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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54065203 No.54065203 [Reply] [Original]

US hit debt ceiling. US cannot borrow any more money now. US cannot bail out banks anymore. US cannot insure depositors anymore. US is finished. We are actually fucked this time because of the debt ceiling.

>> No.54065220
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its ogre

>> No.54065239
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Back to >>>/pol/. /biz/ has talked about this months ago, this is old fud but can't know this because you are not from this board so lurk more or go back.

>> No.54065254

6.9 trillion. I'm sure everyone getting a big raise with that one going through, fucking pigs.

>> No.54065264

All of this during the post-shemitah jewish jubilee year...

>> No.54065283

Jewish tricks no longer work this time. Yours especially.

>> No.54065287

How are we going to raise another trillion for Ukraine??

>> No.54065311

ah the u.s.a ponzi pyramid is nearing collapse. I'm all in bitcoin anyway.

>> No.54065314

what do the hieroglyphics mean

>> No.54065336

This is actually good for incels. No money means no welfare means women will need a betaprovider sooner than later

>> No.54065356


>> No.54065372

FDIC is funded by the banks you retard. Seriously, back to your containment board

>> No.54065378

I hope Ukraine is going to be ok...

>> No.54065408

Oi you got a loicense for that perception?

>> No.54065471

Oof. Who is gonna tell him?

>> No.54065521

>Print more
>It's that easy
Here you are pretending we can't 'buy' our own bonds, or that we even need to.

>> No.54065522

>>54065378Fuck China and Ukraine, we need to take care of our own.1

No more useless proxy wars.

>> No.54065542

Without Ukraine we can't have an America

>> No.54065562

>"We talked about this"
>"Please don't talk about this anymore"
>"you shouldn't speak about something we already spoke about on this ***board***"
>***the board*** is /biz/
Fucking lmao.
>"Please don't talk about debt ceiling and buy my bags instead"
You bought ftm because you though it was a tranny coin, didn't you. Also S in the chat for the US economy, boys.

>> No.54065587

Jajaja I know muh 1.6% of funds. Unless you expect half of the regional banks in the country to blow up in the next few days, FDIC has enough money to cover it

>> No.54065589

By giving them old shit that we don't need to borrow in order to give them.

>> No.54065626

Oof. Who is gonna tell him?

>> No.54065667

The House doesn't have to wait for POTUS.

>> No.54065684

>t. literal retard

>> No.54065711

the answer to all of the above is just to print more money (inflation)
stoking fear will provide the political will to print more money

>> No.54065714

fuck off redit scum

>> No.54065727

Even jerome powell said that the market would crash because of the debt ceiling you fucking retards in the last fomc meeting, but you niggers only listen for interest rates like braindead niggers

>> No.54065731

Rule the Ruins!!

>> No.54065734
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screencap for a few days time, thanks in advance for the kek

>> No.54065750

US is unable to borrow anymore money though so printing and giving it to who exactly?

>> No.54065752

>Unless you...
I do. This time it's fucking over. The neobiz scam monkeys think US can't go tits up, while the whole fucking point of crypto was to let the plebs hedge against this exact scenario. Sudoku, you glowing fucking freeloader.

>> No.54065762

>In a general sense, the Constitution tasks Congress and more specifically, the House of Representatives with “the power of the purse.”

>> No.54065763

Perfect timing. Usually I blow off Debt Ceiling FUD, but this time it actually does kind of feel different. Especially with the timing of everything happening right now.

>> No.54065772

Alright crypto bagholders, are you ready for the hyperinflation moon mission as the dollar is further devalued?

>> No.54065815

Akschually, the FDIC would lean on the Treasury if a bunch of banks started having problems. Unfortunately, the Treasury is currently spending what it would have available, keeping DC functioning without a budget.

The House Doesn't Need To Wait on Executive.
Really Should Not.

>> No.54065820

>he thinks his magic tokens will be worth it in the event of total worldwide financial devastation
>he thinks the government will let him win even though he believes it’s all orchestrated
Anon you need to at least be consistent. You crypto fanatics just desperately need more people to buy into the Ponzi

>> No.54065822

You're out of your element, zoom zoom. Go back.

>> No.54065839

They are asking for a 5.2% federal employee raise in this.

>> No.54065841

Based. Don't raise the debt limit. Time to cut spending, tighten our belts, and force debts to be collected or else lock people up for it. Easy times are over, lads.

>> No.54065848

>Imagine thinking they wouldn’t pass a budget in a couple of hours if they desperately needed more money
It has never happened before. You are betting on a scenario to happen that has never occurred

>> No.54065880

As long as you are ready to end the US Dollar.
And that's not hyperbole, the moment you default on your notes internationally, is the moment your inflation goes unending on this note.
You ready for that? You MUST have something prepared.
I can imagine the IMF does, as does Globohomo as the Russians call it.

Do you? They will throw everyone of you in Congress under the bus.

>> No.54065887

>Don't raise the debt limit. Time to cut spending
The money has already been spent. It can't be "cut" retroactively.

>> No.54065908

Imagine thinking they will print more after digging this hole from printing. They will shut the “gov” down while they still get paid and blown by interns.

