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54074794 No.54074794 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why you guys, or the market in general, interpreted this as a fed pivot, honestly. There's nothing to suggest that. It's another case of markets being dumb and delusional. As always.

There's nothing to suggest fed pivots here. Backstops aren't low rates. We've been using backstops all through the hiking cycle. Bailouts certainly aren't low rates.

The feds actions are totally predictable and not a sign of anything else. Not only that, if anything they would portend a 50BPS rate hike at the next meeting

See that in pic related? That is 6%. That is what CPI is at right now. Fed aint gonna "pivot" with 6% inflation dude.

I mean, I think they should. I'd be hopeful. I think hyperinflation is the far better way of dealing with this than what we're causing. But we're not gonna do that because America exists to serve the rich, not workers. Hyperinflation would be the pro worker way of dealing with the coming collapse

I mean I can get delusionally hopeful about a pivot too, but it's not gonna happen. At least there's no reason to think it's happening

>> No.54074814

they already did today retard, old bonds are worth as bonds issued today

>> No.54074834

I'd LOVE for the fed to pivot. I'd LOVE to believe that's gonna happen and rates are gonna drop (or stay where they are) and murica's inflation is just gonna skyrocket. People's mortgages and other debts will disappear. Bond yields will skyrocket. The rich will get fucked and the workers will get saved.

But that is not America. America worships the rich

>> No.54074853

They aready did what? What are you talking about? There wasn't any fed meeting today. Also it's a sunday. I think you are clueless, like most posters here and most traders in dumb cypto markets, and don't have a clue of what you're talking about

>> No.54074953
File: 1.86 MB, 498x498, success-jon-taffer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fed's gonna buy all the toxic assets on bank balance sheets like they did after 2008. It's free reign for banks to go full retard in order to chase the dragon and beat hyperinflation.

>> No.54074994

Are you fucking retarded? The Rich have the capital that is exploding during inflation and they have the collateral to take out huge loans which get erased. Inflation hurts the poor.

>> No.54075012

That's what you all believe?
OK so this proves how markets are so irrational and dumb.
No the fed can't do that. It doesn't have the legal authority to do what you're thinking it can do.
The fed has only a limited authority here and a limited financial means.
It can't use your tax payer dollars. It has to use it's own money from it's banking system, which is profitable. The fed makes a lot of money lending to big banks. But it's not like anything on the level of how much money the US govt is in control of in total

So the way you're thinking of it happening is impossible.
Like everyone buying bitcoin right now. It's always copium in markets

>> No.54075017

with today's decision the fed undid all it did with the price hikes and banks got a shitton of free money now

>> No.54075030

CPI will be in double digits within a month

>> No.54075059

That's not how it works out at all. That's a stupid republican's brainwashed view of it, who has never been to a college or learned about economics. Inflation hurts the rich and helps the poor / workers. That's why we have it in the US economy by an act of congress. It's explicit purpose is to help maximize employment and wages.

Without it you'd have more wealthy inequality, lower wages and far more debt.

It hurts the rich really badly, that's why you get brainwashed as a republican to oppose it

>> No.54075077
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The fed can do whatever the fuck they want. Has that not sunk in yet? They're going to expand their balance sheet to keep the banks afloat. The banks will then salivate at the short term profits. This is how the dollar dies.

>> No.54075078

So this is really how delusional markets are. This entire lol bitcoin pump that just happened here is all based on such completely improper and false information. And a totally false understanding of how the fed works. Amazing

>> No.54075089

Inflation is a hidden tax, a millionaire is barely going to notice while a waggie is going to suffer

>> No.54075096

Again, as stated here>>54075078: "So this is really how delusional markets are. This entire lol bitcoin pump that just happened here is all based on such completely improper and false information. And a totally false understanding of how the fed works. Amazing"

>> No.54075113

Yeah it's never going to be real life no matter how many times you say it. It's not a matter of debate. Inflation is a totally known thing in economics to hurt the rich and help the poor / working class. So any false mental gymnastics you do over in rightwingland are meaningless, as always.

>> No.54075115

it was not just the FED it was the US Treasury as well

>> No.54075118

>Hyperinflation would be the pro worker way of dealing with the coming collapse

No, it wouldn't.

>> No.54075123

The money printer is literally back on. This is what caused the covid bullrun and ultimately the decade-long bullrun we've had since 2010.

>> No.54075130

Bail outs are just another name for QE.
The US economy is a clown show

>> No.54075133

ask any waggie making $18/hr

>> No.54075150

>Yeah it's never going to be real life no matter how many times you say it. It's not a matter of debate. Inflation is a totally known thing in economics to hurt the rich and help the poor / working class. So any false mental gymnastics you do over in rightwingland are meaningless, as always.
PS "wagies" have net debt. So inflation isn't "hidden taxing" them, it's literally handing them free cash directly out of rich people's pockets. That's a great example right there of how your lil stupid rightwing calculus is moronic and uninformed. And that's just one tiny random dimension of how wrong you are.

You're a subhumanly stupid foxnews brainwashed retard, like all rightwingers.

>> No.54075153

inflation hurts the rich, what a retard you are.

>> No.54075165

What the hell is the OP even talking about

We’ve had crazy inflation for the past 2 years and the rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer

So much for your “inflation hurts the rich” bullshit

You think rich people have all their wealth in dollars? Lmao, fucking retard.

