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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54060273 No.54060273 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are you worried about the SVB fallout? You have no job to lose and your portfolio will recover (unless you went all in on a shitty stock). Even if this triggers a new bottom in the market, the average /biz/raeli is going to be fine.

>> No.54060303
File: 189 KB, 840x840, 1637788286079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is just /pol/turd tourist coming to /biz/ to doom post, nothing new, they will be gone by next week like always.

>> No.54060316

worried? worried?
this is peak entertainment.

>> No.54060374
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See I am talking about this kind of poorfag losers. They have no money in the market because they are poor, probably working some tradcuck wagie job and barely scraping by. So they are envious of other people and want them to lose everything so they are no longer the biggest losers in this society.This is why they are always looking for the next "happening" because only a loser wants society to collapse and millions of people to suffer.

>> No.54060375

My entire income is generated from gold I metal detect. I create wealth from thin air. This scares the money changer.

>> No.54060410
File: 107 KB, 832x357, 1669291894850166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bad larp chuddy nobody here will ever believe you.

>> No.54060462


>> No.54060474

I'm withdrawing $60k from my bank first thing Monday morning because of this thread.

>> No.54060476

Zero sum game. If you can't adapt, you shouldn't have started playing.

>> No.54061744

i have more money than you'll ever earn in 10 lifetimes sitting comfortably out of the system.
a collapse will never hurt me more than it will hurt you, and i'm looking forward to it hurting you ;)

>> No.54061881
File: 242 KB, 1110x852, 1670804665865572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp keep it up chud maybe some of your /pol/ friends will call you based.
tf are you talking about stop it with your empty words you fucking loser. I am 100 % in crypto so I don't care about some bank going down. But I am also not a loser who cheers when people are suffering like all of the /pol/tards.

>> No.54061913
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>more street shitters on 4chan calling people chuds
Go make me a fucking burger idiot

>> No.54061923

The people who will mostly suffer will be rish Jews and liberals.

If anything I look forward to their pet minorities eating them alive while I sit comfortably in my Appalachian mountain bunker.

Eat shit urbanites, can't wait to buy your beachfront property from the bank when they have to sell just to keep afloat.

>> No.54061946

>I am 100 % in crypto
Why are you even seething though, your portfolio is probably sub 10k anyways? Get your dilator ready for tomorrow, you might need it.

>> No.54061949

>100% in crypto
I hope you keep it all on an exchange :)

>> No.54061977


>> No.54061993

I might lose my job though, I'm a consultant to globohomo bigtech

>> No.54061996
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More /pol/turd shitposts, nobody cares about this shit here maybe you should go back to your containment board >>>/pol/. You are poor, you are a loser and everyone knows this. This is why you want something to "happen" in hopes that you won't be a loser anymore. A tip for you chudcel, this will never happen you will be long dead before something really changes.

>> No.54062050

Anon the collapse excites most of us. I have 13k in puts that I bought on Wednesday that expire in late April on financials and tech. I also have a shitty warehouse operations manager job (lowest level wage slave wrangler) that I couldn’t give a shit if I keep

>> No.54062075
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Even more chudcel cope, you write this and hope it will happen. But this will never happen and you will stay a poor loser.
Lol stop projecting I have 6 figures in crypto.
>inb4 chudcel tells me he has 10 times more than this somehow and that he wastes his life as a millionaire doompostingon /pol/ 24/7
I bet you think exchanges are le bad because you have heard about ftx on /pol/ (only after it went down) and now you think that every single exchange will go down. Also I hold most of my stuff on a hardware wallet.

>> No.54062649
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~70k in cash, nothing in crypto, an above average credit line, a respectable goodgoy score, and enough guns and ammo to make you shit your pants. It's not much but I won't lose it all because I didn't miss out on the 2021 bullrun and felt enough fomo to hold the bags. Unironically made easy money calling BNB and getting in on free airdrops like Uniswap, Osmosis, Juno, Sifchain etc... Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.54063114

the people suffering are much like you, it seems, happy to deride others by you own arbitrary morality. a taste of the objective reality will do you some good. remember when everything collapses and you're still poor that you had every opportunity over the past 15 years to make as much money as you deserve.

and jealousy is a very feminine emotion, at least channel it into something like anger.