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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.62 MB, 450x800, 5675754667567.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54068760 No.54068760 [Reply] [Original]

why haven't you opened your business yet?

>> No.54068783

Yeah I'm happy to be a NEET, fuck these vapid whores

>> No.54068784

>Raised $4 million to reinvent LinkedIn for gen Z
techslop larp

>> No.54068799

This. We hate them because they represent how we cannot have sex, which would be nice

>> No.54068829

i provided the 4m
needed a good way to filter out bussin applications

>> No.54068849

this webm will be in a museum someday documenting the collapse

>> No.54068881
File: 172 KB, 1170x500, 8FA4B364-8C44-4D87-97C6-81690A6DF8A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Service industry produces nothing; entire industry will crash as soon as America stops consooming on all cylinders. Guarantee all of them will be bankrupt in 5 years.

>> No.54068911
File: 949 KB, 1198x677, fsfsfsfsfdsfsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why I don't use social media or a smartphone. I refuse to contribute to the prosperity of cunts like that.

>> No.54068916

These are poor "little guys" who have been rekt by the SVB collapse, remember that. And who could forget the "bootstrapped" Midwestern moms running a $100 million valuation do nothing shitco froth SaaS company after spending 10 years at McKinsey, EY, and Deloitte making $250k+ per year (after attending Wharton on legacy, no less) while her husband runs a family business he inherited from his dad and is FORCED to care for the children. Think of the poor little guys!

>> No.54068948
File: 283 KB, 680x679, 1564944977929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I love about this webm is that even among these roasties, they know their place.

Poojarna is in the back, mostly blocked out by the others

>> No.54068956
File: 242 KB, 1100x1356, m3dfhvucnana1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy!

>> No.54068966

>buzz words buzz words buzz words
>not a single one of them names their companies or states how they got funding aka from their rich parents

>> No.54068990

I have never heard of a modern linkedin competitor what the fuck is she talking about?

>> No.54069019

>from their rich parents
this. it's easier to network being a rich hot girl too

>> No.54069085

I did just start my new business, home automation, a/v remodeling, and security. Eventually I want to expand into solar and irrigation systems too. Wish me luck bros, im so tired of working for boomers and jews.

>> No.54069093

I think it's literally impossible for a woman to get into a position of power and not become some attention whore. Like every time a woman gets a high ranking position usually due to nepotism or diversity laws, their first thought is "I have to make a tiktok channel not about myself and my success"

>> No.54069099

I have 2 businesses and haven't made a single cent yet

>> No.54069106

None of them are "hot"

>> No.54069118

Its worth over 4 million bro! How have you not heard of it?

>> No.54069138

I've done the math on my ideas and they're unlikely to be profitable enough to be worth the effort.

>> No.54069143

god I hate women so fucking much

>> No.54069144

post her porn

>> No.54069146

>he doesn't have a 7 fig social serial entrepreneur ventured backed company that reinvests things for gen z that he sold to investors at 19

>> No.54069188

I did and I've quickly discovered that it's almost impossible to actually make money while building anything of value in this country
This isn't demoralization, running a business has always been difficult but offshoring, global megacorps and regulation have made it utterly futile. Unless you've got access to a couple million dollars worth of funds from (((well-connected friends and family))), you're better off waging and throwing it into shitcoins and meme stock rallies.

>> No.54069194

society is collapsing

>> No.54069205

kek they probably got startup funding from svb

>> No.54069209

the one in the blue/white pants has ass though. would all day

>> No.54069214

Years ago I got into app development for games. In my head I wanted to make something as complex as a modern Final Fantasy on a mobile phone. Would have taken many years and be a big investment and a major risk. Then along came Flappy Bird. A game you play by literally just tapping the screen every seconds and it made the creator a millionaire. Made me understand for the next generations you have to think dumber and smaller not bigger since attention spans are so low

>> No.54069220
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Even if 10% of this is true, they are better than 99% of the posters here for doing something.

However, I still would like to bludgeon them with a shovel until the carpet is saturated with blood for making such a cringe video.

Assuming there is also some truth to this, there is no way on this fucking planet that these kids have access to this kind of capital and backing unless many, many doors were opened for them by daddy and his VC company from day 1.

Their self-congratulatory pat on the back has nothing to do with their gender and overcoming odds but instead shows that privilege is completely detached from gender and race and just plain old money.

