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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 815x951, bailout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54071842 No.54071842 [Reply] [Original]

US treasury is bailing out billionaires while looking you in the eye and telling you it's not bailing out billionaires.
All these "small businesses" that this is being done in the name of are owned and backed by larger businesses. Venture capital firms. Billionaires. So that's how they're gonna try to sell it to you. "Oh, but look at this 'small' 500 million dollar business, we need to bail them out because it's a 'small business'!". It's not. It's a big business and it's owned by even bigger businesses, and even bigger billionaires.

And we're not doing it for workers either because we raised rates specifically to cause layoffs. So they can cut those crocodile tears out, although no doubt they'll try to use that as a justification too. But if that were true we'd bailout workers directly with unemployment insurance, which is something that will NEVER happen in America.

It's all bullshit. It's all lies. Your economy is rigged to serve the wealthy and keep you oppressed. I HIGHLY suggest buying some study, thick rope and converting politickally to Maoism

>> No.54071871

Oh yeah I forgot to mention BTW. Those are the "reverse repos" when they talk about the deposit window, if you didn't know that. That's when the fed gives all of the endless billions upon billions of free money to people who are already billionaires. That's how fucked up your rightwing capitalist system in America is

>> No.54071918

>rightwing capitalist system in America

>> No.54072015

Yes you live in a capitalist country, you idiot. Learn what the word "capitalism" means at least before you say asinine shit. Jesus christ

>> No.54072220
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>banks rely on government bailouts

>> No.54072240

Learn what the word "capitalism" means. It means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit, idiot. Not your made up 4chan definitions that mean "only when I approve of government doing stuff"

>> No.54072259

>private ownership
>banks rely on public money

>> No.54072285

Yes private ownership and public money. Yes. That's literally "capitalism" you fucking idiot. Learn what words mean before you formulate your moronic rightwing political opinions, I suppose.

>> No.54072290

> rightwing
I was with you until this. If you can’t see beyond the two party/two “wing” paradigm you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.54072319
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>> No.54072346

>No taxpayer money used
Yea, because it's freshly minted off the printing press.

>> No.54072352

>Socialized Capitalism

>> No.54072368

No you're the rightwing. The far rightwing. That's rightwing, GOP rhetoric you're spreading right now, explicitly. Anyone who denies the existence of the rightwing is inherently a part of the rightwing. You are the far rightwing on 4chan. Yes. Surprise surprise idiots. And your denial of being rightwing is just another part of the rightwing.

>> No.54072376

>It's not capitalism to infiltrate and influence the government to give you the maximum amount of capital for the minimum amount of work
If we renamed it from government to Jews you'd be celebrating the robbery as a capitalistic master play. Instead you're stuck in your delusional dream world where a world with 0 regulations somehow turns all of the most bloodthirsty capitalists benign and friendly

>> No.54072390
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Dumb fucking cynical shortsighted bears are absolutely SEETHING lmfao

>> No.54072395

Learn what the meanings of words are before you use them. "Socialized capitalism" is something you just made up. "Capitalism" means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. It's irrelevant if those private industries are bailed out or receiving taxpayer money and subsidies. Fucking retards on this board, man. Fucking retards on the right with zero educations.

>> No.54072410
File: 702 KB, 500x500, 60D50679-7E3D-4F4A-963A-6B7F75E53623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon isn’t ready for hyperinflation

>> No.54072425

the important thing is you somehow managed to get mad and blame shapeless, formless people on 4chan whom you will never meet
that'll show 'em boss!

>> No.54072427

You won’t so shit but cry on a basket weaving forum as you’re raped, pillaged, and buried. You’re a true good boy slave cattle goym.

>> No.54072430

I was a bear up until today. Now I'm a....now I'm just torn on everything. Trying to predict what a hyperinflationary environment for America will be like is nearly impossible

>> No.54072438

>capitalism is when the government hands out free money to its favorite people
no, that's socialism.

