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File: 2.62 MB, 4032x1960, 1678657689087506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54073738 No.54073738 [Reply] [Original]

Before The Rooster Crows Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://www.jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>54062181

>> No.54073767


>> No.54073841

I thought we would win, why is crypto not in flames?

>> No.54073861
File: 100 KB, 600x400, 1611830225679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A third bank just went down lads, Signature Bank now gone too!!!


>> No.54073884
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I buy things online with your shiny boomer rocks?

Let me guess, I use gold backed fiat fraud?

>> No.54073951

Hey So basically I'm just gonna not bail out the banks I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna bail them out is all HAHAHAHAHRHAHAHA HARAHARHARH.

We’ll get there. Rome was not unmade in a day.

>> No.54074012
File: 1.15 MB, 4160x3120, waaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the major crypto banks in the US got shut down. (Likely targeted)
Which means crypto is no longer primarily denominated in dollaridoos.
Which means that Bitcoin has returned to its former place as the primary means of account.
Bitcoin is spiking on demand.
When Bitcoin rises, it drags everything else up with it.

A lot of people don't seem to realize it, but like with prohibition, legal approval is a massive negative pressure to the price of a commodity. The CIA (or whomever is going after the banks, take your pick) just greenlit Bitcoin for the largest fucking bullrun in history.

>> No.54074035

CBDC time. Fix all prolem
Limits on PMs
Oh sure, you can have more fiat, no prolem, lemme just press print.

>> No.54074164

Check those digits last thread boomer don't have a heart attack when I roll up with the nerve gas

>> No.54074281

This checks out. Exchanges will struggle to find solid banking partners to provide an on ramp for their clients, but nothing say bullish for bitcoin quite like the tradfi banking sector shitting the bed, thus proving bitcoins value prop. I would also think this is bullish for gold for sinilar reasons. We saw about a $20 price jump when London markets opened just a bit ago. I expect to see a similar jump with NY markets open tomorrow as well.

>> No.54074299


>> No.54074319

Boys I’m getting another ounce of gold and don’t know which to get. Currently have a single lonely krug and I am torn on whether or not to get him a friend or a maple or an AGE.

>> No.54074320
File: 446 KB, 600x1067, 1603237352348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty incredible to think that i have more actual real wealth sitting in an old ammo can in my closet then likely my entire neighborhood

>> No.54074360

This always amazes me. I’m 25, and in theory I’m financially better off than most Americans just because I have some small savings.

>> No.54074391

if you have zero debt you're better off than most americans.
if your money isn't in the bank you're better off than most companies lol

>> No.54074432

Admittedly, I keep pretty much all of my cash with Chase (JP Morgan). If JP Morgan goes tits up then…I dunno what to tell you, but it won’t be good.

>> No.54074448
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It's going to be chaos this week. I expect a lot of fortune and ruin. But I don't play the paper games, I just stack. Bitcoin, silver, gold, doesn't matter. I'm ready whatever may come. My time preference is 20+ years out, and I know that God is on our side. So let the panic sellers feed the fire and enjoy the show.

>> No.54074464

same. more wealth in my gun safe than 99% of the people in my country. Still small fry here in the UK but when you realise that 5m have less than £100, yeah feels good knowing I have a years worth of salary in the safe. And a years worth of food in the cupboards and freezer.

>> No.54074510

Fuck it, going for another krug. Gonna have 5 of these sexy lads over the next few months. Can’t justify anything but 22k deliciousness.

>> No.54074548

do yanks pay capital gains ?

>> No.54074565
File: 59 KB, 477x636, IMG_6136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With all the newfags flocking to this general after the bank run news, I'd like to take a survey seeing where everyone is at
available answers are based off of >>54062276

>> No.54074594

I dunno how it is in Bongland, but here, we no shit discourage people from saving money by making it so that you can’t collect welfare if you have more than X in savings. Call me a nigger, but I’d absolutely collect food stamps if I could. But I can’t…because having savings is a sound financial practice. I think of this as a sinking luxury liner. Put that fancy silverware in your coat pocket and head for a lifeboat.

>> No.54074609

Fuck off nigger everyone put dragon

>> No.54074658

Same. I buy BTC and XMR whenever they're down. Usually not a lot at once (hundred bucks or so at any given time). My primary savings is gold though and I have a decent silver stack in the works too. This week is going to be mental. I just pray my company doesn't get hit with this BS and my paychecks keep coming.

Anyone panic selling assets now or desperately trying to withdraw deposits hasn't been paying attention for years and isn't going to make it.

>> No.54074702

poorfag post stack

>> No.54074705

One ounce of spicy apartheid era Rosetta krugery goodness on its way, boys.

Being a proud member of one of the hick backwater states capital gains is nonexistent for most things. We don’t have a VAT or anything similar because I don’t live in the gayest states in the goddamn Union. Sorry, britbro. Even your coin now has a large eared retard instead of a cute lady retard with a nice crown. Best of luck.

>> No.54074729

Aw hell, I guess a few more Mercury dimes wouldn’t kill me.

>> No.54074759

Federal agent

>> No.54074768

Provided that you're holding over one year you're going to have 0% capital gains tax if you profited less than $40,000 on the investment ($80,000 if married.) It's way more engineered towards stocks and real estate not PMs

>> No.54074785

Rep the merc gang, fren. We get shit on by bullion purists but we’ll be laughing when you can mating press the formally well to do for a dime.

>> No.54074807

Odds that silver will go to $30

>> No.54074815

Gold definitely will be above $2,000 by the end of the month if not this week

>> No.54074835

$2k gold by the end of this month sounds very possible.

>> No.54074841

Junk silver, for me, is a nice half way between looks and economy. The premiums aren’t awful, and it looks okay. I got a ton of silver Roosevelt dimes. Sort of regretting that since people could think I’m trying to cheat them. But I’ve inspected all the dates.

>> No.54074861

damn you lucky. I have to buy britannias and sovereigns to avoid the CGT. I hold krugs, maples, ASE but i'm paying the CGT on that if I make more than £12k profit on them. This is why brits hold britannias I guess.