>> No.54069221

this. biggest top single in world history.

>> No.54069226
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>> No.54069248
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>> No.54069260

I don't understand why tech companies didn't put out memos telling people to stop making these videos because it makes them look like adult day care centers

>> No.54069296

>huge disgusting ass and elevated test levels from squatting at the gym everyday in an attempt to emulate obese sheboon pop stars
You zoomers are bizarre

>> No.54069300

That one ass is so far everyone’d get blocked out by it

>> No.54069303
File: 1.97 MB, 720x1280, 1678572848448378.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54069332

When do you think she'll have to eat the cats

>> No.54069339

She is unbelievably strong and valid!

>> No.54069344

You need a (you). Good luck bro!

>> No.54069361

is this another one of those tech jobs?

>> No.54069376

Doesn't look any different from the day working.

>> No.54069387

By business they mean they sell their nude pics to simps on onlyfans

>> No.54069421

Literally all of these closed their "business", and all of them had daddy's money to start it to begin with.

But to answer your question, kike simp, I own my own business, yeah.

>> No.54069426

Greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.54069434

Why put out a memo when you can drop a box at their desk?

>> No.54069468
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>> No.54069484

>let me go to disney world
>watch me get on a plane and go on vacation

>> No.54069495

HR/Public Affairs literally invented the meme/worthless job. They think the videos show a typical hard days work for them.

>> No.54069529
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Oy vey look at that snoze

>> No.54069556

Wouldn't it be filter out cap applications?

>> No.54069583

Hopefully they all cashed out and sold because literally all of their businesses are fucked

>> No.54069584

Literally all 3 business no longer exist and two of them are now whoring themselves in OF.

>> No.54069591

Tempting but I realized I was behind on my emergency prep so that came first.

>> No.54069614

>huge disgusting ass
uh okay
>higher test levels than girls that dont lift
she still wants to be dominated tho anon. she can do all the squatting she wants but she still serves the dick ya heard me

>> No.54069616

every zoomer who thinks they're bussin is cap

>> No.54069629
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>> No.54069631

Every single one of these I have seen is full of these bitches stuffing themselves and consuming sugary drinks all day, it's honestly disgusting

>> No.54069654
File: 91 KB, 637x661, 56E2BE48-D66F-4BF1-A295-42D59DF41757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Names? And let me guess, it’s that pajeeta that doesn’t have the OF?

>> No.54069707
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>> No.54069846

It's even more disgusting when you learn some of them actually just spit it out between cuts
Imagine doing spit takes like you're in a fucking movie but it's just your tiktok account with 200 followers and you're just drinking starbucks. Nasty
Good luck, doesn't sound like easy work but does sound like the sort of thing you can scale locally and make real good money with

>> No.54069923

Why do you think SVB went bankrupt? They were funding hundreds if not THOUSANDS of these "startups" which make absolutely zero profit.

>> No.54069962

People like this make me feel bad for enjoying mushrooms. I hate Stanford/SV types so very much.

>> No.54069998

Are these the types of retards Silicon Valley Bank was funding

>> No.54070031

>red light mask

>> No.54070157


>> No.54070187

Ever hear of the game called "musical chairs"?

>> No.54070199

Can I see these sites? Never heard of a zoomer linked in

>> No.54070201

You'll grow out of using them eventually, if you're focused on your life and actualizing your potential you'll have gotten everything you need out of them after like your 9th or 10th trip

>> No.54070215

I want the pajeeta the most tho

>> No.54070218

Yes, not even kidding.

Although, those slags in particular probably got a fuck ton of free money from their dad and his VC buddies to flush down the toilet without consequences, the point still stands.

>> No.54071110

I'm so glad we're bailing them out

>> No.54071122

I hate women.

>> No.54071321

She reminds me on my ex. FUCK. I miss her bros.

>> No.54071410

>"serial entrepreneur"
I do not trust anyone who calls themselves a "entrepreneur". It is a meaningless label - you can invest in anti-drowning devices for fish and be an 'entrepreneur'

>> No.54071497

I was thinking of something similar bud, good luck

>> No.54071746

>copes by going to fucking Disneyland then sneaks in a first class brag

>> No.54071803

she doesn't think about you.

>> No.54071978
File: 327 KB, 552x592, cat-reactions-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even the first thing supposed to be?

