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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54071388 No.54071388 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't the federal reserve bail me out? Or bail the poverty out?

>> No.54071409

They can but they won’t

>> No.54071441

Why is that fair?

>> No.54071449

The same reason why I can't lick her vaginal folds.

>> No.54071460

It needs a majority of any given population to serve the other part. You will be serving.

>> No.54071474

They've been bailing you niggers out for the last 3 years with rent moratoriums, PPP loans (massive fraud by normies who set up fake shell companies), stimulus checks, student loan payment deferments, etc. You niggers had so much extra cash to spend that you caused the worst inflation we've seen in four decades.

>> No.54071493
File: 37 KB, 416x416, hillary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldn't they buy more F-22s for Ukraine instead?
and raise taxes on the rich, r-right

>> No.54071524
File: 507 KB, 1080x631, 1615575957662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silicon Valley "CEO" kids need that money goy, now go back to work prole

>> No.54071602

> shouldn't they buy more F-22s for Ukraine instead?
They should desu
I know /pol/ supports the Russians, but it's wrong. They are not the people you think them to be, just because they don't like niggers either. They are slav borderline retarded and used to serve folk. Primitive wanna be euro mongos. Except for a few elites... like everywhere, really, no?

>> No.54071608

Truthfully, they cant bail out any of it, but they have less of a choice to ignore it with the banks

>> No.54071689

Why can't they fed pay a girl like that to be my girlfriend?

>> No.54072077

Because if they bail you out you provide zero value. Venture capitalists and founders create jobs.

>> No.54072128

a deadline extension is not a bailout you silly nigger retard, especially when your debt continues accruing interest during said extension

>> No.54072152

What did you do to put yourself in a hole to begin with?

>> No.54073119
File: 11 KB, 191x172, 1613108436349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should rally college graduates to demand a bailout on student debt

>> No.54073519

It's not, life isn't fair.
The rich can do whatever they want unless there are consequences.
Things have not gotten bad enough to be consequences.
They technically have but since it's not at chaotic level and people are worried about extreme poverty they play along.
Realistically bankers need to be dragged out and hung; while politicians need to be put up against a wall and shot.
In minecraft that is

The biggest glow op is convincing people that calling for minecraft violence makes that person a fed.

Every fucking nation in history only got change by uprising.
Every nation in history changed by blood in the street.
They argue about "they're trying to take your guns by getting you to use them".
You mean how they're already taking our guns?
Banning them 2 days ago in Washington?
Restrictions and magazine bans in California?
They are already taking your weapons.
But people sit around and use "it's a fed trying to get more gun laws".
Fuck you, when you use the guns they won't make more gun laws.
That's the fucking point.
They are afraid to do that because they saw you will use them against them.

They fear us
These people need to fear us.
Faggots being convinced to hurt innocent children and civilians by discord glowies is the issue.

>> No.54074821


>> No.54074985


>> No.54075023

He is right you know.

>> No.54075047

that's a man

>> No.54075063


Student loans haven't been earning interest for 3 years lol. We're talking about thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars of interest that individuals haven't had to pay.

>> No.54075117

>Lets do nothing forever while they enslave us and steal all our money. Surely banks will self regulate, surely the politicians will look out for you.
Kill yourself, genuinely.

>> No.54075199

Because you were born poor. You're only chance to not be poor is to hustle

>> No.54075428

>Why can't the Fed magically transmute digital Ones and Zeroes into physical goods and services?

>> No.54075688

Anon I ...

>> No.54075727

because they use that poverty to force you to work and then take part of your surplus value