>> No.54074892

Just placed another order on JMBullion why is it so cozy bros

>> No.54074952

You could ask your LCS what they might charge to swap a ton of FDRs for mercs.

>> No.54074957

Silver is already at $30.

>> No.54074965
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newfag here. is pic related good?

>> No.54075005

Eh, I’ll live. Besides, the local flea market doesn’t have that many dimes.

>> No.54075018

Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.54075019

It's a good choice of bar for a patrician but if you're new focus on getting the bare minimum weight in first

>> No.54075031
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The best.

>> No.54075048
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Thanks anons for the help last thread tracking down roosters, I ended up grabbing 4 and threw in an angel as well.

>> No.54075066

Hell yeah. Good work anon (both the coins and the dealer).

>> No.54075080

I felt like a real winner on my birthday this year. Aunt gave me 10 rubles dated 1905. .25oz of AU.

>> No.54075111
File: 146 KB, 1762x773, zod damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> svb getting bailed out

So that's it then? No one is ever allowed to fail, we'll just print more money for everyone, forever? I don't get it. It's as thought the US can literally kick the can down the road infinitely because there's no other state or coalition powerful enough to resist. Is this Francis Fukayama's "end of history"? Who else can intervene? China and Russia are both vanishing from corruption and frefalling birthrates, and BRICS is an absolute joke, those countries have totally conflicting interests. We're really going to live in the pods, aren't we?

>> No.54075114

>Bullion dealers
>https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
kekw chards aint got no gold

>> No.54075120

im interesed in ounce

>> No.54075141

It wasn’t. Last I heard Yellen said there’ll be no bailout.

>> No.54075169

how will the banking collapse affect the precious metals market bros?

>> No.54075179

Dude, Boomers are those poor bastards who had a bunch of preps in the city so everyone mobbed them in a horde.

I'm hearing them use the word "backstop".

>> No.54075188
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Thanks I plan on filling a tube this year with francs, this order should put me at 12 or 13, will have to recount them. I was already going to buy a few this weekend and then all this bank shit hit the fan and I couldn't source any until some anons gave me a hand.

>> No.54075198
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It works until it doesnt

>> No.54075201

SVB got shuttered by regulators
Check this out for more cheaper options. If you want something classy looking then get a philharmonic or a 100 korona coin which are cheaper for the same weight. no point in overpaying

>> No.54075224


>> No.54075233

Is that the new code word for bailout, kind of like how they have started to use malinformation instead of misinformation to trick npcs when they fact check people now.

>> No.54075239
File: 84 KB, 1859x274, vicious cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely. We just started the Weimar banking cycle!

>> No.54075240

Calm down, everything will go tits up eventually (personally I am glad as I am a stacklet and need more time to expand my holdings)

>> No.54075269

Signature Bank in NY also failed today or yesterday.

>> No.54075289

she is on sale

>> No.54075358

Well unless they get those backstops in before tomorrow morning…Mr. Bones’ ride is gonna be getting started.

>> No.54075392

They weren’t very good preppers if they lived in a city.

>> No.54075406 [DELETED] 

I just wanna take a moment to say that /k/ is fucking insufferable. From their boneheaded neo-con takes, to the irrational anger they direct at anyone who doesn’t buy Gucci gear, the board is basically unusable.

>> No.54075455
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>So that's it then? No one is ever allowed to fail, we'll just print more money for everyone, forever?

>> No.54075470

>China and Russia are both vanishing from corruption and frefalling birthrates,

>> No.54075501
File: 37 KB, 1271x548, maul3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have my revenge on normies, and the cattle. Silver stackers will win in the end. I will buy my wife with silver, I will buy my house with silver, I will buy my slaves with silver, I will own silver and I will be happy. I can't wait to see the normies suffer, they deserve eternal hell for being so fucking retarded.

>> No.54075515

Critique the Ukraine over there and they’ll shit their diapers hard lmao. It’s an echochamber of middle eastern war crime veterans using their gibs to buy guns.

I stick to the tried and true method of drunkenly entering gun shops, spending too much money, and shooting cans in the mountains as the Appalachian gods intended.

>> No.54075522

>why is crypto not in flames
Because there's still too much fiat floating around going into it.

>> No.54075525

Ultimately it's a good thing because the longer they kick the can down the road, the harder the fall will be.

>> No.54075534

This. Its just beginning, it's only March and we've got a bank collapse. Much more to follow this year and next. Just keep on stacking bros. Secure land, weapons, water and food sources, and make sure your house is in order. Time is getting limited but there is still indeed a bit of time left. WAGMI

>> No.54075536

I pray for your and my sakes that the Ponzi lasts for just a while longer no matter how hot the kettle is currently boiling. Need a few months to get my immediate house in order and stores of food ready and at least a year to have a functioning garden and chickens.

>> No.54075561
File: 157 KB, 961x734, RangerChads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will have our revenge bros, the normies will literally be our future slaves. You will takeaway woman rights, you will takeaway gays, you will takeaway tranny rights and you will be happy.

>> No.54075619

First time seeing money getting printed for the big boys?

>> No.54075649

what is a fair fee for veryfying metals when SHTF?
my house is an inner-city bunker I can operate from.
assume I already have a harem of cock goblins

>> No.54075652
File: 200 KB, 909x839, WAGMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roman chads where we at? I am a 20 year old zoomer, it will be nice to shit on my peers once we get hyperinflation.

>> No.54075692

>the normies will literally be our future slaves
>wanting slaves
Give me robots. At least I can put up with them breaking down every now and then.

>> No.54075810

What happened to holocoinanon and his website?

>> No.54075814

Just don't be a retard and buy pms off ebay or some shit. Pic related is easy to spot.