>> No.54072037

>some useless cunt got paid 3 figures to do nothing and lives in a nice condo with lots of expensive useless crap
Even though she got fired, i'm still mad she got that job in the first place.

>> No.54072773

Isn't the backstory to this that these female children were all funded by the wealthy parents' money and connections?

Problem is, fucking Boomers who still run everything think that just because something has an "app" that it's "the future". 90's .com bubble = 10's tech bubble

>> No.54072826

I have no skills or anything.

>> No.54072913

you're actually an idiot if you think we want to have sex with these plain roasties.

>> No.54073134
File: 213 KB, 1200x744, 1671527132964663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha the fact they are bragging about investment, and not profit or turnover is basically everything wrong with the post 2008 economy. Daddy's friend gave me 500k I'm a genius!! Profit?

>> No.54073244
File: 26 KB, 739x415, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I don't get.
If your so fucking happy/owning it or whatever why do you feel the need to tell people? Why do you feel the need to put in an inordinate amount of effort to create a highly edited and polished video mostly for strangers to view?

If I go for a walk and see a rainbow, I don't need to tell everyone I saw it. I just enjoy the rainbow.

And for matter, why do you think I or anyone for that matter cares? Maybe some people do, but I honestly don't care what strangers do with their lives. We all know it's fake and selectively edited anyway. Are you telling me there were no shitty parts that were not presented in the video?
The smile is fake and staged, not spontaneous, and this shows that the purpose of the video is not to show a recording of authentic expression but an act intended to elicit or portray something from or to the viewer.

The fact you feel the need to tell people about your private experiences in such a public manner suggests you are actually looking for validation. As Debord said, glamour is precipitated by envy, without envy, glamour can not exist. The purpose of these videos is to make others envious and thereby give the poster the validation of living a glamorous lifestyle.

>> No.54073302

lol look at these future roasties

>> No.54074550

because one day ny memory maycnot be what it once was, and i want to see what i experienced to evoke the emotions again. its not narcissistic, its wholesome, faggot.

>> No.54074629

What happened to your garloid?

>> No.54074736

Oh I see they make those posts on social media for when they get dementia, not for attention? Kind of like how people would take pictures or videos and just, you know, keep them on their decice or print them off for when they want to look at them?

Apply some critical thinking mate, social media posts like this reflect a deeper problem in society.

>> No.54074773

bet those hoes did nothing.
>rent airbnb
>flash work macbook
>I started $5t dolla business yo.
>just don't google me.

>> No.54074872

fr fr

>> No.54075513
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THIS X 10000

>> No.54075625
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>Even though she got fired, i'm still mad she got that job in the first place.

I was working at a Pharmaceutical company and our entire IT group got laid off except for the trannies and women. Then they brought in some temp workers to do the actual work because the trannies and women were useless cunts but they kept them on payroll because they liked having them to brag about.

We really are in the collapse of civilization and I guess we were picked by God to be here to witness this.

>> No.54075701

After the collapse, the whore in the blue and white pants is going to become my breeding slave

>> No.54075934

Because nuclear holocaust is preferable to living with you idiots

>> No.54075963
File: 2.47 MB, 360x640, thots bragging about how important they are.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all do

>> No.54076050


>> No.54076082

>works for two minutes
Woman were a mistake.

>> No.54076108

This was posted as parody right?

>> No.54076171
File: 2.89 MB, 960x690, day and night.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. We are in hell.

>> No.54076178

Women are fucking retarded

>> No.54076238

>le higher knowledge
Smoothbrain. Psych's are just a nice intoxicant

>> No.54076497

>100 replies
>noones linked the sex vid

>> No.54076528

>work as IT helpdesk monkey
>man chats/calls in with issue
>typically includes the error, the message they get and tells me when where and if other people have it when asked >generally full sentence answers on the issue
>women reaches out
>pls help ____ is not working
>followed by 1 word answers as I try to drag information out of them to help them after they reached out for help
Fuck whoever said women were better communicators. Goddamn lie.

>> No.54076571

is this some kind of humiliation ritual?

>> No.54076587

She took half a minute to figure out how to put on a shirt. What do you think?

>> No.54076609
File: 271 KB, 680x435, 0df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already tried a few businesses, all of them failed.