>bu bu buh muh corporations
it's socialism
>buh buh buh buh whabout muh rich people
it's still socialism

>> No.54072441
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>> No.54072452

I literally don't even know what you're trying to say here because it's so incoherent. Anyway, as stated previously, learn what the meanings of words like "capitalism" are first before you use them, I suppose

>> No.54072484

>strengthening public confidence in our banking system
>after two banks just fucking collapsed over night
One sentence in and we're already reaching levels of mental gymnastics that shouldn't even be possible lmfao

>> No.54072485

you are just mad dude, and in your impotence you scream out in the void changing nothing

>> No.54072491

As I stated to the anons previously, learn what words like "socialism" and "capitalism" mean before you use them. "Socialism" means the collective ownership of industry. "Capitalism" means the private ownership of industry. "Capitalism" has nothing to do with free markets, or whether or not there are bailouts and subsidies.

Learn what these words mean before you use them. You people on the right have no fucking education and you sound dumb beyond words when you try to say "Murica isn't capitalism". It's literally the most capitalist country that's ever existed in the history of the world.

>> No.54072508

OK. Great. Cool. I'm mad. I literally don't care one bit about whatever moronic game you think you're playing here. You're playing it with yourself. I'm just telling you all to learn what the basic meanings of basic words are before you use them.

>> No.54072514

While Fake News lies and tells the public

Fucking LIARS

>> No.54072528

No, my boy. You are reading the words but you don't know what they mean.

>> No.54072539

its all good, Bernie and AOC are enacting REAL change as we speak just gotta wait 2 more weeks

>> No.54072547

They just screwed themselves. If more than two more small banks or 1 more regional bank fail before the debt ceiling gets raised the FDIC won’t have the funds to pay do insured deposits.

>> No.54072549
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>your rightwing capitalist system in America

>> No.54072561
File: 843 KB, 664x1578, AKA_BAILOUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh, but look at this 'small' 500 million dollar business, we need to bail them out because it's a 'small business'!". It's not. It's a big business and it's owned by even bigger businesses
The greedy kikes learned their lesson from 2008: bail out their friends but tell the public the opposite and gaslight them everything is fine.

Except now, the banks= the US government.

>> No.54072566

Imagine telling someone in 1923 that the average home price in the US would eventually be $400,000+. They wouldn't be able to comprehend it. The entire US economy literally depends on hyperinflation, that's the whole point of divorcing the value of the dollar from anything real aside from a vague threat of nuclear annihilation.

>> No.54072602

The fed needs to be destroyed..

>> No.54072610

Your rightwing, the GOP, is what votes against higher wages and labor rights. Democrats support them. There's no way you don't know that.
Yeah you people need to learn what words like "capitalism" and "socialism" mean. Man, you people are fucking uneducated morons.
I actually agree with you, I think the situation is still dire no matter what path we attempt from this point forward, on top of the fact that what America is doing is horrendously immoral

>> No.54072641

I'm trans btw idk if that matters

>> No.54072648

It's not the fed's fault, they're just trying to keep the economy afloat any way they can. The fault lies solely with republicans in congress who can block any progressive reform with a mere 40 senate votes. They're the ones that won't do anything to save the US economy or help ordinary people out. They're the reason America remains a country run by and for the wealthy.

>> No.54072654

>banks rely on government bailouts
But wait
>because the government is owned and controlled by the companies that own the banks
America is so capitalist, even the government is a capital creation element. The entire US government has been relegated to an organ of the Body Capital. Now consider the consequences of JP Morgan having the full strength of the military, intelligence, and multi-trillion budget.

>> No.54072670

No you're not and no it wouldn't, obviously. Not sure why on Earth you'd even imagine it would. And seriously, why do you people obsess over transsexuals on the far right? Pic related is obviously super relevant to you

>> No.54072696

>No you're not
how very close minded of you... your world view is too narrow imo <3

>> No.54072697
File: 132 KB, 786x740, homophobia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you're not and no it wouldn't, obviously. Not sure why on Earth you'd even imagine it would. And seriously, why do you people obsess over transsexuals on the far right? Pic related is obviously super relevant to you
pic (I accidentally autoposted before)

>> No.54072721

Dude nobody cares about your retarded manipulative LARP. Seriously, why do you subhuman far right animals even waste your own times with this retarded, endlessly cringe bullshit?