>> No.54075827
File: 190 KB, 1834x867, FrCm2NgXsAAc7c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This checks out.
It doesn't check out at all. Narrative investment is for brainlets. The same capital flows that drive the crypto complex also drive equities. Where one goes, the other follows.
Even in a blow-off top scenario, relative valuations against most of the commodities complex will be drastically underperformant for speculative instruments.
BTC does not trade like a commodity or a currency because the market has determined it's not either of those things. It's a hyperleveraged NASDAQ long.
>nothing say bullish for bitcoin quite like the tradfi banking sector shitting the bed
BTC is not a functional currency, only newfags believe this shit. It is unable to facilitate the daily transaction volume of Chicago, let alone a significant percentage of "tradfi"

holy shit zoomers are retarded.

>> No.54075841
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>post you stack
no cia jew

>> No.54075856
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still waiting for megumin coins, when will they ship holoanon?

>> No.54075860
File: 476 KB, 600x600, bloomaloney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54075878
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>/pmg/ was right

>> No.54075890

have any more banks collapsed yet?

>> No.54075914

I never make any political posts there. Those morons have some megalomaniacal delusions that we’ll capture Moscow and Beijing before Christmas and that, “good ol’ freedom and democracy” will rule the world. But it’s literally to the point where if you post about Chinese or Russian firearms they get angry.

>> No.54075950
File: 71 KB, 1024x691, 1617380526540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't they listen, bros. they could have been comfy with us. instead they bullied and mocked us. we tried to save them, bros...

>> No.54075998
File: 70 KB, 1024x681, 1597764908837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stacked gold (20 french francs) when it was 300 eurobux a pop
>Now it's 350
I don't want to buy at these prices but I feel like I'll miss out if I don't, help

>> No.54076009

Is it worth buying those 90% dimes or should I just stick with 1oz rounds?

>> No.54076029

What a stupid post

>> No.54076110

Just buy now, with banks failing the price will only increase.

>> No.54076129

Depends on price. The dimes are good for small purchases.

>> No.54076130

Klaus Scwab will bring back slavery.

>> No.54076158
File: 1.13 MB, 500x235, maul2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck them, they deserve to suffer. At last we will have our revenge.

>> No.54076219

>Just don't be a retard and buy pms off ebay or some shit
Plus that's a 10 ounce bar.There's no fucking way I would buy something like that, if I could, without checking it out.

>> No.54076257
File: 90 KB, 957x621, 1632911389636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is /pmg/ and possibly /cmmg/ going to be the only generals left standing for monday? will it be fields of pink? black swan?

>> No.54076292

yes. it's literally happening. the 2 weeks are over.

>> No.54076293

Literally every thread. Investing in precious metals and crypto is not mutually exclusive. Most /pmg/ bros also stack BTC

>> No.54076304
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>> No.54076311

sir, do the needful and buy shibu-memeDog-bonkCoin (SMDBNK) now. guaranteed 1000x thanks to our active discord. good morning, may shrivaranthmatandanda smile upon you

>> No.54076318

no we don't
btc is a meme

>> No.54076320
File: 754 KB, 220x153, maul22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you sense it /pmg/ bros?

>> No.54076327


>> No.54076329

my BTC days were like 2019 lol

>> No.54076347

I just used that shit to buy drugs on the dark web lol

>> No.54076353

BTC + gold is the ultimate needful

>> No.54076371
File: 1.42 MB, 1786x2848, JpDream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there back in 2019 /pmg/ buying cheapies. It has felt like ages but my resolve has never faltered.

>> No.54076372
File: 113 KB, 1000x764, placer mining on Thibert Creek 1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both parties are comfy, the only worry for commodities is a general failure of the economy (recession). If / when gold spikes, actual operating miners and near term projects are going to skyrocket.

I am so happy for all of us, we have been vindicated!

>> No.54076412
File: 360 KB, 1024x512, SilverFud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no vindication yet, I will be happy when every retarded cattle is suffering from losing all their digital fake wealth and we can literally buy a sex slave for 1 oz of silver.

>> No.54076440

that too, but i would be thrilled to know anons here are comfy / secure compared to the masses that have ignored the old ways for so long.

>> No.54076467

Just wish we had more time.
Never can buy enough cheapies.

>> No.54076478
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>> No.54076498

First Republic should go down tomorrow or sometime this week. It's another west coast bank, but is very large nonetheless. Supposedly Wells Fargo might follow in the coming weeks.

>> No.54076500

How are the tiers calculated? Which tier list is the real one

>> No.54076541

The Wells Fargo situation seems really likely, they have been in the shitter for some time, it would be fitting for them to implode and never return.

>> No.54076578
File: 201 KB, 1196x1200, FX9GH_DXgAIcqxD.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this even work? You put all your money into shiny rocks, the dollar collapses, then what? Who buys it? Why do they buy it? When do you sell? How do you know it'll actually be worth anything?

>> No.54076625
File: 63 KB, 768x1024, 1612039202560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go read the bitcoin whitepaper, son. bitcoin is the answer to central banking. stack btc, gold and silver. every other crypto (there are 1000+ now) is trying to copy the success of bitcoin. bitcoin has seen the highest appreciation of any asset in human history. sorry to burst your bubble. i bet you wear camo to middle school

>captcha: PMGVAJ

>> No.54076637

They don't buy it retard you use the rocks to buy stuff.

>> No.54076648
File: 493 KB, 640x438, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54076658

>bitcoin is the answer to central banking.
lol no

>stack btc, gold and silver.
i will stack gold and silver, thanks

>> No.54076673

Sell it? Buy it? What are you going to be buying and selling it with?

>> No.54076677

No one cared who she was until she put on the mask

>> No.54076686

Feel free to hold onto your paper and see what that does for you in that situation.

>> No.54076701

The hilarious part of all this is I contract for a startup based out of Cali. The owner told everyone on Friday
>don't worry everyone I was able to get most of our money out of SVB and put it in First Republic, if that collapses we all need to just buy cans of beans, it'll never happen!
Little to do they know, kek. They're a bunch of smug liberal fags, they can get what's coming to them. I'll be comfy, I contract with a handful of other larger companies and they were always just side money for me. Sucks to suck

>> No.54076763

Anyone worried they will force even more inflation, then right before it gets bad enough guillotines come out, "We made a new digital currency that's worth significantly more than the USD! Just exchange all of it by this date!".