The reality no one dares to talk about is the extreme saturation in today's market. No matter how much you pay to advertise, no matter how talented you are at what you do, you don't stand a chance because there are established reputable businesses in every single micro niche that you can think of. You don't stand a chance at standing out because those established businesses already show up on the first few pages of results that everyone only looks at (ecommerce), there's already "muh trade" businesses in every single town, and any other business, they already have huge followings and tons of google reviews to smash any new competition that appears.

Starting a business in 2023 isn't nearly as romantic as YouTube and TikTok make it out to be.

>> No.54076821

I wonder where these enterprising gals are today. I can only imagine the miles of dicks and gallons of alcohol that must have passed through their insides in the last couple of years.

>> No.54076822
File: 127 KB, 1396x930, 63ac9dba23e4f.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen Z girls started companies
>Gen Z boys bought fake internet money with their COVID checks

>> No.54076849
File: 335 KB, 828x608, truth about communism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's critical race theory.

>> No.54076969

insane and fake

>> No.54077310

Pretty much this. Seems the rules some big companies installed to prevent future competitors, resulted in keeping the rest of us poor.

>> No.54077338

Still looks full of herself. Color me unsurprised

>> No.54077364

Greetings from Kazakstan as well

>> No.54077408

oh yeah? well i have 3 businesses and we're a few million in debt!

>> No.54077433

these women are guilty of money laundering

>> No.54077473

how many countries did she fuck Chad in?

>> No.54077496 [DELETED] 
File: 840 KB, 1280x720, 1678586991834472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First girl literally confirmed to now be a dubai escort. Think the second has an onlyfans if I remember correctly.

It's all the same.

Pic related.

>> No.54077506

>domestic first class on Alaskan
Not that big of a flex

>> No.54077507

plot twist , these vapid whores are NEETS

In real life you dont see this kind of degenerate shit

>> No.54077662
File: 840 KB, 1280x720, 1678586991834472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First girl in video literally confirmed to now be a dubai escort. Think the second has an onlyfans if I remember correctly.

It's all the same.

Pic related.

>> No.54077820

You're sure reading a lot into what I said, did some McKenna acolyte fuck your GF?
No it's as simple as
>When I became a man, I put away childish things
BECAUSE they are just an intoxicant. But go ahead and keep fucking up your brain, I'm sure that 50th or 60th time staring at pretty colors is great for your brain long-term

>> No.54078156

I notice this in our company slack's IT channel, guys always start a ticket with super specific issues, women are always incredibly vague

>> No.54078185

Prostitutes ?

>> No.54078608
File: 3.35 MB, 498x498, 1673550242604875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way.

>> No.54079529

proofs? for the laughs

>> No.54079556

This is who you're bailing out white man

>> No.54079567
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>> No.54079590

Meanwhile in reality, they are toilets for rich Dubai oil lords

>> No.54079710
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1657080978866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure pottery!

>> No.54079757

>ya heard me


>> No.54079764

>dubai escort
Pretty sure those guys can afford better looking girls then that

>> No.54079804
File: 71 KB, 895x669, kekk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She invented tiktok

>> No.54079824


>> No.54079836
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>> No.54079856

Learn to Google properly at least rajesh

>> No.54079864

Seething muzzie

>> No.54079866

quotes still work, sir

>> No.54079956


>> No.54080067

Sick of this shit so much.
When moon so I can quit and stop funding clownworld from my taxes?

>> No.54080096

Did you forget that bitches need attention like they need air? Every one of them is the very embodiment of narcissism.

Without attention from any other living being, they would quite literally die/go insane.

>> No.54080549

Holy fuck i hate these LinkedIn cunts

>> No.54080554

You need to move on. do things that make you happy. Life is not a Disney movie.

I’ll quote another anon

“ I think the biggest struggle is the fact that we're indoctrinated since kids with this disney soulmate idea, loyalty, family, unconditional love. And we wake up and women don't share any of our feelings, or care to. It's fine, i'll find other ways to enjoy life.”

>> No.54080851
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>> No.54080973

She couldn’t enjoy the trip without the video compilation. The entire experience was to be able to create that. Sure, she probably enjoyed the experiences then and there, but when she thinks about the trip, her mind immediately goes to ‘the video’ and the pleasure and validation of it.

>> No.54081047

Low interest loans and leverage

>> No.54081067

He overwatered it like a dumbass

>> No.54081123

Didn't the blonde chick get blacked?

