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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54072552 No.54072552 [Reply] [Original]

The Signature Bank pool has been closed I repeat the Signature Bank pool has been closed.

>March 9 Silvergate Bank
>March 10 SVB
>March 11 Wells Fargo (pending)
>March 12 Signature Bank
>March 12 Amway Bank (pending)

You best be believing in financial collapses, you're in one!

>> No.54072651

Will electrical goods inflate along with everything else? There's a bunch of expensive shit I need to buy. Should I pull the trigger now anons?

>> No.54072675

>le /pol/ incel retard thread
go back

>> No.54072738

is it time to panic?

>> No.54072748
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Will Charles Schwab collapse?

>> No.54072757

it was time to panic when the 2020 crash happened desu

>> No.54073090
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>> No.54073445

now do the picrel for Europe markets and their 20x-40x leverage

>> No.54073473

What about First Republic Bank? Isn't that one coming soon too

>> No.54073882

btw, Circle (USDC) uses this bank and SVB, this is a big FU to crypto

>> No.54073946

god you are a fucking moron. markets are green and the shits already been covered. get rekt faggot

>> No.54073991
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Bank run? More like bank moonwalk

(Hee hee)

>> No.54074022
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>> No.54074049

>>March 11 Wells Fargo (pending)
fake and gay. go back

>> No.54074123

>>March 11 Wells Fargo (pending)
>>March 12 Amway Bank (pending)

>> No.54074171

Yes get your wealth the fuck out of cash holy shit nigga.

>> No.54074186

Never panic. There's always an opportunity to profit.

>> No.54074190
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So it has started.

>> No.54074255

>banks collapsing and markets are green
I swear after 2008, nothing makes sense anymore. WW3 could be declared next week and hitting ATH would be more likely than a crash

>> No.54074305

More evidence markets are disconnected from reality.

>> No.54074339
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not my problem

>> No.54074395
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remember it's not a bailout and it's not a bank collapse if they just change the definition of what those are

>> No.54074418

Markets are addicted to Fed money and would rather things go into the shitter so they can get their next fix of QE instead of seeing low unemployment, strong consumer spending, or anything else that might suggest the economy is doing well on its own.

>> No.54074701

yeah, but that can't go on forever

...can it?

>> No.54074779

so true

>> No.54074969

This. Why do these niggers insist that Wells Fargo is going under. They have 2 fucking trillion dollars in assets. They would have to have hundreds of billions of dollars in junk masquerading as assets on their balance sheet to be insolvent. Granted, I do sort of wish they would go under. I'm sick of 'it's happening' and nothing fucking happens. If Wells Fargo does actually go under, then I am unemployed as of tomorrow because the company I work for has all their business accounts with WF. Small price to pay to get this show on the road.

>> No.54075101

All it takes is substantial investment in any individual bank that had hundreds of billions of dollars in junk bonds to rock anyone's applecart, WF included (ignoring what could happen to anyone unfortunate enough to invest in multiple companies for whom the above scenario fits). Here's hoping they didn't bet on the wrong horse, for your sake.

>> No.54075170

>They would have to have hundreds of billions of dollars in junk masquerading as assets on their balance sheet
Good thing that's never happened before, right? Jokes aside though, I don't think Wells is in any more trouble than the rest of their size tier, which is to say not much at present.

>> No.54075223
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Wow and its not even Monday yet

>> No.54075242

item in hand now is always better than no item in hand

just like your money in the bank, if you don't hold it you don't own it withdraw now

>> No.54075324

That's the entire point of money anon, to own physical things. Go get yourself those power tools or whatever it is you need.

>> No.54075418
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>change the definition
Bingo. Exactly why you have to modify your logic from "logic" to clown world analysis to understand markets.

>> No.54075422

>"big FU to crypto"
>Be YoUR oWn BaNk

sounds like brypto is an FU to itself

>> No.54075446
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>March 11 Wells Fargo (pending)
It's not in danger of closing, is it?

>> No.54075452

Don't they have strict ass LCR rules?

>> No.54075460

the point of money is also to get women to touch your peepee

>> No.54075469

it'll be fine. we'll just press print on the printer again.

>> No.54075544

Fucking Wells fucking Fargo isn't fucking going under. Jesus fucking Christ. I'd fucking love to fucking see it, but fucking get a fucking grip. The fucking US would fucking nuke fucking North fucking Dakota before letting fucking Wells fucking Fargo go under.