>> No.54076819

>People will just trade the rocks
Who? Who will trade rocks for material goods? How do I get food with rocks? How do I get a car with rocks? How do you pay taxes with rocks? At some point you have to convert rocks into a medium where you can trade it for something. When a chicken breast costs $30, where do rocks come in?

>> No.54076859
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>> No.54076863
File: 2.92 MB, 750x1334, AFB50930-2782-4AA8-90ED-4DF33F77FE26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post new gets

got some sterling to eat with and a random 4oz bar at a antique show

>> No.54076868

Baby's First Regression Theorem

>> No.54076875

>I want to pay taxes after SHTF

>> No.54076890

>how do i pay taxes?

lol why pay them at all?

>> No.54076928

I like the part where he uses the dollar as a point of reference for an item’s value.

>> No.54076941

The rocks are the medium, brainlet. People will trade material goods for something that is universally accepted as valuable. Only food, metals, and bullets could be used in the place of fiat if it becomes worthless, but food goes bad and bullets are too heavy for large values.

>> No.54076950

fine with me, retard. your argument is literally 'lol no'. i hope you get cancer

>> No.54076955

Through taxes we all enjoy
>free healthcare
>free education
>a strong social safety net
>maternity leave
>COVID disaster leave
None of this would be possible without a healthy tax system.

>> No.54076959

often gold or silver ends up being used as an intermidiary currency when national fiat becomes worthless or difficult to come by. Look at Venezuela, people there have been using physical gold for currency for years due to how worthless the local currency is. You can use gold to buy gas and food easily in the Yukon territory too for example.
Someone post the venezuela links googles being useless.

>> No.54076987

3 of those things have absolutely nothing to do with me, waste of money.

>> No.54076991

Gee there seems to be quite a few breads on /biz/ with everyone freaking out about the banks
I cannot describe the feeling of watching all this go down, meanwhile I am just hear fondling my gold and silver and just chilling in this comfy and calm /pmg/ bread, really I am not sure if it is just serenity or simply relief or maybe just some feels good feeling I am feeling right now

>> No.54077002


>> No.54077011

I’m starting to think it’s b8. This person is way too obtuse.

>> No.54077051
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>> No.54077055
File: 418 KB, 1092x828, EB2CDB73-024B-4BFF-8B3B-6BFC0A42BF11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small purchases, but always happy to expand my German collection.

>> No.54077081

Tokelau Magnum Opus

>> No.54077088

If we are at the point in our economy we are trading PMs for food, none of those are going to exist.

>> No.54077111

enjoy wasting your money i guess

>> No.54077152
File: 1.10 MB, 3024x1970, 20230312_231903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy right now. Fondling my metals, first bit of gold arrived a bit ago, got a couple 10ozers coming soon and just ordered 17 troy ozs worth of war nickels at a 1.93 over spot per Oz. Can't wait for fiat to die.

>> No.54077182

Taxes don't pay for any of that, money printed debt does

>> No.54077202

Fuck I should’ve bought some junk silver. One oz of silver would buy more food than I could eat in a month, and that’s my smallest amount.

>> No.54077208

>actual answer
Thanks. I'm not interested in SHTF fantasies- I've got what I need for that. At the point we have total society collapse, I'm not worried about currency.
>you can use gold to buy gas and food
I've never seen a system like that in action here in the USA, though. Does it exist? Is there any way to predict how long it'd take for rocks to be usable in that way?

>> No.54077220

You can often get war nickels and 40% kennedy halves for under spot if you know where to look

>> No.54077301
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Comfy AF

>> No.54077302

actually hold on anon what were you thinking buying 17ozt in war nickels?? That sounds incredibly hard to offload which is why you can find them for under spot

>> No.54077317
File: 135 KB, 960x716, Yellow Sluice Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually what you see is miners bring in gold to a buyer location, they front you a percentage before sale and than subtract off a percentage for smelting / refining. In places like the Yukon / Alaska its common because of placer gold mining, but it could start appearing within days of a serious currency collapse. All you really need is a scale and a checking book to keep track of who owes / has credit on the gold brought in. As recently as last summer the gas station at Haines AK started taking gold for gas / food.

>> No.54077320
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Wish I had a decent local coin shop but those dudes won't give up any cheaper on constitution, sadly it's a tourist trap and there's no better around. At least not that I've found yet. Been waiting to see some reasona ly premiums constitutional silver to get some more fractionals in the stack. Gonna go for half dollars next I believe. Want some Ben's or Kennedys.

>> No.54077322

It existed in your great grandparents time in the US, most of human society has used gold and silver as the daily form of currency up until recently. It still exists in rural US or at least rural TX, Walmart isn't taking gold for eggs but most country people will accept gold or silver in trade for cars, guns, cows, etc.

>> No.54077339

Pms are worth more than people imagine when their paper ends up being just paper.

>> No.54077361
File: 15 KB, 375x500, wifie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. my wife loves Q too

>> No.54077401
File: 3.66 MB, 4000x3000, 20230312_203517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my gold bar too

>> No.54077420

>it's real
anon those are plated

>> No.54077443
File: 1.95 MB, 265x308, 1675161466534528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me thats solid and not plated.

>> No.54077489

it would take over 300 war nickels to make over 17ozt of silver?? Anon??

>> No.54077533

is that a krugerand proof coin?

>> No.54077551

I just traded silver rounds to a butcher for a few pounds of meat and steaks. Life is good.

>> No.54077573
File: 109 KB, 736x552, 1650522037839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really have to ask? you can see the goldplate from the pictures, it looks exactly like those collectible pokemon bars they used to sell at mcdonalds

>> No.54077606

Bros what are the odds that Australia will become South Africa two? I think it has a lot of potential aside from the aboriginals being weaker and dumber than niggers. No fear of chimpouts, but the environment is a nice shit vibe.

>> No.54077647
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>I buy bitcoin and better bitcoin whenever they're down
So close.

>> No.54077660
File: 2.39 MB, 3024x3024, 20220331_124317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn yeah it is I just bought 300 fucking nickels lol
The 2017 was the first year they did a silver krugg. It's proof like I believe. Beautiful in person, got it for like 50 bucks off ebay last year when spot was 26 an Oz. I'm glad I got it.