>> No.54081320

As someone in IT people that are specific with their issue are rare. I have literally had tickets come in that simply say computer problem without any additional explanation. Them tickets get closed immediately because we have a disclaimer right on the submission page that says if no description given we have nothing to work on. And still we still get them.

>> No.54081347

weird that we can't see the bloke when she's staring back at him, and also odd that we can't see him when she goes over to confront him, and weird that she has to transcribe what is said.
very odd, I wonder why that would be, I can't think what would cause that to happen at all. Very strange
also she looks uggo

>> No.54081798
File: 901 KB, 641x804, 2319c5cea10ad0f9f8f9e7589280f81d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally do this at home in your room.
There is no need to dress like that with that pants all up in your ass and it showing your pussy. Yes. I watch, it makes me horny. Its called nature.
Any other questions ma'am? Also you're not blonde, stop appropriating me

>> No.54081847
File: 2.87 MB, 640x800, 65887562_408111913131332_4484907986879038037_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would open her business, if you know what I mean.

>> No.54081887

How about you have to think about what's fun you autist

>> No.54081908

Her ego is way too fucking big to have had any sort of realisation on mushrooms. She's probably doing some really shit ones, but also probably just lying.

>> No.54081946

I meant to reply to this anon. >>54069962
Dunno what happened there.

>> No.54081961

How can a post this succinct not get a (you)?

>> No.54081964

I'm unironically more productive than this and I'm unemployed

>> No.54082069

Cope and seethe chudcel. Women stay winning

>> No.54082098

Oversocialization. It's why a lot of these people have no principles either and just say whatever is convenient for the time. They value how others perceive them more than they value actually living. If they are miserable, but everyone is jealous of them and thinks their happy then this outweighs their misery. I know some people like this and they are all in massive amounts of debt but you'd think they were perfect millionaires if you met them at a dinner or something.

>> No.54082120

I am unfortunately friends with someone who makes compilations like this and is a social media whore and it was really eye opening when I asked her how her trip was and she said it was pretty horrible. I feel sorry for anyone who believes people are living perfect lives based on 60 second videos or a couple of photos. I actually went to one of those influencer parties in a rented mansion and holy shit the level of superficiality present is insane. No one was having fun

>> No.54082161

Not really because these three indovidual's business no longer exist.

>> No.54082222

Sorry, no white bois allowed

>> No.54082294

>Working on a social fitness app @ 21

So vaporware then?

>> No.54082633

I'm gay. You hate woman because you can't fuck them. I hate woman because I don't want to fuck them.
We are different.

>> No.54082700

Just go back to the kitchen and becomes a trad housewife

>> No.54082899
File: 109 KB, 1280x804, meeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Considering MAANG pays so much, these people are probably going to have to settle for a low-paying job now. This means they won't be able to afford their old lifestyle/possibly lose their homes/cars/etc.

>> No.54083105

They hand out this evaluations like candy.
>bro nice 5k loc python app we estimate it's worth infinity billion dollars

>> No.54083309

anyone know where this location is? is that a fuck tonne of rice fields in the background?

>> No.54083350

I see poo.

>> No.54083364

What the hell is even that

>> No.54083422

So you be sayin'...they do not be adult day care centers?

>> No.54083502

Descent into full cat lady montage.

>> No.54083643

>>54073244 (checked)
Fertility is all wahmen have: thus, always be soliciting. Finding a solid father-in-law is more important than the nuances of presentation and socialization in a wife.

>> No.54083698
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Yes way. The Bank of Assemblywomen.

>> No.54083793

>I was working at a Pharmaceutical company and our entire IT group got laid off except for the trannies and women

>I’m in biotech.
>Got a new CEO a year back.
>His first action was to appoint a director of DEI.
>Internal communications now flooded with screeds about the dangers of whiteness and tranny stories.
>All the likes are white women in HR while the men slave away at the bench

>> No.54083818

Been self employed for 15 years. Comfy desu.

>> No.54083832

Why she picking on olden farts? That's like racist against ages. He's in better shape and looks younger than she will at that age. Women gym and men's gym ought to be separate.