>> No.54075643

fuckety fuckety fuckety you're done for.

>> No.54075741
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>> No.54075795

No because their risk management and asset management teams are all white and/or Jewish.

>> No.54075825

If wells fargo collapses do I have to pay my credit card?

>> No.54075942

To be honest, if WF goes under being unemployed for a little while will be the least of my concern. Could anyone really imagine the shitstorm if one of the largest banks in the world went tits up?

>> No.54076076

It's not easy to picture, I'll be the first to admit.

>> No.54076111


>> No.54076306
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Wells Fargo exited the Mortgage Market in 2022 because they suffered massive losses in real estate since 2012 when they were not bailed out to the extent of other banks because they actually had good practices, because of this they were cash negative and were never able to upgrade their mortgage division to a modern system, i.e. you couldn’t apply for a loan on-line with them it all had to be over the phone or in person. Couple this with their massive fines for employees writing fake loans for customers to get paid commissions and other massive regulatory violations and I’d say they’re at best not in a great place.
Here is their balance sheet for anyone wanting to make their own opinion. (These Niggers have a .14 liquidity ratio and 50% of their assets are consumer or commercial loans which will fail like crazy with rates rising).

>> No.54076321

They're not closing Wells Fargo you fucking retard. They would never let that happen.

>> No.54076419

They’re not closing Bears Sterns retard they would never let that happen.
>They’re not closing Lehman Brothers retard they would never let that happen
They would never close Wells Fargo retard they would never let that happen.

>Before Bears Sterns closed Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were considered “the big four banks”, two closed and one was overtaken by Bank of America. Wells Fargo isn’t even a Big Four bank in 2023, the Big Four are Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs.

>> No.54076485

I have some crypto in Coinbase because I'm lazy and retarded.
Coinbase just said they had 240 million with SVB.
Am I fucked?

>> No.54076499

Kys you dumb bitch

>> No.54076522
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You clearly have no idea how banking works, or even what has happened, so why even comment?
A bank run is not an MBS credit crisis like in 2008. It's like comparing an airplane to your mom. You fucking retard.

>> No.54076682

>HSBC North America
Oh fuck, all my savings are there

>> No.54076812

your savings are in the north american branch of the hong kong bank of china?
da fuk for??

>> No.54076813


>> No.54076847

Retard. Btc was made for this

>> No.54076857

you can if you want to
it doesn't help anything though

>> No.54076867

it's afraid

>> No.54076910

It's the only way I can spend money in the US of A, London and China without making bankers paranoid.

>> No.54076982

WF was, still is terrible. Fake loans, opening new credit cards, new extra accounts. Employees were told they had to sell 3 new "products" a day, or else they got the boot. Their managers indirectly told them to be shady, do it any way possible, we gotta make the numbers. In interviews employees said they had to, they had rent to pay, couldn't get another job. So they started digging into customer records, pulling up older and inactive prople, less likely to notice. But they did notice, starting getting statements for new loans and credit cards they didn't sign up for, and that's what brought it down. And for all that, WF got a slap on the wrist, something like $10 mil. They just see it as a cost of doing business, and so continue to do such.

>> No.54076992

dogecoin solves this

>> No.54076995


Source on the .14 liquidity ratio?

I can't imagine a major bank having a liquidity ratio that abysmally low.

>> No.54077016

>get the fuck out of cash prior to a sovereign debt crisis

>> No.54077192

t. faggot tranny neckbeard redditor with horrific body odor

>> No.54077630

Fuck yes. They do all of that shit. Perfect. They got those wagie mutts to make fake accounts. Fines are always a cost of doing business, every firm knows this. You don't have to play by the rules in business, you just have to make more shekels. I've had mutts at department stores try to sign me up for credit cards. Good. I hope dumb people get those cards and lose a bunch of money and go bankrupt, it takes them out of the credit gene pool for seven years.

A bank or broker-dealer's job is to make money out of thin air by participating in various scheming. Wells Fargo is fucking fantastic at it. Everyone wishes wells fargo would go under, and they're trying to meme it into existence. It won't happen.

>> No.54077845

Capped for posterity.

>> No.54079933
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I only us local credit unions with a long track record. I'll sleep fine tonight

>> No.54080029
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They got bailed out, no bank run and no happening.

Thanks for playing our rigged game tho.

>> No.54080036


>> No.54080068


>> No.54080480

It's noticeable when they leave the containment board

Buncha faggots ong