>> No.54077685

>Shitting on eBay
Don’t buy from zero-review nobodies selling metals for too-good-to-be-true prices and only buy from legitimate dealers who often have better prices on eBay than their own sites.

Come on, anon, don’t fud the bay. Got a krug from JM for 60$ cheaper than if I got it off their main site. If it helps, I’ve bought and confirmed at the PCS 3 oz of gold and 2 oz of platinum all from eBay and her sweet deals and accessibility.

>> No.54077721

Everyone conventionally overlooks war nickels/40% halves because of how low the silver content is in the alloy. What is your plan with them, you can't really do anything with them and you paid the same price per ounce you could have for .999 silver rounds

>> No.54077757

I was really hoping it was just shitty manufacturing and QC to make them as cheap as possible to pump them out as fast as possible to people at outrageous premiums.

>> No.54077842

they're boomer traps like mail order ASEs but even ASEs at least are one ounce of silver. this is plated crap you can get on ebay for like $5

>> No.54077850

it's 100% goldplate, that guy got /grifted/ harder than a robert miyazaki commercial for paper silver on fox news

>> No.54077858

I'm just gonna enjoy having them I suppose, til I need them or I pass them on

>> No.54077881
File: 234 KB, 1080x1285, 20230102_130851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn thats disappointing, was hoping it was solid gold for the meme factor.

>> No.54077890

Picked up about 6 Ikes and 7 Kennedys for melt the other day. About 2.6oz for spot, though they're 40%s

>> No.54077892

What a fucking asshole.

>> No.54077962

look at the bright side, it's either a great troll or wonderful schadenfreude

>> No.54078011

>Why do people keep saying this like the tax man gives a fuck?
I interpret it as a (joking?) reference to the possibility that gov't will come to confiscate PMs from individuals, as Roosevelt did with gold in 1933 under Executive Order 6102 and with silver in 1934 under Executive Order 6814.

>> No.54078037

Holy shit where does the time go

>> No.54078041

Coors is my favorite cheap shitty alcoholic beverage.
Where can I buy one of those?

>> No.54078075

you can get a coors at any beer distributor, champ

>> No.54078102

*cracks a coolo"

>> No.54078113
File: 324 KB, 1080x2098, Screenshot_20230312_232133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apmex has it, I have an alert for it in case they ever give up trying to sell it for such a high premium so I can snag one for the meme.

>> No.54078130


>> No.54078233
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>> No.54078238

I know its been an exciting few days, but we've got real business to discuss.

>> No.54078258

he said end of march didn't he
haven't seen him in the thread in about a week

>> No.54078279

I honesty can't remember what he said. I havent seen him post in quite a while. We got got, bros

>> No.54078286

Crusaders? Mintanon hasn't even received the boomers from the mint yet.

>> No.54078314

oh yeah my bad I was thinking boomers when he said that. crusaders are still being design tweaked probably will be another few months

>> No.54078332
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I have both. I also have 80% Canadian junk. I purchased them because they were the cheapest silver I could find. My 40% Kennedy's and 80% Canadian quarters were at spot. My war nickels were a dollar over spot. They also round out my stack by giving me 50 ounces or so of fractional silver that might come in handy for making change or small purchases in a post fiat economy.

>> No.54078353

Yea probably be months on crusader, and supposed to be end of this month for boomers but who knows.

>> No.54078391

I'd love to make a visit to this mint and see why the fuck theyre so slow. What is it, a one man operation?

>> No.54078409

>boomer tries to trade his gold plated trump rounds
>gets killed for attempted scamming

>> No.54078452
File: 285 KB, 1080x1219, Screenshot_20221227-165103_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha...one man operation, who would do such a thing.

>> No.54078470
File: 2.80 MB, 2372x2595, 20220419_132520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I just got near 17 oz troy of silver for an 8% premium, and they're just a bit less silver weight per coin than a merc. Makes for a very yummly slurp. You guys will thank me when there's more whole oz rounds and coins in the economy because I didn't have to cut then up for a small buy.

>> No.54078517

I'm not gonna hate. I've got a few rolls of them, though not 17 oz worth. That's a mean stack of nickels.

>> No.54078530
File: 140 KB, 1100x1200, tubetire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came here to say that banks are fucked and my stack will buy me a swimming pool full of goblin sluts and nothing anything any of you do can stop me.

>> No.54078546

There's a question I've been thinking about
it it worth to hold onto 40% kennedy's
I'm not talking about the aesthetic or numismatic worth mind you
I am just wondering about the trading/bartering or value of it compared to other constitutional silver
I mean it does contain silver
and last I remember it contains roughly 2 merc dimes worth of silver inside of it
so in a trading scenario would it be safe to assume a 40% would exchange for 2 silver dimes while a 90% would exchange for 5 silver dimes? Or would people be unwilling to trade with it as much as a 90%? Then there is also the question, if such silver cannot even be traded with, why not just trade with pure 99.9 fine silver instead of 90% or sterling? Isn't silver just silver
Personally I feel like I'd be more willing to trade with 40% just for the fact I would hold onto 90% more and find 40% more appealing to part with, but I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter as well

>> No.54078592
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Push comes to shove its silver, downsides I see are people may not be as familiar with the dates, and they weigh more for the silver content but that only really effects you moving large amounts of them.

>> No.54078622
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In due time I'll get to buy one of these

>> No.54078663
File: 923 KB, 821x821, BFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MinkAnon said he's getting 3d art from 'various people' and will post in thread. Crusader presale goes until end of march (it is what it is) and by god boomer had best be getting gotted into our hands by then.

also holcoinanon needs to box and ship the megs

>> No.54078677
File: 7 KB, 237x213, index_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, I wouldn't have the patience or mental fortitude required to conduct a transaction with this amount of autism.

>I'll barter your chicken for my silver.
>OK great. A live chicken of this quality probably worth 1/4 an ounce of silver.
>Yeah OK. How these? They are each 40% silver, just check the dates on them individually. Hopefully you're aware of this coin and its history. Anyway, you can weigh them and then multiply that weight by 0.4 to approximate...