>> No.54083874

>"travel the world"
>great wall of china? eiffel tower? greek pantheon? rome? grand canyon? tokyo imperial palace?
>"nope lol just beaches and drinking"
I cannot stress this enough, I genuinely hate women so much

>> No.54083911
File: 83 KB, 736x920, hottentot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54083968
File: 257 KB, 1408x1701, 56DF0FF8-6FEC-42C4-B523-1908FF4299C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never sell the products of my smithy. I need them for when society collapses. I shall build a fortress of blades and rule the wastes with an iron fist. No mortal will oppose my rule, lest they meet the sharp bite of my sword.

Or maybe I’ll hang my stuff in the living room cause they look nice. One of the two.

>> No.54083984

Our economy is fake and gay

>> No.54084004

So now we know where SVB blew all its money and took on all the risk.

>> No.54084079

Don't they have Gyms just for women she could go to?

>> No.54084112

But because they are trashy to the atom

>> No.54084123
File: 2.23 MB, 1838x1202, expectation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misandry in four volumes.

>> No.54084210

doing the real economy stuff here, bieg respect, have a (You) anon

>> No.54084230
File: 382 KB, 1468x1548, women_tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ought to be; but maybe if there was a gym exclusively for women, they either wouldn't go or it would be a business disaster because they would all be at each others throats.

>> No.54084296

Looks like a Patrick Bateman montage

>> No.54084328

never, she'll dangle the carrot in front of men to cover her cost.

>> No.54084446

I mean seems pretty obvious. no average person lives in a home like the one in the video.

>> No.54084448
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 5374a9203748c67518096bd96bf6fc5af76e48743be31efda28f2ec4502063d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved, thanks anon

>> No.54084533

>, I'm sure that 50th or 60th time staring at pretty colors is great for your brain long-term
holy cope

>> No.54084749
File: 61 KB, 678x260, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally named Nasty-Ass Pornomaker
Checks out

>> No.54084763

may I ask how to find people like you and what were your businesses? I really would like to try and support local smaller ones in the future. sounds corny, but o believe it's better to support my community and those around me than the giants.

>> No.54084777

They have those in some places, not everywhere though

>> No.54084817

I hate that tribal war dances have become a part of our culture.

>> No.54084866
File: 891 KB, 1560x2744, women_basically_useless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54084899

>actually went to one of those influencer parties in a rented mansion and holy shit the level of superficiality present is insane. No one was having fun
pls share what you saw?

>> No.54084939
File: 91 KB, 334x334, 00ab72b79e6bce822533f936e9dffa239fd3071c0f6f74db41812dd713f0bbe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, also props for the apt filename

>> No.54084977

I imagine it was broads taking pics of them eating party food, then spitting out everything after the pic was taken.

>> No.54085084

VC's were a mistake

>> No.54085146
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BNGZiOGJkMmEtNGNjNS00YzEyLWE1MjktYWNiNjA3YmI0YjBmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically pic related?

>> No.54085183

Your suggestions are just as basic.

>> No.54085211
File: 177 KB, 1052x627, woman_free_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This empirical analysis and other research material on the woman issue that is available now is really one reason I fully appreciate the internet. Not really MGTOW myself; but I had such romantic ideations about women in my early youth and it constantly deteriorated without any feedback from a structured analytical source. There might be a fren here and there who could console or compare and contrast with their own experiences; yet it always remained merely anecdotal. I look forward to an uncensored AI analysis of women (white women for my purposes) in the future.

>> No.54085500

she went on holiday basically

>> No.54085578

both are ugly

>> No.54086099

Globalist psyop to normalise everything wrong with society

>> No.54086144

god i hate women

>> No.54086567

she's an instagram influencer, probably. and they get paid to post that shit with their happiest face. retard. it's all or most of it fake.

>> No.54086818

>He misses his ex
lol lmao
She doesn't miss you.

>> No.54087677

>basic bitch tourist traps where you just take a picture and "marvel" at some rocks thinking about some /his/ autism
>or a beach where you'll get to socialize and create your own timeless memories
ask me how I know you've never had sex

>> No.54087748

>he thinks instagram crap is real
ask me how I know you are their audience

>> No.54088133

she dreamed it up

>> No.54088281

I've been saying this man. That's really what it is.
"Anon, why don't you like to dance?"
Because I'm not a tribal woman who needs to attract a mate with my hips.
For what it's worth, I tried some latin dancing and actually enjoyed it, probably because I was in control of the woman, and there's order, but not in a stifling way like ballroom.