>> No.54072731

Your democratic president is the one doing this. Silicon Valley Bank is basically a VC kike bank. Normal FDIC limit should apply. Stop red team blue teaming this shit when your guy has the power.

>> No.54072747

wait hold up, is there something wrong with me being attracted to men...?? the bigotry you are displaying here is making me uncomfortable, I'm out

>> No.54072761
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1580, Screenshot 2023-03-12 at 7.54.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.54072780
File: 206 KB, 499x647, EAK4gbaWkAYYQar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way out of this is to indiscriminately kill every politician and (((banker))) you can get your hands on before (((they))) can stop you

>> No.54072801

You are exactly right.
Our country is fucked because democrats don't follow the rule of law.

The rules don't apply to them, they bail eachother out, they steal from Americans.

>> No.54072813

As it was in the beginning, is now, and forever it shall be, forever and ever.

>> No.54072885

The US is a lemon socialist country

>> No.54072938

They need to be consistent and take a path that doesn’t cost several trillion dollars. Ensure FDIC funds up to $1,000,000 or something like that. That will lower the odds of panic and also fully protects small businesses. Ensuring $300 million dollar deposits from profitable companies that couldn’t be bothered to do basic risk management is not sustainable and just encourages moral hazard

>> No.54072955

This. Not sure why schoolshooters target innocent little kids instead of the actual scum

>> No.54072976

Fuck off, you stupid fucking kike.
Rules are rules & Biden doesn't get to change them to save his own meal ticket.

>> No.54073024

>no losses will be borne by the taxpayer
Unless they're taking the money from the investors and employees how could this be possible?
>inb4 print new money

>> No.54073075

They implemented the same program in 2008. Im just saying they need to be fucking consistent with actual rules instead of shotgunning taxpayer money. Keep it $250,000, temporarily raise it a little, literally anything except what they are doing now

>> No.54073101

>invest heavily in long term bonds
>shit hits the fan
>people panic
>start withdrawing mass money
>banks legally required to have X amount of liquidity
>bank makes huge fuss about selling bonds at a loss
>gov't gives "loans" to said bank to help out
>everything is ok
probably women screwing shit up again.

>> No.54073126

Thank you federal reserve you are my greatest ally

>> No.54073266

Are you talking about this?
>it will make available additional funding to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors

If they need cash, they want repo not reverse repo.

But more importantly, I’m not sure you actually understand how Reverse Repo functions. It’s collateralized overnight funding, but aside from that even the fed is essentially borrowing at the discount rate to pay out to banks interest on an overnight basis, the actual spread of money they are losing is extremely thin, .25% APR for all RRP deposits literally maximum if SOFR is somehow flush with IOER

>> No.54073318

Truly a failing of public education.

>> No.54073329
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I don't give a fuck because it's about to pump my bags and, at the very least, keep me afloat in real terms.

>> No.54073395


>> No.54073670

If you find his comment incoherent, you might actually be a brainlet.

>> No.54073729

i dont even care about the economical effects it's just so GAY.
Why do they have to refuse real blood to be spilt. even if when it's completely justified they weasel they way out of it. Infuriating.

>> No.54073781

btw OP i recognize you from an earlier thread. You have good information and analysis. Remember there are a lot of people on this board right now and not all of us think the same thing. Please keep posting.

>> No.54073872

I hope someone shoves an umbrella up your ass and opens it.

>> No.54073876

TARP all over again. This wont bode well.

>> No.54073907


Based on this bank's clients, what they are really bailing out are regime-allies. It's a California woke-bank. If it was red state flyover working class loser bank there would be no such bailout.