>> No.54078681
File: 637 KB, 1200x683, fossil fuel go wzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I traded 500 bucks worth of 50% predecimal coins for the same in pre-war sterling coins.
I like the higher silver content - it takes up less space too.

>> No.54078752

Why don't people just put some money in pms so when they trade in times like these they feel safe?

>> No.54078768

a lifetime of mental conditioning making gold and silver feel like relics from a time of pirates or knights in armor

>> No.54078810

Hmm, I see
Also when I asked I suppose I was kinda thinking about Greshams law
I was thinking about how 40% was more suitable for frequent transactions where people would be more inclined to hoard 90% while not inclined to spend them, but more easily and freely trade 40%
though the storage issue is a point of consideration. I Guess really I just don't want to feel like the 40% I can have on hand are completely useless, but perhaps I could trade with people who do know math and not just with anyone, and would probably have to find the right merchants who know their stuff if I can make any use of 40%

>> No.54078888
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Just the one goblin wife is good for me.

>> No.54078945
File: 1.29 MB, 3790x3448, state of the stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one!

>> No.54079014

I wouldn't mind trading them if it wasnt a large amount but that's me, like >>54078677 said it would probably be harder to convince others. Long run it might be easier to trade them for 90 or 99 now rather than deal with the headache later.

>> No.54079029

thanks anon, was making due with budweiser up until now

>> No.54079222
File: 44 KB, 476x395, 1674436300015004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else ready for the giga happening or nothing burger when Americans wake up tomorrow?

>> No.54079247

Dubs checked.
I keked

>> No.54079273

I expect S&P500 to fall, probably the DOW and NASDAQ too. Then the FDIC will deliver on its promise to protect depositors. In a few days things will settle and the S&P will climb again.

>> No.54079282
File: 90 KB, 370x504, 1506741899613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2221674436300015004.jpg (44 KB, 476x395)File: 1674436300015004.jpg (44 KB, 476x395) google yandex iqdb wait44 KB JPGAnyone else ready for the giga happening or nothing burger when Americans wake up tomorrow?

I need a nothing burger

>> No.54079314
File: 342 KB, 1200x1200, 1678314658622165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You told the jews will keep silver down. My cheapies are gone. Why did you lie to me? You are not supposed to do that to us retards. I'm NGMI.

>> No.54079315

I pay for an investing newsletter. The guy says it will be a week or two of pump, going into the fomc, and then a giant dump after that.

Completely maddening though because this shit should be crashing right now. I took a. Financial sector short positioned on Friday and the fact i could be in the red tomorrow is an absolute joke considering what's going on.

>> No.54079362

>Long run it might be easier to trade them for 90 or 99 now rather than deal with the headache later.
Alright, thank you anons for the feedback
Maybe I could get some of them graded and sell them for a mint state to get more purer silver then
also what is the take on coin grading like PCGS /pmg/?
I know I've seen some of you say you are against purchasing graded coins if you aren't a collected, but any thoughts on getting coins graded that you know could receive high grade, then selling those, and then using the profits to get more .999 silver ounces?
I have a few merc dimes for example which I surmise could fetch a grade of mint state 60-62, maybe a 63 if I'm lucky, and been thinking about selling those high grades to get some silver ounces, but I'm looking into more research before I decide to submit anything
One merc dime in particular I think could be a variety of s but again I am no expert and have a basic magnifying glass to see it

>> No.54079379
File: 393 KB, 516x1167, RetireLater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the meantime, the GOP is working on making sure today's youth work longer.

>> No.54079452

Nobody is making anyone work for any amount of time. If you are secure financially, you can just quit your job and be a neet.

>> No.54079518

That's brilliant, kid.
Good luck.

>> No.54079583
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, 20220818_201443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for others but I recently joined PCGS so I can get some coins regraded and slabbed to sell and put those funds back into bullion.

>> No.54079587
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Thanks anon. I'm trying very hard and at the rate I'm saving it should take me 15 more years.

>> No.54079603

what's a good, hefty gold coin to buy that isnt going to have insane collector premiums?
i'm looking to buy a few gold coins this week but would like one that can used as a fondle piece.

>> No.54079614

The problem with that is if inflation among other things continue unchecked regardless of how educated or how hard you work, you may never be financially secure enough to stop working.

>> No.54079630

Can anyone give me a hint about holoanon's site? It's a lot harder to remember than mintanon's and I keep forgetting to bookmark them

>> No.54079642

sounds like you are, for all intents and purposes, forced to work for 15 more years

>> No.54079649
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x1960, 20221123_160218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a gold fondle go with a Krug or Eagle for durability.

>> No.54079663
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>> No.54079665

40% kennedys are a symbol of monetary degradation. they will always be lame

>> No.54079672

thank you for your sacrifice, anon

>> No.54079679
File: 100 KB, 640x440, 1677508366395287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but that's because I'm poor.

>> No.54079681

yes, a krug is your best bet for this

>> No.54079691

search BFACnovelty
site is down, check twitter

>> No.54079695
File: 30 KB, 220x123, disappear-sand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember me after I'm gone....

>> No.54079700

have you tried not being poor and just being a neet because no one is forcing you to work yet you brainlet?

>> No.54079718

We will, god bless you fren.

>> No.54079745

I've tried. There is no easy way to not be a poor retard. I'm not a neet and I work hard every day so I can retire early.

>> No.54079750

i have one but i'll look for one that isnt BU. maybe even get a discount because of scratches.
was thinking of the coronas or double eagles i see people posting but whatever works, just want something to fondle and appreciate that has some durability.

>> No.54079766

>24 posts by this ID
>op has 1 post
If the faggots that bake the threads would just add a pastebin with links to 4chan related rounds like the patch thread on /k/, anons wouldn't have to risk a ban.
>but anon why don't you bake a thread
Because you reddit niggers will bake it early if someone else hints that they'll bake.