>> No.54088461

>dress with skin tight clothes.
>get mad that people looks at her.
I hate women so much it's unreal.
Love from Kazakstan.

>> No.54088884

>5k loc python app
5k loc is pretty good for a python app, though. More than enough for a decent analytics project with API and a simple front-end.

>> No.54088931

If she just wants to go to the beach and drink all the time, a trip around the world seems pretty unnecessary

>> No.54089128

>timeless memories

>> No.54089143

HR at these companies love these videos because it attracts an endless supply of zoomers/failed millennials so that they can get rid of any worker and have a replacement

>> No.54089186

I can't tell if she just has acne or is actually 45.

>> No.54089555

nastassia ponomarenko

>> No.54089595

It's easy to start something with your rich parent's money, wenches

>> No.54090936
File: 303 KB, 445x415, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have dementia now, attention spans and memories are fleeting in an oversaturated world

>> No.54090979
File: 90 KB, 1263x500, 63806n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that shit. let everything burn.

>> No.54091214

The same nonsense system that allowed her to become whatever she is will also destroy her

>> No.54091350

>using the mousepad and a laptop screen
this is how I know these are fake, they must spend less than an hour a day on those laptops

>> No.54091542

You've never heard of onlyfans??

>> No.54094062

contrary to popular belief. not all of our goals involve fucking roasties at every waking moment you goddam bug chaser.

>> No.54094389
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, UncleJoe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm supposed to be upset this man had kulaks like this shot

>> No.54094769

there's too many roasties for that tbqh

>> No.54094815

Looks like she actually experienced something outside of the norm and met new people instead of just replicating the same life as at home, but in front of a tourist trap.

>> No.54095506

>200+ replies to shitty bait spammed here 3 years in a row
this is how I know /pol/cel tourists are here

>> No.54095813
File: 1.87 MB, 498x266, over-the-garden-wall-otgw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here for years now..

>> No.54095916

>just fire personel lmao

>> No.54096195

in the earliest threads real biz anons actually researched this shit and found out all the details about them showing that 2 and 3 never had jack and shit and 1 is daddies money
then the tranny janny banned all fun and now biz is dead

double keks for anastassia to have failed 3 businesses now and being a dubai portapotty
i wonder how many monero she will go for in a year, might take a turn on that brapper

>> No.54096255

Why does every chick with a 3/10 face think she's 9/10 nowadays. Gen Z was a mistake.

>> No.54096286

Pretty s ure she's a ukrainian pornslut.


>> No.54096308

i kept a journal a few times while traveling. my hot takes did not age well and i'm glad they stayed on paper.

>> No.54096336

Quotes will search for an exact phrase instead of splitting up keywords. Without quotes, there's no difference between
>linkedin for gen z
>gen z's linkedin

>> No.54096499

Ayy lmao you pulled a syndicated article by some retarded journo posted on a bunch of sites calling tiktok the LinkedIn for Gen Z because some dancing thot termed her project as "reimagining LinkedIn for Gen Z" instead of, you know, looking up the actual founder of TikTok. Like I said, learn to fucking Google, Rajeesh. Your pajeet princess that dropped out of Stanford didn't create tiktok dumbass

>> No.54096944

Uh, that's fucking obvious there captain.
You seem to be the only autist sperging out about "le akshual founder of le tickytocks". Everyone knows and no one cares. Everyone raised an eyebrow to the "gen z version of whatever" that clearly didn't go anywhere.

Instead you went all Auti McSperglord. Go suckstart a shotgun, we need less of you

>> No.54097107

My initial reply was to >>54079804 stop defending your currybros

>> No.54097287

Look at the fucking house these bitches dance in. You thought they own that shit ? You think they had to create their own connections ? Rich will always be rich.

>> No.54097327
File: 3.33 MB, 576x1024, 1678637701816627.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm risk averse and lack the imagination I had as a child.

>> No.54097427

shrooms = new weed for normies

>> No.54097704

if she's saying women should all be sex workers, then I agree.

