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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 728 KB, 640x1080, 5 Scoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54060395 No.54060395 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro thread

>> No.54060507

There's nothing worth talking about until we get another UI update

>> No.54060827

Have you commented on the new UI megathread on Reddit already? Going to be the biggest happening for Coinmetro in 2023.

>> No.54061367

>1 reply

>> No.54061545

>Be careful with alt[redacted]s
Holding alts is way more fun than holding stables.

>> No.54061641
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wow that many??

>> No.54063385

At current posting rates we will be at double digits in less than two weeks.

>> No.54063526
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XCM is irreparably fucked. Kevin should just write it off and launch XCM Classic

>> No.54063858

if every russian bought 0.006 XCM on CoinMetro, the wall would disappear in just one (1) day
any idea how bullish that is?

>> No.54064085

The wall really isn't that big desu

>> No.54064106

Coinmetro and Coinmetro Classic are a NATO exchange

>> No.54064171

any of you two babes understand OP's meme?

>> No.54064212
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I hate it when ppl say that Kadena Babena and Coinmetro threads are filled with spammers and scammers. It's not that other ppl are stopped from getting paid to do daily threads to present our business opportunities for money. Why don't more ppl do it? And pic related does not look like a pump and dump to me. It pumped too much for that.

>> No.54064247

Don't marry your bags, be careful so you're not left holding. Even after selling you may still owe money.

>> No.54064507

The person at the bottom, Rich Piana, was a bodybuilder who became a meme on /fit/ for, amongst other things, advocating the use of excessive quantities of supplements- typically measured in 'scoops'. I presume the meme is intended to be humorous via the dissonance of a cutesy anime girl consuming five scoops of protein powder, and slin doing so impressing a roid-absusing bodybuilder.

>> No.54064541

It looks exactly like a pump and dump anon. I hope you sold.

>> No.54064684

>she thinks she's being sincere

>> No.54064829
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Kevin told us that Kadena Babena would go to three digits, so me and many other sisters in the team took up loans, and now it all crashed...... so many sisters joined the 41%.... Kevin scammed scammers, THAT BASTARD!!

>> No.54064875
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omg sad

>> No.54064905


>> No.54064930

why are all the cuteposters obsessed with this one coin? why don't you all just put your money into something that goes up instead? at least you guys'll be having fun.

>> No.54064952

tie my noose for me when we breach 30cents which was my entry

>> No.54065318

Kevin hasn't had a great track record of prognostications recently
>at least you guys'll be having fun.
Don't worry, you can live off of XCM liquidity whilst you wait for it to play out.

>> No.54066115
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>> No.54066396

What exchange is this? kucoin? do they even have fiat
Why does this message not say which platform it's from

>> No.54066515

>she's not in the secret insider channel

>> No.54066708
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cm doesn't use svb

>> No.54066751

I have no idea which exchange they're talking about. I assume by the fact that it's not even mentioned means it was probably just written by some attention chasing fudder making things up.

>> No.54066964

If people want my attention they should bully me for not having a gf, I would be very upset if that were to happen.

>> No.54067326
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It's Coinmetro you stupid illiterate ass burger
Oliver Goebbels in the coinmetro telegram
Now incoming cope about how this is supposedly a good thing, halting stablecoin and fiat due to whatever flavour of the month market conditions.
No different than binance or goybase but with zero volume, funding, illiquid native token for a year, and a CEO who openly market manipulates and doesnt see a problem with it

>> No.54067375

tf kind of drugs is this guy on

>> No.54067409
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People are treating 4channel dot org as a safe space to post things they are afraid of posting on their trusted community member telegram accounts and damaging their reputation as valued members of Telegram again.

>> No.54067484

Perhaps I would post there if the telegram jannies weren't sensitive niggers who have their trigger finger on the ban hammer.
Do it for free

>> No.54067529

I'm not installing telegram on my desktop. I can't look. It's over.

>> No.54067624

I went to my laptop to look at the telegram and found nothing. Thanks.

>> No.54067646

there's nothing in the Telegram of this sort, last message is about USDC trading that is being reactivated

>> No.54067706
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>last message is about USDC trading that is being reactivated
When was it ever deactivated?

>> No.54067720

last night while i fucking your mom

>> No.54067756
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>> No.54068563
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I finished watching monster today, I enjoyed it.

>> No.54069551
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I just NOW realized the joke
>alt girls
alt coins, I was thinking alt-girls like pic, great Double entendre.
What would be the bitcoin of girls?

>> No.54069872
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>> No.54069888

This reminds me, I still havent done my taxes.

>> No.54069924
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Excuse my french, but I'assumed the drop 99% and held to maturation part would make it obvious.
A girl in limited supply, experimental but robust and not trying too hard, passive maintainance. Does she exist?

Nice picture, is your mom!?? HAH LOL gottem!