>> No.54079893

You could go with something older, but making it a fondle piece could wreck any numismatic value it has if you care about that.
Agreed, idk why links haven't been added for meme coins, also agreed with the early bakes and non participating OPs

>> No.54080008

jannies were deleting treads for having "advertisements" in the op

>> No.54080110
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1651790411439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is pants on head retarded, we have links to a dozen online dealers and youtube channels, its also in line with the logic I expect from jannies.

>> No.54080363

Anon, this is a good thing, Social Security is a pyramid scheme and the only way to save it is to either make the top of the pyramid smaller or make the base broader.
Raising the retirement age is the only realistic solution to keep Social Security from collapsing without importing Millions of foreigners. They raised the retirement age in the past to avoid SS becoming unsustainable, there's no reason why they shouldn't do it again.

>> No.54080401

just remember: in the mad max years that are coming,
if you cant protect your stack youre just holding it for the guy that can.

>> No.54080430

this would have 30 billion to ukraine if it was actually from treasury

>> No.54080447

yeah and when they laugh in your face and finally tell you your digital currency doesnt exist anymore you realize that your braincancer was inoperable all along
lmao even

>> No.54080457

Any britbongs know of sites that don't have 30%+ premiums on silver Britannias, or should I just stick to gold if I want lower premiums?

>> No.54080476


>> No.54080746


>> No.54081403
File: 31 KB, 720x716, edd80802a0e85fd79837f4bb912aa299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economy is seconds away from crashing
>havent bought any PMs yet
its over

>> No.54081437

there is still time
before your accounts freeze, do what you think is reasonable, and get the best deal you can from any online dealer of your choice anon
after they freeze accounts you'll have to make due with any pocket change you have on hand and your local dealer until this mess could possible be resolved
Also buy non perishable food items that have a self life of years

>> No.54081566

fuck it anons
I've just place an order right now, should be delivered in a few days, about $100 worth of silver
I don't know when this is gonna cool down but I felt like silver won't be this low again for a while and might spike up
call me a retard and an idiot if silver drops please

>> No.54081743

>$100 worth of silver
pathetic, keep it up and make a big stack or you're a bitch

>> No.54081747

Calm down anon, silver and PMs are a cozy hold, it's not like a shitcoin that can be rugged.

>> No.54081781

Sorry, but I've already gone over my monthly budget and can't really afford to buy more at the moment, even if I feel like I should or want to
I hope so
either way, I know I will feel better once that silver reaches my hands and I can hold it

>> No.54081794


>> No.54081832

just playing anon, for real though good job and welcome to the club

>> No.54082043
File: 460 KB, 1059x2314, Silicon Valley Bank - Fed Bailout Explained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the Fed and Silicon Valley Bank, I've compiled some info about their plan going forward.

>> No.54082066

you need to get your priorities in order.
it all becomes crystal clear when you make peace with the factual reality that is the dollar / euro / whatever the fuck are not real money.

>> No.54082107

you don't have a wife tranny and most certainly never will

>> No.54082141

I think the thing that everyone is underestimating here is that all rich people are herd mentality dipshits, not just tech bros. The attitude is systemic, and I'm worried it's gonna fuck us to death

>> No.54082431

Is the pre-sale for Anonymint's Crusader coin still going or no? The website says the pre-sale ends after February, but it still is labeled as a pre-sale that you can order.

>> No.54082462

Yea it should be until the end of the month at least

>> No.54082482

The end of March now? If so, thank god.

>> No.54082533

Yea boomers are supposes to be in mintanons hand at the end of the month and pre orders for crusader are supposed to end.

>> No.54082563

2 more weeks, sweetie

>> No.54082598

bait lol

>> No.54082870
File: 34 KB, 330x330, basedepartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll buy 3.

>> No.54082888

Biden is supposed to give a speech at 8am about how safe our banks are.

>> No.54082930

Are these general like janny work or something?

>> No.54082948

theyre all free if thats what youre asking

>> No.54082974

I'll be interested to see how he plans to do that with impacting tax payers as he puts it. Which he of coarse won't explain. But I'm guessing it goes summit like this
>print more cash
>give to svb, thereby devaluing the dollar for everyone else a little more, but not directly via tax, because it's different or somefink
Possibly with quite a lot of breathyness and staring at the camera like he's a million miles, reading what he's been told to read by his handlers

I'm not even being facetious, I doubt he actually does any real deciding anymore

>> No.54082980

Ah, I see I see

>> No.54083055
File: 29 KB, 500x387, qwt169t6eeh61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed trips

>> No.54083087

He doesn't make any decisions, they give him a script and pray he doesn't shit himself or say nigger on live TV. I can't fathom what he will say to restore confidence in our economy.

>> No.54083111

> Biden scheduled to speak at 8 AM
> at 7:59, it is announced that Biden died in his sleep the previous evening of "natural causes"
> the speech is instead given by newly inaugurated president Kamala Harris, who, sweating and stammering, insists that America's economy has "never been stronger" and (unprompted), "we stand with Israel, our greatest ally"
> when asked about the red laser dot bouncing around between her eyes, a tearful Harris responds that she is simply "embracing her Indian heritage"

>> No.54083294

Got me at stands with Israel. There is an unironic chance Biden mentions us being allies with Israel during these trying economic times in his speech

>> No.54083319
File: 447 KB, 380x260, e7b6c4fcb9237ba3a914099cd59689ae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs and trips shits gonna pop off at 8

>> No.54083434

I go to this store and buy 10g every paycheck, cash, and keep it up my ass, suckin on those bars like a baby carrot.


>> No.54083497
File: 468 KB, 1500x1500, CDDF0981-F0DC-440A-B4FF-1CAB7D33429D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>54068749 #
>the only thing they have moved on with are carpets for sluices. Most of the sluices you see in these community placer mines are setup to catch utterly minute gold dust, they figured out that modern miners mosses work better than floor carpeting, and will do anything to get their hands on it.
>utterly minute gold dust
Well, that sounds like just my thing. Guess I gotta built an African style long dong.
How does this work without any good flow? I thought you need to “boil” the water for the heavies to settle, but this seems to purely work with very low flow. Guess you gotta classify to very fine?