>> No.54075171

Then what are they doing 'backstopping' SVB and signature?
Cope and seethe
You're shouting into the void

>> No.54075173

See >>54075150 you're a brainwashed delusional rightwing foxnews idiot

>> No.54075184

They have no choice but to pivot, unless they want more banks to fail.

>> No.54075204

It's not a matter of debate that inflation helps the poor / workers and hurts the rich. It's "settled science" as they say. You'd learn it in any high level economics class. It's not controversial. You're brainwashed idiots on the right because your politicians and talking heads serve the rich. So they brainwash you with stupid shit so you serve the rich too. And you fall for it because you're Earth's utter goddamn dumb people

>> No.54075207

rich people have to be fucking retarded to loss money during inflation

>> No.54075217

What if their new strategy is "bailouts + high rates"?
They're not gonna stop with 6% inflation, guy

>> No.54075222

>still in school
Doesn’t understand the game is rigged and inflation and wage increases haven’t been pegged since the 1970s.

>> No.54075257

Non inflationary currency is what helps the rich, bud. That's one of the major reasons there was massive wealth inequality in the gilded age, when we used that shitty gold based system for a little while, and then "The American Dream" became a thing once FDR got off of it.

To bad we have re-adopted so many far right, free market gilded age policies since Nixon and Reagan and the wealth inequality has returned

>> No.54075274

You're a shareblue tranny aren't you?

>> No.54075281

I didn't say I'm in school, I said you're uneducated. Not sure you how deduce one from the other. And your views about about wages and the 1970s are also no doubt full of GOP propaganda. Wages have stagnated due to your rightwing wealth inequality policies which began to be implemented in the late 1960s with Nixon and then accelerated in the 1980s with Reagan.

Your policies. Nobody else. Nothing to do with inflation. Inflation is one of the only factors keeping your wages up at all.

Everything you people believe about the US economy on the right is moronic, ultra over simplified bullshit and outright lies by omission brainwashed into you by rightwingers seeking to serve billionaires

>> No.54075413

2% inflation is the theoretical optimum for everyone. At these levels and above, wagies barely afford rent, gas and food. You realize in many cities it's now standard for working professionals (let alone wagecucks) to have roommates, do you? Meanwhile, inflation pumps asset prices which is disproportionately held by the wealthy, and their debts "inflate" away since they can sell a much tiny portion of their assets to cover the loan. The only problem with deflation for poorfags is potential unemployment, otherwise if they cam keep a job, they can stack assets and pay less for the essentials.

>> No.54075512

Does this pave the way for a CBDC Fedcoin?

>> No.54075529

There's wealth inequality and financial hardships for everyone due to YOUR rightwing, free market capitalist policies, which exist to serve the rich. Your war on inflation is another part of your attempts to serve the rich. It's not a controversial or "up for debate" statement in any economics textbook to say that inflation helps the poor and the workers, and hurts the rich. You rail against inflation because you, as rightwingers, oppose the workers and support the rich

>> No.54075598
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Literally the exact opposite of this shit is true.
Also the gilded age resulted in a massive increased in real wages for the working class.
Why do you people lie about that era?

Central banking basically steals purchasing power from the working class and gives it to bankers, corporations and boomers to increase the value of their houses.

You're brainwashed.

>Inflation is one of the only factors keeping your wages up at all.
Inflation has been constantly DESTROYING wages for decades, yet you support it.

>free market capitalist policies,
What free market capitalist policies?
The government has only increased in size since nixon and reagan.
Why do you people lie so much?

>> No.54075675

lmao leftists unironically fight against their own economic interests and suck billionaire cocks

>> No.54075679

>muh rightwingers
Not an argument, leftcuck. Enjoy being poor.

>> No.54075711

Every month for the next year, the interest rate future is green. That means rates are going to go down

>> No.54075728
File: 1.30 MB, 908x720, ron paul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rich will get fucked and the workers will get saved.
This guy UNIRONICALLY fucking believes rich people keep their wealth in cash instead of assets.

>> No.54075731

I forgot also
>muh cherrypicked textbook says so
Typical brainlet response. Try actually understanding the different theories amd other technicalities behind your claims, then get back to me.

>> No.54075755

You sound like you got liquidated

>> No.54075767

This is the single most under-educated and ignorant post I have ever witness on the board. Scratch that, second to all dumbass Link shill posts, but this is up there.

>> No.54075771

Meh, the ideologies of the common working man on the right do not align with the actions of the Republican Party. That is the rub. In fact, none of us have government representatives who represent our interests. Two party system has failed. The right and left unironically see eye to eye on a lot, with different solution proposals to the same problems they want to solve, but the politicians we elect are not concerned with any of that.

>> No.54075792
File: 131 KB, 1200x655, gildedage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
Vote Libertarian.
Especially now since the Mises caucus took over and they're redpilled now

>> No.54075987

>15 posts by this ID


>> No.54076083

>Vote Libertarian.
When literally no one else votes the same? Everyone in this country is brainwashed to believe daddy government is the solution to their life problems. Democracy is a joke. The average voter is a total retard. Political authority is a lie.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_the_Rational_Voter#:~:text=The%20Myth%20of%20the%20Rational%20Voter%3A%20Why%20Democracies%20Choose%20Bad,can%20trust%20to%20make%20laws.