>> No.54070026 [DELETED] 

maintenance. I keep getting this word wrong by habit. Maintenance. Maintenance. Maintenance.

>> No.54070030


>> No.54070136

lcx keeps dumping
xcm has held the line since forever

rude, if only your mom taught you to be more kind to strangers. she herself was quite kind when i first met her in an alley and proceeded to buttfuck her

>> No.54070241

How does he keep coming up with those? I can't stop laughing, haha! It's so vulgar and random, truly a specimen!

>> No.54070312

Hello my anon broke how can I get a refund??
>Maintenance. Maintenance. Maintenance.

>> No.54070343

I'm still up over 10x and you can't even sell

>> No.54070366

Why would I want to sell can you explain that to me?

>> No.54070471

i was able to sell 5k i got for 1/5th of the price just fine

>> No.54070517

I'll sound it out to you
You don't just hold do you anon?
Based haircut enjoyer

>> No.54070567

why would I sell below any reasonable $ value then? You realize how dumb you sound, right?
>oh you can't sell your coin at this tiny valuation
ok and? you're acting like the floor is at $100

>> No.54070624

volume has been growing well past few days
i would have bought lcx if the exchange wasn't trash

>> No.54070714

I also would have bought lcx if the exchange was exactly like coinmetro and ran by people that are not retarded and also was based in the EU and would have more banking and had better products and would be more legit and had better tokenomics and... you get the point

>> No.54070784

Yeah the exchange is pretty trash right now I buy mine on Cuckbase
Absolutely malding

>> No.54070830

>right now
You're acting like there is a possibility of it being good ever

>> No.54070992

kind of weird to think of how little volume it still has, only a x10 in volume and the xcm sell wall worries are pretty much gone

>> No.54071477

Not this year.

>> No.54071548

>He doesn't know

>> No.54071595

i had chinese 5 spice ribs the other day, in my opinion wholly superior to "bbq"

>> No.54071710
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You should start an LCX thread if you love LCX so much. Maybe you could discuss this article they posted.

>> No.54071888
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where's the anon that was shorting
just wanted to thank you for being such a lovely indicator
not so smug now, are we

>> No.54071925

I got very close to being liquidated today

>> No.54071953

nevermind I just checked my email I got rekt

>> No.54071997

I'm opening another short, I will make all my money back

>> No.54072116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54072664

USDC is 99c again.
I said a day or two ago in a private conversation I would have longed it if I had crypto, but if I did I would have been liquidated by Binance or Kucoin scam exchanges. In this very same conversation the anonymous conversation partner shared a link to a twitter post saying USDC would be fine, but people who long it deserve to lose their money.
It's a good thing I am sidelined, I would have lost everything.

>> No.54072712
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All crypto banks in the US are kaput

>> No.54072788
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>if I had crypto
Browsing a cryptocurrency board and not owning crypto is weird.

>> No.54072817
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>> No.54072830

You don't seem worried

>> No.54072831

I collect my coingecko jelly beans every day.

>> No.54072992
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I support the crypto VC holocaust. This is good for crypto. If you are asking me is this good for number go up then the answer is no.

>> No.54073044

The US is shutting down on banks that work with crypto companies, how is this good for crypto. Do you think the CBDC will allow crypto interactions? Will the EU and Asia be the only places where people invest in crypto?

>> No.54073061
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But that involves logging in and allowing them to collect telemetry data on you. They know exactly how long you spend looking at each coin and tailor ads to you accordingly. Why do you hate freedom?

>> No.54073148

Give me a decentralized portfolio tracker.
In the meantime I'm giving up data in trade for digital jelly beans. Last time I had a portfolio tracker on my phone they were bought up by FTX so I had to get rid of it, but the damage was already done.

>> No.54073279
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I would do it if given adequate alternatives that aren't manually checking individual coins.

>> No.54073493

>how is this good for crypto.
Anything that leads to a separation between the derisking on retail industrial complex and utility is good. We are looking at the potential death of the VC funded ghostchain industry which was the biggest problem with crypto.
>Do you think the CBDC will allow crypto interactions?
No, but I have gone full accelerationist on this matter and hope it comes in as soon as possible to crash and burn asap.
>Will the EU and Asia be the only places where people invest in crypto?
Americans are still free to transfer money abroad. And even if it was illegal they would still do it. Crypto is not dependent on approval from American boomer regulators who all have a 9 figure networth while making 6 figs from insider tradingl The only people this hurts is people buying into shitty protocols.

>manually checking individual coins.
I do that. Have you considered making your own tracker?

>> No.54073658
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not very access-esque, will be interesting to see what will happen next, if no one can bank in the us then solutions will be found that aren't sending their money abroad. Maybe kraken will make a bank

>> No.54073696
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Coinbase needs more VC money.