>> No.54083509
File: 294 KB, 750x920, C83D6D77-46D1-4341-BFE6-F72918017967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We poomping silver bros

>> No.54083520
File: 372 KB, 1179x1600, 1669333430375519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we will never see silver this low again

>> No.54083552
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I don't understand your slanty alphabet, but keep ass stacking my friend.

>> No.54083556
File: 668 KB, 2880x2880, 20230313_075337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a tube of these, I've admittedly been slacking this year but this order brings my stack over 200ozt. I just wanna make it bros.

>> No.54083624

I got one guilded and two regular.
Yeah there is a delay in boomers so he kept it open for longer so they wouldn’t overlap. Think it was about 3-400 of each end of feb.

>> No.54083920
File: 21 KB, 280x280, 8f09b4e0062d1fd66c6bd4c6e937f12f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks basedgod

>> No.54083999

These pmg guys are to far gone anon. If you are unable to understand at this point that Bitcoin makes their rocks worthless, they have no chance or hope of making it. Just leave them be. I know it’s sad to see and you want to help them but its a lost cause.

>> No.54084291
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>> No.54084323


>> No.54084326
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>> No.54084356
File: 5 KB, 200x182, 55CB7591-ECB5-4880-8A23-87C93C85FCA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI bros

>> No.54084430
File: 70 KB, 566x636, 20221215_150815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, keep that prison wallet stacked and tight.
Pic related my triple threat friend.

>> No.54084524

yeah, wouldn't want to miss out on the "opportunity" to pay 3x spot for 1 ozt of silver

>> No.54084575

b-but it has a meme on it!
cant put a price on that

>> No.54084583
File: 1021 KB, 1920x1200, 1676950561545861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you redeem bloody behenchod?

>> No.54084600

Wagmi anon, keep up the good work.

>> No.54084625

>Due to high demand despatch of your order may be delayed by 2-3 days
Atkinsons Bullion bracing for impact

>> No.54084640
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>> No.54084653

mod has lost it

>> No.54084662
File: 760 KB, 1080x2179, Screenshot_20230313_074754_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some newfag redditor butchered a premature bake of a new thread. Do this gen a favor and report it for spam. Banning these faggots is all that will teach them.

>> No.54084666

Just made back the prems on gold with this bump in spot, still down 1k on silver prems

>> No.54084707
File: 103 KB, 389x435, look at em go.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your image inspired me to make a gif

>> No.54084715
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>> No.54084740

I want to see their faces when we run out of physical silver and the future contracts will be trading at $500 an ounce.
100 years of stealing from everyone and the Jews are about to lose because of a shiny metal that tarnishes over time lel

>> No.54084747

Buy 100 francs of silver to even out your stack :3

>> No.54084779

won’t happen. they will crash the price of silver and settle all contracts while making physical unavailable.

>> No.54084808


>> No.54084811

pretty sure the industrial inputs for silver can't run on paper

>> No.54084816

I think your own money would be the least of your problems then kek they own the fed don't they?

>> No.54084824

They are dropping combustion tech, EV everywhere. All these powerful companies that need lithium and silver will pay the price.
What I fear is the price of silver on the market reaching levels that will force them to delegalize it for private ownership.

>> No.54084829


>> No.54084844
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x768, 1678498755028990.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought 25oz silver on Friday/Saturday
feels good to be a stable genius

>> No.54084855

these sluices are setup to catch micro gold using slow water flow, washing only a bucket of material at a time. Note the humps half way down the sluice, those are wide "riffles", the gold settles behind those hard points, while the waste washes past. Its tedious work but it will catch pretty much all the gold in the material. It also helps that most of the material these guys are working with is a soft clay / sand, its not really rocky. You will often see these miners working 10 minutes on a single bucket of dirt.

>> No.54084864

Just don't put your savings in the bank

>> No.54084885
File: 148 KB, 723x444, 1677870253323589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>premature baking

>> No.54084912

that wasn't premature you fucking faggot

>> No.54084946
File: 123 KB, 1200x860, 1666923823586224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confusing currency with money.

>> No.54085122

Seems like the story so far goes:

1) QE causes banks to accumulate lots of low yield government debt.
2) More money is printed during covid and goverment spending on wokeness
3) Inflation starts up
4) They raise rates
5) This causes digital coins to dump
6) Bonds also dip because rates higher.
7) Banks start to fail
8) They won't raise rates - may even lower them and do QE by the time it is done.
9) QE would be very bullish for digital coins an PMs.
10) Operation chokepoint is underway. Government may seriously limit non-fed coins
11) PMs, Private coins, and Fed coins fight to be the new money.

>> No.54085160

Also Rising rates make low rate mortgages worth less and mean house prices fall increasing risk of defaults especially if job market tanks.

>> No.54085292


If CBDC wins out long term you may not be allowed to trade it for PMs ( and others too )

It ought to be good for barter unless that is outlawed as they may do to non fed digital coins.

When/if the four horsemen arrive and afterwards it will be very nice to have, but it may not ever get a useful price spike to get rich by. Bullets are good to have too and tradeable inthe right circumstances.

>> No.54085534

I’ll put a price of about $200 on eBay a month after they turn up.

>> No.54085615

My only hope is this hysteria will die down and the summer doldrums will be a blessing

>> No.54086000

A little known project out of Singapore called GramChain solved this. They created software that vault operators use to upload data of stored bullion, including photos and rfid tracking.

That data gets uploaded to Chainlink before it's published to a real-time gold tracker:


Tokens can't be minted unless bars are in the vault to collateralize the new supply.

>> No.54086076

If you can't hold it you don't own it. I'm not taking the word of a chink on the other side of the world that he isn't taking 20 pics of the same shuffled up pile of plated bricks and sending it to 1000 anons with a thumbs saying got your gold right here bro.

>> No.54087362
File: 51 KB, 538x544, flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tel me how completely flat evaluations like this are possible? for a full day or even longer in the past.
Explain it to me like Im retarded. Because that shit is shady as fuck

>> No.54087394

silver paper market magically is closed on the weekends