>> No.54065951

Right, but this is forward looking at new money not getting spent, which relates to future expectations, not previous expectations and past expenditures.

Dollar milk shake finna wreck debtors before they declare bullshit and default on debts the can't pay.

>> No.54065976

The U.S can borrow for 10 more years before any real limit breaker is reached my guy. It's priced in already.

>> No.54065982
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/pol/acks BTFO

Back to /pol/ chuddy


>> No.54065985

>Right, but this is forward looking at new money not getting spent
That has nothing to do with the debt limit. If you want to cut spending, cut spending. Once you've ordered and consumed the lobster, skipping the bill isn't "fiscally responsible" -- it's theft.

>> No.54066014

So, police departments suffering mass vacancies, pension funds freezing, electronic currency exchanges in the US offline, and the ire of every little nation on earth that trusted you were good for it.

It's fun looking at this.

The House doesn't need to wait on POTUS, and in fact SHOULD NOT. It's their job to make budgets, they should get to work.
If Biden vetos, that's even more on him.
If he vetos and Congress wants it, they can vote to override and be done with it.

>> No.54066062

Not raising the limit discourages future spending by setting a new precedent in a changing environment. It also becomes politically attractive to be conservative. Yes, it is theft, always has been.

It's going to be an absolute shit show no matter what. We love to see it.

>> No.54066102

I think Biden Admin wants to punt this round so they can blame Congress.

>> No.54066103

money printer goes brrrr

>> No.54066112

Imagine thinking they wouldn’t. I’m all for austerity measures and steep cuts to future spending, we need it and desperately. Not raising the debt ceiling will cause us to default though, as we already made those debt obligations in the past

>> No.54066117

This could lead to the scrapping of the entire debt ceiling.
Absolutely (((coincidentally))), of course.

>> No.54066144

Shouldn't that mean all debts should be forgiven?

>> No.54066174

Feds can print all they want but US cant take it because they cant borrow anymore.

>> No.54066186

For some. :^)

>> No.54066212

>debt ceiling - this time for sure
lmao even

>> No.54066216

Nonsensical post. Refusing to pay your bills does not establish a "conservative new precedent". Quite the opposite. Fiscal conservatism means not spending the money in the first place.

>> No.54066256

They want chaos, but they don’t realize exactly how bad a default would be. Short of living 100% off the grid, your life would turn into absolute hell for years if not decades to come

>> No.54066259

The debt ceiling have never not been raised in American history. It's a pointless waste of time.

>> No.54066292
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>He doesn't know they can just print

>> No.54066306

What are the implications?

>> No.54066516

I don't understand how they can keep wanting to add more debt, at this point I'm beginning to think that all the politicians are deliberately trying to destroy the future.

>> No.54066550

All fake shit. None of that matters.

>> No.54066608

my post above explains this
stoking fear (of bank runs) will quickly provide the political will to inflate the currency (i.e. raise the debt ceiling)

>> No.54066727

Americans are incapable of planning for the future. Americans are incapable of even acknowledging the fact that they don't plan for the future.
Even most of this thread is just coming up with more excuses and ways of yet again kicking the can down the road.

>> No.54066839

That is why we desperately need to keep interest rates up and force some austerity cuts to spending (highly unlikely). Problem being that everyone will blame whoever cut’s government entitlement programs and vote for the person who promises them “free” shit. Jimmie Carter was the last president who did what was necessary and people absolutely hated him for it

>> No.54066921

This is not an USA-only thing, many countries from Japan to Portugal are racking up retarded levels of debt with zero plan on how to fix things or lower the debt. They just don't care about anything beyond polls and their own pockets..Disgusting.

>> No.54066944

How do you pay off debts that have interest attached completely without expanding the money supply?

>> No.54066957
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>> No.54067076

Cut expenses
Increase taxes
Punish corruption
And other unpopular things that will never happen.

>> No.54067119

How do you pay off a mortgage anon? Tighten your belt and make more money. The government equivalent is cutting spending steeply and taxing everyone to death. I’m not talking about a few percent raise either, I’m talking about double the current tax rate

>> No.54067126

sure whatever but you still need to go back. this is old news. you just have moved on from drag shows to this now because its the Current Thing to be against. plenty of boomers, divorced gen xers and 13 year olds to talk to there that will save us with a great plan.

>> No.54067253

>cutting spending steeply
All they have to do is stop paying for type 2 beetus treatments and the budget is fixed. Seriously

>> No.54067272

>Be neocon
>block leftarded initiatives that would reset the economy and kill evil for once because you love money
If your economy shrinks after the fall you won`t suffer, you earn 3.5 times more than common euros

>> No.54067358

Politicians don't even pretend like they will cut spending anymore. This has to be addressed, but of course it won't be.

>> No.54067373

So what are your plans for tomorrow anon?


>> No.54067459

damn... big if true

>> No.54067482


What's with redditors posing as people who use this board

>> No.54067516
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>gubment enjoys privileged position dependent on deficit spending
>imagine actually thinking they wouldn't keep that gravy train rolling

>> No.54067984

Consider that fiat currency IS a debt, liability of the central bank. Goys are going to release the Fed from it's debts.