>> No.54097898

You guys know what's sad about this girl (first one)? She's had a successful YouTube channel since she was a teenager, the algorithm use to always push her, she used to gets million of views and I think this was back when YouTube use to still pay well and look at how she turned out. I means it's not like she was addicted to crack and was eating rodents to survive. Is it an attention thing with women? Did she lose all her YouTube money? What about her huge following? Idk if she ever made it to 1 million subs but she definitely had a couple hundred thousand subs, I'm sure she had sponsors.... Now anon post a link of her smashing blks on camera... Back then all her boyfriends were Hispanic though if I recall but it's America and are you even American if you aren't whoring yourself out to blacks now a days? Plague of a nation. Sad sh1t

>> No.54098071

America delenda est

>> No.54098483


>> No.54098539

>If your so fucking happy/owning it or whatever why do you feel the need to tell people?
Because that's how she funds her travels, retard. She has sponsors and lifestyle videos like this that draw in views is how she gets money from sponsors. She's in hot water the second people stop paying attention to her on Instagram.

>> No.54098548

>go get high

>> No.54100145

Are you single?

>> No.54100269

He's right on everything he posted you fuckwit redditor.

>> No.54100271

Fucking based

>> No.54100467

>stop staring at me, it makes me uncomfortable
>posts all of her work-outs on the internet

>> No.54100691

trips of truth, that's an ugranian nake, innit

>> No.54100701

I need a better microphone.

>> No.54100766

Who cares?

Verification not required.

>> No.54102324

>I live in the Cortland Bayport building on West Hillsborough Street. My name is McKayla McKennesman and I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while playing with my cats. I have a thousand now.

>> No.54102444

didnt one of them get blacked

>> No.54104002

FUCK THESE WHORES FUCKING WEALTHY TIKTOK ZOOMER CUNTS. I fucking want an "End of the world" Mad Max type of thing to happen so I can witness one of these whores on the sidewalk with an open skull and brains spilling out on the pavement. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.54104805
File: 2.93 MB, 506x900, Blizzard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women deserve equal pay

>> No.54104876


>> No.54105617

>stop staring at me you freak
>also I've been secretly filming you
women should be banned from gyms

>> No.54105670

I really want to start a men only gym because I hate cunts at the gym. To get around discrimination lawsuits, I'll have a men's area and a separate "women's" area. All the good equipment will be on the men's side, for the women I'll just have some jump ropes and dirty broken down shit

>> No.54105888

I realized what bothered me about this. It's that the women are dog ugly and not wearing any makeup, yet are trying to act like they're incredibly sexy. I don't care if a woman succeeds or starts a company (spoiler, their companies are tiny as fuck and social presence is almost nothing.) It's like imagine watching a food commercial but instead of melted cheese everything is coverd in hot diahrea and we're supposed to think "Wow, that looks absolutely delicious! and if anyone is grossed out it's because they are just XXXX"

>> No.54106028

great tits. but did she do any acutal, real, work?

>> No.54106044
File: 1.21 MB, 1781x1160, 13472babf290ed2395ff8518f2b34cf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, i had a friend who worked as a dev there.
he worked on the launcher and inter-game integration (aka user-interaction aspect of battlenet) and basically worked from 9am to 8pm. he wasn't even crunching to meet deadlines.
it's surreal how easy this person has it while working at the exact same company. one gets to slack off and enjoy the amenities to the fullest, the other can't even catch a dinner break while working for the actual breadwinning part of the company.

>> No.54106114

Why did he take that kind of treatment?

>> No.54106137

crushing workload is the norm if you touch anything game-related. he quit after 18 months when the clawback clause of his employment expired (you owe the pre-tax signing bonus if you quit before 18 months).

>> No.54106171

>it's surreal how easy this person has it while working at the exact same company
Well, this person is a woman.

>> No.54106870

it's more of an HR problem. they hire each other for do-nothing work and tend to be the source of headcount bloat while actual engineering teams are chronically understaffed.

>> No.54107222

Didn't a bunch of the execs for Blizzard all get in trouble for fucking a bunch of these young women at their company?

>> No.54107273

Same, last week I helped my boomers change their whole furniture to a new home, did all of that from 8am to 8pm basically non-stop loading and unloading stuff. The regular wagie, specially these useless cunts would by crying already by just the idea alone

>> No.54107286

Unless she actually fucks them everything she says is irrelevant

>> No.54107612


>> No.54107813
File: 7 KB, 173x78, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blizzard was founded by a bunch of bros that simply made kino games together
>ended up making some of the most loved titles in existence
>company eventually gets bought out and gets globohomo'd
>many of the founders had to leave because some whores squealed about #metoo

An actual depressing end to such a great company.