>> No.54073702
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march 23st
mark thy calendars

>> No.54073769
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>Maybe kraken will make a bank

>> No.54073975

Okay fine, I will start a bank, it's going to be a non-profit and nothing will be lent out, I will call it "Hand Holdings"

>> No.54074031
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>> No.54074071

>not very access-esque
The derisking on retail industrial complex could not exist without accredited investor laws. See COIN as a textbook example.
You don't know who that was do you?

>> No.54074113
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>You don't know who that was do you?
I don't

>> No.54074157

>He believed that through loans and foreign aid, the West penetrated African economies to enrich themselves at the expense of the continent.
Impressive, he died in 2011 and the belt and road initiative started 2013

>> No.54074226
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>trying to create a single African currency linked to gold; this move by Gaddafi would have broken the African economic dependence on the West.

>> No.54074302

What crime did he commit?

>> No.54074435

Ctrl f "Israel" on his wikipedia page.

>> No.54074704
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While this post is funny I got filtered by text and now am left with even more questions

>> No.54074929
File: 199 KB, 1280x1252, e07192346505b6e13f0ac35b3ca982f2fa222872-3156011685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For many years, anti-Zionism was a fundamental component of Gaddafi's ideology. He believed that the state of Israel should not exist and that any Arab compromise with the Israeli government was a betrayal of the Arab people
>As Pan-Africanism increasingly became his focus in the early 21st century, Gaddafi became less interested in the Israel-Palestine issue, calling for the two communities to form a new single-state that he termed "Isratin".[505][506] This would have led the Jewish population to become a minority within the new state.[507]
Back on topic this is why starting your own bank doesn't work. Glow niggers won't even let people make new chan websites without unleashing the Russian CP bots. Now you know what people meant when they talked about Nayib Bukele being Gadaffied.

>> No.54075006
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>Nayib Bukele being Gadaffied.
He must know what he's doing, right?

>> No.54075356

Technically he isn't making a new system he is just adopting what is currently the worlds 27th biggest currency and investing in infrastructure to support it. He did it in a stupid way by doing it with a criminal organisation but it will probably be fine.

>> No.54075789

Solana is worth $8B.

>> No.54076259

>which was the biggest problem with crypto
Can you explain why you think that's the biggest problem? how would crypto be better off if they didn't exist and why do you think they are avoidable

>> No.54077178

Crypto is supposed to be trustless through game theory by making it so that everyone is incentivised to always do what is good for everyone else. Dishonest miners don't try to harm the network because it is more profitable to just support the network and the network that gets the most adoption becomes the most profitable to support. VC chains upset this because they are not built with the goal of making a good network that everyone benefits from. They are built to make the founders rich. SOL for example has never really worked but due to hype and derivative fuckery a huge amount of capital went into it that wasn't used to develop the security of the network or encourage devs to build by making their work easier. Instead it went into the pockets of VCs. That money could have been used to support a good network instead. People got rich off of BTC and ETH and that is fine. Miners got paid for supporting BTC, people made dapps like uniswap that could not have been invented before ETH. What has come from making the people who made SOL rich? Nothing. Money left the space and nobody benefited except the people who sold you the dream.

This leads to a problem in the broader crypto market. Why should I support BTC if It is more profitable for me to be an honest miner than a dishonest miner but it is more profitable for me to make ETH clone 71135 than to be an honest miner? By getting free money from VCs to write a whitepaper and then selling to accredited investors who are basically buying a bond that is convertible to dumping on retail when their tokens unlock.

After a certain point you get people who got super rich like Andre Cronje, SBF, Brian Armstrong and the people they have been bribing who then try and make it impossible for anyone else to do what they did and give themselves a monopoly which also has the effect of making life difficult for the people doing actual real work. "We need to protect retaill investors" "Ban POW (and buy Solana (Ticker: SOL))"

>> No.54077524
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>why do you think they are avoidable
I believe with more transparency and accountability given to us by the blockchain we should be able to not give conmen money. We need the government to actually start caring about people like Richard Heart breaking the law too. I do think that even though people are retards who donate money to stuff like EOS and ADA if we have an alt holocaust people will start listening to the good people in crypto a little more. Pic related.

>> No.54077542

>We need the government to actually start caring about people like Richard Heart breaking the law too
Why? He doesn't have anything to do with crypto and he doesn't read messages or listen to the radio. Just a humble man, god bless him.

>> No.54077746

Then what happened to the XRP I sacrificed like he suggested?

>> No.54077770

It was a gift.

>> No.54077844

I bet this poster is a stinky or gme fag.

>> No.54077866

smg, close enough. they were in my mind as third, but didnt wanna list everyone.

>> No.54079023

That's why the focus should be on alts with working products a good example of that is NXRA, RDNT and GMX.

>> No.54080675
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>> No.54081388

Nobody should be at sidelines right now, the focus should be on alts with working products a good example of that is NXRA, QRDO and XCM.