE YOU

>> No.54078683
File: 41 KB, 500x328, 0e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in /smg this morning, I'm glad this dumbass and her husband are put under a microscope to see how fake they are.

Someone pulled the permits for their 250k addition on their house.

>> No.54078767
File: 200 KB, 1280x1258, IMG_20230313_080600_527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally Communist China tactics.

>> No.54078781

Don't you get it a 635k house in one of the richest cities in Ohio is normal and average. It's only 2.5x the median house price in Columbus haha, and being a director and senior manager at large organizations in the local area is average.
Raising 15mil for a small startup is something everyday working people do all the time!
I can vouch for her tweet, everything she said is true she's just an average person and the collapse of SVB will impact the little guy!

You're just an idiot if you think otherwise haha